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Subject Name and Code

Code: Construction materials (22204) Academic Year:

Ye 2020-202
Course Name
Name: CE
E2I Semester
emester:: Second

Natural Construction Materials.

SR. Roll No. Full name of Students Enrollment Seat No.

No. (sem-1) No. (Sem
1 08 SAGAR DILIP VISHE 2009350089




Pro. Sonali Dalal


ISO 9001:2008(ISO/IEC-27001:2013)
9001:2008(ISO/IEC 27001:2013)


Maharashtra State
Board of Technical Education

This is to certify that Mr. Piyush Deepak Shahane Roll No. 25 off First Semester of Diploma
in Civil Engineering at institute
nstitute Shivajirao S Jondhle Polytechnic Asangaon (Code:-0935
0935) has
completed the micro project satisfactorily in subject Construction materials (22204) for the
academic year 20 2020 to 2021 as prescribed in the curriculum.

Place: Asangoan Enrollment No:-

No 2009350093
Date / /2021 Exam. Seat No:-

Subject Teacher Head of the Department principal

Seal of
Sr. Title Page No.

1. Introduction 1

2. Stone 2

3. Timber 4

4. Asphalt 6
5. Tar 8

6. Lime 10

7. Soil 12

8. Aggregates 14
9. Conclusion 16

10. References 17
Natural Construction Materials

 Introduction:
Construction materials can be generally categorized into two sources, natural
and synthetic. Natural materials are those that are unprocessed or minimally
processed by industry, such as lumber or glass. Synthetic materials are made in
industrial settings after much human manipulations, such as plastics and
petroleum based paints. Both have their uses. Mud, stone, and fibrous plants are
the most basic materials, aside from tents made of flexible materials such as
cloth or skins. People all over the world have used these three materials together
to create homes to suit their local weather conditions. In general stone and/or
brush are used as basic structural components in these buildings, while mud is
used to fill in the space between, acting as a type of concrete and insulation. A
basic example is wattle and daub mostl
y used as permanent housing in tropical
countries or as summer structures by ancient northern peoples.

 Natural Construction Materials:

1) Stone
2) Timber
3) Asphalt
4) Tar
5) Lime
6) Soil
7) Aggregates
1) Stone

 Introduction

Stone masonry is a traditional form of construction that has been practiced for
centuries in regions where stone is locally available. Stone masonry has been used for
the construction of some of the most important monuments and structures around the
world. Buildings of this type range from cultural and historical landmarks, often built
by highly skilled stonemasons, to simple dwellings built by their owners in developing
countries where stone is an affordable and cost
effective building material for housing
construction. Ston
Stonee masonry buildings can be found in many earthquake prone regions
and countries including Mediterranean Europe, North Africa, the Middle East, and
Southeast Asia. The World Housing Encyclopedia currently contains 15 reports
describing stone masonry housing construction practices in Algeria, Greece, India,
Iran, Italy, Nepal, Pakistan, Palestinian Territories, Slovenia, and Switzerland.

Houses of this construction type are found in urban and rural areas around the world.
There are broad variations in construction materials and technology, shape, and the
number of stories. Houses in rural areas are generally smaller in size and have smaller
sized openings since they are typically used by a single family. Multi-family
residential buildings in urban areas are often of mixed use – with a commercial ground
floor and a residential area above. Houses in rural areas and suburbs of urban centers
are built as detached structures, while housing units in urban centers often share a
common wall.
 Properties of St

1) Strength: the strength of the stone must be able to resist the applying load or
overcoming load.
2) Durability: stone must stay in all in all climatic conditions and resist all the the
the natural destructive effects. It lasts for a long time.
3) Cost-effective:
ctive: if stones are locally available, it reduces the transportation cost.
Also, the dressing and polishing cost of stone should not be high.
4) Appearance: Thee appearance of stone must be aesthetic and could so that a
requirement of polish and interesting not needed. Which decreases the cost of
5) Hardness and toughness: it should be enough strong and hard to withstand all
the stresses applied due to seismic forces, wind loads, and a load of the
6) Self-weight
weight and specific gravity: the self-weight weight of stone should be less
enough two not increase any load in superstructure or dead load.
7) Property of absorption and porosity: stones should not be porous and not
allow rainwater or any type of acidic water to pass through it. It is impermeable
to any type of liquid. Also, the stone must not show any absorption
characteristics for liquid.

