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Chapter 140   Electrical and

Lightning Injuries
Timothy G. Price and Mary Ann Cooper

■  PERSPECTIVE Certain snowy conditions can also result in lightning and put
skiers at risk for lightning injury. The formation of sleet and
Electrical Injury graupel, a type of frozen precipitation sometimes referred to as
The first recorded death caused by electrical current from an snow pellets or soft hail, reflects large differences in electrical
artificial source was reported in 1879 when a carpenter in potential in the atmosphere. Winter sports enthusiasts should
Lyons, France, inadvertently contacted a 250-V alternating recognize graupel and appreciate the associated lightning
current (AC) generator.1 The first U.S. fatality occurred in 1881 risks.7
when an inebriated man passed out on a similar generator in
front of a crowd in Buffalo, New York.
In the United States, electrical burns account for 4 to 6.5% ■  PRINCIPLES OF DISEASE
of all admissions to burn units and approximately 1000 fatali- Physics of Injury
ties per year.2 Occupational electrical incidents are uncommon
but account for nearly 6% of all occupational fatalities annu- The exact pathophysiology of electrical injury is not well
ally.3 Children have a predisposition to injuries from low- understood because of the numerous variables that cannot be
voltage sources, such as electric cords, because of their limited measured or controlled when an electrical current passes
mobility within a relatively confined environment. During through tissue. With high voltage, most of the injury seems to
adolescence, a more active exploration of the environment be thermal, and histologic studies reveal coagulation necrosis
leads to more severe high-voltage injuries or death. At the time consistent with thermal injury.8,9 The theory of electroporation
of presentation, documentation of injuries is important not is that electrical charges insufficient to produce thermal damage
only for the immediate resuscitation of the victim but also for cause protein configuration changes that threaten cell wall
medicolegal reasons. Many electrical injuries eventually integrity and cellular function.10
involve litigation for negligence, product liability, or worker The nature and severity of electrical burn injury are directly
compensation. proportional to the current strength, resistance, and duration
of current flow (Box 140-1). Current strength is expressed in
Lightning Injury amperes and is a measure of the amount of energy flowing
through an object. Current is determined by the voltage and
The incidence of injury and death from lightning is unknown resistance.11 Resistance is determined by the current’s pathway
since no agency requires the reporting of lightning injuries, through the body. The factors determining the severity of
and some victims do not seek treatment at the time of their burn injury are summarized in Box 140-2.
injury. The incidence of lightning-related deaths in the United
States has declined to an average of 62 people annually.4 Type of Circuit
Lightning is fatal in 1 of 10 lightning strike victims.5 In typical
years, lightning kills more people in the United States than One of the factors affecting the nature and severity of electri-
any other natural disaster except floods, and it is consistently cal injury is the type of circuit involved, either direct current
among the top four weather-related killers (Fig. 140-1). (DC) or AC. High-voltage DC contact tends to cause a single
Participants in sports and recreational activities are common muscle spasm, often throwing the victim from the source. This
victims; mountain activities, golf, ball field games, and water results in a shorter duration of exposure but increases the
activities account for the largest numbers of fatalities and inju- likelihood of traumatic blunt injury. Brief contact with a DC
ries.5 Outdoor workers, particularly on construction sites or on source can also result in disturbances in cardiac rhythm,
farms, are also vulnerable.4 Lightning incidents often involve depending on the phase of the cardiac cycle affected.
more than one victim when the current “splashes” to other AC exposure of the same voltage tends to be three times
individuals or as ground current spreads the electrical power more dangerous than DC. Continuous muscle contraction, or
throughout the area where a group is sheltered in a storm. The tetany, can occur when the muscle fibers are stimulated
largest number of victims reported from a single lightning between 40 and 110 times per second. The standard frequency
strike is 35 (28 people and 7 dogs). All of the victims were of electrical transmission in the United States is 60 Hz (cycles
sleeping in a large tent, and 4 children and 4 dogs were fatally per second), which is near the lowest frequency at which an
injured.6 incandescent light appears to be continuously lit.

−150 −120 −90 −60 −30 0 30 60 90 120 150


PART IV  ■  Enironment and Toxicology / Section One • Environment

Figure 140-1.  Global frequency and


Flashes km−2 yr−1

distribution of lightning as observed
from space by the Optical Transient
Detector. (From Christian HJ, et al:


Global frequency and distribution of

2 lightning as observed from space  
1 by the Optical Transient Detector.  


J Geophys Res 108[D1]:4005, 2003.)



−150 −120 −90 −60 −30 0 30 60 90 120 150

BOX 140-1 Electrothermal Heating Formulas BOX 140-3 Resistance of Body Tissues

P = I 2Rt Least
and Blood
I =V R Mucous membranes
where Muscle
P = thermal power (heat), in joules Intermediate
I = current, in amperes (A) Dry skin
R = resistance, in ohms (Ω)
t = time, in seconds Most
V = potential, in volts (V) Tendon

