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Project Name: Timetable Generator Version: 1.

Software Requirement Specification Date: 28-03-2014

[Project Title]
Software Requirements Specification
[Student Name]

Version 1.0

Project Name: Timetable Generator Version: 1.0
Software Requirement Specification Date: 28-03-2014

Revision History

Date Version Description Author

28th March, 2014 1.0 Initial Draft Student name

7th September, 2014 1.1 Final Draft Student name

Project Name: Timetable Generator Version: 1.0
Software Requirement Specification Date: 28-03-2014

Table of Contents
1. Introduction
1.1 Purpose of this document 4
1.2 Intended Audience 4
1.3 Scope 4
1.4 Definitions and acronyms 5
1.4.1 Definitions 5

1.4.2 Acronyms 5

2. Requirements Description 5
2.1 Introduction 5
2.2 General requirements 6
2.3 Requirements Specification 6
User Management Module 6
Classroom, Day, & Timeslot Management Module 7
Generate Timetable Module 8
Reporting Module 8
2.4 Requirements Definition 9
2.4.1 Requirement Sources 9

Project Name: Timetable Generator Version: 1.0
Software Requirement Specification Date: 28-03-2014

1. Introduction
[Purpose of this document]. [Briefly defined scope of proposed system and a broad range of desirable
user requirements which are necessarily be achieved]. [Limitation of system].

1.1 Purpose of this document

The purpose of this document is to:
 Abc
 xyz
This SRS outlines the requirements that are obtained and understood by software developer
(Student) from discussion with Supervisor and Client.

1.2 Intended Audience

The intended audience of this document is: [list the intended audience]
 abc
 xyz

1.3 Scope
[Scope of this document]

1.4 Definitions and acronyms

1.4.1 Definitions

Keyword Definitions

1.4.2 Acronyms and Abbreviation

Acronym or Definitions

2. Requirements Description
2.1 Introduction

Introduction about requirement description (software requirement specification). List down main
components of proposed system:

Project Name: Timetable Generator Version: 1.0
Software Requirement Specification Date: 28-03-2014

 Abc
 xyz

This SRS is developed in view of all of the above components. All components must operate
optimally for the success of the proposed System.

2.2 General requirements

The proposed system must support and be compatible with following general requirement
 Abc
 xyz

2.3 Requirements Specification

In this Section we elaborate the functional requirements specification for the proposed system.
First, we discuss the high-level requirements for the system, which are classified in modules as
i. User Management Module (UMM)
ii. Classroom Management Module (CMM)
iii. Timetable Generator Module (TGM)
iv. Reporting Module (RM)

User Management Module

User’s management is done only by the administrator of the Proposed System. It also includes the
student and faculty information. User Management module of proposed system helps in creation/
updating of users and Roles. It also helps to update permission of roles. Specific tasks that you can
perform in the User Management module include the following:

 Add users to System.

 Define user roles and assign them to users.

 Modify user attributes

 Grand permission to specific user

Functional Requirements
Detail features of this module are described here;
ID Status Priority Description Source

UMM-001 I Medium Ability to create/modify roles, assign privileges to Supervisor

UMM-002 I Medium Ability to create/modify user and assign role to user. Supervisor

UMM-003 I Medium Ability to add/edit/remove user. Supervisor

UMM-003 I Medium Ability to change or reset user’s password. Supervisor

UMM-004 I Medium Ability to provide functionality user Login & Logout. Supervisor

Project Name: Timetable Generator Version: 1.0
Software Requirement Specification Date: 28-03-2014

UMM-005 I Medium Ability to grant permission to user. Supervisor

Classroom Management Module

Description & Priority
This Module has high priority because required system output highly depends upon this module
functionality. It will allow user to store room’s information, number of days and timeslot.
Functional Requirements
An integrated module will available with the following functionality;
ID Status Priority Description Source

CMM-001 I High Module has ability to store classroom information Supervisor

including room capacity, type and No. of classroom.
CMM-002 I High User can set gap of the number of days among the
lectures, it can dynamically be adjusted as well.
CMM-003 I High Module has ability to check the available day, room for
CMM-004 I High Module has ability to check the available timeslot in each
CMM-004 I High It prioritizes rooms according to customized priority.

Timetable Generator Module

Description & Priority
This Module has high priority because required system generates intermediate level as well as many
final timetables.
Functional Requirements
An integrated module will available with the following functionality;
ID Status Priority Description Source

TGM-001 I High This module generates intermediate level as well Supervisor

many final Timetables including weekly timetable,
faculty timetable, specific program timetable,
department level timetable etc.
TGM-002 I High It prioritizes timeslots according to customized

TGM-003 I High Module has ability that no student or instructor

(Faculty member) can be in more than one place at a
TGM-004 I High Module has ability that classroom is not assigned to
more than one lecture at the same time.
Project Name: Timetable Generator Version: 1.0
Software Requirement Specification Date: 28-03-2014

TGM-005 I High Module has ability that Classroom for courses should
have enough capacity to take students registered in the

TGM-006 I High Module has ability that timetable should not be exceed
a specific range of days by week.
TGM-007 I High Module has ability that there should not be
consecutive lectures of any batch without any break.

TGM-008 I High Module has ability that a Classroom should not use a
place too big or specific type of place if not needed.

TGM-009 I High It distributes workload of lectures equally among all

the specified timeslots.

Reporting Module
Description & Priority
Reporting Module has very high priority because required system outputs (results) will be produced in
this module. It is designed to improve system usability and provide user friendly GUI. It will allow user
to view time schedule.
Reporting Module also allows printing preformatted reports. Reporting Module also give facility to
save above reports in PDF file.
Functional Requirements
An integrated module will available with the following functionality;
ID Status Priority Description Source

RM-001 I High Using Reporting Module user will be able to view Supervisor
time schedule report and take print out or saved as
PDF file
RM-002 I High Using Reporting Module Student will be able to
search and view Time schedule report and take print
out or saved as PDF file
RM-002 I High Using Reporting Module Staff will be able to search
and view Time schedule report and take print out or
saved as PDF file
RM-003 I High Using Reporting Module user will be able to create
weekly report, student wise report, teacher wise
report, program wise report, department wise report
and take print out or saved as PDF file
RM-004 I High Reporting Module has ability to create clash report.

Project Name: Timetable Generator Version: 1.0
Software Requirement Specification Date: 28-03-2014

Requirement status:
I = initial (this requirement has been identified at the beginning of the project),
D = dropped (this requirement has been deleted from the requirement definitions),
H = on hold (decision to be implemented or dropped will be made later),
A = additional (this requirement was introduced during the project).

2.4 Requirements Definition

2.4.1 Requirement Sources

Source Description Remarks
Client HOD of Computer Science Department
Supervisor ABC

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