 Uses In Construction:

Many types of stones are available such as basalt, marble, limestone, sandstone,
quartzite, travertine, slate, gneiss, laterite, and granite which can be used as
construction materials. The stones used for building construction should be hard,
durable, tou
gh, and should be free from weathered soft patches of material, cracks,
and other defects that are responsible for the reduction of strength and durability.
Stones for construction purposes are obtained by quarrying from solid massive

Each type of stone lend itself to various construction applications based on its
properties. For instance, certain types like basalt and granite have superior
characteristic like high compressive strength and durability and hence employed in
major construction works. However,
However, there are stones that their characteristics (such
low compressive strength and presence of deleterious materials in their
constituents) makes them suitable for minor construction works for example
gneiss. So, stones are used as building material and
and also for decorative purposes.
2) Timber:

 Introduction

Timber is a type of wood which has been processed into beams and planks. It is
also known as ““lumber
lumber”” in US and Canada. Basically, timber or Lumber is a
wood or firewood of growing trees. Any wood capable of yielding a minimum
dimensional size can be termed as a timber or lumber. It is a stage in the process
of wood production. Timbers are used for the structural purpose. Those woods
which are adapted for building purposes are timbers. Fini
shed timber is supplied
in standard sizes for the industry. Timber is used for building houses and making
Timber is the most important element used for making furniture. It is
also exte
nsively used in the production of beams and planks. Lumber or timber, a
wood which is capable of yielding the minimum size of a dimension, is generally
produced from growing woods. It’s mainly used for building a structure or for
other reasons.Timber is quite
quite in demand as it finds its use for making building
material, furniture, and various other purposes.
 Properties of Stone:

1) Durability.
2) Strength.
3) Permeability.
4) Hardness.
5) Toughness.
6) Elasticity.
7) Workability.
8) Weight.

 Uses In Construction:
1. For heavy construction works like columns, trusses, piles.
2. For light construction works like doors, windows, flooring and roofing.
3. For other permanent works like for railway sleepers, fencing poles, electric
poles and gates.
4. For temporary works in construc
tion like scaffolding, centering, shoring and
strutting, packing of materials.
5. For decorative works like showcases and furnitures.
6. For body works of buses, lorries, trains and boats
7. For industrial uses like pulps (used in making papers), card boards,
boar ds, wall
8. For making sports goods and musical instruments.
3) Asphalt:

 Introduction
Asphalt,, also known as bitumen is a sticky, black, highly viscous liquid or semi-solid
form of petroleum
petroleum.. It may be found in natural deposits or may be a refined product,
and is classed as a pitch.. Before the 20th century, the term asphaltum was also
used. The word is derived from the A Ancient
ncient Greek ἄσφαλτος
σφαλτος ásphaltos.
ásphaltos. The largest
natural deposit of asphalt in the world, estimated to contain 10 million tons, is
the Pitch Lake located in La Brea in southwest Trinidad (Antilles
Antilles island located on the
northeastern coast of Venezuela),
Venezuela), within the Siparia Regional
Regional Corporation.
Asphalt is a mixture of aggregates, binder and filler, used for constructing
and maintaining roads, parking areas, railway tracks, ports, airport
runways, bicycle lanes, sidewalks and also play-
play and sport areas.
Aggregates used for asphalt mixtures could be crushed rock, sand, gravel or
slags. Nowadays, certain waste and byby-products,
products, such as construction and
demolition debris, are being used as aggregates, which increases the
sustainability of asphalt.
 Properties ooff Asphalts:

1) Stability.

2) Durability.

3) Flexibility.

4) Fatigue Resistance.

5) Skid Resistance.

6) Impermeability.

7) Workability.

 Uses In Construction:
sphalt is nearly everywhere you look in American communities. Asphalt is a
sticky, black, semi
solid form of petroleum used to bind aggregate together. A
versatile material, asphalt creates a smooth, durable surface for driveways,
walking paths, roads and parking lots.

Some other uses of asphalt may be less common but remain an important
element in construction and outdoor areas. In its
it fluid--like
like form, asphalt is used
to waterproof walls and surfaces, as well as in shingles for residential roofing. A
variety of industrial and recreational uses of asphalt make it an ideal choice for
many areas of construction.
4) Tar

 Introduction
Tar is a dark brown or black viscous liquid of hydrocarbons and free carbon,
obtained from a wide variety of organic materials through destructive
distillation.. Tar can be produced from coal, wood,
wood petroleum
petroleum,, or peat.
Mineral products resembling tar can be produced from fossil hydrocarbons
such as petroleum
petroleum. Coal tar is produced from coal as a byproduct
of coke production. Coal tar is derived from coal. It is a byproduct of the
production of coke, a solid fuel that contains mostly carbon, and coal gas. Coal
tar is used primarily for the production of refined chemicals and coal-tarcoal
products, such as creosote and coal
tar pitch. Certain preparations of coal tar
have long been used to treat various skin conditions, such as eczema, psoriasis,
and dandruff.
 Properties oof Tar:

1) Coal tar is black in color.

