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Concept of

Dr. Shuchita Chandhok

What is Communication?


• Communication is the art of transmitting information, ideas

and attitudes from one person to another.

• Communication is the process of meaningful interaction

among human beings.
For Communication to be effective
there has to be both information
and meaning in its content and
meaning requires communication

Peter Drucker

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What are the most common ways

we communicate?

Written Word Spoken Word Visual image Body Language


Process of

Stages of Communication
The scope of ideation is
formation of the idea or The purpose and the
generally determined by
Ideation: selection of the message context form the basis of
the sender’s knowledge,
to be communicated. communicative situation.
experience and abilities.

this is the process of

changing the information
Selecting a medium of
Encoding: into some form of logical Selecting language
and coded message. It

Selecting an appropriate
communication form

Stages of Communication…
It refers to the flow of the
Right time, right place and
Transmission: message over the chosen Decoding:
right method is chosen.

Converting a message into

thoughts by translating The receiver must In written
the received message into assign a meaning to Interpretation and communication:
an interpreted meaning in a message to analysis is required reading and
order to understand the
communicated message.
understand it. understanding

In oral: Listening
and understanding

Stages of Communication…

• It is the action or the reaction of the receiver to the message.
• The feedback that goes to the sender makes it clear whether
the receiver has accepted the information or rejected it.
• May ask for clarification
• This is the key to effective communication which depends on
how congruent a receiver’s response is with the meaning
intended by the sender.
“This proposal is a confusing mess, and you failed to convince me of

“Your proposal could be more effective with a clearer description of the
construction process and a well-organized explanation of why the positives
outweigh the negatives.”

When giving feedback, avoid personal attacks and give the person clear
guidelines for improvement.
Objectives of
• To inform
• To persuade
• To educate
• To train
• To motivate
• To integrate
• To relate
• To entertain
1. The process of Communication begins when the
sender converts the ideas into gestures or

2. Ideation is shaped by assumptions based on

sender’s experience.

3. The scope of “ideation” is not determined by

Quiz Time the situation.

4. Transmission confirms the medium selected

during the process of encoding.

5. Noise is anything that interrupts the

transmission of a message.
Case Analysis: Effective Communicator

Barriers to
Anything that hinders the process
of communication is a barrier to
psycho-social barrier.

Semantic barrier

Personal barrier
Types of Cultural barrier
Organisational barrier

"Emotional and psychological Common emotions such as

barriers" are emotional factors anger, love, joy, frustration,
that impede a speaker's ability disappointment and sadness
to deliver a clear message or a can all create emotional
receiver's ability to hear a barriers that negatively affect
message effectively. communication.
• Premature Evaluation
Some people are always in a hurry by habit. These kinds of
people most likely make quick judgments and jump into
They do not consider all aspects of the information such as
social, cultural, economic, etc. and often end up taking
quick and wrong decisions
Barriers • Lack of Attention
When a person’s mind is distracted or preoccupied with
other things, the person is not able to form proper message,
listen to what others tell him/her, interpret the message as
required and give proper feedback.
The communication will face problems and become
ineffective. A person in tragedy, for instance, does not want
to listen to other people giving advice.
• Perception is the mindset using which people judge,
understand and interpret everything.
Each person has his/her own perception of reality which
is shaped from mental and sensory experiences.

Psycho-social Barrier Viewpoint is also a mindset to look at the world. Sender

might have a particular viewpoint that is not shared by
the receiver.
• Perception, Viewpoint and
Opinion is the established way in which we think and
feel about things and ideas which also creates a
psychological communication barrier.
For example, a person takes females to be weak which
is the person’s perception. He/she tells that to someone
who does not think so. This causes a misunderstanding
between the two. Everything they communicate after
that becomes unsuccessful because the view of the
person is already set.
Lack of Listening Skills: The efficiency of communication process
gets disturbed when the receiver listens only with ears but do not
apply his mind.

