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Ayala and Vitali Campus

P.E. 11-01
Self-Learning Module 1

Course Director

This course on exercise for fitness enables the learner to set goals, monitor one’s participation in
aerobic and muscle-and bone strengthening activities and constantly evaluate how ell one has integrated
this into one’s personal lifestyle. It consists of an array of offerings which learners can choose from.

At the end of the course, the students should be able to:
1. Distinguish aerobic from muscle and bone strengthening activities
2 Explain how to optimize the energy systems for safe and improved performance;
3. Discuss health behaviors to health risk factors and Physical Activity (PA) performance;
4. Differentiate types of Eating;
5. Recognize the role of Physical Activities in managing stress;
6. Engage in at least 60 minutes of physical activities most days of the week.


Lesson 1: Exercise for Fitness
1.1. Physical Activity and Exercise
1.2 Importance of Active Lifestyle
1.3 Barriers to an Active Lifestyle

Lesson 2: Exercise Program Design

2.1 Principles of Exercise Training
2.2 FITT Principle
2.3 Parts of an Exercise Program

Lesson 3: Types of Fitness Activities

3.1 Aerobic Training
3.2 Resistance Training
3.3 Flexibility Training


A. LESSON OBJECTIVES: at the end of the lesson, the students are able to:
01. Define physical activity and exercise;
02. Discuss the different components of physical fitness; and
03. Evaluate the benefits of selected types of physical activities in the development of


1. Physical Activity and Exercise

2. Importance of an Active Lifestyle
3. Barriers to an Active Lifestyle


Participating in physical activity and exercise are important health maintenance strategies for
people of all ages. If being physically active is to become a part of a person’s lifestyle. It will be
important to make a positive emotional connection to the activities of choice. In other words, there needs
to be a feeling that physical activity is enjoyable and fun. Part of feeling that physical activity/exercise is
fun is achieved by simply making it a habit. This lesson focuses on the importance and benefits of
physical activity and exercise.


What is the recommended level or amount of physical activity to maintain good health?

The general idea of health promotion strategies is to encourage Filipinos to move more. It is
recommended that teenagers engage in Physical Activity for at least 60 minutes every day. In 2008, the
Food and Nutrition Research Institute (FNRI) reported that 86% of Filipino high School students in
Manila fail to achieve the recommended physical activity level. (Physical Education and Health, volume
1; REX books store, 2016)

Physical Activity involves any bodily movement caused by muscular contractions that result in
the expenditure of energy. It is usually classified according to its purpose such as occupational,
transport-related, household, and recreational. Many people believe that one should engage in sports and
exercise to be active, which is misconception. In fact, sports and exercise are just part of the activities
that can be classified under recreational physical activity. Walking, gardening, briskly pushing a baby
stroller, climbing the stairs, playing soccer, or dancing the night away are all good examples of being
active. For health benefits, physical activity should be moderate or vigorous intensity.

Moderate physical activities include:

 Walking briskly (about 3½ miles per hour)
 Bicycling (less than 10 miles per hour)
 General gardening (raking, trimming shrubs)
 Dancing
 Golf (walking and carrying clubs)
 Water aerobics
 Canoeing

 Tennis (doubles)

Vigorous physical activities include:

 Running/jogging (5 miles per hour)
 Walking very fast (4½ miles per hour)
 Bicycling (more than 10 miles per hour)
 Heavy yard work, such as chopping wood
 Swimming (freestyle laps)
 Aerobics
 Basketball (competitive)
 Tennis (singles)

You can choose moderate or vigorous intensity activities, or a mix of both each week. Activities
can be considered vigorous, moderate, or light in intensity. This depends on the extent to which they
make you breathe harder and your heart beat faster. Only moderate and vigorous intensity activities
count toward meeting your physical activity needs. With vigorous activities, you get similar health
benefits in half the time it takes you with moderate ones. You can replace some or all of your moderate
activity with vigorous activity. Although you are moving, light intensity activities do not increase your
heart rate, so you should not count these towards meeting the physical activity recommendations. These
activities include walking at a casual pace, such as while grocery shopping, and doing light household

Exercise- a planned program of Physical activities usually designed to improve physical fitness with the
purpose of increasing physical fitness level.

The Physical Activity Pyramid shows that performing more day-to-day activities such as walking
and using the stairs are the foundation in becoming physical activity. To use the pyramids as a guide is a
simple matter. The bottom of both pyramids is the day-to-day activities and should be done as often as
possible. These are considered light physical activities. Recreational and aerobic activities dominate the
second level. The recommendation is that one should do these activities three (3) to five (5) times a
week. The third level is leisure activities and exercises for strength and flexibility. These should be done
two (2) to three (3) times a week. The top tier should be done minimally at best.

What are the benefits of becoming active and being physically fit?

PHYSICAL FITNESS is a condition that allows the body to effectively cope with the demands
of daily activities and still has the energy to enjoy other active leisure activities. Exercise, which is

found on the second tier of both pyramids, is form of physical activity that is planned, structured and
repetitive bodily movements whose purpose is to improve, or maintain one or more of the components
of physical fitness. There are certain norms and standards that are supposed to tell us that we are fit. Or
that we have reached our goal. Each of these norms pertains to a component of physical fitness.
Moreover, what are those components that determine physical fitness? As mentioned earlier there are
five fitness components, or areas, that comprise physical fitness: Cardiovascular endurance, muscular
strength, muscular endurance, flexibility, and body composition. Let us define each one.


