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223% 1 is gwen In the tuble below the temperature in OR and the integrand '/TCr) tabula ted. Elevation, ft T.°F © T,°R_ TCR) 5000 50.1 809.8 0.001962 5500 55.2 514.9 0.001942 6000 603 520.0 0.001923, 6400 626 522.3. 0.001915 7400 67.0 526.7 0.001899 7400 684 © 528.1 0.001804 8200 70.0 528.7 0.001888 8600 695 5292 0.00189. 9200 680 © 527.7 0.001895 9900 67.1 526.8 0.001898 The approximate Valve of the iitegral in 3.2.7 4s 9,34 obtained Msing The trape 401 del rule, 8, De & EG Sea Oe, Cire ge TH, xm eleembens 2 ¢ ht Feet DOG ay WRF a rrt~—r—~”CC cr Pott ft (d)de = 9.34 Soonfe . tat (wim 9752.2 Fs ann Re I1b 44 ly [shag R tn Be ~ (422) O9G) 20.1183 : T7716 FEI] slag: °R So (cont) Elevation (tt) ‘Temperature (F) 5000 50.1 (base) *2.23 Under normal conditions the temperature of the aioo a3 atmosphere decreases with increasing elevation. In some 6400 626 situations, however, a temperature inversion may exist so 7100 67.0 that the air temperature increases with elevation. A series 7400 68.4 of temperature probes on a mountain give the elevation 3200 70.0 temperature data shown in Table P2.12. If the barometric 8600 95 pressure at the base of the mountain is 12.1 psia, determine 9200 68.0 bby means of numerical integration the pressure atthe top of 9900 671 (oy the mountain. | | TABLE P2.23 From £3, 4.9, Zz. ee f 4 R la, T 218 2.23% Ceont ) tt fellows trom £90) with p> 12) psia Wet — ON TS3~ Be (12.1 psia) € = 10.2 psia ote ! Since the tempentere variation 1s not verg large it would be expected Thet The assumphon of & Const Temperature would give good results. If the temperature ts assumed to be constant «t+ The base temperature (S017), f= 10.1 psia , whith 1s only shghtly difrerest from the result given above. ) [237 2.24 A U-tube manometer is connected to @ closed tank Containing air and water as shown in Fig. P2.24. At the closed end of the manometer the air pressure is 16 psia. Determine the reading on the pressure gage for a differential reading of 4 ft a fon the manometer. Express your answer in psi (gage). Assume standard atmospheric pressure, and neglect the weight of the air columns in the manometer. s=— Closed valve ir pressure = 16 psia Gage fui oC (y= 80 10/R) Pressure mw FIGURE P2.24 te bp GA) + Cag CA) = Pag. Thus, - Gage * (w #- muy # fie ) + (0 8 )ew) + (6244, (2 #2) . Boe 4 = 67 Fh, . (ora we Hemisphercal dome A closed cylindrical tank filled with water has ahem= ispherical dome and is connected to an inverted piping system as shown in Fig. P2.25. The liquid in the top part of the piping system has a specific gravity of 0.8, and the remaining parts of the system are filled with water. Ifthe pressure gage reading at ‘Ais 60 kPa, determine: (a) the pressure in pipe B, and (b) the pressure head, in millimeters of mercury, at the top of the dome {point ©) (a) B+ sey, eons + i. (tm) =f, f= CoA + a ltrieu'l, yim) (ttn 2) em ) = 103 RR Bee By Yay (Gm = boeh- (280 xi, G3 am ) 221 2.26 2.26 A U-tube manometer contains oil mer- ot | ccury, and water as shown in Fig. P2.26. For the column heights indicated what is the pressure dif- ferential between pipes A and B? Mercury micuRe 7226 id ') t+ hi [EP A) + %,L24] - “ol Pal =p Thus, Ft = (ors (EA) - Gro ANA ee) ~ br Bs)l1 0 = —soz # 2.27 2.27 A Ustube manometer is connected to a ‘closed tank as shown in Fig. P2.27. The air pres- sure in the tank is 0.50 psi and the liquid in the (ank is oil (y — 54.016/f¢). The pressure at point ‘Ais 2.00 psi. Determine: (a) the depth of oil, z, and (b) the differential reading, fh, on the ma- nometer. FIGURE P2.21 (4a #.- 05 fe vie SHO s (1) By + yy (ate) ~ (ONY) & =0 Thus, By + Bei (24) (S@)(Br,0) (3.05) (o2z4 #,) = 2,08 ft 128 wo ® 2.28 You partially fll a glass with water, place an index card ‘on top of the glass, and then turn the glass upside down while holding the card in place. You can then remove your hand from the card and the card remains in place, holding the water in the lass. Explain how this works. In order +o hold the index card in place when the glassis inverted the pressure at the card-water interface , p,, must be 0,9 -W, where Ais the area of the glass opening and Wis the card weight. Thus, f, =-W/A. Hence, fon = fy -th, or f2 =~ WA-h (gage). Since the amount of air in the glass remains the same when it is inverted, QAM, =QAH;, where u and ¢ subscripts refer to the upright and inverted conditions. Thus, Hs & A, Bot p=erT so that e Ee, = provided the temperatre remains constant ‘Tz = Ta . Note * Since we are using the pertect gas law the pressures myst be absolvte — gy, = flatm » f= fr. - WA th + faim Hence, from Eqs. (1) and (2)* H; a —— fin) H, That is, when the glass is inverted the column ie of air inside expans slightly, cavsiny asmall gap of size AH between the lip is the glace and the index card. From Eq.