THE MOST Selective Attention: This problem arises when the person is
impatient and put his objective above all. He gives ears to only that
COMMON part of the information which is helpful for him and fulfills his
objective and ignores all the other aspects.
BARRIERS ARE:- Lack of knowledge: Also, the communication process suffers if the
sender and receiver have less knowledge about the subject matter.

Lack of vocabulary: Often, the communication problem arises when

the sender uses some words which are difficult for the receiver to
comprehend correctly.
Poor Listening

Trying to listen to more than one

conversation at a time.

Not focusing.

Not interested.

Feeling tired.

Low Concentration

Lack of Prioritization

• The Organizational
Barriers refers to the
hindrances in the flow
of information among
the employees that
might result in a
commercial failure of
an organization.
 Less faith in subordinates: the superiors have a lack of
confidence in the subordinates and, therefore, doubt on
their capacity to provide relevant information.
 They deliberately ignore the suggestions and
recommendations from the subordinates and discourages
them to further communicate. This lowers the morale of
the employees and hinders the communication process.

Barriers  Fear of challenge of Authority: There is a fear in the
minds of the superiors that if they will not perform in line
with their authority, they will be demoted to the lower
levels. And, thus in order to maintain their level they
intentionally hide their weaknesses by not
communicating their ideas to others.
• Lack of Incentives: Often, the subordinates give their
suggestions and recommendations with an objective to earn
• The incentives are given to the subordinates to motivate
them to give suggestions and to acknowledge their
suggestions as important for the success of the organization.

• Unwillingness to communicate with the
Barriers Superiors: Often the subordinates do not communicate with
their superiors with an intention to conceal the information
which is of a negative nature and can have an adverse effect.
• If the subordinate is required to inform his superior then, he
modifies the information in such a way that it does not have a
negative impact.
Organizational Rules and Policies :- Organizations
have the rule with respect to what message,
medium, and mode of communication should be
selected. And due to the stringent rules, the
employees escape themselves from sending any
Major message.

Organizational Facilities :- The organizational
Barriers facilities mean the telephone, stationery,
translator, etc., which is being provided to
employees to facilitate the communication. When
these facilities are adequately offered to the
employees, then the communication is said to be
timely, accurate and according to the need.
Abstracting:- It can also be referred to as
“selective hearing”. It is the attitude that you
do not need all of the details to understand the
concept being presented in a conversation.

Attitudinal Emotional Editing:- Personal feelings about a

person or a topic. If you emotionally dislike

Clash someone or something, then you may not

listen what is being said.

Stereotypes and Prejudice:- Usually general

opinions applied to a particular group. Negative
stereotyping creates prejudices as it provokes
judgmental attitudes.
1. Clarifying Ideas Before Communication - The person who is
sending the information must be very clear in what he wants
to communicate. He must be well known about the objective
of the information he is delivering thereby, arranging his
thoughts in an effective manner

2. Communicate In Accordance With The Need Of The Receiver

Overcoming - The speaker must gather the information according to his
Communication ability but at the same time also understand what the other
Barriers person’s level is and how much is he capable to perceive.
Therefore, to communicate in an efficient manner the desires
of the other person need to be kept in mind.

3. Build Trust - There should be an element of trust between

the people communicating. This is so because if a person has
no faith in the other person, he will not communicate with any
interest, which will hamper the communication
Be Aware Of Language, Tone And Content Of The Message - The sender
should ensure that the language used in the communication process is
precise and does not hurt the sentiments of anyone involved in the
communication process.

Good Writing Skills - Messages written in a clear manner can avoid

semantic and perception barriers. A communication that is well-written
completely eliminates the possibility of misinterpretation and makes the
communication better.