Aerobic Capacity- It is the ability of the heart, lungs, and blood vessels to supply oxygen and nutrients
to the working muscles efficiently in order to sustain prolonged rhythmical exercise.

Muscular Strength- It is the ability of the muscle to generate the greatest force.

Muscular Endurance- It is the ability of the muscle to resist fatigue when performing multiple
repetitions of a submaximal load.

Flexibility -It is the ability to move a joint without pain over its entire range of motion.

Body Composition-It refers to the total make-up of the body using the concept of two component
model: the lean body mass and the body fat.

Each of the components can affect our daily activities. For example, cardiovascular fitness is
needed when walking a certain distance, climbing stairs, doing yard work (a.k.a. gardening, for those of
us who have a garden), cleaning your room (or apartment or house, depending on where you live). In
addition, leisure and social activities, such as a weekend bike, or hike, or sports, or a night out dancing,
can become more enjoyable with good cardiorespiratory fitness. In addition, there is a reduced risk of
hypokinetic disease. Hypokinetic diseases are those diseases that stem from lack of physical activity.
Such diseases include hypertension, heart diseases, chronic low back pain, and obesity.

Muscular strength and endurance are usually termed together by the ACSM (American College
of Sports Medicine) as muscular fitness. Muscular fitness are basic components that are required in daily
activities such as sitting, walking, running, lifting and carrying various objects. In addition, some
amount of strength and endurance are required for housework and recreational activities. Several
benefits of these two components are the following: Improved performance of physical activities, injury
prevention, improved body composition, improved muscle and bone health during aging, improved body
composition, improved posture and reduced risk chronic low back pain, and an improved quality of life .

Flexibility is not the province of athletes alone. Even mere mortals such as us need flexibility on
our daily activities. Simple activities such scratching a part of our back, bending down to tie our shoes or
putting on a shirt require flexibility. Good flexibility makes daily activities such as lifting, turning, and
bending much easier. Benefits of adequate flexibility include good joint health, maintain optimal posture
and prevent excessive muscle strain such as chronic low back pain, relief of muscle cramps, improving
impaired mobility, and relaxation.

Body composition is the only non-performance measure among the fitness components. This is
affected by the diet and the amount of physical activity we do. According to most exercise physiologists,
the human body can be divided into fat-free mass and body fat. Fat-free mass is made up of all the
body’s non-fat tissue. This includes bone, water, muscles, connective tissues, organs and teeth.
However, a small percentage of fat is required by the body to function properly. This called essential fat.
In men, it makes up about 3% to 5% of total body weight. For the women, it is about 8% to 12%. The

other fat in the body is stored as fat cells or adipose tissue. It is located under the skin and around the
viscera (major organs)

 Physical Education and Health,volume 1 ; REX books store, 2016
 Foundations of Physical Education, Carmen Tabije Andin; Rex Book Store, 1994
 Physical Education hand book,WMSU.

Name: ______________________________________ Date: _____________
1. What is Physical Activity?
2. What are examples of Exercises?
3. Define Physical Fitness

4. What are the five (5) health related component of Physical fitness? Define each component.

 Improves bone, joint, and muscle strength:
 develops motor control and coordination
 Helps maintain a healthy body composition
 improves the psychological functioning of an individual
 Increases the efficiency of the lungs and the heart
 Increases muscle strength and endurance
 protects from musculoskeletal problems such as “low” back pain
 Possibly delays the aging process
 reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases such as coronary artery disease and stroke
 Promotes healthy cholesterol level
 Helps regulate blood pressure
 decreases risk of type 2 diabetes
 reduces the risk of breast and colon cancer
 improves the control over anxiety and depression; and
 builds self-esteem and social interaction

The health benefits of regular exercise have been confirmed by hundreds of researches in the
past 20 years. Notable health institutions such as DOH and WHO have strong advocacies toward the
promotion of an active lifestyle. Therefore, Experts agree that regular exercise helps prevent the
development of non-communicable diseases such as hypertension, Type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and
some forms of cancer.


1. AEROBIC EXERCISE- involves large muscles groups (e.g., thighs) that perform rhythmic and
continuous movement for a prolonged period of time in order to improve aerobic capacity.

Examples include swimming, biking, running and dancing.

2. RESISTANCE EXERCISE- require the muscle to contract against an external load (e.g.,
barbell) in order to improve muscular strength, muscular endurance, and bone strength.

3. STRETCHING EXERCISE- increases the elasticity of muscles and tendons surrounding the
joint in order to improve flexibility.

All these exercises are incorporated in the exercise program, which is detailed plan of the work
that the individual has to perform to achieve your fitness goals. Aside from the exercises, it also includes
the intensity or difficulty of the workload and the duration or volume of the exercise. The individual
should be meticulous with the plan and incorporate exercise that will help you correct your weaknesses
and achieve physical fitness. Also, it is important also to obtain information from reliable sources when
designing your training program. Your Fitness trainer and coaches will help you craft the details of the
plan and teach you how to perform the exercises correctly and increase the individuals understanding of
the changes resulting from the exercise training.