(3) this AH is . fain (a= H;-Ay “(Fe fai) Hy Hy «(WAH —) Pain -W/A ~ 8h If this gap is “large enogh" the water wovld tow outof the glass and ain inte it Tf if is'small enough;'surface tension will allow the slight pressure difference across the air-water interface (i,e,, p,=- WA) needed to prevent flow and thus keep the index card in place. Recall from Egvation (1:21) in Section 1.49 (con't) a-1y4 2.29 | (con't) that the pressure diffenence across an interface is proportional to the surface tension of the liquid, 0, and the rativs of corvature, “R, of the infertace. Thal js, py~ T/R Thus, for small enoigh gap, 4, which gives a small enough interface radius of convalore, , sortace tension is large enevgh to kotp the water from floyiing and the index card remains in place. Consider come typical nvmbors to obtain an approximation of the gap predvced. Assume h=3in. = 0.25, H= Zin = 0.187 Ht, fyly =/#7 psig, and W/A <<%h. Thal is, tho weigh} of the card is much Jess than the weight of the water in the glass (4, W<< Ah), Hence, from Eg, (#): b 7 62.4-Hs (025 H) A ( Palm -th ) Hy Ca Byi¥te ~ 62.48, (0.2541 (0.1674) or DH = 0.00124 ft = O.0/¥9in. This is apparently a small enough gap to allow surface tension to keep the water in the glass, air ovtot sf, and the pressure at the wafer -cand interface low enough to keep the card in place. 2-25 2.24 The inverted U-tube manometer of Fig. F227 contains vil (SG = 0.9) aud water as ' shown. The pressure differential between pipes A and B, p, — =5 kPa. Determine the differential reading, MH FIGURE P229 b- pq (arm )-+ Hi, (k) + ¥ (a3m) =4 Th ns _ (Pe- Fa) + Ying (0.2) ~ Vigo (0.3m) Yoi | sx, ~ (4.0x10,)(0.1m) F495 «10° 2, ecu a-26 2.31 2,31 A piston having a cross-sectional area of 0.07 mv is located in a cylinder containing water ‘as shown in Fig. P2.3]. An open U-tube manom- eter fs connected w the cylinder as shown. For hn, = 6 mm and h = 100 mm, what is the value ‘of the applied force, P, acting on the piston? The weight of the piston is negligible. FIGURE P23) For eguilibrum » P= dp where fis the pressure acting on piston and Ay 1s the area of the piston. Also, . = 4+h,% %, + =o - Be % £ - de 4, = (133 2% )( 0.100m) ~ (1.9085 )(o,cb0m) = i277 au a Thu. 7 P= (iar «0? 4. (0,07 m*) = 299 N a 27 2.32 2.32 For the inclined-tube manometer of Fig. P2.32 the pressure in pipe A is 0.6 psi. The fluid in both pipes A and B is water, and the gage fluid in the manometer has a specific ‘gravity of 2.6. What is the pressure in pipe B corresponding to the differential reading shown? a a i FIGURE P2.32 7 S 6 ad ts +h Ae) Yop CE A) sindo - 4, (2) = By (where Yyp 1s The specie weigat of the gage Haid ) Thus, D> By - Yge (EH) sin 30° int 4 = (06 Buz ) : Csor4 BNE a)(os) +323 Re 2 323 4// yy hs/A~ = 0.224 Pse 2.33 2.33. _A flowrate measuring device is installed {va horizontal pipe through which water is flow- ing. A U-tube manometer is connected to the pipe through pressure taps located 3 in. on either Side of the device. The gage fluid in the manom- ter has a specific weight of 112 Ib/fe. Determine the diflerential reading of the manometer corre- sponding (0 a pressure drop between the taps of 055 Iolin?. Flowmeter fon (“Canter 4, ue | Let p and p, be pressures at pressure taps. “rite manometer Og uetion between f, and 2, Thus, Be YR kd - Gk - wa so that , ee (ecies lista) 46 - Tazo na fe - tay ey = 14s ft 2. 34 2.34 Small differences in gas pressures are rm Pe commonly measured with a micromanometer of the type illustrated in Fig. P2.34. This device con- sists of two large reservoirs each having a cross- sectional area, A,, which are filled with a liquid having a specific weight, y;, and connected by a U-tube of cross-sectional area, A,, containing a liquid of specific weight, y,. When a differential Te aS pressure, p, — p3, is applied a differential i reading, h, develops. It is desired to have this oe a reading sufficiently large (so that it can be easily read) for small pressure differentials. Determine the relationship between h and p, — p; when the FIGURE P23% area ratio A,/A, is small, and show that the dif- ferential reading, h, can be magnified by making the difference in specific weights, 7, — 1, small. Assume that initially (with p, = p;) the fluid levels in the two reservoirs are equal... inthal level initial bevel for gage Fluid When a differential pressure, B-h,, & applied we assume tab level in lefh veservoir reps by & distance, An, and right hovel rises by Ah. Thus, The (nanometer eguation becomes Br vyld+h-4h4) -4 8 - Y (8, three P-£= GA -444 % at) a) Since the Aiguids in The manometer are incompressible, a4A= 24 or 2hhe He or and if 4 is small Then 2bh f= 0.202 rm 2.36 Determine the elevation difference, Af, between the ‘water levels in the (wo open tanks shown in Fig. P2.36. Water BA YH + (eG ys (Otom) +H Ce orto) +B (Ah) = B Since pzfezo a —C—rti“—OOO—OOC—C—C—CCLCLCC 2°37 2.37 For the configuration shown in Fig. P2.37 what must be the value of the specific weight of the unknown fluid? Express your an- swer in Ib/ft’. FIGURE 237 let ¥ be specifi weight of unknown Fluid. Then, a a fone BV and 41 =) [237] 2.38 An air-filled, hemispherical shell is at- tached to the ocean floor at a depth of 10 m as. shown in Fig. P2.3%. A mercury barometer lo- cated inside the shell reads 765 mm Hg, and a mercury U-tube manometer designed to give the outside water pressure indicates a differential reading of 735 mm Hg as illustrated. Based on these data what is the atmospheric pressure at the ‘ocean surface? Mercury Shel FIGURE P2.33 let: BP ~ absolute air pressure inside shell = Ny (0.765m ) i oe w specific waght of seaunter bm surface atmosphene pressure