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Year of the

Event (last 5 Total worked man-hours Fatality1 LTIFR2 TRIFR3


Fatality1: Term that defines a death resulting from a work related injury, regardless of the time intervening between the in
Fatalities are included when calculating the number of Lost Time Injuries and LTI Frequency Rate.

Lost Time Injury (LTI): A LTI is any work-related injury which renders the injured person temporarily unable to perform any
the day on which the injury occurred (in this case “any day” includes rest day, weekend day, and holiday). The day of the A
Workdays. Lost Time Injuries includes: Fatalities, Permanent Total Disabilities, Permanent partial disabilities and Temporar

Lost Time Injury Frequency Rate (LTIFR2): N. LTI x 1,000,000 / Total Worked Man-hours.

Lost Work Days(LWD): The total number of calendar days in which the injured person was unable to work as a result of a L
The calculation of lost workdays starts from the second day when the accident occurred and includes the number of calen
work. In the case of a Fatality or Permanent Total Disability no Lost Workdays are recorded.

Medical Treatment Cases (MTC): Term to define any work-related injury (infected wounds, application of stitches, embedd
that involves neither Lost Workdays nor Restricted Workdays but which requires repeated treatment by, or under the spec
being in the province of a physician. Medical Treatment does not include First Aid even if this is provided by a physician or

Near Miss5: It is an hazardous Event which, under slightly different circumstances, could have caused an Accident affecting
Severity Rate (SR4): N. LWD x 1,000 / Total Worked Man-hours.
Total Recordable Incident (TRI): Term to define the sum of Lost Time Injuries, Work Restricted Cases and Medical Treatme
Total Recordable Incident Frequency Rate (TRIFR3): N. TRI x 1,000,000 / Total Worked Man-hours.

Work Restricted Cases (WRC): Any work-related injury other than a fatality or lost work day case which results in a person
the regular job on any day after the occupational injury.
Work performed might be:
• an assignment to a temporary job;
• part-time work at the regular job;
• working full-time in the regular job but not performing all the usual duties of the job.
An injury can be classified as WRC only upon written non objection statement of the injured person.
Where no meaningful restricted work is being performed, the incident should be recorded as a lost time injury (LTI).
SR4 Near Miss5

time intervening between the injury and the death.

y Rate.

mporarily unable to perform any regular Job or Restricted Work on any day/shift after
y, and holiday). The day of the Accident is not counted when calculating Lost
partial disabilities and Temporary Permanent Disabilities.

unable to work as a result of a Lost Time Injury.

nd includes the number of calendar days counted until the injured person is fit for

, application of stitches, embedded foreign bodies in the eyes, etc.)

treatment by, or under the specific order of a physician, or could be considered as
his is provided by a physician or registered professional personnel.

ave caused an Accident affecting even people, environment or assets.

cted Cases and Medical Treatment Cases.


ay case which results in a person being unfit for full performance of

d person.
as a lost time injury (LTI).

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