What changes or adaptation will occur as a result of aerobic exercise?

A regular exercise will stimulate changes in your various organs and tissues of the body but it is
more emphasized in your cardiovascular system. These changes help your body adapt to the increased
demands by allowing more oxygen from the blood, which translates to an increased maximum amount
of oxygen that your body can utilize (VO max). The adaptations that lead to an increase in VO max are
due to the changes that happen in your heart, ² blood vessels, blood and muscles. One of the biggest²
changes happens in your heart wherein it is able to eject more blood at every beat as a result of an
increase in the size of the left ventricle chamber. Moreover, the muscle that covers the left ventricle of
your heart becomes thicker due to aerobic training. Thicker muscle wall can generate more force at each
contraction, enabling it to expel more blood out of the chamber. Another important adaptation of your
cardiovascular system to aerobic exercise is an enhanced capillary network toward the working muscles.
The capillaries are the smallest blood vessels where exchange of gases take place. This adaptation
maximizes the ability of the cardiovascular system to deliver oxygen and nutrients in the entire body.

Is it normal for the muscles to increase in size as a result of resistance training?

The adaptation of your body to regular exercise is commonly found in the nervous and
musculoskeletal system. The neutral changes help in activating more your muscles during movement.
The musculoskeletal structures adapt to increase force production capacity and resist fatigue. These
adaptations happen at the cellular level after several months of regular training. The primary adaptation
from resistance training is an increase in the ability of the muscle to generate force of strength. This is
made possible by an increase in muscle fiber size or hypertrophy that commonly starts after two months
of resistance exercise. The increase in muscle fiber size occurs as more contractile elements and fuel
stores are deposited inside the muscle cell. Evidence shows a possibility of an increased number of
muscle fibers or hyperplasia as a result of resistance training.

How important is stretching exercise in improving performance?

Stretching exercises are important in improving range of motion around the joints. It helps us in
performing daily tasks with efficiency. The evident effects of stretching exercises are felt when an
athlete suffers an injury or when a person gets older. When the joint condition deteriorates as a result of
injury or aging, the muscles surrounding the joint lose elasticity, leading to stiffness. Joint stiffness
makes an ordinary movement such as raising the arm difficult and painful. Additionally, joint stiffness
increases the risk of re-injury during sports competition.

 Physical Education and Health,volume 1 ; REX books store, 2016
 Foundations of Physical Education, Carmen Tabije Andin; Rex Book Store, 1994
 Physical Education hand book,WMSU.

Name: ______________________________________ Date: _____________
1. What are the benefits of an active lifestyle?
2. What changes will occur as a result in aerobic exercises?
3. What is the importance of stretching exercises?

4. What are the classification of exercise? Define and give examples of each classification.

How do we solve the common barriers to adapting an active lifestyle?

The common barriers to change usually occur when a person is between the preparation and
action stages. Each individual has a unique set of circumstances and will probably have a unique set of
barriers. However, there are no hard and fast rules for each barrier and they should be dealt on a case-to-
case basis. The barriers in the Preparation stage are common to people who are adopting a healthy
behavior for the first time.


Prioritize activities and cut back some time from the non-essential
1. I do not have the time activities to be able to exercise

Make a physical activity diary and analyze which part of the day
you have more energy and schedule your work-out around the
2. I am always tired

Read journals and articles on the best practices as well as ask

3. I do not know how people who have been successful at adopting the healthy behavior.

There are numerous exercise regimens that are not expensive such
4. I do not have enough money as running and swimming.

Inform family and friends about the new behavior or join a activity
5. I do not feel support club that has the same interest.

Create a list of pros and cons of the positive behavior that will
serve as a reminder; focus on changing the behavior instead of the
6. I am not motivated
outcome and write a SMART goal

Identify what triggers the backslide and be conscious when it

7. I lack willpower happens; implement a reward system.

Avoid negative self-talk and replace them with encouraging words

8. I easily get discouraged

Many people who have not tried an active pursuit are anxious, have low self-esteem, do not
believe that they have the ability to change. It is important for them to realize that their barriers are
perceptions of the situation. The sooner he/she realizes that these perceptions are not gospel truths, the
quicker the individual can initiate the healthy behavior.

 Physical Education and Health,volume 1 ; REX books store, 2016
 Foundations of Physical Education, Carmen Tabije Andin; Rex Book Store, 1994
 Physical Education hand book,WMSU.

Name: ______________________________________ Date: _____________
Direction: The Following statements are common reason of people who do not regularly engage in
physical activity. Rank the statements according to how much you agree with them, with “1” being the
best statement that describes you, and “7” for the statement that does not hold true for you.

__________ Exercise is hard and tiring

__________ I would rather do something else than exercise
__________ I think I do not look good when I exercise
__________ I do not have the money to enroll in a fitness center or gym
__________ My parents do not encourage me to exercise
__________ I have a very busy schedule
__________ I do not know any sport or exercise.