Thus, manometer eguation cen be written as be, +e Com) + es (0, 360m) — Bug (0735m) = fe So Tat =4- a (10,36 m) + Yu (0.735) = (133 28 Vio.r66m) ~ (10.1 2% ) [iv.36m) + (193 & \ors50) Ew 4 F497 AR 2.37 * 2.37% Both ends of the U-tube mercury ma- nometer of Fig. P23% are initially open to the atmosphere and under standard atmospheric pressure. When the valve at the top of the right leg is open the level of mercury below the valve is h,. After the valve is closed, air pressure is applied to the left leg. Determine the relationship between the differential reading on the manom- eter and the applied gage pressure, p,. Show on Mercury a plot how the differential reading varies with p, for h, = 25, 50, 75, and 100 mm over the range 0 fe a With a decree in f, tof gaze #uid levels change a8 shown on fiqure. Thus, for’ tinal Con Figuration: Rit Yuu (0.3-a)- ig (AH) ~%,, (04a) =2 ca) where fn lengths are ta mm, Subtract Eg !2) from E3.0) +0 obtaln, Peo Py + Gusl@? ~ hig (0,3 -bh) + &jjla) =0 (2) Since aa ehh = 0.3 Cs0e figure) Then h as ana trom 3.3) te Nios (CBE) = ig (0-ah) + dois (2258) = Thus, | bh = OG + Uyes (018) ~tig (0.3) © ty fete) ~ dig + te + Bu | and with fy ~ fy = 25k Pe | af 268 ten $4 Noten) oo $4 )ean)+ (04 Sin) 13 4h + (orrGas BY, AY) adlaai Bh, 100 “™m 238 7] 2.44 — The inclined differential manometer of Fig. P2.44 contains carbon tetrachloride. Initially the pressure differential between pipes A and B, which contain a brine (SG = 1.1), is zero as illustrated in the figure. It is desired that the ma- a nometer give a differential reading of 12 in. (mea~ sured along the inclined tube) for a pressure differential of 0.1 psi. Determine the required angle of inclination, 6. Carbon tetrachloride FIGURE P2.44 When b,~ty 13 increased to fy’, the lett column falls 4 distane,a, and The right Column vises a distance b along the tnclined tube 4s shoun in figure. For This Final Configuration ¥, Ae) - Xeea (a +bsinb)-¥,, (4: -bsinb)= 4, h- ty + (4, - her, \(a+bsn8)=0 7) The differential reading, Lh, along the tube is bhe gp rb Thus, trom &4.01 taint) + Cig Yay, ab sno) "2 ~(h- 1) BP a a to by Yeo, y(th) and with BiB: O,\psi she = a ae | talline #2 ) = 0.4L [ot 2.4 ps )- 995 al(2e) . for She izin. Th 6=27.8° an3F 2.45 Determine the new differential reading along the inclined leg of the mercury manometer of Fig. P2.45, if the pressure in pipe A is de- creased 10 kPa and the pressure in pipe B remains unchanged. The fluid in A has a specific gravity of 0.9 and the fluid in B is water. FIGURE P2.45 For the initial Configuration Pr ylon + “ay (0.05 sin 30°) - Yigg (0-08) * ty a where all Jéngths ave inm, When p decreases left column Moves up 4% distance,a, and want tolumn moves down a distance 2, aS shown in figure. For the tinal contiguration ; Bir ¥, (os -asins0) + Wye ( a sin30° + 0.08 sin 30" +a)— Yano (0,08te) = ty (2) a where A 4 the new pressure in pipe A. Subtract £4.02) from 3.1) 40 obtin Bent) + % (4 sir30°) - Ya & (sin30%1) + ¥, o(%) Thus ’ ~ yt!) Yq Sin BOP — Ya (sin 30) + Ty Por Ape lo AR AN -i0 SS Be (0.9)(4.81 2% )lo.s) ~33 4% Voss) + 1.9044, = 0.0540 1m New differential reading, Ah, measured along inclined tube is equel te a hh= Sin 30° +0,05 + Qa a S ae 0.05 m+ 0.0540 = 0,212 m 246 2.4 Determine the change in the elevation of the mercury in the left leg of the manometer of Fig. P2.46as a result of an increase in pressure “of 5 psi in pipe A while the pressure in pipe # remains constant. oil SG = 0.9) Mercury FIGURE P2.46 for the initial configurabon : Fa + Yigal) - big ante) bi (B= where all lengths are in Ft. When fR Increases 40 p' the left column Falls by the distance, a, and the right column Imeves up the distance, b, @s shown in the figure. For the fet a ue (Bra)- h, (a+ see diy (4 - 8 on x) = & Subtract £5.01) from Fg.2) to obtain Bet hy, A) hy (arb sindo!) + di) (bsin 30!) =o ¢3) Since The volume of Iguid must be constant A,a = A, b, or (Lin)re =(din)*h so that [ Thus, E4.@) Can be written as — Py + Uys (e) ~ Bg (2 + He 5in30") + By (0 sth 30°) =o - Bb, ) -68 (ee So - hig G) +8, @) b24g 2 (04 Wd 6) 2.304 ft (down) and 4 247 2.47. ‘The U-shaped tube shown in Fig. P2.47 initially contains, ‘water only. A second liquid with specific weight, , less than water is placed on top of the water with no mixing occurring. Can the height, f, of the second liguid be adjusted 50 that the left and right levels are at the same height? Provide proof of your answer. Mm FIGURE pa, The pressure at point (1) must be egual te che pressave a& pont (2) since the Pressures at egual elevahons in a Contnuous mass of ffujd faust be The same, Since, Rexh 42%, oh These two pressures Con only be gual 1F Y= Vigo. Since YH Vago tne Coahgurahen Shown in The Figure ts not possible, Ne. ank AH2 48 Open tp 5 in-rsers Feat i Ss ‘Sand- 2.48 — Concrete is poured into the forms as shown in Fig. P28 to produce a set of steps, Determine the weight of the sandbag needed to keep the bottomless forms from lifting off the ground. The weight of the forms is 85 Ib, and the specific ‘weight of the concrete is 150 Ib/f za . Open btm Lak 10 in ead | FIGURE P2.48 Ws From the tree-bedy- diagram ala Py Fy =o ty WrUeUy-faro yy [ Where: W,= weigt of sandbag VW, > weight of Concrete uy = weight of forms = presse