BOX 140-2 Factors Determining Electrical Injury

Type of circuit cal energy to thermal energy. Nerves, designed to carry electri-
Duration cal signals, and muscle and blood vessels, because of their high
Resistance of tissues electrolyte and water content, have a low resistance and are
Voltage good conductors. Bone, tendon, and fat, which all contain a
Amperage large amount of inert matrix, have a high resistance and
Pathway of current tend to heat and coagulate rather than transmit current. The
other tissues of the body are intermediate in resistance (Box
Skin is the primary resistor to the flow of current into the
The terms entry and exit are commonly used to describe body. Skin on the inside of the arm or back of the hand has a
electrical injury patterns. The terms source contact point and resistance of approximately 30,000 Ω/cm2. Hardened skin can
ground contact point are more appropriate, however, when refer- have 20 to 70 times greater resistance (Table 140-1).9 This
ring to AC injuries. The hand is the most common site of high resistance may result in a significant amount of energy
contact via a tool that is in contact with an AC electrical source. being expended at the skin surface as the current burns its way
Because the flexors of the hand and forearm are much stronger through deep callus, resulting in greater thermal injury to the
than the extensors, contraction of the flexors at the wrist, skin but less internal damage than would be expected if
elbow, and shoulder occurs, causing the hand grasping the the current is delivered undiminished to the deep tissues. As
current source to pull the source even closer to the body. Cur- the duration of contact increases, however, the skin begins to
rents greater than the “let-go threshold” (6–9 mA) can prevent blister and offer decreased resistance. A surge of current inter-
the victim from releasing the current source, which prolongs nally can cause extensive deep tissue destruction. Moisture
the duration of exposure to the electrical current. also lowers resistance. Sweating can decrease the skin’s resis-
tance to 2500 to 3000 Ω/cm2, and immersion in water causes a
Resistance further reduction to 1200 to 1500 Ω/cm2.

Resistance is the tendency of a material to resist the flow of Amperage

electrical current. It is specific for a given tissue, depending
on its moisture content, temperature, and other physical prop- Current, expressed in amperes, is a measure of the amount of
erties. The higher the resistance of a tissue to the flow of energy that flows through an object. As defined by Joule’s law,
current, the greater the potential for transformation of electri- the heat generated is proportional to the amperage squared.11
Table 140-1 Skin Resistance
Voltage is a measure of the difference in electrical potential

Chapter 140 / Electrical and Lightning Injuries

between two points and is determined by the electrical source.
Mucous membranes 100 Electrical injuries are conventionally divided into low or high
Vascular areas voltage, with 1000 V the most commonly used divider.13
  Volar arm, inner thigh 300–10,000 Although both can cause significant morbidity and mortality,
Wet skin high voltage results in greater current flow and has a greater
  Bathtub 1,200–1,500 potential for tissue destruction and amputations.
  Sweat 2,500 No fatalities are recorded from contact with the low
Other skin 10,000–40,000 voltages associated with long-distance communication lines
Sole of foot 100,000–200,000 (24 V) or telephone lines (65 V). Fatalities are reported,
Heavily calloused palm 1–2 million however, with exposure to 110-V household current, especially
in special environmental circumstances such as bathtub-related

The pathway of low, high, or lightning voltages determines
Table 140-2 at
Physical Effects of Different Amperage Levels
50 to 60 Hz the tissues at risk, the type of injury, and the degree of conver-
sion of electrical energy to heat. Current passing through the
PHYSICAL EFFECT CURRENT (MA) heart or thorax can cause dysrhythmias and direct myocardial
damage. Cerebral current can result in respiratory arrest, sei-
Tingling sensation 1–4 zures, and paralysis. Current with ocular proximity can cause
Let-go current cataracts.
  Children 4 Truncal current causes less damage than current that passes
  Women 7 through a single digit. As current density increases, its ten-
  Men 9 dency to flow through the less resistant tissues is overcome.
Freezing to circuit 10–20 Eventually it flows through tissues indiscriminately, as if the
Respiratory arrest from thoracic muscle tetany 20–50 body were a volume conductor, with the potential to destroy
Ventricular fibrillation 60–120 all tissues in the current’s path. Because the current is often
concentrated at the source and ground contact points, the
greatest degree of damage is often observed there. Neverthe-
less, extensive deep destruction of the tissues may exist
between these sites with high-voltage injuries, and the surface
Amperage depends on the source voltage and the resistance damage is often only “the tip of the iceberg.” Damage to the
of the conductor and normally must be estimated in human internal structures of the body may be noncontiguous, with
electric exposures. Although the voltage of the source is often areas of normal-appearing tissue adjacent to burned tissue and
known, the resistance varies according to the involved tissues. with damage to structures at sites distant from the apparent
In addition, as tissue changes occur secondary to the energy contact points.
of the current flow, resistance may change markedly, rendering The pathway between contact points is a major determinant
predictions of amperage difficult for any given electrical of the electrical field strength, which is the voltage per unit
injury. of length. For a given current, the shorter the distance
The physical effects vary with different amperages at 50 to between contact points, the greater the electrical field strength.
60 Hz, which is the AC frequency used in European countries Current from a 20,000-V power line passing from head to toe
and the United States (Table 140-2). A narrow range exists (approximately 2 m) results in an electrical field strength of
between the threshold of perception of current (0.2–0.4 mA) 10,000 V/m. Approximately the same electrical field strength
and let-go current (6–9 mA). The let-go current is the level is created when 120-V household current passes between two
above which muscular tetany prevents release of the current close contact points on the mouth of a child chewing on a
source. Thoracic tetany also can occur at levels just above this power cord (120 V/0.01 m). Although the electrical field
let-go current and result in respiratory arrest. Ventricular fibril- strengths are similar, there is a tremendous difference in the
lation occurs at an amperage of 60 to 120 mA. Dry skin in amount of at-risk tissue in the respective pathways.13,14
contact with a 120-V household source results in significantly Although lightning is governed by the same physical laws
lower current than the same voltage across skin submerged in as artificial electricity, the rapid rise and decay of the energy
water. This wet skin may result in current sufficient to cause complicates predictions of the extent of lightning injury more
electrocution with cardiac arrest with no surface burns. than artificial electrical injury. The most important difference
between lightning and high-voltage electrical injuries is the
Duration of Contact duration of exposure to the current.
Lightning is neither a direct current nor an alternating
The longer the duration of contact with high-voltage current, current but, rather, a unidirectional massive current impulse.
the greater the electrothermal heating and degree of tissue Lightning is classed as a current, rather than a voltage, phenom-
destruction. When carbonization of tissue occurs, the resis- enon. The cloud-to-ground lightning impulse results from the
tance to current flow increases. The physics differ with light- breakdown of a large electrical field between a cloud and the
ning. The extremely short duration and extraordinarily high ground that is measured in millions of volts. When connection
voltage and amperage of lightning result in a short flow of is made with the ground, this voltage difference between the
current internally, with little, if any, skin damage and almost cloud and ground disappears, and a large current flows impul-
immediate flashover of current around the body. sively for a short time.
Mathematical modeling of a lightning strike to the human muscle damage and is seen almost exclusively in high-voltage
body is substantiated on animal models.15 After lightning accidents with prolonged (seconds) contact and current
meets the body, current initially is transmitted internally, after flow.21
PART IV  ■  Enironment and Toxicology / Section One • Environment

