Green Buildings (GB) Mid-1 Ans

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B.Tech IV-I Semester (MR 18)

I Mid Examination Subjective Question Bank

Subject: 80148 - Green Buildings (Open Elective) Branch: CSE

Name of the faculty: Dr.M.Vivek Vardhan, Dr.K.Sargunan, Dr.Selin Ravikumar,
Dr.U.V.Venkata Ratnam

Q.No. Question
Taxonomy Level CO
1. Explain in detail about the concept of Green Buildings. Remembering 1
2. List in brief about the objectives of Green Buildings. Remembering 1
3. Explain about term High Performance in buildings. Understanding 1
4. Explain the various methods for building assessments. Understanding 1
5. Identify the different tools used for building assessment. Applying 1

6. Identify the advantages of Green Buildings. Applying 1

7. Analyze the different methods for building assessments. Analyzing 1

8. Analyze Green Globes. Analyzing 1

1. Explain the process of Green Buildings. Understanding 2
2. Explain few Key points for designing Green Buildings. pg 19 Understanding 2
3. Illustrate the design and construction relationships for Green Buildings. Understanding 2
4. Interpret the benefits of Green Buildings to society. Understanding 2
5. Identify some important quality check of Green Buildings. 2
6. Identify some of the salient features for healthy and safe environment in Green
Applying 2
7. List the precautions for selecting the site for Green Buildings. Analyzing 2

8. Examine the Landscape Strategies. Analyzing 2

1. Illustrate basic building energy system strategies. Understanding 3
2. Summarize IEQ. Understanding 3
3. Analyze the water cycle procedure in Green Buildings Analyzing 3
4. Compare few strategies for construction of Green Buildings. Analyzing 3

Signature of the faculty Signature of HoD



A building that reduces or eliminates negative impacts in its design, construction and operation, can
create positive impacts on climate and natural environment is a green building.

Green buildings preserve precious natural resources and improve our quality of life.

Green buildings refers to the structure that is environment friendly & resource-efficient throughout
the building’s lifecycle.

There are a number of features which can make a building ‘green’. These include:

✓ Efficient use of energy, water and other resources.

✓ Use of renewable energy, such as solar energy.
✓ Pollution and waste reduction measures, and the enabling of re-use and recycling.
✓ Good indoor environmental air quality.
✓ Use of materials that are non-toxic, ethical and sustainable.

Any building can be a green building, whether it’s a home, an office, a school, or any other type of
structure, provided it includes features listed above.

WorldGBC supports its member Green Building Councils in individual countries to pursue green
buildings that are best suited to their own markets.

4ans and 7ans:

The following are 5 main methods/tools for building assessments:

1.BREEAM: One of the most earliest and profound tool in UK. Building Research Establishment
Environment Assessment Method was developed in 1990. The main function of this assessment tool
is building specification & evaluation including design, construction and use.
Vast building experience of BREEAM has lead to new building assessment tool in Canada, Hong kong

2.LEED: Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design is the second oldest assessment tool(1998),
developed by United States green Building Council(USGBC). Today 135 countries implemented LEED.
3.CASBEE: Comprehensive Assessment System for Building Environment Efficiency is a rating tool
of Japan developed in 2001. It’s one of the rating tool gained reputable status such as BREEAM and
LEED. The rating tool is mainly focused on green building certification in Asia and japan.

4.GreenMark: It’s initiated in 2005 by Building and Construction Authority, Singapore. It’s the first tool
developed in South East Asian region that encouraged the emergence of their own rating tool, BCA
GreenMark for new non-residential Building.

5.Green Building Index(GBI): The new rating tool was developed by Malaysian Institute of
Architecture(MIA) and Association of Consulting Engineers Malaysia(ACEM).
GBI rating are of 2 types: building and township.

The main objective is to enhance and promote sustainable building environment as well as igniting
awareness and sustainability for future generation.


Advantages of Green Buildings are:

1. Low Maintenance and Operation Cost: Green buildings incorporate unique construction features

that ensure efficient use of resources such water and energy. Example: using task lighting strategy

and a lot of daylight, green buildings vastly reduce the amount of power used in lighting systems.

2. Energy Efficiency: Solar panels make use of energy from the sun, and design windows allows
much natural light and therefore, reduces the use of artificial light; these and other methods ensure

that the building uses energy in an efficient manner .