along boton surtace due to conrete A= avee of botton surface From the dita quien: DW, (60 Bs) (Vl. concrete) = Coco by Nopu) [Cain tavin) + vin )tin) + rind tnd) 144 = 15004 . ep = 05 fo (50 BLA) * 500 Fs A = Cope jG@ht)= 15Ft™ Thus, From Bg. ©) we Geo a5 #0) - 500 - 8s5lb = bbs bb 2.49 244 A rectangular gate having 2 width of 5 {is located in the sloping side ofa tank as shown in Fig. P2.44. The gate is hinged along its top ‘edge and is held in position by the force P. Fric- tion at the hinge and the weight of the gate can bee neglected. Determine the required value of P. \60" FIGURE 2.47 Fz UR,A — where y= (3 #4) sin b0* of ay Thus, fe ff Fe: (62. + Zsa $4) sin bo* (6 fe « 54) ? Kae ort = dl, 100 Ib Also, ile th Geelerey | ty = BOMLA) | 3p - a G4” Og lleteest) Mie ZM, =0 Thus, Fel Gq-10) #4) = P (e#4) So that p= (Al, 100 be) 13,2348 -lo#t) I goo |b oe — a4y 2.50 2.50 A long, vertical wall separates seawater from freshwater. Ifthe seawater stands at a depth fof 7m, what depth of freshwater is required to sive a zero resultant force on the wall? When the resultant force is zero will the moment due to the fluid forces be zer0? Explain. For a Are resultant force Fes = Fer (%, WA AS Ae Ae ] Thus, for @ unit Jengte of wall ( tot 88) (LE (tae xm) = (9.80 84 )( 4) eo That : Ae Tm In order for moment to be 760, Fe, and Fee must be collinear. For Fes: [ee sh ltmyta)? : a. oo ae fa Ye (Lom)(40 4m) Similarly for Frp: de alae 2 41 4a (2m) (Tinet x) . Thus, the distunce to Fes from the bottom (paid 0) 1s Tom =herm = 233m. For Fey this distonce 1s Film = 4.1m = 237m. The forces are not tollinear. No. a.5T 251 A large, open tank contains water and is connected to a 6-ft diameter conduit as shown in Fig. P2.S). A circular plug is used to seal the conduit. Determine the magnitude, direction, and location of the force of the water on the plug. = FIGURE P2.5) Fy= th A= (6208, lnt(ENba) = 2 200 bb 7 Gr)" be? i + Ge where Ly, > z # = G3Lre Thas, ’ EG#) + itt = (2.594 de” Teen FR) The force of Al 2eolh acts 1219 FE below he water surface and 1s perpendicular te the plug Surface as shown a 46 2.52 A homogeneous, 4-ft-wide, 8-t-long rectangular gate ‘weighing 800 Ib is held in place by a horizontal flexible cable ‘as shown in Fig, P2.52. Water acts against the gate which is hinged at point A. Friction in the hinge is negligible, Determine the tension in the cable. = 0h A where he: (GE) sis bot Thus, ie Cox by CE Novite Mite 44) = 3570 lb To locate Fr, Tee Re GET where 4,238 % th ve Tht 1 eX) Je? CB FEN GHAR) For eguil brium, =M, =0 d T (ft\Ginbo}) = Ws UF) tosbo) + Ry (24) qo Geo led he Nios tot 6340 8) C2 fe) _ (8 Ft ) Cain bo") + 3 = 454 an = 1350 |b 2-47 25% | 2154 An area inthe form ofan isosceles ti angle with a base width of 6 ft and an altitude of 8 ft lies in the plane forming one wall of a tank which contains a liquid having a specific weight | of 79.8 Ib/ft’, The side slopes upward making an angle of 60° with the horizontal. The base of the | triangle is horizoutal and the vertex is above the base. Determine the resultant force the fluid ex- erts on the area when the fluid depth is 20 ft above the base of the triangular area. Show, with the aid of a sketch, where the center of pressure is located. (10 4.°(55,,) OA = do.43 ft te = Y sin bo? Pressure Ree TRA = (708 oe £4) sin wot) (A)(ore x a#e) = 33,400 Ib 3 de® = + de where Du? ih (olor) a HHH? t doys ft = dae Ft de® (20.43 FE)(4)(6 Feat ft) The free, fe, acts Through The center of pressure which er—r—..C—=SCiCSszSi«si«CSCSCaCzsCO;dsC.Cz;isziC:CCCM Sinbo* attr above the base of the triangle 2s Shown in sketch, 2-48 2.55. Solve Problem 2.54 if the isosceles triangle is replaced with a right triangle having the same base width and altitude as the isosceles triangle. Fe = 33, 900 Ib g's 2.449 tt he (see solution fe Problenr 2.54 ) center of Pressure 3! x, = Deve “e, Za + Xe 3. 2,20) hers oye = Gn Ge). az fet (see Fig. 3.12 d) and Y= 40,43 FE [see solution to Problem 2.54) Thas, 32 ft ae _ “eR” Gow tealetecen) ~ FF = Zor fe The force fy, acts through The center of pressure with coordinakes x2, 2.07 Ft and y's 249 ft see sketeh), eaat 2.56 2.5l A vertical plane area having the shape shown in Fig. P2.56 is immersed in an oil bath (Specific weight = 8.75 KN/m). Determine the ‘magnitude of the resultant force acting on one side of the area as a result of the oil. Break arex inte two parts as For areal: FIGURE P2.56 shown th figure MC Ee )(+m e4m) = 290 bn = (9,05 24, )( 48 (£) (4m etm) = 93.3-4N Bs rhea Ai = 15 For area 2: Fin = Oh As Thus, Fam fay? Fea AGOAN + 73.3&N = 373 4N A-50 es Sui 2.57 A 3-m-wide, 8-m-high rectangular gate is located at the end of a rectangular passage that is connected to a large open tank filled with water as shown in Fig, P2.57. The gate is hinged at its bottom and held closed by a horizontal force, Fi. located at the center of the gate, The maximum value for Fy is 3500 KN, (a) Determine the maximum water depth, h, above the center of the gate that can exist without the gate ‘opening, (b) Is the answer the same if the gate is hinged at the top? Explain your answer. Br gate hinged at bottom ZMy =o iT So an, We L Hy ope Fay 2 ik Cm Xbm)? £ Ae hey—4 oe 4B Gmtin) [ 4 533 4 Thus, a so that S FIGURE P2857 ue Ye he Ye