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Detailed Lesson Plan

In English 8

I. Objectives
At the end of the 50 minutes lesson, 75% of the learners will be expected to:
a. Identify what is irony and its types
b. Distinguish the types of irony through sentences
c. Choose whether it is verbal, situational or dramatic irony

II. Subject Matter

Topic: Irony and its Types
References: Practical English 8, Internet
Pages: 94-96
Materials: Power point presentation
Values Integration: Internalize every word of wisdom

III. Procedure
Teacher’s Hint Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

a. Preliminary
a. Greetings Good Afternoon class.
Good afternoon ma’am.
b. Opening Prayer
Before we start our discussion
this afternoon, please stand and
feel the presence of the Lord.
Olga, kindly lead.
In the name of the father,
of the son and of the
holy spirit.

(The students recite the

Before you sit, please pick up
the dirt and arrange your chair.

c. Review Yes, ma’am.

Last meeting, we discussed all
about what? Clause, ma’am
And what is clause?

Yes Ashly? Clause is a group of

words that has subject
and verb. It has a
complete thought.

Very good. So, what are the two

types of a clause?

Yes Marga?
The two types of clause
are dependent and
independent clause.

Any clarification about our topic

last meeting?
None ma’am.
b. Motivation
Before we proceed to our topic, I
have here some picture and in
each picture, you will identify
what did you observe.

Let see. In the first picture?

It’s raining ma’am.

Very good. How about its
caption “What a lovely day were
It’s being sarcastic
ma’am, even if its not a
How about the second picture? lovely day.
The cup is broken and it
has written on it
That’s right. How about it’s
caption “Well, it did not say
“Good quality.” The quality is not good
ma’am. It’s contradicting
the word written on it.
Very good.

How about the third picture?

There is a dramatization
Okay. So, there is a dramatic
scenery on it.

How about this picture?

The delivery man of

Pepsi was drinking a
Yes, it is. How ironic! Right?
Yes ma’am.
This picture?

There is signage “School

safe driving” but there’s
c. Presentation a car that bumps on it.
That’s right. How ironic!
Based on your observation, what
did you notice on the picture?
There’s a sarcasm on it.
there is an opposite of
what you really think
and of what was is the
actual happening.
Very good observation!
d. Discussion

What is Irony?

Yes Monique?
Irony is a figure of
speech in which words
are used in such a way
that their intended
meaning is different
from the actual meaning
of word.
Yes, expectation vs. reality.

Irony has three types. Anyone

who know what are those?
Ma’am I have some.
The three types of Irony
1. Verbal Irony
Excellent! 2. Situational Irony
3. Dramatic Irony
What is Verbal Irony?

Angela, Verbal Irony

Give me an example. what is said is different
from what is meant.

Very good. For example, What a

lovely day were having!

Jay, Ma’am I have

another example.
1. The doctor is as
kindhearted as a
2. The student was
given an
Great! ‘excellent’ in
getting zero on
Now what is situational Irony? the exam.

Jerusa, Situational Irony

is a difference between
what is expected to
Give me some example Jerusa. happen in a certain
situation and what is
actually happen.

1. The delivery man
of Pepsi, was
drinking a Coke.
2. The teacher fails
Excellent! the test.
3. A fire station
How about the dramatic irony? burns down.

Mary Rose, Dramatic

Irony the reader or
And its example? audience knows
something a character
does not.

1. In the movie of
Titanic, James
Cameron’s film
remarks, “It’s so
beautiful, I could
just die.”
2. Juliet is drugged
in sleep, and
Romeo think she
Excellent! is dead then he
IV. Application kills himself.
Tell whether the
sentence is VERBAL
IRONY or a

1. A man who needs

medical assistance is run
over by ambulance.
(Situational Irony)
2. A vehicle was parked
right in front of no-
parking sign.
(Verbal Irony)
3. The roasted chicken was
as tender as a hollow
block. (Verbal Irony)

4. Ralph wakes up late and

think he is going to be
late to school. After
rushing around to get
dressed, he realizes its
5. In the movie, Aquing (Situational Irony)
does not know that Tracy
cares for him, but the
audience does.
(Dramatic Irony)
V. Generalization

Again class, what is Irony?

Irony is a figure of
speech in which words
are used in such a way
that their intended
meaning is different
from the actual meaning
of word.
What are the three types of
Irony? The three types of Irony
1. Verbal Irony
2. Situational Irony
3. Dramatic Irony
And what is verbal irony? Verbal Irony what is said
is different from what is
How about the situational irony?
Situational Irony is a
difference between what
is expected to happen in
a certain situation and
what is actually happen.
And the dramatic irony?
Dramatic Irony the
reader or audience
knows something a
character does not.

VI. Evaluation
Identify whether it is verbal irony by putting a ,if situational irony put 
1. A pilot has fear of heights.
2. The CEO of big tobacco company said he did not smoke.
3. A marriage counselor files a divorce.
4. The police station got robbed.
5. The new manager is as friendly as a rattle snake.
6. Wow! What a great weather were having.
7. Your bag is beautiful as your face.
8. A post on facebook complaining how useless facebook is.
9. The girl in a horror films hides in a closet where the killer just went.
10. In Beauty and the Beast, the Beast is a Prince living under the curse, but Belle
was unaware of it.
1. ☹
2. 😊
3. ☹
4. ☹
5. 😊
6. 😊
7. 😊
8. ☹
VII. Assignment
Write your most memorable experiences in life.

Prepared by:
Jovelyn A. Talagtag

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