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 Cast iron as a technologically useful material has been used for a years.
 Ductile iron is defined as a high carbon containing, iron based alloy in which the
A Ph.D. Progress Presentation 2020-21 On graphite is present in compact, spherical shapes rather than in the shape
of flakes as of in gray cast iron.
Study on Graphitic Expansion/Contraction Behaviour by
 As ductile iron, sometimes referred to as nodular or spheroidal graphite cast
Advanced Thermal and Dimensional Analyses System in iron, constitutes a family of cast irons in which the graphite is present in a
Ductile Iron Castings nodular or spheroidal form.
 Over a period of time many investigators have examined mechanical
performance of ductile iron under a wide range of conditions, some other
researchers have attempted to explain its solidification behaviour and the many
Mr. D.B.Nigade variables which intervene in producing an acceptable product.

Research Scholar 2017-18 batch(PRN:2020086857)

Under the guidance of
Prof. Dr. V. D. Shinde

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Significance Problem Statement

 The process parameters plays vital role in determining the quality of cast iron
castings. • The main objective of the present work is to design and develop a device
and technique for thermal analysis and evaluate dimensional
 Contraction/expansion analysis illustrates the progression of
variation of cast iron casting during solidification.
solidification process.
 Typically ductile cast iron exhibits higher graphitic, initial expansion, • The effect of different processing parameters such as types of mould,
conducive for shrinkage formation in soft moulds. inoculation processing on output parameters like expansion or contraction
 Some experimental results shows that it is possible to eliminate the shrinkage behaviour of cast metal during solidification, mechanical properties will be
defects in ductile iron castings without using feeders. studied.

3 4


Literature Review
Sr. No. Authors Year Area of work Findings
Nodule count is maximum for
Hideo Influence of S on the Mg-
1 2002 material with S content with
Hypothesis Nakae treated SG iron
0.010 to 0.025 mass %
Nodule count in the material
Effect of rare earth metals on
2 J.O. Choi 2004 improved due to rare earth
This work will ultimately yield set of processing ductile iron castings
parameters which improves quality of casting with
better mechanical properties and helpful in optimal yield J.N.Harvey
Inoculation increases nodule
3 2007 Inoculation in cast iron count, imparts optimum
to produce the sound casting.

Through microstructure study

Sheikh Influence of lanthanum it is observed that nodule
4 2007 content on SG iron count increases with increase
in La
Graphite morphology depends
Graphite morphologies in cast
5 Haji M.M. 2014 on the S & O content in the
melt during solidification.

5 6

Literature Review Literature Review Contd.

Sr. No. Author Year Area of Work Findings
Sr. No. Author Year Area of Work Findings
Found out new
Development of ferrosilicon
(Ca,Ce,S,O)alloying concept Developed device to determine The precision of device obtained
6 SkalandT. 2000 alloys for nodularizing and 11 Yuichi 2012
provides formation of more the load on the casting. is ±93µm
nucleation sites
Furan sand molds are having
Shrinkage defects can be Effect of the sand mold type and
Fourlakidis Formation of shrinkage 12 Yuichi 2013 more influential effects on the
7 2011 eliminated by certain treating dimensions of the casting porosity in ductile iron casting residual stress and distortion
After solidification, the load on
Above certain volume Marumoto Measurement of the restraint the casting and the contraction
Relation between 13 2016
H.Fredriksso fraction of free graphite no force of the casting increased linearly
8 2005 expansion/contraction &
n solidification shrinkage with cooling.
Technique for evaluating
Ductile cast iron exhibits higher
Combined liquid Eutectic expansion of ductile 14 Stelian 2017 cooling curves and expansion or
D.M.Stefanes graphitic, initial expansion
9 2012 displacement and cooling iron is significantly higher contraction
curve analysis than that of grey iron.
An increase in the addition of
Higher carbon content in Abel Tadesse Volume change during
G.Alonso Kinetics of graphite 15 2016 inoculant results in more
10 2014 iron increases time for solidification expansion nuclei formation
graphite expansion

7 8


Research Gap
Novelty of Research
From the literature review following research gap is evolved:
• Very few researchers experimentally verified the expansion or contraction of the The novelty of research is as follows:
casting during solidification but unable to justify the effect of inoculants. 1) Study of effect of inoculants along with variation in
• There is need to study solidification behavior of ductile iron by thermal analysis due to processing parameters on solidification behaviour of cast
variation in processing parameters. iron castings.
• It is required to design and develop a device to measure the expansion or 2) Correlation between process parameters and dimensional
contraction behavior of cast metal during solidification in the mold. variations during solidification will be established.
• No any researcher correlated process parameters and dimensional variation of
casting during solidification, therefore this correlation must be established.