Gm) Fi = L Fe (see figure) C1) {i f = (420% x ng ie— Fu Fg= dh A = (120% )(4) (Sm x8m) * = (9.90 X24) AN Uiny= Av - EBrk) = 4- & na trom Fl) Gt mi (35004) = (4- £:35)(4-90x24)lh) AK = 162 mm (cont ) asl 2.57 Ctont) For gate hinged at top. Z My =o so that (4m) Fy = Sy Fe (see fijare) 11) where Lye Yp- m4) = (533 +h) ~ Aes) 7. nm uy Thus, From F 3.4) + 4, FR Le Ye (hew) Com )(3500-4N) = (E23 44) 990x24) A) kw and As /3.5m Maximum depth for gate hinted % & top 13 less than maximum depth fr gate hingea at bottom. ASQ 2.58 2.68 A gate having the cross section shown in Fig. P2.58closes an opening 5 ft wide and 4 ft hioh in a water reservoir. The gate weighs 500 Ib and its center of gravity is 1 ft to the left of AC and 2 ft above BC. Determine the horizontal re action that is developed on the gate at C. FWA A, where her = Btbr 2s Thus, F shay, ot (sH x sh) = 15,600 Ib Ts locate Fi, - Dae a * Yes fer, _ where 4, = af + 2ete 212,568 = So That 3 =. te (HNs#t) +e IRS FE = 1267 FE : Ca. SEHK St) Fiz BA, where A= %, (etervte) a So thet Fee Mgy (2A) +» G24 Bs Viz te)(s feast) = 11,230 Ib For eguilibriam ZM, = aad Fly,- 4) + w (14) - RG)(#) — hee) so that = (5; b00 1812.67 F- oft) + (S00 Me) (1#t) ~ (ty 230 h2 $4) ie SE 6330 Ib a-53 257 _ ‘The massless, 4-fl-wide gate shown in Fig. P2.59 piv- ‘ts about the frictionless hinge O. Its held in place by the 2000 Ib counterweight, W. Determine the water depth, f. with =4 nis ReVhA where he? Thus, hd r . = xb Re So 2 hed) a _ b*(¢H) Te locate Fry el Nth) h ca See Ek OT tau)” * ooh 3 For egish'briim, = M, =e kd = W(sFt) where i es so that (2000 Ib )(3 4) CNG) als Thus, 3 (a20e0 Ib (3A) © (6248 YHA) d= Suh 2.60* 2.60" A 200-Ib homogeneous gate of 10-ft. width and 5-ft length is hinged at point A and held in place by a 12-ft-long brace as shown in Fig. P2.60. As the bottom of the brace is moved to the right, the water level remains at the top of the gate. The line of action of the force that the brace exerts on the gate is along the brace. (a) Plot the magnitude of the force exerted on the gate by the brace as a function of the angle of the gate, 6, for 0 = @ = 90°. (b) Repeat the calculations for the case in which the weight of! the gate is negligible. Comment on the results as o-0. 4) For the tree- body -diagram of the gate (see Agure), ize So that RIF) + wlA ese) = (FR cos $)(L sii 0) + [Fy 5174)(Yeas.) my) Also, ZL sth8 = L sing Cassumig hinge and end of brace at same eltveton) Sth $F 4 She ana Berk dx y AS) (Qu) where ur ts the gate width, Thus, Eg. 01) can be writen as 7 VEY snd) wr + 9A c0s0 = Fk (cosh sind + si $0058) so That 2, pe (LD sme + Y eso (LE) bene + B a Cosh svO + Sin $ case cosh tan 6 + sing _ For V=e2.4 b/fe?, L= st, w= lott, and W = 20016, oz #. 2 5 (24 Bs Now)" ot) fino + 24 boo tanb +100 eee em ee ee Cos $ tnd +5in b cos fend + sing? (con't) 2-55 2.607] (Con't ) Since sag = ze Sind and b= SF, Lz 2 ft s Fi sing = and for 4 gitn &, $ tan be determined. Thus, £3.) Cun be ased 4 determine By fr 4 given B b) For W=0, &4.(3) reduces to Fa = 2600 tind (#) Gosh tind + sing ana £914) can be used +o determine Fg tr & gwen @. Tabulated data ef Fy vs. 6 for Ltn QW zZ00lh ana Wolo are given tlw. 8, deg Fg, lb (W=200 Ib) Fe, ib (W=0 Ib) 90.0 2843 2843 85.0 2745 2736 80.0 2651 2633 75.0 2563 * 2536 70.0 2480 2445 65.0 2403 2360 60.0 2332 2282 55.0 2269 2210 50.0 2213, 2144 45.0 2165 2085 40.0 2125 2032 35.0 2094 1985 30.0 2075 1945 25.0 2069 1911 200 2083 1884 150 2130 1863 10.0 2250 1847 5.0 2646 1838, 20 3858 1836 A plot of the date is given on the following page. (cont) 4-56 2.60 * 0.0 10.0 20.0 30.0 40.0 50.0 60.0 70.0 80.0 900 Theta, deg (b) (cont? As O70 te value of Fy can be determned trom Eg-0), 2600 tan® Cos tan esing é Since Sing = £ sme it follows That cos p= Vim sib = V/~ f) 3nd and Therebre teoo eee 2600 1-8 )*on*9 tne + sing |- EJsn'e + Ltae Thus, as 6-90 2600 5 = Ts = leo lb Phsically Ths resuld mens tut fir 620, The value of fy 1S thdeferminete, but for any “very small” a f b,% will @pproach 19 ¢0 Ib, 2.62 2.62 A 4-ft by 3-ft massless rectangular gate is used to close the end of the water tank shown in Fig. P2,62. A 200 1b weight attached to the arm of the gate ata distance € from the friction- less hinge is just sufficient to keep the gate closed when the ‘water depth is 2 ft, that is, when the water fills the semicircular lower portion of the tank. If the water were deeper the gate ‘would open. Determine the distance ¢. far Bh where hee $8 (see Fa. 2.19) Thu 2 Fee Ye BCE) Gas) (°) = 333 ; Te locate Fr, Sar FS Sf 7 Ye ©. 