which skin breaks down, and ultimately external “flashover” The histologic change in muscle injury that results from
occurs. A fast flashover appreciably diminishes the energy dis- direct contact with an electrical source is coagulation necrosis
sipation within the body and can result in survival.16 with shortening of the sarcomere.9,12 Muscle damage can be
Although lightning current may flow internally for an instant erratic, so areas of viable and nonviable muscle are often found
and short-circuit electrical systems, it seldom causes significant in the same muscle group. Periosteal muscle damage may
burns or tissue destruction. Burns and myoglobinuric renal occur even though overlying muscle appears to be normal.
failure are not a common injury pattern from lightning. Similar to the muscle damage, serious vascular damage usually
More common manifestations include cardiac and respiratory occurs only after a high-voltage accident.
arrest, vascular spasm, neurologic damage, and autonomic Vascular damage is greatest in the media; this can lead to
instability. delayed hemorrhage when the vessel eventually ruptures.12
Lightning tends to cause asystole rather than ventricular Intimal damage may result in either immediate or delayed
fibrillation. Although cardiac automaticity may reestablish a thrombosis and vascular occlusion as edema and clots form on
rhythm, the duration of the respiratory arrest may cause sec- the damaged intimal surface of the vessel over a period of days.
ondary deterioration of the rhythm to refractory ventricular The injury is usually most severe in the small muscle branches,
fibrillation and asystole.17 This secondary arrest occurs experi- where blood flow is slower.22 This damage to small muscle
mentally in sheep. Other injuries caused by blunt trauma or arteries, combined with mixed muscle viability that is not
ischemia from vascular spasms, such as myocardial infarction visible to gross inspection, creates the illusion of “progressive”
or spinal artery syndromes, also occur.18-20 tissue necrosis.
The absence of a pulse on initial examination may be a
result of immediate arterial thrombosis or transient vascular
Mechanisms of Injury spasm. Pulselessness resulting from vascular spasm should
Electrical Injury resolve within a few hours. If pulselessness persists after this
time, serious vascular injury is likely.
The primary electrical injury is the burn. Secondary blunt Damage to neural tissue also may occur via several mecha-
trauma results from falls or being thrown from the electrical nisms. An immediate decrease in neural conductivity occurs
source by an intense muscular contraction or the explosive with coagulation necrosis similar to that observed in muscle.
force that may occur with electric flashes from circuit box or In addition, it may suffer indirect damage as its vascular supply
transformer accidents. Electrical burns are classified into four or myelin sheath is injured or as progressive edema results in
different types (Box 140-4).21 a compartment syndrome. Evidence of neural damage may
Heating of tissues secondary to current causes electrother- develop immediately or be delayed hours to days. The skull
mal burns. Usually, these burns are a result of a low-voltage is a common contact point. Histologic studies of the brain
shock with a limited affected area. Severe electrothermal reveal focal petechial hemorrhages in the brainstem, cerebral
burns can occur, however, if a person grips a high-voltage edema, and widespread chromatolysis (the disintegration of
conductor. The prolonged flow of current can result in signifi- chromophil bodies of neurons).12
cant burns anywhere along the current path. Typically, the
skin lesions of electrothermal burns are well-demarcated, Lightning Injury
deep, partial-thickness to full-thickness burns.
The most destructive indirect injury occurs when a victim Lightning injury may occur by electrical mechanisms (Box
becomes part of an electrical arc. An electrical arc is a current 140-5) and by secondary blunt trauma.23 Lightning strikes near
spark formed between two objects of differing potential that the head may enter orifices such as the eyes, ears, and mouth
are not in contact with each other, usually a highly charged to flow internally, which may help explain the myriad reported
source and a ground. Because the temperature of an electrical eye and ear symptoms and signs.
arc is approximately 2500° C, it causes deep thermal burns at Injury from contact occurs when the person is touching an
the point where it contacts the skin.12 With electrical arcs, object that is part of the pathway of lightning current, such as
burns may be caused by the heat of the arc, electrothermal a tree or tent pole. Side flash or splash occurs as lightning
heating due to current flow, or flames that result from the igni- jumps from its primary strike object to a nearby person on its
tion of clothing. Instead of a discrete arc, current may jump way to the ground.18,24,25 Step voltage, a difference in electrical
the gap by splashing across the entire body. These splash potential between a person’s feet, may occur as lightning
burns may cover a large portion of the body but are generally current spreads radially through the ground. A person is a far
only partial thickness.21 better conductor of electricity than the earth. A person who
At the time of presentation, it is often difficult to determine has one foot closer than the other to the strike point has a
the mechanism of injury that caused an electrically injured potential difference between the feet so that the lightning
patient’s burns. Electrothermal heating is the main cause of current preferentially flows through the legs and body rather