3. Enhances Indoor Environment Quality: Indoor environment quality depends on conditions inside a

building and how they affect the occupants of the building. These conditions include lighting,

ergonomics, thermal conditions and air quality. Good indoor environment quality is one protects the

health of the building’s occupants, reduces stress and improves their quality of life.

4. Water Efficiency: Green building allows for the use of alternative sources of water such as

rainwater, reducing water waste through the installation of plumbing fixtures.

5. Reduces Strain on Local Resources: As population increases, local shared resources such as

water and energy come under considerable pressure. Through the use of technologies and

processes that increase water and energy efficiency, green buildings can reduce this strain.


The following are the key points for designing green buildings:-

1.The orientation of the building: Orientation is the building’s positioning concerning the path of the
sun and wind patterns. It helps in optimizing the heating and cooling needs throughout the building .

2. Solar shading: Solar control and shading directly impact on the energy efficiency of the building.
The cooling load can be minimized to one-fourth of the building’s load.

3. Building material choices: Locally available materials that are non-toxic and sustainable should be
selected for the construction to reduce the environmental impact of transportation. Recycled
materials can also minimize waste products from the environment.

5. Window-wall ratio (WWR): The Window-wall ratio is the ratio of the window area to the exterior
wall area of the facade. It is an important value in determining the energy performance of the


Green Building is all about the complete building life cycle. It is also regarded as sustainable building
or environmental building.

The term “Green Building” is often used in combination with “high-performance building”,
“sustainable design” and “preserving precious resources”.

The benefits of Green Buildings to society are:

1. Improves quality of life.

2. Improved public and occupant health.

3.Improves indoor air quality.

4. Reduces environmental impacts.

Example: reducing storm water runoff and the heating effect.

5. Minimises strain on local infrastructure.


The salient features for healthy and safe environment in Green Buildings are:

1. Sustainable Development: Present Site Condition.

2. Water Efficiency: Water Efficient Landscape.

3. Energy Efficiency: Passive Cooling System.

4. Materials & Resources: Storage & Collection of Recyclables.

5. Indoor Environmental Quality: Minimum Indoor Air Quality Performance.

Landscape design in green buildings must be well conceived as a multi-function factor that provides
various critical green services for a building including water efficiency and energy efficiency.

A good landscape design provides shading for the outdoors which is one way of modifying
microclimate. It helps to modulate the air flows within the building.

Improperly designed landscape consumes large amount of potable water for its maintenance.

Some important parameters to be considered for landscape planning for green building construction

1. The landscape is placed to directly receive the runoff and captured water.
2. Landscape is placed and design such that it filters and clean stormwater.
3. Provide site rain gardens in parking areas.
4. Instead of constructing retention ponds, bio-retention ponds can be employed.
Care needs to be taken to avoid an undesirable increase in humidity levels, by excessive plantations.
Plant species for landscaping have to be chosen based on the microclimatic benefits they provide
and their water demand.


Indoor Environmental Quality:

IEQ refers to quality of building’s environment in relation to health and well-being of those who
occupy space in the building. It depends on many factors including lighting, air-quality and damp

IEQ is highly complex, can be achieved by:

1. Dampness and mold in building:

Dampness may occur due to leaking of pipes and damaged building material causes growth of fungi,
mold and bacteria. Wet insulation within a ceiling can prevent this problem.

2. Building ventilation:

It’s the circulation of air throughout the building. This can be achieved using “HVAC” system that
improves operation and maintenance.

3. Health hazard evaluation:

Materials such as dust, fibres, non-toxic dust and irritants cause asthma, bronchitis, lung and
respiratory diseases.

4. Chemicals and odours:

Excessive coatings, fuels, adhesives, varnishes and paints cause contamination.

5. Construction and Renovation:

Construction and Renovation can adversely affect building occupants by release of air borne
particulates and biological contaminants & gases. Careful planning for IEQ prevents exposure during
these activities.
The water cycle procedure in Green Buildings:

➢ Employ ultra-low flush toilets, low flow shower heads and other water-conserving fixtures.

➢ Use dual plumbing system that use recycled water for toilet flushing.

➢ Install recirculation system for centralized hot water distribution.

➢ Employ micro-irrigation techniques to supply water in non-turf areas.

➢ Employ rain-water harvesting tanks and pits.

➢ Encourage Green Roof technology.

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