Businesses Discriminate Against Older Employees: Neumark, 2022

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Ali khawaja

BBA102: Business Analytics.

Mr. Elen Smith.

7th February, 2022.

Businesses discriminate against older employees

It may be more distressing than the thought of ageing to worry about finding a new job.

Even though ageism is among the most common forms of discrimination, older employees

should not have to worry about it. In the English language, discrimination is one of the most

negative terms. In the history of humanity, there have always been at least two people who have

fought about the meaning and act of the word "marriage." According to the dictionary's

definition, discrimination occurs when a person or thing is mistreated because of their ethnicity

or national origin rather than their individual qualities (Neumark, 2022).

There is a broad spectrum of discrimination in the workplace, including colour, ethnicity,

and gender, that employees experience. When an employer is considered to be discriminating

against an employee because of their age when they treat them unjustly or unequally in the

workplace, we must never give up the fight against prejudice. Today's workforce must make sure

that people who are 50 or older don't get unfair or unfair treatment. Disparate impact is defined

as a subtle differentiation. Even though an employer's employment practices seem to be neutral,

their impact on a protected class is anything but fair. If someone is in urgent need and is

discriminated against because of it, it's more challenging to prove that they were discriminated

against. As a result of a company policy that prohibits some individuals from being employed or

promoted, this occurs often (Lavan, 2022). It was an unintended consequence of the procedure,

not a deliberate decision to exclude them. Although desperate treatment is usually punished more

harshly, this is not always the case.

Ageism in the workplace has evolved into a serious issue over time. According to some

companies, younger workers are more productive and competitive and more likely to thrive in

the job. Other organizations value the wisdom and tenacity that comes with employing more

senior workforce members. Perhaps these senior staff members are being mistreated in some

way? Many people in today's culture believe that younger workers are better at their jobs because

they are more bright and driven.


Lavan, N. (2022). The effect of familiarity on within‐person age judgements from voices.  British

Journal of Psychology, 113(1), 287-299.

Neumark, D. (2022). Strengthen age discrimination protections to help confront the challenge of

population aging. Journal of Aging & Social Policy, 1-16.

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