1098 R oto RO 4 UR < Fig. 2.18) (f+ GE) ee felis tp 31, = Co.toae) (264)* 4 (ef) igs fe (2) rae (2fY meee) oo: 4 " Pr equilibrium , IMy=so 3o That = Fy (1 f+ 4a) a . (i fe+ Left) = 3.u3 ft Zoo le = 2-59 2.63 2.63 A rectangular gate that is 2 m wide is Water located in the vertical wall ofa tank containing Z water as shown in Fig. P2.69. It is desired to have ae YM Z the gate open automatically when the depth of + A. water above the op of the gate reaches 10m.) i At what distance, d, should the frictiontess hor- ae et inmtal shaft be tsated? (6) What : tude of the force on the gate wher FIGURE P2.63 (4) As depth increases the center of pressure roves toward the centroid of the gate. Lf we lecate hinge at Y~_ when depth=lomed , the gate will open automatically for any further increase in depth. Since, . Lee a Can )Ctom) sot + eS eee gee See ee) then d= Ypm (Om = Illa = 1om = Ih a () For the depth shown, Re Wh A= (9.80 48 \(j2.m)(a0 x Ym) TH RN 2-60 Zee 2.64 is free to pivot about a frictionless hinge at point Q, as shown in Fig. P2.64. The horizontal portion of the gate covers a I-f- diameter drain pipe which contains air at atmospheric pressure, Determine the minimum water depth, h, at which the gate will pivot to allow water to flow into the pipe. A thin 4-ft-wide, right-angle gate with negligible mass ee Right-angle gate Hinge: W FIGURE P2.64 For eguili briam Zz M, =e k «hoe Fax A a) Rerh A, = (02.424) (ue xh) = [25 he For the force on the horizontal portion of the gale (which 18 balanced by pressure on both sides except for the area of the pipe) Rs YACEVIA) = dad Nr \iay = 49.0h Thus, from Eg.0) with £24 ana b= 3he Cash?4) = Goh) (34) h= Lggtt 2.65 2.68 An open rectangular tank is 2 m wide and 4 m Jong. The tank contains water to a depth of 2 m and oil (SG = 0.8) on top of the water toa depth of 1 m. Determine the magnitude and location of the resultant fluid force acting on one end of the tank. ee Use the concept of The pressure y= lon Prison (see figure). Fes* 4, 4, A _ se That fa, = (onto BY Ymca) iE = 7.85 4” Let wm width = Lom Fea? BAL where pf is pressure ot depth -4,. Thus, Faas (Sis 4,) hye) =(0,8)4 812% im amet) = F14-N Also, Fs? Yigg Hea Ay 0 Tat Fa = Ying (Be \(Aanur) = (4.20% \ 22 (am nam) = 392 by Thus, Reh t Fax they = 7.854 + 344M + 39.2 2 = TE SKN Sum memeals avreund ass through 0, 30 That ke Fe = Far + Tarte + hy ds am where dy 1s distance te Fre» Since Fy) Fig, andl Fay act Through The centroids of Their respective pressure prisms it fallous Thal y= Bl) d= tame + bag 2m) dg = bm +3 (am) ann fron E40 [ (7,854 WN) im) + (31, aN 2m) + (39.240 )(1m + ig) a RR ESE AN MR t Baka liane TERN = 2.03 m (below oil free surface ) — ee (Cont) "2.66 Anopen rectangular setting tank contains a liquid 20 123 suspension that at a given time has a specific weight that varies, 24 127 approximately with depth according to the following data: 28 129 32 13.0 ase 3.6 13.1 A (m) y (kN/nr’) —_—_—_——— 0 10.0 04 10.1 The depth h = 0 corresponds to the free surface, By means 08 102 ‘of numerical integration, determine the magnitude and lo- 12 106 cation of the resultant force that the liquid suspension ex- 16 13 erts on a vertical wall of the tank that is 6 m wide. The depth of fluid in the tank is 3.6 m, The magnitude of the Aid force, R, Can be found by summing The ditberahas forces actiig on The horrgiate! strip shown “i The figure. Thus, 4 ” far [ag > bf pan a ° i where p is the pressure ak dp 4, To fwd p we use Ep. 24 (2) Egecten ©2) Can be lategrated numerically esiig TE | 1b52 $8 (e.92 HENS )* For egurhbrium, oe 7 ee ee) : c C= (483 Wd 2) + (a4 )(16.12 4-3) = 2 2.68 Dams can vary from very large structures with curved faces holding back water to great depths, as shown in Video ‘V2.3, to relatively small structures with plane faces as shown in Fig. P2.68. Assume that the concrete dam shown in Fig. P2.68 ‘weighs 23.6 KN/m? and rests on a solid foundation. Determine the minimum coefficient of friction between the dam and the foundation required to keep the dam from sliding at the water depth shown. You do not need to consider possible uplift along, the base. Base your analysis on a unit length of the dam. }-—sm FIGURE P2.68 mith here A= [tm oe a,.)f ) so thet eee RN 4 4 Fr = (4.90 24 (st Sy) (im) = loo RN For eguilibrium , Z Feo or ‘ Re sin $1.3 & 2 aN Where Y~ coethicint of Friction, ne oa Fy 50 that N=” + F Cos 513° Where we Ca )( volume of concrete ) Thas, = ay M= (23.0 2 Neem?) + (l00kN) cos 513° = S3¥4AN and Fi . a5 Fe 5th 513° Cook) Sin 513° Nv S3tAN W 0.146 2-66 267% 2.67* Water backs up behind a concrete dam as shown in Fig. P2.¢4; Leakage under the foun- dation gives a pressure distribution under the dam as indicated. If the water depth, h, is too great, the dam will topple over about its toc (point A). For the dimensions given, determine the maxi- ‘mum water depth for the following widths of the dam: € = 20, 30. 40, 50, and 60 ft. Base your analysis on a unit length of the dam. The specific weight of the concrete is 150 Ib/ft’. A Free: bedy- diagram of the daw is Shown in the figure at the right, Where: = ER Choy unit leaghe) ov = ¥,(4)(2)(e) = 4ox. 2 Re (Bhs ¥4r) Q Re y(try(tsy- Yar = sine Z sinO -t L/h 47 3 42 $(5E) To determine yy consider the pressure distribuhor on the bolhon : = Fre the h yi 5 STRAY g Summing moments about A, 4, = Rd) + & (39) (con't) 2-67 2.697% Ceon't ) se tmt y, 2 Fale) Fe (58) ° 5 where Feo Ft Fy. Sebshitehon of expressions for Fy and Fe yields, 4: 4 (Ar + 22) tek, For eguilibrium of the dam, ZMy20, so thet 4, - WO) - BY, +R 4,20 “ and with X= 62.4 U/ft?, %= 150 Uff, and Rsloft, then: Fe 3128? W= boo0k As 3s $,° BE R= 342 (Rei) L g7 2ORt SR) | ks wie Rehr 3h +10) Substitution of these expressions sito Ez.0) yields, (312 AYU) = (Go002) (Ff) - (222 (2h) _ (how) Al[ Pelt =o Yhich can be simplified to a 2LF 4 roe nh ~ 3996 2% 10,400 5 ez) Sin’ Thus, for a gwen 2, 2 Can be determined from the condition tanB=80/L and 9.