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LPG Gas Leakage Detector Circuit


Aakash soni
ROLL NO. 2K19/EC/004

ROLL NO. 2K19/EC/005

Submitted to
Prof. Rajeshwari Pandey
Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering Delhi
Technological University, Delhi Delhi-110042

May, 2021
Electronics & Communication Engg.
DELHI TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY (Formerly Delhi College of Engineering)
Shahabad Daulatpur, Bawana Road-Delhi-42

Communication Engineering, Delhi Technological University, Delhi is an

authentic record of my own bonafide work and is correct to the best of my
knowledge and belief. This work has been undertaken taking care of
engineering ethics.
Name and Signature of the Student: ...Aakash Soni................
Name and Signature of the Student: .... Aastik..............
We have taken efforts in this project. However, it would not have been possible
without the kind support and help of many individuals and organization. we would
like to extend my sincere thanks to all of them.

We are highly indebted to Prof. Rajeshwari Pandey for their guidance and constant
supervision as well as for providing necessary information regarding the project &
also for their support in completing the project.

We would like to express our gratitude towards our parents & member of Delhi
Technological University for their kind co-operation and encouragement which
help us in completion of this project.
Our thanks and appreciations also go to our colleague in developing the project and
people who have willingly helped us out with their abilities."
Table of Content

Title Page No.

Abstract 5
Introduction 6
Methodology and Implementation 7
Circuit Diagram and Connections 8
Working pic 9
Result Analysis and conclusion 10
References 11
Main idea is to implement security system for detecting leakage of gas in closed
environment. In this project gas leakage is identified by using sensors which works
only in closed environment. In present situation there are many cases related to gas
leakage which cause innocent people lives and property damage. Implementing this
application can be useful for companies, houses, which can save lives of people.
We use step-down transformer X1, two rectifier diodes 1N4007 (D1 and
D2), a 1000µF capacitor (C1), 7805 voltage regulator (IC1), MQ-6 LPG gas sensor
(GS1), dual comparator LM358 (IC2), darlington transistor TIP122 (T2), 12V high-
gain siren/buzzer (PZ1) and a few other components Initially when there is a leak
the Gas sensor detects it and gives voltage related to the amount of gas that is
getting leaked. We create a set-point to the comparator so as if the Gas sensor gives
the output below the set-point the comparator give output to transistor and
transistor drives the buzzer ON as an indication to the user.
This can be used as an application in chemical and hazardous industries where there
is a continuous need of monitoring the gas leaks. By using different kinds of
sensors for every gas we can almost identify leaks for every kind of gases.
LPG gas leakage detection system for homes, small scale factories. Gas leakage
tragedies and accidents have led to heavy losses over the years. So it is very
important to detect any gas leakage and prevent any accidents. So here we propose
a system to detect LPG gas leakage scenarios and provide a security alert to
intended users. We propose to build the system using an MQ6 gas detection sensor
and interface it with circuit designed using comparators and ic,s. Our system uses
the gas sensor to detect any gas leakages.
LPG gas leakage detection systems are the process of identifying potentially
hazardous gas leaks by means of various sensors. These sensors usually employ an
audible alarm to alert people when a dangerous gas has been detected. leakage
leads to various accidents resulting in both material loss and human injuries. The
risk of explosion, firing, suffocation is based on their physical properties such as
toxicity, flammability, etc. The number of deaths due to the explosion of gas
cylinders has been increasing in recent years. The reason for such explosion is due
to substandard cylinders, old valves, worn out regulators and lack of awareness in
handling gas cylinders.
To avoid this problem there is a need for LPG Gas Leakage Detection System this
System to detect the leakage of LPG Gas. Gas leak detection is the process of
identifying potentially hazardous gas leaks using various sensors. This project also
designed kitchen gas leakage detection and alert the people .
Methodology and Implementation

The mains supply is stepped down by transformer X1, rectified by a full-wave

rectifier comprising diodes D1 and D2, filtered by capacitor C1 and fed to
regulator 7805 (IC1) to maintain constant 5V DC output, which is fed to the

At the heart of the circuit is dual comparator IC LM358 (IC2). It is used to

compare two different voltages, namely, reference voltage and MQ-6 gas
sensor output voltage.

Reference voltage at non-inverting pin 3 of IC2 is set using potentiometer

VR1 to adjust voltage levels based on sensitivity requirements. LPG sensor
(MQ-6) output voltage is fed to inverting pin 2 of IC2.

If reference voltage (pin 3 of IC2) is less than sensor voltage (pin 2 of IC2),
output goes low, which means there is no LPG leakage. With low output, T1
remains cut-off and there is no current flow through the buzzer; it does not
sound and remains in silence mode.

If reference voltage is greater than sensor voltage, output goes high, which
means there is LPG leakage. The high output switches on transistor T1 and the
buzzer rings loudly to alert the people around.

It is very easy to find gas leakages with this circuit, which uses low-cost
components and an interactive way to adjust different sensitivity levels, based
on customer needs, with the help of potentiometer VR1.
Circuit Diagram and Connection
Working Pic
Result Analysis and Conclusion

It was a wonderful learning experience for me while working on this project. This
project took me through the various phases of project development and gave me
real insight into the world of engineering. The joy of working and the thrill
involved while tackling the various problems and challenges gave me a feel of the

It was due to this project I came to know how circuits are designed.
We are able to design the circuit as per our requirement and implement it
successfully on hardware . Our circuit work perfectly almost all the time, and our
MQ-6 sensor detect the presence of gases easily such as LPG and on detection our
circuit work finely and raised the buzzer to alert the people all the time.

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