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Essay: The most significant leadership


Salman Ahmed.


Sir Amjad.

04 Feb 2022

The most significant leadership qualities

An individual or a group must have effective leadership to go forward and develop. Many

people believe that leaders are born, yet dynamic industrial leaders like Richard Branson, who

formerly had dyslexia, have shown otherwise. Anyone may rise to leadership, regardless of their

educational background.

One of the essential characteristics of effective leadership is a leader's ability to maintain

a positive attitude. As a leader, one's personality is influenced by one's mindset. Any idea can

become a reality if the team members possess a positive outlook and work together as a cohesive

unit. There are several easy ways to keep your team motivated, like field trips, giving

refreshments at work, and respecting each member equally. When faced with difficulty, it's easy

to delegate the burden. It is a leader's job to bear personal responsibility for their decisions, not

an employee's (Frémeaux & Pavageau, 2022). There is a significant link between responsibility

and transparency in the workplace. In other words, launching a new hedge fund and not charging

his loyal investors any brokerage costs is an example of accountability in action.

"Communication" refers to the process of exchanging information between parties. A leader

must clearly and precisely articulate their vision for the team. To ensure that everyone on the

team is on the same page about the company's vision and goals, a leader must speak with

authority and precision.

According to contemporary events, it's no longer true that leaders are born, not made. A

leader is someone who can influence others in some way. However, not all leaders have this

capability. All of the traits above are required to be both a leader and a follower. While a

manager assumes the responsibilities of a manager, a boss absolves himself of any responsibility

(Rahman & Al-Emad, 2018). On the other hand, a leader accepts and completes these duties with

the assistance of their team, so success and authentic leadership are synonymous phrases.


Frémeaux, S., & Pavageau, B. (2022). Meaningful leadership: how can Leaders

contribute to meaningful Work?. Journal of Management Inquiry, 31(1), 54-66.

Rahman, I. A., & Al-Emad, N. (2018). Significant leadership qualities for Saudi Arabia

construction leaders. In MATEC web of conferences (Vol. 203, p. 02003). EDP Sciences.

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