(2) solved fey h. dam widths specitied, the maximum water depths eo He ‘below. Note Phat folr “the “Paw largest dam widths The water would overflow The cam before 1£ would topple. Dam width, ¢ ft Maximum depth, h, ft 20 48.2 30 61.1 40 18 50 att 60 39.1 2-68 2.70 A 4-mlong curved gate is located in the side of a reservoir containing water as shown in Fig. P2.70. Determine the magnitude of the horizontal and vertical components of the force of the water on the gate. Will this force pass through point A? Explain. Far eguil'briam , A i Z ize et Ee Whee Aa = ¥ (btn in etn) { ae 50 tub : Fiu= (4.3084 \(25m) (2m) ¥ volumes Similarly, and Only 2 ec 24m? Re Rew where -— (9.300 ) (bm )f12-m0) we Y= (7.80 4% \n m2) Th “1 gs (1.40 te) [x oe pan me] = 983 -4N Note: Force of water on gate will be opposite 14 direction >) thet shown on frgune, The direction of all cht beveahal forces acting on the Curved surface ts perpendicular te surhace and THerehere , The resultant must pass Through The mtersectioy ef all These forces which 1s at point A. Yes. 2-09 2.7! 2.71 The air pressure in the top of the two liter pop bottle shown in Video V2.4 and Fig. P2.71 is 40 psi, and the pop depth is 10 in, The bottom of the bottle has an iregular shape with a diameter of 4.3 in, (a) Ifthe bottle cap has a diameter of 1 in. what is magnitude of the axial force required to hold the cap in place? (b) Determine the force needed to secure the bottom 2 inches of the bottle to its cylindrical sides. For this calcula tion assume the effect of the weight of the pop is negligible. (¢) By how much does the weight of the pop increase the pressure inches above the bottom? Assume the pop has the same spe- cific weight as that of water. in, diameter Pox = 40 4.3 in diameter m FIGURE P21 2) Egy? Pay * Arete, = BY TNrin) = 34 (6) © Frerdeat Fades = F,= (Pressure @ Zin. above botom) FE. x Aven) ‘Sides = (4p Bs )(G)(42in)* F = Sel lb bottom (e) pep + vh 4 w+ (ing JG MR pe) ib Lb = Yo fe + 0.299 Fee Thus , the increase m pressure due 4o weight = 0.284 pst Gx is less twan |2l of at pressuve). 2-70 loover Dam (see Video 2.3) is the highest arch- ‘ype of dam in the United States. A cross section of the dam is shown in Fig. P2.72(a). The walls ofthe canyon in which the dam is located are sloped, and just upstream of the dam the verticaf plane shown in Figure P2.72(b) approximately repre- sents the cross section of the water acting on the dam. Use this vertical cross section to estimate the resultant horizontal force Of the water on the dam, and show where this force acts w@ FIGURE P2.72 Break area into 3 parts as shown For area] ° B= rh, A= (624 84 )(aste\Y) (ers (sh) = 157 x/09 | Yor area 3 * a7 fr, = {57x 10" lb For Grea 2: Fee he Ae = hay BNE) (nf) lo Ais #0) = 413x/07 bb Thus, fp u Fat let Fags 157 x0 + #63 0% + Lsrep'l 7.77x 10" lb Since The ‘moment of The resultant force about the bese ef The dam must he efual + The moments due to Fr, Fa, and Fie, , (+ felous Wat (con) 4 2-71 [272 | (cont) Rxd=f B)oste) + Fld) lrst2) + f, (2 frst) _ (esr 0 WE ust) +(443u0' INA) Fost) + (srw I(2)(ns #2) 7-77 x04 Is = 4ob ££ Thus, the resaltent horiqoatal tree. on The dam 1s ZI x10" Ib acting ¥ob # up trom The base of The dam along The axis of symmetry of The area. 2.73 Q YorPe 2.73 A plug in the bottom of a pressurized tank is conical in shape as shown in Fig. P2.73. = The air pressure is 40 kPa and the liquid in the | ir tank has a specific weight of 27 KN/m’. Determine aut the magnitude, direction, and line of action of 3m - the force exerted on the curved surface of the cone within the tank due to the 40 KPa pressure and the liquid. FIGURE P2.73 far AL For eguilibriam , IE verbicel | | H So thet ‘ Re ae Aw : 1 | where Fe is the force the Cone exerts of the tlurd. Also, fk a fay Ae COPAR NEY) fon aot= os = (404R)(F Ni 55m) = UT kW d= 2t030°r 115500 we ¥[FaGm)- Z [dun] mines of we F(A} = ymd* [2¢- 2 . (a7 4x 5 Mr). 155m) (Bm) = 754 bw Thus, Eos 44 AN + Is 4hkM = TITAN and the force on The Cone has a magnitude of HTAN and 1s directed vertically dewnware along the Cone axis. 2-713 74 2.74 A 12-in-diameter pipe contains a gas under a pressure of 140 psi. Ifthe pipe wall thickness is J-in., what isthe average circumferential stress developed in the pipe wall? ok 1 For eguililibrium (for @ unit lng \ of the pipe), ae Pug 2e) | aed ty (8) rh ise we . tar R : a om circumferential shess t : (140 B, (ein) Tein) 274 RIE Ks Volume = 2.75 The concrete (specific weight = 150 4 Ib/ft’) seawall of Fig. P2.75 has a curved surface and restrains seawater at a depth of 24 ft. The trace of the surface is a parabola as illustrated Determine the moment of the fluid force (per unit oe length) with respect to an axis through the toe (point A). FIGURE P2.75 The components of the tluid force aching on The wall are 5 and W as shown on the figure where B= Uh A = (o4oZs (AF (ante ice) = 18,4004 and 9,7 Att = py Also, Werk To determne ¥ tind area 8CD, Thus, (see Figure te rignt) oy, * As [rayg de (a4-0.4x") dx 0 ep x, = ize [24x = ane] (Note: Ail lengths th £8) and with 42 Vizo y A= 175 ft” 50 that Ks Axltte = irs fA Thus, w= (ene $s irs fe) = 1,200 Te locate centroid of A + 4A = a [tary ate » [ere O.2x Yan = fang ean" 1a (Vie)? 