What are your top 3 barriers? Write specific ways on how you can overcome these barriers.
1. __________________________________________________________________________________

2. _________________________________________________________________________________

3. _________________________________________________________________________________


A. LESSON OBJECTIVES: at the end of the lesson, the students are able to:
01. Discuss the different exercise program design;
02. Explain the principles of exercise training; and
03. Engage in at least 60 minutes of moderate to vigorous physical activities.


1. Principles of Exercise Training

2. FITT Principle
3. Parts of an Exercise Program


In this lesson, you will learn the exercise program design using the principles of training and
how to apply them to any fitness program. You will also gain a clear understanding of why
incorporating these principles into your exercise routine in necessary to improve fitness.

Are there guidelines to help me improve my fitness level safely and effectively?
Fitness standards are higher than health standards. People can get fit by becoming more active.
However you need to practice caution because doing MORE is not exactly doing it RIGHT. There are
safe and effective principles of exercise training that can help you improve and sustain your
improvements while avoiding injuries. The following principles are important in designing an exercise


1. Principle of Overload
The principle of Overload states that the body must work harder than what it is used to in order
for it to adapt. It implies that exercise is a controlled form of stress that will stimulates the body to
become stronger.
For example, in order for a muscle to get stronger, it must be overloaded or worked beyond the
usual load. At first the body will resist the new workload but it will eventually adapt over time. Another
example, if a football player's goal is to improve upper body strength, he would continue to increase
training weight loads in upper body exercises until his goal was achieved. It is important to perform
exercise on a regular basis to gain its benefits. A word of caution though exercise should not be
performed until exhaustion or until pain sets in to be considered effective,

2. Principle of Progression
The principle of Progression states that the body should experience a gradual increase in
workload. If the principle of overload asks “How Hard”? Then the principle of progression asks “How
soon”? The body will get injured if it experiences a workload that is too hard and too soon. The body
should be given an ample time to recover and get used to the new workload. The rate at which the body
adapts varies from individual to another. A reasonable time frame is to increase the load after two
weeks. However, it is recommended that you do not increase the workload by more than 10% from the
previous week.

For example, a cyclist named John comes to you, a personal trainer, with two fitness
goals: to improve his leg strength and to become a better climber on the hills when he is out on the road.
He says he has been doing the same workout - circuit training with light weights and high repetitions
('reps') - but his legs aren't getting stronger and his climbing hasn't improved. As John's fitness level
improves and his workouts become easier, he will need to make more adjustments to his leg routine. The
principle of progression says that he must progressively or gradually increase the workload for
improvement to continue. Now that John's legs have adapted to his new workout, he must use the
overload principle once again to progress to a new level of fitness. He might add more weight, increase
the number of reps, lengthen the amount of time he does the workout, or try more difficult exercises.

3. Principle of Specificity
The Principle of Specificity states that the body will adapt specifically to the workload it
experienced. It implies that improvements in fitness level will be limited to the activities that one is
performing. The application of this principle is not only on the movement or activity performed but to
the intensity at which it is performed.
For example, a person who trains for a marathon should not be expected to be able to lift
barbells. This principle highlights the importance of performing a variety of activities to improve overall
fitness. Another example, a runner should run to improve running performance. For a runner, exercises
like swimming or cycling may have mixed effects; they may help you by improving general
cardiovascular endurance and burning off fat, but it may also harm performance by increasing the size
and weight of muscles which aren’t crucial to running,

4. Principle of Individuality
The Principle of Individuality states that no two persons are the same and their rate of adaptation
to the same workload differs. This principles emphasizes the need to create an exercise program that is
individual-specific. All individuals have different performance goals, fitness attributes, lifestyle, and
nutritional preferences; they respond to exercise and its physical and social environments in their own
unique way. It is therefore essential that the exercise program cater to these individual needs and
For example, a group of athletes looking to gain strength could follow the same well-designed
program, yet after completing it, the individual training response could differ greatly among the athletes.
Some will gained strength, as advertised, some will gain a lot, some will gain a little, and some may be
unable to complete the program.

5. Principle of Reversibility
The Principle of Reversibility states that athletes lose the effects of training after they stop
working out; however, the detraining effects can be reversed when training is resumed. Another way of
stating the principle of disuse. If your energy systems are not utilized, they deteriorated. It indicates that
disuse or inactivity result in loss of benefits achieved in overloading. In order to maintain a desired level
of fitness, you need to continue to provide an exercise overload. Unfortunately, you cannot “bank”
fitness, neither can you “store” it. The principles states that if an individual stops to exercise, the body
gradually returns to its initial level of fitness.
First step in designing an effective exercise program

In the same manner that a doctor prescribes a medication, the key to a well-designed exercise
program is that it should cater to the individual’s needs and goals. The program should address the
weaknesses and needs of the individual. The results of the various fitness tests will give an idea of what
he/she needs.
It is common to set goals that adhere to the recommendations prescribed by health organizations
such as the DOH and the WHO. For example, the DOH recommends that moderate intensity aerobic

exercise should be performed for a minimum of 30 minutes every day. However, setting a performance
goal is a powerful motivator to keep the program. A performance goal is a concrete manifestation of
what an individual wants to achieve. It is important to design an exercise program that addresses a
performance goal for each fitness component.

