English Speech

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Assalamu alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh,

Dear the judicators, ladies and gentlemen

First of all, let’s say thank you very much to the Almighty of God, Allah SWT for giving us a good
health and time so today we are still alive in peace, brave, and never give up to grow better than
before. I also do not forget to invite you all to send invocation and peace to our prophet,
Muhammad SAW for leading us from darkness to brightness with the light of Islam, as a blessing to
the universe.

Dear Ladies and gentleman, my lovely brothers and sisters

Secondly, I also express my highest appreciation for the best opportunity to deliver a speech
entitled, “How to be a Good Millenial Generation”.

At this time, technological developments are advancing rapidly along with human civilization which
is also increasingly complicated. Distance and time are no longer significant obstacles to interact
with each other. People can even do many things without ever leaving their homes. They can work,
study, shop, even book accommodation, flights, and enjoy a lot of online entertainment with just a
click of their hand.

Dear ladies and gentlemen,

The current era is an era of convenience. However, in every facility there must be a big challenge,
especially for the younger generation. Advances in internet technology and smart phones lead
humans on both positive and negative sides. On the one hand, we can find educational information
easily, but on the other hand we can also be directed to access non-educational content, hoax news,
or provocative articles.

Therefore, ladies and gentlemen, as students, we must equip ourselves with adequate knowledge
and mindset. We have to be very good at filtering all the information. And of course, we should not
be lazy in studying. If we are lazy, we will be left behind by other countries. If we are careless, we will
become guests in our own country, Indonesia.

Currently, our country is still a consumer of most digital products made in other countries. We still
buy smartphones from China, South Korea, and the United States. We don't have a search engine
like Google yet. We even play games developed by foreign countries. To be honest, we are far
behind developed countries such as Singapore, China, South Korea, Japan, and the United States.

Dear ladies and gentlemen, especially my friends, the young generations

When will Indonesia have its own smartphone products that have international brands such as
Iphone, Oppo, or Vivo? Stop asking or dreaming and start beginning the process! We believe we can!
You, I, and we must be committed to elevate Indonesia to become a truly independent and
developed country in 3 to 5 years.

Therefore, ladies and gentlemen, in conclusion, there are 5 conditions that we must show and prove
as good millennial generations. First, study hard in our respective fields. Second, equip yourself with
faith. Third, focus on each of our dreams. Fourth, be creative and continue to innovate. Lastly, keep
trying, never give up without any fear of failure.

Well, ladies and gentlemen, especially my friends, the young generations

Finally, thank you for your attention, forgive me for any mistakes. Go millennial generations! See you
next time! Wassalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.

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