BOX 140-4 Types of Electrical Burns BOX 140-5 Mechanisms of Lightning Injury
Direct contact Direct strike
Electrothermal heating Orifice entry
Indirect contact Contact
Arc Side flash, “splash”
Flame Ground current or step voltage
Flash Blunt trauma
than the ground. This ground current is a common killer of Cardiovascular System
large livestock such as cattle and horses because of the dis-
tance between their hind legs and forelegs. Electrical Injury

Chapter 140 / Electrical and Lightning Injuries

Victims of lightning injury may also be exposed to low- Cardiac arrest, either from asystole or from ventricular fibrilla-
current upward streamers or ball lightning. Cloud-to-ground tion, is common in electrical accidents. Other electrocardio-
lightning approaches the earth as charged downward leaders. graphic findings include sinus tachycardia, transient ST
As the leaders approach, the large electrical field induces a segment elevation, reversible Q-T segment prolongation,
buildup of ground charges that surge upward as upward stream- premature ventricular contractions, atrial fibrillation, and
ers. This upward surge can travel through objects, including bundle branch block. Acute myocardial infarction is relatively
people. If the upward streamer connects with a downward rare. Damage to skeletal muscles may produce an increase
leader, a completed lightning strike occurs. Not all upward in cardiac biomarkers leading to a spurious diagnosis of myo-
streamers connect. Individuals in the path of an upward cardial infarction.
streamer may be injured even in the absence of a completed
lightning strike. Ball lightning is a mobile, luminous, spheroi-
dal, floating or bouncing ball of plasma that lasts a few seconds Lightning Injury
before suddenly vanishing or exploding.26 These glowing orbs
have been observed traveling down power lines and the aisles In lightning injury, cardiac arrest may be caused by the
of aircraft. electrical shock or induced vascular spasm.30 Numerous dys-
Blunt injury from lightning can occur from two mechanisms. rhythmias occur in the absence of cardiac arrest.14 Nonspecific
First, the person may be thrown a considerable distance by the ST-T wave segment changes and prolongation of the Q-T
sudden, massive contraction caused by current passing through interval may occur, and serum levels of cardiac enzymes are
the body. Second, an explosive or implosive force occurs as often elevated.31,32 Hypertension is commonly present after
the lightning pathway is instantaneously superheated then lightning injury but usually resolves without treatment within
rapidly cooled after the passage of the lightning. The heating a few hours.
is seldom long enough to cause severe burns, but it does cause
rapid expansion of air followed by rapid implosion of the
cooled air as it rushes back into the void. Skin
Electrical Injury
Other than cardiac arrest, the most devastating injuries are
Patients with high-voltage injury commonly present with dev- burns, which are most severe at the source and ground contact
astating burns. Patients with lightning injury and low-voltage points. The most common sites of contact with the source
injury may have little evidence of injury or, alternatively, may include the hands and the skull. The most common areas of
be in cardiopulmonary arrest. After the initial resuscitation of ground contact are the heels. A patient may have multiple
lightning and low-voltage injuries, other conditions may be source and ground contact points. Burns in severe electrical
identified. These patients may have significant residual mor- accidents often appear as painless, depressed, yellow-gray,
bidity from pain syndromes or cerebral damage. punctate areas with central necrosis, or the areas may be mum-
mified.12 High-voltage current often flows internally and can
create massive muscle damage. If contact is brief, however,
Head and Neck minimal flow may have occurred, and the visible skin damage
Electrical Injury may represent nearly all of the damage. Prediction of the
amount of underlying tissue damage from the amount of cuta-
The head is a common point of contact for high-voltage neous involvement is not possible.
injuries, and the patient may exhibit burns and neurologic A peculiar type of burn associated with electrical injury is
damage. Cataracts develop in approximately 6% of patients the “kissing burn,” which occurs at the flexor creases (Fig.
with high-voltage injuries, especially whenever electrical 140-2).12 As the current causes flexion of the extremity, the
injury occurs in the vicinity of the head. Although cataracts skin of the flexor surfaces at the joints touches. Combined with
may be present initially or develop soon after the accident, the moist environment that often occurs at the flexor areas, the
they more typically appear months after the injury. Visual
acuity and funduscopic examination should be performed at
presentation. Hearing loss is much less common.27

Lightning Injury
Lightning strikes may cause skull fractures and cervical spine
injury from associated blunt trauma.18,19 Tympanic membrane
rupture is commonly found in lightning victims and may be
secondary to the shock wave, a direct burn, or a basilar skull
fracture.17 Although most patients recover without serious
sequelae, disruption of the ossicles and mastoid, otorrhea,
hemotympanum, perilymphatic fistulae, and permanent deaf-
ness may occur.28,29
Ocular injuries include corneal lesions, uveitis, iridocyclitis,
hyphema, vitreous hemorrhage, optic atrophy, retinal detach-
ment, and choroidoretinitis. As a result, dilated, unreactive
pupils are not a reliable indicator of death. As with electrical
injuries, cataracts may develop later in some patients.17 Figure 140-2.  Kissing burn. (Courtesy of Mary Ann Cooper, MD.)
electrical current may arc across the flexor crease, causing arc necessary.36 Massive release of myoglobin from the damaged
burns on both flexor surfaces and extensive underlying tissue muscle may lead to myoglobinuric renal failure.
damage. Joint areas may exhibit more severe injury than the muscle
PART IV  ■  Enironment and Toxicology / Section One • Environment