The following are guidelines that can help in determining fitness goals:
1. Write short-term and long-term performance goals
A short term goal is something that can be achieved in 6-8 weeks while a long-term goal
is something that can be achieved in 6 months or more. A long-term goal is usually made of
several short-term goals that build on each other.

2. Set realistic goals

It is important that goals are attainable in the given period. You should review your
current fitness level and decide on modest gains. You can also ask your teacher or friend who
exercise for a possible goal. This will keep you from getting frustrated.

3. Write specific goals

Write a goal for each fitness component instead of writing a general one such as climbing
four flight of stairs without getting tired instead of improving fitness level. A specific goal helps
you focus on what has to be done.

4. Write a fitness contract

A fitness contract is a concrete commitment. It is a visual reminder of the goals you have
identified and it strengthens your resolve to keep your exercise program. It makes you
accountable for the consequences of your actions. You can also use the SMARTER objectives in
setting your fitness goals

For person who are inactive and unsure, what should be the first thing to do before engaging in an
exercise program?
It is always best to start any undertaking with a plan. The idea is similar to what you do before
the actual building of a house. For example, an architect would design a house based on the conditions
of the building site as well as the needs of the people who will live in it. The assessment process helps
an architect design a plan that is specific to the site conditions. Meaning, the assessment process in
exercise program design can provide relevant information on the health risks, physical limitations, and
muscle weaknesses of an individual. The pre-participation screening is essential to rule out the presence
of medical conditions wherein strenuous activities and certain types of exercises are contraindicated.

How do I evaluate fitness level?
An exercise program is easy to design if one knows where to begin. It is important that person
gets baseline information on his/her current fitness level so he/she can orient himself on how far he/she
is from he/she goal. There are several basic tests that can be performed to evaluate health related-fitness
level. Make sure to seek medical clearance and follow safety precautions like doing warm-up and
wearing proper attire before performing these tests.
 A popular test to assess cardiovascular endurance.
 It is easy to administer because it requires minimal equipment and supervision. All that is needed
is a running track and stopwatch.
 The goal is to finish the distance with the fastest time possible.
 Make sure to do warm-up exercises and stretching before the actual test to avoid injuries.


 This test assesses muscular fitness of the muscles in the upper torso.
 The goal of the student is to perform the most number of correct repetitions in one minute.
 Stop the test when the student cannot maintain the correct form or if the student rests for more
than 3 seconds.

 Aims to assess the muscular fitness of the muscles in the abdominal area.
 The goal of the student is to perform the most number of correct repetitions in one minute.
 Stop the test when the student cannot maintain the correct form or if the student rests for more
than 3 seconds.


 This test evaluates the flexibility of the hip and the hamstring area.
 The goal of the student is to reach forward by bending the trunk.
 The final score is the reach farthest reach of the three trials.


 A widely accepted tool to evaluate body composition.
 The scores reflects how heavy the person is, relative to his/her height.
 Two measurements need to be taken to compute the BMI: height and weight.

 It is an important tool to assess the relative amount of fat in the abdominal region.
 The tape measure is positioned around the abdominal region, level with the navel.

MALE <10:30 min >30 >45 >45 cm <25 kg/m2 <102
<11:30 min >20 >35 >50 cm <25 kg/m2 <88 cm
The table 2.3 shows the optimal scores for the adolescents in various fitness tests:

What Factors should be considered when designing a personal fitness program?

Exercise is an activity that will stimulate your body to adapt and become stronger. The stimulus
has to be appropriate to derive the health benefits. If your stimulus is to light, your body will not adapt,
and if it is too hard, it may cause some injuries. The exercise program should be designed to fit the
current health condition of the individual and It should be interesting.

 Physical Education and Health,volume 1 ; REX books store, 2016
 Foundations of Physical Education, Carmen Tabije Andin; Rex Book Store, 1994
 Physical Education hand book,WMSU.

Name: ______________________________________ Date: _____________
1. List down the Principles of Training. Explain each principle.
2. What are the guidelines that can help in determining fitness goals?
3. What should be the first thing to do before engaging in an exercise program?

These are the key factors in designing an exercise program that will address the current fitness
level, provide means to overload the body, and trigger positive adaptations. These variables can be
modified occasionally to consistently challenge the body to become stronger. It is important to
remember that increasing workload should be done one variable at a time to prevent chronic injuries or
overtraining. The proposed recommendations are conservative to reduce the likelihood of injury and
encourage adoption of an active lifestyle.

The frequency of an exercise program depends on the current fitness level and the type of
activity performed. Number of sessions in a is important to provide rest days to allow the body
to recover. Consequently, beginners should exercise less frequently as compared to athletes. As the
fitness level increases, the individual can increase the number of sessions gradually. Some individuals
train twice or thrice every day. However, one should refrain from designing his/her program this way
because it leads to burnout and possible injuries.

The intensity of an exercise, refers to the difficulty level of workout. It is important to set a
workload that is more challenging than what one is used to. This factor is affected by the current fitness
level and the time allotted to an exercise session. Each type of exercise has its own method of estimating
intensity. According to researchers, exercise intensity is the most important factor in improving fitness

The time or duration of an exercise session is influenced by the intensity and the type of activity
performed. An exercise that is performed at a high intensity cannot be sustained for a long period.
Furthermore, a stretching program usually takes a short period to complete as compared to a resistance
training program.