02 (Vie)? and ys Fie)*- 0.2 (Vise) = 4 # Is Thus, Mp = FY, ~ W (S- X) 18, Yoo tb (8-62) ~ (11, 200 tb) (is Lt tu Ft) = 28 200 Fé lb) a 2-75 aT 2.76 — Acylindrical tank with its axis horizontal has a diameter of 2.0 m and a length of 4.0 m. ‘The ends of the tank are vertical planes. A ver- tical, 0.1-m-diameter pipe is comected to the top of the tank. The tank and the pipe are filled with ethyl alcohol to a level of 1.5 m above the top of the tank. Determine the resultant force of the alcohol on one end of the tank and show where it acts. + hSom centroid Res ChA om L where Fy= Smt hom = 25m LL a So That Yr Ye. AW 2 ee Fe = (042% \asm)(E)aom)* = 60,8 i : Alo, r n> ga 7% where Yp + 2.5m = dbom Thus, the vesultaat force has 4 magnitude of bb. 8AW Gnd acts at a distance of oY, 2 A bom - 250m = 2.100m below center ef tank end wal, 2-716 2.77 2.77 If the tank ends in Problem 2.7b are hemispherical, what is the magnitude of the re- sultant horizontal force of the alcohol on one of the curved ends? For eguilibruim , Fe = Fins] (see figure) R Fut Fuse. = b08A4N (Since solution for horisontel force the same 4s for Protlem 2.76) + 4-97 273 2.78 An open tank containing water has a bulge in its vertical side that is semicircular in shape as shown in Fig, P2.78. Deter- ‘mine the horizontal and vertical components of the force that the water exerts on the bulge, Base your analysis on a I-ftlength of the bulge. Mm FIGURE P2768 Fi, ~ horigontal force of wall on Fluid B, ~ vertical Force of wall on Fluid fi et D: Yeo tor fr (aupe)( TO® )(1 4) G92 Ib Fz ¥b.A = (2.4 By (tee +3%)(oFes! fe) = 337Ib For eguilibrium, Fy, =W = 8821 a and _ f= 337 Ib< 4 4 The force the water exerts on the bulge is egual to, buk opposite im advection to Fy and Fy above. Thus, (Fe) og, = 337 '6 > ee CF Ywen = 8824 1 2.79 A closed tank is filled with water and has a 4-ft- diameter hemispherical dome as shown in Fig. P2.79. A U-tube 4. diameter i eae he tank: Darnig the verily force of the water on the dome if the differential manometer ig te we tare athe uperens terme @) nometer is 12.6 psi. we e Por eguilibrium, . 2 Frehéal =° ( so that Tea fs PA- where Fy 5 the force the dome exerts on The tlyid : deme exerts on the fluid and p is The water Pressure at The base ef The deme, Frem the manometer, At Uy (rh) - by, oH) = ay Jo That h s(2.64 dn J - ie lve Be) + G Nlbay2, lh fe)- ay Van) = 2580 Ze Thus, Frem £3.) wits volume of sphere =F Grameber 3 = Ib 2 Fo= (2ato nV)" — 1 [eae] (avd, = 35/00 Ib The Lrce thet the vertical force tat ‘the waler exerts on the dome /s 36, )00lb . 2-79 2.80 2.80 _ If the bottom of a pop bottle similar to that shown in Fig, P2.71 and in Video V2.4 were changed so that it was hemi spherical, as in Fig. P2.80, what would be the magnitude, li Pav = 40 i of action, and direction ofthe resultant force acting onthe hemi- spherical bottom? The air pressure in the top ofthe boitle is 40 psi, and the pop has approximately the same specific gravity as that of water, Assume that the volume of pop remains at 2 liters. 4.3: diameter @ FIGURE P2.80 Force = weignt of pop supported by bottom + force due t air pressure Weight of pop = x Volume of pop . Prana ps fe? : Volume = 2 Ivters =(2x10 "am ‘Ne (4531 x10 =, ) 0.0706 Thus, from Eg) Megat of pep = (62.4 ,) (0.07 42) = 4.4) Ib Force due to air pressure + Px projectea avea of p &, F a nempherieal bottom (40 Re) (T)(ns in)? di = 58! |b Resultant force = 4H 1 + 58) = 53a lb 535 ib The resultant force is directed vertically downward, and due to symmetry, 1t acts on the hemispherical beHom alony me vertical axis of the bottle. 2.81 2.81 ‘Three gates of negligible weight are used to hold back Sater in a channel of width bas shown in Fig. P2.81.. The force of the gate against the block for gate (b) is R. Determine (in terms of R) the force against the blocks for the other two gates. For Case (b) = FIGURE P2.81 Faz dheh= dh Nhus) = H2b and 4y= Zh Thus, Zz My=0 50 that ne (SLIR he= (ZA) te ) = Pb R= a) Fer Case (a) on free-body- chagram shown hy Fas ©2 (Lom above) and Ip FL and Ws bx ¥l . ry )] [2 = rohb 16 This, = yy =0 So Tut W(4- H)+ REM) = fh Gan 3, 2 AWE (4. th + HEB (31) =% | Con't ) in i Gay He a a) Ie Fe fa 2-81 2.51 Clont ) LE follows That fy = Yh (0.340) From &g.0) — dW? =, thus Fg 7 17R for case (6), for the free- bedy- chagrem shown, The force fy 07 ME turved Sectwn passes Through the hinge ana Therefore does not contribute The moment around H. On boltom part of gate Fa th A= (ZH ab) = Bs Ghd ay “4s Be yy » BOG, ay a 3h) BL aay a 4] = Hh Thus = My =o So thet a (iA) A olga iit) = Zee! From Fy.0) gh*h= 38, thus Az= fe= Q8I5R 292 2.22. Ariver barge. whose cross section is ap- proximately rectangular. carries a load of grain. “The barge ts 28 ft wide and 90 ft long. When unloaded its draft (depth of submergence) is 5 ft, and with the load of grain the draft is 7 ft. De- termine: (a) the unloaded weight of the barge, and (b) the weight of the grain. (9) Bor eguilibriin; | ae sft z Frerbicel =© t 7 se that fe s Ee x Wo weight of bay Wee Fa Sao (aster volume) Pca a) ae = 4 = (62.4 BL) (544 «20-08% tore) = 786,000 Ib () z= Fetical = We2Wy Wa rig = Fi = 8, + (submerge volome) | ce _ . os Wy = (2.92, (ree «zeres Gt) ~ 78, 00 ls I Wan weight of grain = 315,000 Ib

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