Electrical flash burns are usually superficial partial-thickness along the long bone portions of an extremity. Burn injury
burns, similar to other flash burns. Isolated thermal burns may becomes concentrated at joints because there is less cross-
also be seen when clothing ignites. The total body surface area sectional area of muscle to conduct the energy than at long
affected by burns in electrical injury averages 10 to 25%. bone portions. There is also a much lower proportion of muscle
Severe burns to the skull and occasionally to the dura may versus more poorly conductive tendons that cross a joint
occur. surface. In addition, as the energy is concentrated in these
The most common electrical injury seen in children younger areas, it may cause skin surface burns, particularly where skin
than 4 years is the mouth burn that occurs from sucking on a surfaces touch, such as the antecubital fossae.
household electrical extension cord. These burns usually rep- Vascular damage from the electrical energy may become
resent local arc burns, may involve the orbicularis oris muscle, evident at any time.22 Neurovascular checks should be reas-
and are especially worrisome when the commissure is involved sessed continually in all extremities. Because the arteries are
because of the likelihood of cosmetic deformity. A significant a high-flow system, heat may be dissipated and cause little
risk of delayed bleeding from the labial artery exists when the initial apparent damage but result in subsequent deterioration.
eschar separates. Damage to developing dentition can occur, In contrast, the veins are a low-flow system, allowing the heat
and referral to an oral surgeon familiar with electrical injuries energy to heat blood rapidly, with resulting thrombosis. Con-
is recommended.33 sequently, an extremity may initially appear edematous. With
severe injuries, the entire extremity may appear mummified
Lightning Injury when all tissue elements, including the arteries, experience
coagulation necrosis.
Deep burns occur in fewer than 5% of lightning injuries.17,34 Damage to the vessel wall at the time of injury may also
Patients may exhibit one or more of the following four types result in delayed thrombosis and hemorrhage, especially in the
of superficial burns or skin changes: linear, punctate, feather- small arteries to muscle.22 This ongoing vascular damage can
ing, or thermal burns.10,17,34 Linear burns tend to occur in areas cause a partial-thickness burn to progress into a full-thickness
where sweat or water accumulate, such as under the arms or burn as the vascular supply diminishes to the area. Progressive
down the chest. These are superficial burns that appear to be loss of muscle because of vascular ischemia downstream
caused by steam production from the flashover phenomenon. from damaged vessels may mandate repeated deep
Punctate burns appear as multiple, small cigarette-like burns, débridements.22
often with a heavier central concentration in a rosette-like
pattern. They range from a few millimeters to 1 cm in diame- Lightning Injury
ter and seldom require grafting. Feathering burns are not true
burns because there is no damage to the skin.34 Electron Lightning injury may cause transient vasospasm so severe
showers induced by the lightning create a fern pattern on the that the extremities appear cold, blue, mottled, and pulseless.
skin.34 These transient lesions are pathognomonic for lightning This condition usually resolves within a few hours and rarely
injury and require no therapy (Fig. 140-3).35 Thermal burns requires vascular imaging or surgical intervention.17
occur if the clothing is ignited or may be caused by metal that
the person is wearing or carrying during the flashover.21 Skeletal System
As with electrical injury, numerous types of fractures and dis-
Extremities locations are reported with lightning injury. Fractures of the
Electrical Injury long bones are possible secondary to the trauma associated
with electrical injury. Posterior and anterior shoulder disloca-
In high-voltage injuries, muscle necrosis can extend to sites tions caused by tetanic spasm of the rotator cuff muscles and
distant from the observed skin injury, and compartment syn- spinal fractures occur.
dromes occur as a result of vascular ischemia and muscle
edema. Decompression fasciotomy or amputation is often
Nervous System
Electrical Injury
In high-voltage injuries, loss of consciousness is usually tran-
sient, unless there is a significant concomitant head injury.
Prolonged coma with eventual recovery also occurs. Patients
may exhibit confusion, flat affect, and difficulty with short-
term memory and concentration. Electrical injury to the central
nervous system may cause a seizure, either as an isolated event
or as part of a new-onset seizure disorder. Other possible
causes of seizures, such as hypoxia and traumatic brain injury,
should be considered. Neurologic symptoms may improve, but
long-term disability is common. Lower extremity weakness is
commonly undiagnosed until ambulation is attempted.37
In high-voltage exposures, spinal cord injury may result
from fractures or ligamentous disruption of the cervical, tho-
racic, or lumbar spine.37,38 Neurologic damage in patients
without evidence of spinal injury can be immediate or delayed.
Figure 140-3.  Feathering burn. (Courtesy of Mary Ann Cooper, MD.) Patients with immediate damage have symptoms of weakness,
and paresthesias develop within hours of the insult. Lower people subdued with such devices should focus on wounds or
extremity findings are more common than upper extremity retained fragments caused by the probes, secondary injuries
findings. These patients have a good prognosis for partial or associated with the induced fall, and the patient’s organic or

Chapter 140 / Electrical and Lightning Injuries

complete recovery. Delayed neurologic damage may present psychiatric conditions that prompted the officers’ use of the
days to years after the insult. Clinical presentations include device.
ascending paralysis, or transverse myelitis.38 Motor findings
predominate. Sensory findings are also common and may be
patchy and not match motor levels of impairment. Although Complications
recovery is reported, the prognosis is usually poor.37 Electrical Injury