The type of activity is influenced by the fitness goal and the current fitness level. The program
should be designed so that the exercise is the best activity to specifically address the fitness goal. For
instance, an individual who wants to develop his/her endurance to swim 2 kilometers should choose
swimming as his/her main activity though there are different strategies to achieve this goal. There is no
single best exercise for a specific goal, but one can choose from various alternatives or activities that
will provide enjoyment to him/her. This is where the art and science of exercise prescription comes into

Why is movement screening important? How can it evaluate muscle weakness and imbalance?
Repetitive movements performed over time can alter the normal movement pattern of an
individual. It will result to movement inefficiently and muscle imbalance. A muscle imbalance occurs
when muscle pairs have different strength or if the muscles surrounding the joints are tight. A muscle
imbalance will eventually lead to chronic musculoskeletal injuries. Movement screening can be used to
evaluate the presence of muscle imbalance. The Following are examples of these movement patterns for
you to try.

 Is a multi-joint movement that has the ability to show neuromuscular
deficit in the core muscles and the lower extremity muscles.
 The test starts with the hands touching the back of the head and the feet,
shoulder –width apart. Squat as low as possible by bending the hips and

 Is another movement that evaluates movement stability and
neuromuscular deficit of the lower extremities
 It can also show if an individual has poor flexibility as well as balance
 The test starts by positioning the hands behind the head and the feet
together. Take a big step forward and slowly lower the body toward the
ground by bending the knees and hips.

 Is a common movement in many sports that involve throwing
 Throwing movements push the center of gravity of the body outside of
the normal region and forces the deep abdominal muscles to counteract
the displacement.
 The test begins by scoring the arms and placing the hand on the
opposite shoulder. Keep the elbows up and pointing straight ahead.
Take a big step forward and slowly lower the body toward the ground
by bending the knees and hips. Then the lead thigh is parallel to the
ground, twist the trunk toward the lead leg.

 Is a basic exercise that evaluates the strength of the arms and
abdominal muscles as well as the flexibility of the shoulder joint
 The test starts with the hands at a position wider than the shoulder.
The arms are straight and the weight is evenly balanced over the
hands and feet. While bending the elbows. Return to the preparatory
position after the elbows go beyond 90 degrees or when the chest
touches the ground.

 Physical Education and Health,volume 1 ; REX books store, 2016
 Foundations of Physical Education, Carmen Tabije Andin; Rex Book Store, 1994
 Physical Education hand book,WMSU.

Name: ______________________________________ Date: _____________
1. What is movement screening?
2. What is FITT principle?
3. What are some examples of movement patterns that can be done at home? Define each.


Why is it necessary to include a warm-up and a cool-down in an exercise routine?

An exercise workout has three components: warm-up, exercise load, cool down. The exercise
load is the programmed activity that would elicit beneficial adaptations performed regularly. The warm-
up is the essential prior to the actual workload as it prepares the body for more strenuous activity. It
increases blood flow to the working muscles without an abrupt increase in lactic acid accumulation.
Lastly, a good warm-up prepares the heart, muscles, and joint for the succeeding activity by increasing
the transmission rate of nerve impulses and decreasing joint stiffness.
Recovery starts at the cool down/ a well-planned cool down can quickly clear the by-products of
muscle contraction as well as replenish the energy and oxygen stores used during the workout. It is
important to allot time for this part of the training session. The cool down bridges the period between
workout and rest. The transition is important to deter the pooling of blood in the lower extremities. An
abrupt stop from the workout may slow down the heart activity and abruptly decrease blood pressure,
which can cause dizziness. The drop in blood pressure is a result of less blood returning to the heart.
In addition, metabolic by products are removed from the muscles and directed to organs that are
responsible for clearing them. These processes, which are essential to proper recovery, rely on the heart
and muscle action. Without an adequate cool-down, these by-products stay in the sites were produced
and could irritate the tissues surrounding it. A good cool-down routine takes around 10 minutes. The
routine should include performing a multi-joint activity that is low in intensity for a period of 5 minutes.

FLEXIBILITY EXERCISES increases the range of motion by lengthening the muscle and
tendons surrounding the joint. There are different types of stretching exercises.
1. Dynamic Stretches- are flexibility exercises that emphasize on the active range of motion and
are performed without holding the joint for a period of time. Dynamic stretches are better
performed during warm-up because the movement keeps the muscles warm. Examples of
dynamic stretch are Inchworm and twisting lunge walk.

2. Static Stretches- are exercises that hold the joint in a stationary position for a period of time.
Static stretches will lower muscle temperature because the exercises are stationary.

 Physical Education and Health,volume 1 ; REX books store, 2016
 Foundations of Physical Education, Carmen Tabije Andin; Rex Book Store, 1994
 Physical Education hand book,WMSU.

Name: ______________________________________ Date: _____________
1. What are the three component of an exercise workout? Explain each.
2. What is Flexibility Exercises?
3. What is the difference between static and dynamic stretches?


