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Practical 2 4 Teresstrial

Botanical name : Senduduk

Scientific name : Melastoma malabathirum

Family : Melastomataceae

Description : The plant is branched, and has reddish

stems that are covered with bristly scales and minute hairs.
Its leaves are simple, elliptic lanceolate with a rounded
base, are up to 7 cm long, have three distinct main veins
running from base to apex. Its flowers are borne on short
terminal cymes 2 to 8 cm across. Its fruit is a berry, which
when ripe breaks irregularly to expose its soft, dark blue
pulp and orange seeds.

Botanical name : Hairy Croton

Scientific name : Croton hirtus

Family : Euphorbiaceae (Castor family)

Description : Hairy Croton is an erect annual herb to 1

m tall, with unpleasant smell. Leaves are star-shaped-hairy
on both sides, ovate-rhombic, 2-5-7.5 - 1-5 cm, with
toothed margins; leaf base glandular, with two stalked
glands at leaf-stalk tip. Flowers are borne in racemes at
branch-ends, 1.5-4 cm long. Herbaceous category.

Botanical name : Astma Plant

Scientific name : Euphorbia hirta

Family : Euphorbiaceae

Description : This erect or prostrate annual herb can

grow up to 60 cm (24 in) long with a solid, hairy stem that
produces an abundant white latex. The leaves are simple,
elliptical, hairy (on both upper and lower surfaces but
particularly on the veins on the lower leaf surface), with a
finely dentate margin. Leaves occur in opposite pairs on the
stem. The flowers are unisexual and found in axillary cymes
at each leaf node.
Botanical name : Chinese violet, coromande or creeping


Scientific name : Asystasia gangetica

Family : Acanthaceae.

Description : In some parts of Africa, the leaves are

eaten as a vegetable and used as an herbal remedy in
traditional African medicine.The leaves are used in many
parts of Nigeria as a traditional African medicine for the
management of asthma.It is also used as an ornamental
3 aquatic plant

Botanical name : Duckweeds ( free –Floating)

Scientific name : Lemnoideae sp

Family : Araceae

Description : One of the more important factors

influencing the distribution of wetland plants, and aquatic
plants in particular, is nutrient availability.Duckweeds tend
to be associated with fertile, even eutrophic conditions.
They can be spread by waterfowl and small mammals,
transported inadvertently on their feet and bodies,as well
as by moving water. In water bodies with constant currents
or overflow, the plants are carried down the water channels
and do not proliferate greatly.

Botanical name : Hydrilla

Scientific name : Hydrilla verticillata

Family : Hydrocharitaceae

Description : Submerged weeds plant. The stems grow

up to 1–2m long. The leaves are arranged in whorls of two
to eight around the stem, each leaf 5–20 mm long and 0.7–
2 mm broad, with serrations or small spines along the leaf
margins; the leaf midrib is often reddish when fresh

Botanical name : Papyrus, Papyrus sedge or Nile grass

Scientific name : Cyperus papyrus

Family : Cyperaceae

Description : This tall, robust, leafless aquatic plant can

grow 4 to 5 m (13 to 16 ft) high. It forms a grass-like clump
of triangular green stems that rise up from thick, woody
rhizomes. Each stem is topped by a dense cluster of thin,
bright green, thread-like rays around 10 to 30 cm (4 to 10
in) in length, resembling a feather duster when the plant is
young. Greenish-brown flower clusters eventually appear at
the ends of the rays, giving way to brown, nut-like fruits.
Botanical name : 3 Climbing Plant

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2 aerial plant

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