Lightning Injury Cardiac arrest generally occurs only at the initial presentation
or as a final event after a long and complicated hospital course.
On initial presentation, two thirds of seriously injured lightning Many of the complications are similar to those of thermal
patients have keraunoparalysis, which is a unique temporary burns and crush injuries, including myoglobinuria, infection,
paralysis secondary to lightning strike. It is characterized by and clostridial myositis. The incidence of acute myoglobinuric
lower and sometimes upper extremities that are blue, mottled, renal failure has decreased since the widespread adoption of
cold, and pulseless. These findings are secondary to vascular aggressive alkalinized fluid resuscitation. Fasciotomies or
spasm and sympathetic nervous system instability.39 Generally, carpal tunnel release may be necessary for treatment of a
this condition clears within a few hours, although some patients compartment syndrome.36 Tissue loss and major amputations
may be left with permanent paresis or paresthesias. are common with severe high-voltage injuries and result in the
Paraplegia, intracranial hemorrhages, seizures, and electro- need for extensive rehabilitation.
encephalographic changes occur after lightning injuries.31,32,39-42 Neurologic complications, such as loss of consciousness,
Loss of consciousness for varying periods is common, and peripheral nerve damage, and delayed spinal cord syndromes,
confusion and anterograde amnesia are almost universal find- may occur.37,38,44 Damage to the brain may result in a perma-
ings. Peripheral nerve damage is also common, and recovery nent seizure disorder. Long-term neuropsychiatric complica-
is usually poor.43,44 A lightning strike to the head can cause a tions include depression, anxiety, inability to continue in the
visual cortex defect that results in complex visual hallucina- same profession, aggressive behavior, and suicide. Stress
tions.45 A syndrome of delayed muscle atrophy caused by elec- ulcers are the most common gastrointestinal complication
trical injury of the nerves is described, even in the absence of after burn ileus. Abdominal injuries from ischemia, vascular
cutaneous burns.46 damage, burns, or associated blunt trauma may initially be
Other Viscera
Lightning Injury
Electrical Injury
Complications of lightning injury fall into three categories: (1)
Injury to the lungs may occur because of associated blunt those that could be reasonably predicted from the presenting
trauma but is rare from electrical current, perhaps because air signs, such as hearing loss from tympanic membrane rupture
is a poor conductor. Injury to visceral organs is also rare, but or paresthesias and paresis from neurologic damage; (2) long-
damage to the pancreas, liver, small intestine, large intestine, term neurologic deficits similar to deficits associated with
bladder, and gallbladder is reported.47 blunt head injury and chronic pain syndromes; and (3) iatro-
genic complications that are secondary to overaggressive
Lightning Injury management.
In the past, patients with lightning injuries were often
Pulmonary contusion and hemorrhage are seen with lightning treated similarly to patients with high-voltage electrical inju-
injury.19 Blunt abdominal injuries occur rarely. None of the ries. These injuries, however, are distinctly different. The
other intra-abdominal catastrophes commonly associated with treatment of lightning victims seldom requires massive fluid
high-voltage electrical injury, such as gallbladder necrosis or resuscitation, fasciotomies for compartment syndromes, man-
mesenteric thrombosis, are seen with lightning injury. nitol and furosemide diuretics, alkalinization of the urine,
amputations, or large repeated débridements.17,31
Other Low-Voltage Injuries
An accurate history is essential to ensure that an apparent low- ■  DIFFERENTIAL CONSIDERATIONS
voltage injury was not caused by the discharge from a capacitor Electrical Injury
(as in the repair of a television, microwave oven, or computer
monitor) or other high-voltage source. Although burns from Electrical injuries are historically self-evident except in
low-voltage sources are usually less severe than burns from bathtub accidents, instances when no burns occur, or foul play.
high-voltage sources, patients still may complain of paresthe- The mechanism of burn injury is relevant; flash burns have a
sias for an extended period, experience cardiac dysrhythmias, much better prognosis than arc or conductive burns. Altera-
or have cataracts develop if the shock occurs close to the face tions in consciousness or seizures can be caused by the electri-
or head. cal injury or result from an associated traumatic brain injury.
As law enforcement use of electromechanical disruption
devices (Tasers) increases, more subjects exposed to the asso- Lightning Injury
ciated electrical current will be evaluated in emergency depart-
ments. These devices deliver brief pulses of electrical energy The differential diagnosis of lightning injury is more complex,
that incapacitate the target subject. Taser use was listed as a often because the incident is unobserved. It includes many of
contributory cause of death in 4 of 37 autopsy reports from the causes of unconsciousness, paralysis, or disorientation of
restraint-related deaths.48 The evaluation and treatment of unclear etiology. Evidence of a thunderstorm or a witness to
the lightning strike may not be available, particularly when
victims are alone when injured. The presence of typical burn BOX 140-6 Indications for Electrocardiogram Monitoring
patterns, such as feathering, may be helpful.
PART IV  ■  Enironment and Toxicology / Section One • Environment