A. LESSON OBJECTIVES: at the end of the lesson, the students are able to:
01. Discuss the different types of fitness activities;
02. Identify the benefits of each types of fitness; and
03. Perform different exercises in fitness


1. Aerobic Training Exercises

2. Strength/Resistance Training Exercises
3. Flexibility Training Exercises


The lack of physical activity causes many of today’s health problems. As such, health coaches
and fitness programs are more sought after than ever before. However, it’s essential to understand the
basics of fitness before becoming a health coach or paying for that next fitness program. In this lesson
will cover the fitness basics, starting with the three main types of training and their benefits.
Understanding these categorizations can help you make an informed decision when it comes to creating
a fitness routine.

Aerobic Exercise is a physical activity performed with moderate intensity, with a lot of repetitive
movements done within a long period of time. Aerobic activities use energy systems that need oxygen to
synthesize energy. A good aerobic session will include a five to ten minute warm-up activity that
elevates the heart rate to 50% to 60% maxHR, a dynamic stretching routine, the actual aerobic activity
for at least 20 minutes at 70% to 80% maxHR, and a cool-down routine of 50% to 60% maxHR. The
session should end with a cool-down through a static stretching routine.

Benefits of Aerobic Exercise

With a good aerobic exercise program, a student will have
1. An increased maximal oxygen consumption
2. An improved cardiovascular function;
3. An improved cardiorespiratory function;
4. An increase of blood supply to the muscles and an increase in the ability to use oxygen;
5. A lower heart rate and blood pressure with moderate exercise;
6. Lower levels of blood pressure (for people with high blood pressure);
7. An increase in the threshold for accumulated lactic acid;
8. An increase in HDL cholesterol (good cholesterol);
9. An improvement in glucose tolerance and a reduction of insulin resistance;
10. A decrease in blood triglycerides; and
11. A reduction of body fat.

The body will use both fat and carbohydrates as a source of energy every time. The energy demands
during the exercise is significantly higher than when the body is at rest, which means more
carbohydrates and fat will be used. However, there are situations wherein fat is the predominant source
of energy. More fat is utilized when there is less available carbohydrates from the working muscles.
Glucose is the preferred source of the brain and other vital organs. However, glucose can only be stored

in small amounts inside the muscle in the form of glycogen. When the glucose level in the blood is low,
the body will breakdown glycogen and deliver it to where it is needed. The body can also use fat to
spare the stored carbohydrates in the body.
When the exercise intensity is low to moderate, fat utilization is more predominant. One theory is
that there is a tendency to spare glucose because it is the preferred energy source of the brain. Experts
also believe that there is a limited capacity to produce energy from fat during high intensity exercise
because there is less blood flow to the fat tissues. Furthermore, carbohydrates become the main source
of energy during high intensity exercise because glucose is easier to breakdown than fat.

How are fats and carbohydrates converted to energy?

The body has to convert fat and carbohydrates to ATP. When the chemical bond in ATP molecule is
broken, it produces energy which is needed by the cell where it is stored. This energy is then used by the
muscle fibre to generate movement. The ATP molecule can be restored if extra energy is present. There
are several systems that the muscles can use to generate extra energy and restore the chemical bond.
The simplest and fastest way of producing energy is through the Phosphagen system. A molecule
called creatine phosphate (CP) has potential energy in its chemical bond. When the bond is broken,
energy is released and is used by the cell to synthesize ATP. This system is limited by the amount of
creatine phosphate that can be stored in the cell. Another way by which the cells produce ATP is by
breaking down glucose (carbohydrates) through the glycolytic system. This system can produce energy
rapidly but it cannot maximize energy production because most of the energy is temporarily stored in
molecules or carriers which the system cannot use. The Phosphagen System and Glycolytic System are
also called Anaerobic Systems because they do not require the presence of oxygen.


Aerobic Training (i.e. cardio and endurance training) improves cardiovascular health by training
the heart and lungs and ensuring that the every cell in the body gets enough oxygen. Cardio and
endurance training are any form of exercise that increases your heart rate and breathing. Having good
cardiovascular endurance means that your lungs, heart, and circulatory system are in tip-top shape. By
increasing your heart rate and making your lungs work, you’ll improve the health of these systems.

The more you use your heart and lungs, the stronger they become. Your heart is a muscle. Like
any other muscle in the body, it will adapt when you work it. Many professional endurance athletes will
have a larger-than-average heart and a lower resting heart rate. This indicates that the heart is
functioning efficiently, pumping out more blood per pump than the average person. However, we are in
no way suggesting that you need a heart the size of an endurance athlete’s heart. Harvard Health
suggests 150 minutes of moderate cardio endurance exercise per week or 75 minutes of vigorous activity
per week. This type of exercise doesn’t have to be intentional. Any moderately physically exerting task
counts, such as walking, running, swimming, biking, dancing, and even cleaning or gardening work.

Aerobic Training:

 Walking
 Running
 Swimming
 Biking
 Dancing
 Gardening

 Playing sports (tennis, basketball, badminton etc.)

In particular, cardiovascular exercise increases the efficiency of the mitochondria, which are the cellular
component responsible for energy creation.