2) It’s a semi
semi-solid and semi-liquid
semi liquid in nature and is less permeable.
3) Its density is very thick and It has a peculiar smell.
4) Tar is insoluble in nature which means that it can’t dissolve in water.
5) It has a boiling point of two hundred to two hundred and fifty-degree
fifty degree
6) Its
ts a fuel resistant and has more temperature susceptible than asphalt

 Uses In Construction:

1) Coal tar is used as the medication to heal itching, scaling, and flaking due
skin conditions.
2) It is also used in making medicated shampoo to treat dandruff and to kill
3) Soaps are made from coal tar.
4) Various phenolic coal tars have the properties of a painkiller.
5) Coal tar is used to protect and beautify the underlying pavement.
6) Coal is also used to make parking lot seal – coat products.
7) Roads are made with the use of coal tar.
8) Coal tar is flammable in nature. Hence, it is used for heating.
9) Binders used in graphite industry to make green blocks have coal tar in
5) Lime

 Introduction
Lime is one of the basic building material used mainly as lime mortar in
construction. Properties of building lime, advantages, and uses in construction is
discussed. The broad category of lime is non-hydraulic
non hydraulic and hydraulic lime. The
hydraulic lime is called as quick lime, fat lime or white lime or as lump
lime. Hydraulic lime sets under water and non-hydraulic
non hydraulic lime do not set under
water. Quick Lime is a form of lime is manufactured by the burning of stone
that has calcium carbonate within it. The burning temperature varies, say 900
degree Celsius and above for several hours. This process is called as calcination.
The solid product that remain after the removal of carbon dioxide in the calcium
carbonate is called as the quicklime.
CaCO3 (Calcium carbonate)
carbon CaO (Calcium Oxide – Quick Lime) + CO2
 Properties oof Tar:

1) Cementing capability - This is obtained by their carbonation with carbon

dioxide. Lime is used as lime mortar for brick masonry construction.
2) Have a higher acid resistance - due to its alkaline nature
3) Gain Pozzolanic activity - this gives cementitious products
4) Sealing of micro cracks - This is done by the precipitation made by the
calcium carbonate when carbon dioxide passes through the lime mortar

 Uses In Construction:

1) Masonry Construction-
Construction For the construction of the monument, retaining
walls. Also, used in load bearing walls.
2) Structural Applications like canopies, arches, domes of different size and
3) Used for construction of wall structures like wells, fountains and water
4) Used for plastering purposes
purposes- For different types like decorative, plain
5) Used to make intricate patterns as well as geometrical profiles
6) Used for finishing works
6) Soil

 Introduction
Soil is the thin layer of material covering the earth’s surface and is formed from
the weathering of rocks. It is made up mainly of mineral particles, organic
materials, air, water and living organisms
all of which interact slowly yet

Most plants get their nutrients from the soil and they are the main source of
food for humans, animals and birds. Therefore, most living things
thin gs on land
depend on soil for their existence.

Soil is a valuable resource that needs to be carefully managed as it is easily

damaged, washed or blown away. If we understand soil and manage it properly,
we will avoid destroying one of the essential buildin
buildingg blocks of our
environment and our food security.
 Properties oof Soil:

1) Cohesion

2) Angle of internal friction

3) Capillarity

4) Permeability

5) Elasticity

6) Compressibility

 Uses In Construction:

1) Soil is an important part of the building process

2) Clay soil is used in making ceramics, or pottery.

3) Some beauty products are made with soil. Eg: Blush, foundation etc.

4) Used in wastewater treatment plants

5) Religious purposes, soil are used

6) For the purification of water, a kind of soil is used.

7) Aggregates

 Introduction
Construction aggregate
aggregate,, or simply aggregate,
aggregate, is a broad category of coarse-
coarse to
grained particulate material used in construction,
including sand, gravel
gravel, crushed stone
stone, slag,, recycled concrete and geosynthetic
aggregates. Aggregates are the most mined materials in the world. Aggregates
are a component of composite materials such as concrete and asphalt concrete;
the aggregate serves as reinforcement to add strength to the overall composite
material. Due to the relatively high hydraulic conductivity value as compared to
most soils, aggregates are widely used in drainage applications such as
undation and French drains,
drains, septic drain fields, retaining wall drains, and
roadside edge drains. Aggregates are also used as base material under
foundations, roads, and railroads.
railroads. In other words, aggregates are used as a stable
foundation or road/rail base with predictable, uniform properties (e.g. to help
prevent differential settling under the road or building), or as a low-cost
extender that binds with more expensive cement or asphalt to form concrete.
 Properties ooff Aggregate:

1) Grading

2) Durability

3) Particle shape and surface texture

4) Abrasion and skid resistance

5) Unit weights and voids

6) Absorption and surface moisture

 Uses In Construction:

1) Aggregates play an important role in the construction sector and can be

used for different projects.
2) Aggregates
ggregates are an important element in the making of concrete and offer
several benefits.
3) In roads and railway ballast the aggregates are used to resist the overall
(static as well as dynamic) load, to distribute the load properly to the
supporting ground and to drain the water off the surface.
4) Aggregates are used as the base, subbase, and/or surface of roads in
several forms
 Conclusion:

The natural construction materials are the most important in the building

construction.Soil, aggregates, stones ,lime, etc. are most important

materials iin
n the construction of any structure. Building any structure

using natural construction materials is good for envirnment as it does not

harms any component of the envirment in the surrounding.

 References:





Name of the project guide :

Miss. Sonali Dalal

Lecturer in Construction Material

Shivairao S. Jondhle Polytechnic – Asangoan.

Group Indvidual Total Sign

(06) (04) (10)

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