Cardiac arrest
Documented loss of consciousness
Out-of-Hospital Dysrhythmia observed in out-of-hospital or emergency
department setting
Securing the Scene History of cardiac disease
Presence of significant risk factors for cardiac disease
When first reaching the scene, prehospital medical personnel Concomitant injury severe enough to warrant admission
should secure the area so that bystanders and rescuers do not Suspicion of conductive injury
sustain other injuries. For high-voltage incidents, the power Hypoxia
source must be turned off. Although many approaches to Chest pain
achieving this goal are recommended, the safest approach is
to involve the local power company in high-voltage accidents.
Accidents involving discrete electrical sources that are discon-
nected easily through a circuit box or switch are easier to duration of contact, or environmental factors is helpful. An
manage, although rescuers should still ensure that the power electrical injury should be treated similarly to a crush injury,
is off before approaching the victim. The use of electrical rather than a thermal burn, because of the large amount of
gloves by emergency medical service personnel is dangerous. tissue damage that is often present under normal-appearing
A microscopic hole in a glove can result in an explosive injury skin. As a result, none of the formulas for intravenous fluids
to the hand, as thousands of volts from the circuit concentrate based on percentage of burned body surface area are reliable.
there to enter the glove. Standard crystalloid resuscitation in anticipation of myoglobin-
Although a line may be on the ground and appear to be de- uria should be maintained. Cardiac monitoring is indicated for
energized, it may have substantial current flowing from it to severely injured patients and for patients who have the indica-
the ground, making the surrounding area dangerous. This tions listed in Box 140-6.50 All patients with high-voltage injury
ground current spreads out in a circle along and just below the and patients with low-voltage injury and cardiorespiratory
surface of the ground. De-energized lines may be re-energized complaints should have an electrocardiogram (ECG) and
by automatic circuit reclosers resulting in surges of current.49 cardiac biomarker determinations. Although electrocardio-
During lightning incidents, nonhospital medical personnel graphic changes and dysrhythmias are common with electrical
must be vigilant because lightning can strike the same place injuries, anesthesia and surgical procedures performed in the
twice. first 48 hours of care can be accomplished without cardiac
Triage Considerations Most lightning victims behave as though they have had
electroconvulsive therapy, with confusion and anterograde
Field evaluation of patients may involve triage of multiple amnesia for several days. If any altered mentation or neuro-
victims. Traditional rules of mass casualty triage do not apply logic deterioration occurs after an electrical injury, a computed
to lightning victims. Cardiorespiratory arrest is the major cause tomography scan is indicated to assess for intracranial
of death in lightning injuries.17 In the absence of cardiopulmo- hemorrhage.17,42
nary arrest, victims rarely die in the field. Triage of lightning Lightning victims who do not experience cardiopulmonary
victims should concentrate on victims who appear to be in arrest at the time of the strike generally do well with support-
cardiorespiratory arrest. When multiple victims are involved, ive therapy. Patients who have cardiopulmonary arrest may
the evaluation of victims who are breathing may be delayed have a poor prognosis, particularly if there is hypoxic brain
because they are likely to survive the incident. Although damage.50,52
intrinsic cardiac automaticity may ensue, the respiratory arrest
caused by central nervous system injury often prevails. If the
victim is adequately ventilated during the interval, perfusion Ancillary Tests
may be maintained. Electrical Injury

Initial Out-of-Hospital Resuscitation Patients sustaining an electrical injury should receive cardiac
monitoring in the emergency department and an ECG despite
Electrical injury victims may require a combination of cardiac the source voltage. The following laboratory tests may be con-
and trauma care because they often have blunt injuries and sidered in patients with evidence of conductive injury or sig-
burns and possible cardiac damage. Spinal immobilization is nificant surface burns: complete blood count, electrolyte levels,
indicated whenever associated spinal trauma is suspected. serum myoglobin, blood urea nitrogen, serum creatinine, and
Fractures and dislocations should be splinted, and burns urinalysis. Patients with severe electrical injury or suspected
should be covered with clean, dry dressings. All patients with intra-abdominal injury should also have pancreatic and hepatic
conductive injury should receive a bolus of 20 mL/kg of iso- enzymes measured and a coagulation profile obtained. If major
tonic fluid, and subsequent fluid management should be based débridements may be necessary, the emergency physician
on the patient’s vital signs and clinical status. may consider ordering a type and crossmatch. Arterial blood
gas analysis is indicated if the patient needs ventilatory inter-
vention or alkalinization therapy. Patients should be evaluated
Emergency Department for myoglobinuria, a common complication of high-voltage
Assessment electrical injury. If the urine is pigmented or the dipstick
examination of the urine is positive for blood, and no red blood
The history obtained from bystanders and the nonhospital cells are seen on microscopic analysis, the patient should be
medical personnel regarding the type of electrical source, assumed to have myoglobinuria.
Creatine kinase (CK) levels and isoenzyme analysis should splinted in 35- to 45-degree extension at the wrist, 80- to 90-
be performed. Peak CK levels predict muscle injury, risk of degree flexion at the metacarpophalangeal joints, and almost
amputation, and length of hospitalization; the clinical value of full extension at the proximal and distal interphalangeal