9 10

Iron Carbon Diagram

• To study the different type of inoculants and nodularisers
• To conduct the experimental trials with the use of suitable DOE technique

• To measure the values of output parameters

• To establish correlation between processing parameters and expansion &

contraction behavior

• To find out most influencing input parameter

• To validate the experimental results

11 12


Thermal Analysis Inoculation of Ductile Iron

Purpose of inoculation is as
• Thermal analysis used for prediction of potential risk of shrinkage
1. Improve mechanical properties
2. Optimum machinability
3. Improve nodule count
4. Prevention of formation of carbides
5. Increase ferrite content

Above objectives can be achieved by

• Control on graphite structure
Fig : Experimental Set Up for Thermal Analysis
• Reduction of casting section sensitivity

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Inoculation Methods Inoculation Methods Contd.

1. Ladle Inoculation 2. In stream inoculation 3. In the mold inoculation

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Industrially Available Inoculants

• Suppressed inoculants : 0.5 % Al, 0.1 % Ca, 0.6 to 1% Sr , 75% Si

• Alinoc inoculants : 3.5 to 4.5 % Al, 0.5 to 1.5 % Ca, 70% Si
• Reseed inoculants : 0.75 to 1.25 % Al, 0.75 to 1.5 % Ca, 1.5 to 2% Ce , 73% Si
Experimental Set Up Used In Various
• Ultraseed Ce inoculants : 0.75 to 1.25 % Al, 1.5 to 2 % Ce, 0.75 to 1.25 % Ca ,
1% S& O,73% Si
• Ultraseed Al inoculants : 3.5 to 4.5 % Al, 0.5 to 1.5 % Ca, < 1% O and S , 73%

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LVDT with Load Cell Displacemnt Measurement using LASER

• Authors have used

• Here LVDT is used for laser displacement
displacement gauge for
measurement in measurement of
addition to that device is displacement due to
equiped with load cell expansion or
to study effect of load contraction of metal
on casting during during solidification

Fig : Molten metal expansion/contraction measurement Fig : Molten metal expansion/contraction measurement
device using LVDT (Yuichi Motoyama et. al .) device using laser (Yuki Inou

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Two Mold System Multidirectional Displacement

• Developed two mold • Four LVDTs are used to

system which as measure multidirectional
shown in picture. displacement changes .
• Equipment can be used • These displacement
for simultaneous measurements are used to
contraction/ expansion describe different phase
analysis and thermal

Fig : Two Mold System (Stelian et. al.)

Fig : Multidirectional displacement measurement(Tadese

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Proposed Experimental Set Up Plan of Experiments

• Experimental set up preparation
• Proposed experimental set up for
the study is as shown in figure • Pilot experiments on thermal analysis by studying more literature
• Components required for the
setup are as follows:
1. Mold
• Combined thermal analysis and dimensional analysis experiments using
2. Quartz rod & tube –
Used for sensing the experimental setup
displacement of molten
metal due to expansion/
3. LVDT – For measuring the
displacement of quartz rod
4. Thermocouple – For
measuring the temperature
5. DAQ unit – For recording
the data from thermocouple
and LVDT

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Plan of Work
Tentative time to complete each objective is given in following table.
Date of registration: 12/10/2017 Date of Final Synopsis Submission: 23/05/2018

Tentative time
Aug 2021- Jan 2022- July 2022- Jan 2023- Apr 2023- July 2023- Oct 2023-
Objective Dec 2021 June 2022 Dec 2022 Mar 2023 June 2023 Sep 2023 Dec 2023

Study of
Thank You
of review

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