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CE philosophy on intelligence and his
planned changes was “remarkable.
Deutch Promises Bold Steps He said the nominee had offered
“a guide for us to judge your suc-
To Overhaul the CIA cess.”
The vice chairm an of the commit
tee, Sen. Bob Kerrey, D-Neb., said he
would be happy to see Deutch move
eputy Defense Secretary John M.
ahead of the Aspin commission, which
Doeutcn is sending a clear signal must report its findings to Congress
that, if confirmed by the Senate to by March 1, 1996.
serve as director of the Central Intelli- Another panel member, Sen. Wil-
gence Agency, he will move swiftly liam S. Cohen, R-Maine, said the
and aggressively to overhaul the trou- oversight committees will “pretty
bled organization. much see what he’s going to do. We
The next director faces stiff com- don’t want to interfere with what he
petition in defining a future mission has in mind.”
for the agency and repairing a reputa-
tion sullied by the Aldrich H. Ames Limited Grumblings
espionage case and allegations of CIA The one issue that continued to
complicity in two Guatemalan mur- trouble senators was President Clin-
ders. ton’s accession to Deutch’s demand
The House and Senate Intelligence that the CIA director be promoted
committees have embarked on far- to Cabinet rank. (Weekly Report, p.
reaching reviews of the nation’s intel- 825)
ligence-gathering apparatus, and a Lawmakers fear that a CIA direc-
special commission headed by former tor would be unable to provide unfet-
Defense Secretary Les Aspin has tered intelligence analysis if he got
started work on its own indepen- aenaEA ELLIS caught up in the administration’s pol-
dent assessment. (Weekly Report, p. icy-making. Specter recalled the last
“The redesign of the
41) major example of such a conflict —
Dispelling any notion of a care- Directorate of Operations former CIA Director William J. Casey,
taker role, Deutch, a 56-year-old who ran the Iran-contra operation in
has to start from the
chemist and former provost at the the Reagan administration. Kerrey
Massachusetts Institute of Technol- ground up.” said he had told the Clinton White
ogy, boldly specified at his Senate con- House that the issue wasn’t worth
firmation hearing April 26 the steps he —John M. Deutch pursuing.
will take to revive the CIA. His forth- Deutch repeatedly sought to reas-
rightness and promise of a proactive sure the committee that he will draw a
style won plaudits from members of promoted Ames, a bungling “mole” clear line between intelligence pro-
the intelligence panel. with a drinking problem, and failed to vider and policy-maker. He argued
The committee plans to meet May detect him as he betrayed scores of that Clinton’s move was a means of
3 in executive session to vote on U.S. intelligence agents to the Rus- signaling support for the intelligence
Deutch’s nomination, with Republi- sians. (1994 Weekly Report, p. 3136, community.
cans and Democrats seeing a clear 3455) “The standard is clear for me, and
path to Senate confirmation. Questioned as to how deep his it will govern my behavior,” Deutch
Deutch’s first order of business management changes would reach, said.
would be to replace many of the top Deutch was emphatic. But Specter asked that Deutch and
Managers at the agency with a new “The redesign of the Directorate of Clinton rethink the decision.
generation. He also plans to consoli- Operations has to start from the The other dissension for Deutch
date the management of imagery col- ground up,” he said. “As far down as has come from Persian Gulf War vet-
lection operations and work with the required.” erans angry with the Defense Depart-
Defense Department to combine the Deutch’s vow not to maintain the ment’s investigation of possible chem-
system for buying military and intelli- status quo as Congress and the Aspin ical-weapons exposure in the region
ence satellites. commission conduct their analyses and its link to a series of unexplained
He also indicated that the FBI was welcome news to lawmakers long illnesses.
could assume some of the CIA’s over- frustrated with recent CIA operations Kerrey and Sen. Richard C.
Seas work in battling terrorism and and the tenure of former Director R. Shelby, R-Ala., questioned Deutch
drug trafficking while the agency James Woolsey. about the veterans’ complaints. The
lg onto other foreign responsibil- The congressional oversight com- deputy Defense secretary said the de-
ities, mittees directed particular anger at partment is taking all steps to deter-
Deutch placed a special emphasis Woolsey for the light punishments he mine whether chemical or biological
0n personally reviewing the Director- meted out for the Ames debacle. weapons were used or present in the
ate of Operations, the CIA branch that Woolsey stepped down in January. gulf, and he dismissed suggestions
Sen. Richard G. Lugar, R-Ind., that he was covering up informa-
By Donna Cassata said Deutch’s statement laying out his tion. 2

CQ APRIL 29, 1995 — 1193

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