Zoom Classes - Teacher's Guideline

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Zoom Classes – Teacher’s Guideline -Updated as at 20 Oct 2020

Lesson Plan (ASP, Activity)

1. Teachers need to submit the following week’s lesson plans by every Friday @ 3.30pm.
File name: age.date.subject , eg. 3yo.21oct.Activity / 3yo.21oct.GrossMotor

Material List

1. Class teacher needs to prepare the weekly material list by every Friday@ 3.30pm and
WhatsApp to supervisor.
2. Send out the material list to class’s WhatsApp group on every Saturday before 3pm.

Homework list

1. Class teacher needs to send out the homework list on every Saturday before 3pm.


1. Teachers monitor and record daily homework submission and share the file to
pskon9classroom@gmail.com (PSK) , psjon9classroom@gmail.com (PSJ) on the following
Monday before 12pm.
2. All the homework need not to mark, but just check except Spelling, Ejaan, 听写.
3. If there is any mistake, WhatsApp parents with attachment.

Slide (ppt)

1. Following day’s power point slide ( Morning Class, ASP, Homework) need to be sent to
puncakseri1@gmail.com (PSK) , puncakseri2@gmail.com (PSJ) by 4pm daily.

File name: age.date.subject , eg. 5yo.21oct.Chinese / 5yo.21oct.Homework / 5yo.21oct.ASP

Daily Class Attendance

1. Monitor and Record daily class attendance (morning & ASP) and share the file to
pskon9classroom@gmail.com (PSK) , psjon9classroom@gmail.com (PSJ) by 3pm daily.
[ mark * for those who doesn’t attend every lesson]
[ mark “G” for those who attend google classroom]

2. Class teacher needs to follow up to the child who absent with 2 days. RECORD the
absentee’s reason in attendance list.

Connections and care with parents

1. REPORT to Supervisor on any parent’s feedback.

2. Follow up to the child who attend in google class.
Uploading of Zoom Recording Video

1. Upload Morning Class video by 1pm ; ASP video (if any) by 3:30pm daily.

Point system

1. The point should not give out at the end of the day/end of the class.
2. Teachers can remove the star, if the child do not follow instructions after teacher had given
the star.

When to give point -zoom classes

Personal 3 stars = 1 point

No Item Point
1 On time + Uniform 1 star
2 Good Behaviour, follow instruction 1 star
3 Participate in answering question 1 star
Homework submission daily for 5
4 2P
Attendance -zoom classes
* 3 days 1P
* 4 days 2P
* 5 days 3P

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