Complex First Lecture

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Mathematical Phys By HK. Dara Mathemarcal phyie by Setya Parkast by 8.8. Rajput 4. Mathematik — physrer = EE Complex Ne Cemplee Pe x20 isvaky There erat me Acal number 5 Aokienel oy TB vKonat tion Quis whi com be rests ef hig equal xHit0 Euler, Baus Cauchy, — Reimann extended- Fretd off Awl Number tp the Gomplee — humlen In dade to Complete the development ef fe Dumber sytem ef Clementry aljebra met juatpret Ih OfAuming, Phat there In gad Wwe are ernst amy Mumber hese Ayre Art if I Se Khat the equation xH+150 1A Aad eed unttl we have Conskaucted a Greld raving. am element wrth bhi property. Euler fast time (wtreduce the Sumber c c= JA Baws Mtveduce = Lo Number oft the FI Kg Catked Complex neembe When — Peeples Piast — Commedeneat. cal ge Aqaane Arst ” oP, ¥ ¥ Neyubwe — wamber they fell Umea. about — Ake — PAdblema Mheyy decimed There Mumberk 4 Imaginaay, Nikrwhen_ amd hough that Auch umber Couke not have. amy mening on having. Cowmestton with — Leabity | “Whey Certainty, would yoke have believed. Sha clhere Mumbert — Coutd be oP omy prattiot Use. But Now here Comber no. ane ef greak immpustance im & Norsty of Fretels es | a Evectareet Evgs- 18 homaseap — orthaak them, «Thee no Gre of great Use phys. Defperenk types oh Paya Poeblems Involving Nerivs Vertables Dipper Aypes af bapreper — mtegeale Cam bE early Ackved Using theos % of Complee — Mumbers, Gopher Numbers » A wnber op the Fes 45g. sere, t= J Orn ao FemUmrCUD & Comper number , | Mea Real park = Reale am Red or Re Ye Tren agimans por = Dee) Os ie OE cy Ze ‘ety Ze Guy) mLamplese © umber Zz OOD 1A A Oadennd paid Loo real nthe, z= Cw) Gy 4) 7 Cy, 0 fen part > Soneagivay, part Algebva of. Complore Number H Eyaledy of Comp few ember Two Compe st Member Zy= MM +iy ) Za= “ariyg me said to be equnak IF y= XQ Ona. 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Y Cimagunarg Omnia) FOU) Complen plane KC Reak amisy Lz 0401 [0 = oxigin thee one AO OME CFVEMbmdance between Gomer VWumber ame ponds iw the @aptew phone. Coordinates _ pa. ’ Ze w4iy X= Coke ye Ae Zr A COoke Vai ng) A> Juaygt ©. tos(4) As @oa>= [-ab 4 ot of 7 4, 61. Smo = © oF 4 o_o, _. Bh, St De a - “‘ -a? 4o) _@ ,\ Cosco + 18'NO = 1-@ 4@t— O°...) 41/0 as ae 2, an or = |+Hio = I+ io + Cor” + Cio 4 Choy an a BY Ay > Sy AA A -C , ¢=F | J : 1© . (40+ j Zino - e ro CAO+VSino= € : =) Corm—sSin@ = « Q ' . ze y lO io +o oO -’@ Go: € +2 s ging- e€ —e 2 Zi Mo dulas anda aAgument of Q Ip 2 amt Zr tre Two Ang lomplerx ninmhens prove that [2u-zal4 |zinzal"> 2 Liaj*4 Ia['] i ipo Zi Amd ZQ We chive eomplec Numbers such a lu+ Za) = [zi-Zal, Preve ee ang.z, —Any.zg = TI eee Polar form of comple numb en we rly lek Ree AOA Q= aang Be eae ee ee + laine) ee ee —— complexe No- SQvare Awk of a Lek Ze AY ao its — Aprare Aot IA MIE atib ——< . Seatg = ate compte umber AN hes S. B.S. 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