Chapter 140 / Electrical and Lightning Injuries

a single level in the acute setting is not established. Cardiac joints.
biomarkers should be interpreted with care when diagnosing
myocardial infarction in the setting of electrical injury. The ■  DISPOSITION
peak CK level is not indicative of myocardial damage in electri-
cal injury because of the large amount of injured skeletal Electrical Injuries
muscle cells, which can contain a 20 to 25% CK-MB fraction. Admission
CK-MB fractions, electrocardiographic changes, thallium
studies, angiography, and echocardiography correlate poorly in Indications for admission for electrocardiographic monitoring
acute myocardial infarction after electrical injury. Other cardiac are listed in Box 140-6. In general, when corporeal conduction
biomarkers (e.g., troponin) are not well studied in electrical is suspected, the patient should be admitted for 12 to 24 hours
injury but may prove useful in determining myocardial injury. of cardiac monitoring. Most patients with significant electrical
Radiographs of the spine should be obtained if spinal injury burns should be stabilized and transferred to a regional burn
is clinically suspected or when patients cannot be assessed center for burn care and extensive occupational and physical
adequately because of altered mentation or the presence of rehabilitation.
other painful injuries. Angiography is not routinely indicated
to plan débridements or amputations.22 Technetium pyro- Outpatient Management
phosphate scanning can be useful to detect areas of clinically
unsuspected myonecrosis.30,36 “Hot spots” may reflect 20 to Asymptomatic patients with a normal physical examination
80% viable muscle and should be followed clinically.36,53,54 CT after low-voltage exposure can be reassured and discharged
or magnetic resonance imaging may be useful in the evaluation without performing any ancillary tests.55 Patients with cutane-
of associated trauma and is essential for evaluation of possible ous burns or mild persistent symptoms can be discharged if
intracranial injuries. they have a normal ECG and no urinary heme pigment. Out-
patient referral is provided in the event that current symptoms
Lightning Injury persist or new symptoms (delayed cataracts, weakness, or par-
esthesias) develop.
In patients injured by lightning, an ECG should be obtained. Electrical injury during pregnancy from low-voltage sources
Serum biomarkers for cardiac injury are indicated in patients may result in fetal demise. A prospective cohort study of elec-
with chest pain, abnormal ECGs, or altered mentation. The tric shock in pregnancy suggested that electric shock usually
severity or nature of the injuries may require other laboratory does not pose a major fetal risk.56 Nevertheless, obstetric con-
studies. Radiographic studies, particularly cranial CT evalua- sultation is advisable for all pregnant patients reporting electri-
tion, may be indicated, depending on the patient’s level of cal injury, regardless of symptoms at the time of presentation.
consciousness at presentation and throughout the evaluation Placental abruption, the most common cause of fetal death
and treatment. after blunt trauma, may result from even minor trauma, such
as may be associated with electrical injuries. Patients in the
latter half of pregnancy should receive fetal monitoring if there
Specific Therapies has been even minor blunt trauma and be considered high-risk
Rhabdomyolysis patients for the remainder of their pregnancy.14 First-trimester
patients should be informed of the remote risk of spontaneous
Victims of electrical injury who have heme pigment in the abortion and, if no other indications for admission exist, may
urine usually have myoglobinuria. Alkalinization of the urine be discharged with instructions for threatened miscarriage and
increases the solubility of myoglobin in the urine, increasing close obstetric follow-up evaluation. The prognosis for fetal
the rate of clearance. Urine output should be maintained at survival after lightning strike is most dependent on the extent
1 to 1.5 mL/kg/hr until all traces of myoglobin have cleared of the mother’s injuries. Fetal demise occurs in 50% of cases
from the urine, while the blood is maintained at a pH of at least reported in the literature.57
7.45 using sodium bicarbonate. Furosemide or mannitol may Pediatric patients with oral burns may be safely discharged
be used to cause further diuresis. In contrast to high-voltage if close adult care is ensured. There is no evidence that an
injuries, rhabdomyolysis is rare with lightning injuries. isolated oral burn correlates with cardiac injury or myoglobin-
uria. In general, these patients require surgical and dental
Burn Wound Care consultation for oral splinting, eventual débridement, and,
occasionally, reconstructive surgery. After appropriate consul-
Cutaneous burns should be dressed with antibiotic dressings, tation, if hospitalization is not deemed necessary, the child’s
such as sulfadiazine silver. Electrical burns are especially parents should be warned about the possibility of delayed
prone to tetanus, and patients should receive tetanus toxoid hemorrhage and receive instructions to apply direct pressure
and tetanus immune globulin on the basis of their immuniza- by pinching the bleeding site and to return immediately to the
tion history. Prophylactic administration of high-dose penicil- emergency department.
lin to prevent clostridial myonecrosis is controversial.
Lightning Injuries
Extremity Injuries
Many of the signs of lightning injuries, such as lower extremity
Management of electrical injuries of the extremities entails paralysis and mottling, confusion, and amnesia, resolve with
surgical management, including early fasciotomy, carpal tunnel time. After spinal cord and intracranial processes are excluded,
release, or amputation of an obviously nonviable extremity. observation is the mainstay of treatment.
Extremities should be splinted in a functional position to mini- Consultation with other specialists may be indicated for
mize edema and contracture formation. The hand should be otic and ophthalmic damage. More severely injured patients
require trauma surgeon and cardiologist consultations, although gested. After evaluation, if the ECG is normal, asymptomatic
with lightning injuries medical pathology predominates. If patients (including patients with feathering burns) may be
there is a history of a loss of consciousness or if the patient discharged home with referral for follow-up from an ophthal-
PART IV  ■  Enironment and Toxicology / Section One • Environment

exhibits confusion, hospital admission and observation are sug- mologist and other specialists as indicated.

■ High-voltage electrical injury causes significant tissue pulseless, mottled skin, paralysis, and confusion) usually
and organ damage along the path between the entrance resolve with time. After spinal cord and intracranial
and exit wounds. As a result, victims are often more injuries are excluded, observation is the mainstay of
severely injured than they initially appear. Injury treatment.
assessment must be detailed, fluid requirements during ■ Patients with low-voltage electrical injury who have
resuscitation are much greater than one would calculate only minor cutaneous burns or persistent minor
from the surface burns alone, and extensive tissue symptoms may be discharged safely if they have a
débridement is often necessary. normal ECG and no urinary heme pigment.
■ Victims of lightning injury may appear to have significant
injuries, but symptoms (extremities that are cold and

The references for this chapter can be found online by accessing the
accompanying Expert Consult website.

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