Be a Good Listener - It is the essence of both sender as well as the

receivers that they must be good listeners. Both sides must have
patience, pay attention to what each other are saying. Thus, a good
listening can overcome all barriers of communication in a very effective
Designing proper messages
with appropriate channels of
Thus, to cope up with the
communication and with an
barriers of communication,
efficient feedback, the barriers
proper diagnosing, analyzing of
to communication can be
information must be done.
reduced and communication
can be made more proficient.

Case Review
• Mr and Mrs Basu went to Woodland’s apparel section to buy a
pullover. Mr Basu did not read the price tag on the piece he had
selected. While making the payment, he asked for the price at the
counter. The answer was “Rs 950”.

• Meanwhile, Mrs Basu, who was still shopping, came back and joined
her husband. She was glad that he had selected a nice black pullover
for himself. She pointed out that there was a 25 per cent discount on
that item. The person at the billing counter nodded in agreement. Mr
Basu was thrilled to hear that. “That means the price of this pullover is
just Rs 645. That’s fantastic,” said Mr Basu.

Case Review
He decided to buy another pullover in green. In no time, he returned
with the second pullover and asked the salesperson to pack both. When
he received the cash memo for payment, he was astonished to find that
he had to pay Rs 1,900 and not Rs 1,290 as he had expected.
Mr Basu could hardly reconcile himself to the fact that the salesperson
had first quoted the discounted price, that is Rs 950. But the original
price printed on the price tag was Rs 1,225.

1. Identify the three sources of Mr Basu’s information about the price
of the pullover.

2. Discuss the main filter involved in this case.

3. What should Mr Basu have done to avoid the misunderstanding?

4. Who is to blame for this communication gap? Why


Channels of
Organizational structure

• Formal


Classification • Upward

of Channels Lateral

Way of Expression

• Oral


• Among colleagues
• peers at same level
• sharing for coordination
• to save time.


Goals of Organizational

Receiver Receiver
Understanding response

Favourable Organizational
relationships goodwill

• Be clear, direct and audible.
• Research well on the subject.
• Be courteous
• Tailor your conversation to audience.
• Listen actively.
• Maintain eye contact
• Gesture & posture
• Always smile

• Do not speak too fast or too slow.
• Do not overuse abbreviations .
• Do not assume.
• Avoid distractions ( cell phones).
When Indra Nooyi joined PepsiCo as chief strategist, she • Convincing PepsiCo managers and employees to accept
convinced management to sell off its fast-food holdings in Taco her “Performance With Purpose” plan was a
Bell, Pizza Hut, and KFC. She was intent on moving the monumental task that would involve significant changes
company “from snack food to health food, from caffeine colas in products and procedures within the enterprise.
to fruit juices, and from shareholder value to sustainable In any organization, change is accepted slowly and often
enterprise.” Her goal was to do good for business as well as reluctantly. Encouraging managers, employees, and
doing good for people and the planet. PepsiCo, under her investors to buy in to changes in company philosophy is
leadership, would favor wind and solar power, avoid fossil often difficult.
fuels, fight against obesity, and promote diversity. To achieve
these ambitious goals, Nooyi instituted “Performance With Critical Thinking
Purpose,” a portion of which is explained in the following three
components: • In communicating the changes in philosophy and
● Human sustainability refers to PepsiCo’s efforts to nourish practice within PepsiCo, should Indra Nooyi and her
management team use formal or informal channels of
consumers with a range of products from treats to healthful eats.
communication? Give examples of each.
● Environmental sustainability reinforces PepsiCo’s
commitment to work to protect natural resources and operate in ● In the midst of organizational changes at PepsiCo, what
a way that minimizes the company’s environmental footprint. kinds of messages do you think will be traveling
● Talent sustainability focuses on developing the company’s downward, upward, and horizontally?
employees by creating a diverse and inclusive culture and ● What kinds of barriers block the flow of
making certain PepsiCo is an attractive destination for the communication in any organization undergoing change?
world’s best people.

Success for YOU…

…in the new global and diverse

workplace everybody requires
excellent communication skills!

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