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Computer software, or just software is a general term used to describe a collection of computer

programs, procedures and documentation that perform some tasks on a computer system.

Computer programs (also software programs, or just programs) are instructions for a computer. A
computer requires programs to function. Moreover, a computer program does not run unless its
instructions are executed by a central processor; however, a program may communicate an algorithm to
people without running. Computer programs are usually executable programs or the source code from
which executable programs are derived (e.g., compiled).

Programmer is someone who writes computer software. The term computer programmer can refer to a
specialist in one area of computer programming or to a generalist who writes code for many kinds of
software. One who practices or professes a formal approach to programming may also be known as a
programmer analyst.

Computer programming (often shortened to programming or coding) is the process of writing, testing,
debugging/troubleshooting, and maintaining the source code of computer programs. The task of telling
the computer what to do through a series of instructions called a program. The art and science of
creating computer programs.

Programming logic is formulating solutions to computer programmer’s problem.

Algorithm is a finite of steps carrying out some process for solving logical or mathematical problem.

Pseudo code is written form code of an algorithm.

Advantages of Pseudo code

1. It eliminates the time spent with flowcharting to draw and arrange symbols while
attempting to determine the program logic.

Disadvantages of Pseudo code

1. Does not provide representation which many people find useful and easier.

Flowchart is a graphical representation of an Algorithm

Advantages of Flowchart

1. Since flowchart is language-independent, they can be learned and applied without

formal knowledge of a programming language.
2. It enforces users to give attention to significant matters over the less significant ones.
3. Being graphically portrayed, flowcharts provide an alternative to the usual narrative
description of a system or a program.
4. Flowcharts are easier to understand than a program written in a particular programming

Disadvantages of Flowchart

1. Flowcharts do not represent a programming language and are more of a person-to-

person than a person-to-computer means of communication. A computer cannot accept
a program described in flowcharting form.
2. Since thinking in graphic terms is not normal, flowcharts cannot be viewed as a natural
means of communication.
3. Certain details often require a long sequence of interconnected symbols which could
easily be described in just few lines of explanation.
4. It does not convey why a given set of operations is made. Flowcharts portray how.
5. Flowcharts do not highlight the important details since each step receives a much
attention in a flowchart as any other.

Flowchart symbols

1. Defines the starting and ending point of a



2. The preparation or initialization of memory

space for data processing.

Preparation or Initialization

3. The inputting of data for processing, and

the printing out of processed data.

Input/ Output

4. Manipulation of data(assignments and

Mathematical calculation).

5. Defines the logical sequence of the
program. It points to the next symbol to
Flow lines

6. Connects to the flowchart to avoid

spaghetti connection on the same page.

On-Page Connector

7. Connects the flowchart on different

page to avoid spaghetti connection.

Off-Page Connector

8. Process conditions using relational

operators. Used for trapping and
filtering data.


9. Specialized process symbol that

represents a named operation or
programmed step not explicitly
detailed in the flowchart.
Predefined Process Symbol

Programming Cycle - systemized steps or process how to create programs

Steps involve in Programming Cycle

1. Problem Definition
a) Specify program objectives
b) Specify output requirements
c) Specify input requirements
d) Specify processing requirements
e) Study feasibility of implementing program
f) Document the Analysis

2. Program Design
a) Determine program logic through top-down approach and modularization,
using hierarchy chart.
b) Design details using pseudo code and and/or using flowcharts, preferably
using control structures
c) Test design with structured walkthrough

3. Program Coding
a) Select the appropriate high-level programming language
b) Code the program in that language, following syntax carefully

4. Programming Testing and Debugging

a) Desk-check the program to discover errors
b) Run the program debug it

5. Program Documentation and Maintenance

a) Write the user documentation
b) Write operator documentation
c) Write programmer documentation
d) Maintain the program

Three Kinds of Programming Errors

In this lesson, you will learn about the different types of errors that can occur when
writing a program.
Even the most experienced programmers make mistakes, and knowing how to debug an
application and find those mistakes is an important part of programming. Before you learn
about the debugging process, however, it helps to know the types of bugs that you will need to
find and fix.
Programming errors fall into three categories: compilation errors, run-time errors, and logic
errors. The techniques for debugging each of these are covered in the next three lessons.
1. Compilation Errors
Compilation errors, also known as compiler errors, are errors that prevent your program
from running. When you press F5 to run a program, Visual Basic compiles your code into a
binary language that the computer understands. If the Visual Basic compiler comes across code
that it does not understand, it issues a compiler error.
Most compiler errors are caused by mistakes that you make when typing code. For
example, you might misspell a keyword, leave out some necessary punctuation, or try to use an
End If statement without first using an If statement.

2. Run Time Errors

Run-time errors are errors that occur while your program runs. These typically occur
when your program attempts an operation that is impossible to carry out.
An example of this is division by zero. Suppose you had the following statement:
Speed = Miles / Hours
If the variable Hours has a value of 0, the division operation fails and causes a run-time
error. The program must run in order for this error to be detected, and if Hours contains a
valid value, it will not occur at all.
3. Logic Errors
Logic errors are errors that prevent your program from doing what you intended it to
do. Your code may compile and run without error, but the result of an operation may
produce a result that you did not expect.
For example, you might have a variable named FirstName that is initially set to a blank
string. Later in your program, you might concatenate FirstName with another variable
named LastName to display a full name. If you forgot to assign a value to FirstName, only
the last name would be displayed, not the full name as you intended.

Programming language , an artificial language used to construct or create programs.

Syntax, the grammar of programming language

Generations of Programming Languages

1. 1GL (Machine Language)

 The basic language of computer representing data as 0’s and 1’s.

 Programs varied from computer to computer or they were machine

 Bits (Binary digits)

2. 2GL (Assembly/ Symbolic Language)

 A low level language that allows a programmer to use abbreviations or

easily remembered words instead of numbers.
 Assembler or Assembly Program, a program that translates the
assembly language program into machine language.

3. 3GL (High Level / Procedural Language)

 Allow users to write in familiar notation, rather than numbers or
abbreviated words. Examples COBOL, C, BASIC, and ADA.

a) Compiler (Execute Later Translator)

Is language translator software that converts the entire program of high
level language before the computer executes the program.
b) Interpreter (Execute Immediately Translator)
Is language translator software that converts each high level language
statement into machine language and executes immediately, statement
by statement.
c) Source Code
The program instructions of a high level language.
d) Source Program
A program written on High Level Language.
e) Object Code
The program instructions written on machine language after compiler
compiles the program.
f) Object Program
A program written on Machine Language.

4. 4GL (Very High/ Non Procedural Language/ Rapid Application Development (RAD))
 A Programming Language designed to mimic human language, the
designation is often used to specify languages use with relational

a) Report Generators is called Report Writer, is a program for end-users

that is used to produce a report.

b) Query Languages, is an easy-to-use language for retrieving data from a

database management system. The query may be expressed in the form
of a sentence or near English command. Structured Query

c) Application Generators is a programmer’s tool that generates

application program from descriptions of the problem rather than by
traditional programming.

5. 5GL (Natural Language)

 A language spoken or written by the humans, as opposed to a
Programming Language or a Machine Language.

 Is part of the field of study known as artificial language. Artificial

Intelligence(A.I) is a group related technologies that attempt to develop
machines to emulate human like qualities, such as learning, reasoning,
communicating, seeing, and hearing.

 Are designed to make the computer solve a given problem without the
programmer. This way, the programmer only needs to worry about
what problems need to be solved and what conditions need to be met,
without worrying about how to implement a routine or algorithm to
solve them.

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