Overall, the benefits of aerobic training include:

 Increased lung capacity

 A stronger heart
 Reduced risk of cardiovascular disease and diabetes
 Decreased risk of high blood pressure
 Possible decrease in chronic pain
 Possible improvements in sleep
 Increased immunity

Another popular form of cardio and endurance training is HIIT, High-Intensity Interval Training.
This type of training typically involves alternating between training at a high intensity for 30 seconds or
more and recovering for a minute or more. Experts claim that this type of training gives you better
results in less time. One study showed that it improved swimmers’ VO2 max and overall performance
with less training time. In other words, if you struggle to find time for exercise, HIIT might be the right
choice, especially if you want to gain all the benefits listed above.
How is the correct intensity monitored during aerobic exercise?

According to the Philippine National Guidelines on Physical Activity, adolescents should engage
in a total of 60 minutes of moderate to vigorous physical activities everyday. An exercise performed at
moderate to vigorous intensity will elevate the heart rate and breathing significantly. A higher heart rate
implies that the activity is more intense. One of the best ways to set the correct intensity of an exercise is
by computing the target heart rate (THR).



Desired Rage X Desire Range + RHR

Table 3.2 Methods of Computing the Target Heart Rate

The ideal duration and frequency when designing an aerobic exercise

The Physical Activity Pyramid for Filipinos recommends aerobic exercise between three to five
times every week for 30 to 45 minutes. However, this recommendation was made for adults, not for
adolescents. The Philippine National Guidelines on Physical Activity recommends a 40 minute
moderate-intensity structured activity plus a 20 minute vigorous high-impact play. This means that
Filipino adolescents should spend at least one hour of moderate to vigorous exercise or physical activity
every day. These recommendations serve as guidelines in designing an aerobic exercise program.

Aside from these recommendations, it is important to consider the current fitness level and the
intensity of the aerobic exercise to be performed. It is not wise for a beginner to spend one hour
everyday performing vigorous intensity aerobic exercise. A better option would be to engage in aerobic
exercise on alternate days to allow recovery and prevent overuse injuries. On the other hand, a trained

athlete can exercise for 5 to 6 rimes every week because his/her body can tolerate the workload without
getting injured. Aside from considering the fitness level and training experience, the intensity of the
activity should be taken into consideration.

What is the best aerobic exercise in increasing aerobic capacity?

There is no single aerobic exercise that can be considered the best because in depends on the
goals of an individual. The adaptation of the body to aerobic exercise is specific to the activity being
performed. If the goal of an individual is to be able to finish in a marathon race, the exercise in his/her
program should primarily focus on running. Aside from the adaptations that occur in the
cardiorespiratory system, the muscles involved in the activity also develop localized endurance which
will not happen if the individual chose a different form of exercise.

Personal preference is also another key factor when deciding what type of exercise should be
incorporated in the program. The activity should be enjoyable so it can be sustained for a long time. The
individual should also take into consideration the activities familiar with him/her, including the
availability and affordability of a favourable environment, facility, and equipment. An individual can
choose various types of training programs depending on his/her capacity and preference.

The best indicator for an enhanced aerobic capacity

The best indicator for an enhanced cardiorespiratory function is the maximal amount of oxygen
that the body can consume during exhaustive exercise-the VO2max. It shows how much oxygen is being
used and how effective the body is utilizing it. As the body adapts to the aerobic training program, the
muscles becomes better at extracting oxygen from the blood and using it to generate energy though the
aerobic system. The average VO2 max for female is around 35 mL/kg/min while the average for male is
around 45 mL/kg/min. on the other hand, endurance athlete exhibit high scores ranging from 60
mL/kg/min to 80 mL/kg/min.

The higher the VO2 max observed among endurance athlete is primarily due to the increased
ability of the heart to pump more blood in every beat. This adaptation is crucial to them because they get
more blood into the working muscles with less strain on the heart. As a result, the heart of an endurance
athlete does not have to beat as frequent as sedentary person because it can achieve the same work with
less action. The resting heart rate of endurance athlete are usually below 60 beats per minute while a
sedentary person would have a resting heart rate above 60 beats per minute. A lower resting heart can
also be an indicator of an enhanced cardiorespiratory function if a person does not have medical

How is workload increased in order to improve one’s aerobic capacity?

It is recommended that an individual with no background in exercise should start on low

intensity exercise and gradually increase the intensity after some time. The body starts to adapt several
days after the start of the training program. An individual would usually feel an improved aerobic
capacity after two weeks of regular training. An individual should start to think of increasing the
workload by either increasing the frequency, intensity, and duration of the exercise. Note that this
variables should not be increased at the same time.

The increase in the workload should not be more than 10% of the previous load. It is
recommended that an individual should focus on increasing the intensity. Research shows that VO2 mas
significantly improves when increasing the intensity of an exercise compared to increasing frequency or

duration. Keep in mind that when one variable os increased, the other two variables should be
maintained or slightly decreased. A gradual increase in workload every two weeks is recommended to
prevent burnout and injuries.

Is it safe for people with asthma and heart disease to engage in aerobic exercise?

There are people with certain medical conditions that require the presence of a physician or nurse
when performing certain exercise. Their condition limits the ability of the cardiorespiratory system to
oxygenate and circulate the blood throughout the body. As a result, people with asthma and heart disease
have a limited capacity to perform physical activities. Experts agree that despite these limitations, people
with these conditions should still engage in aerobic exercise. A well-designed exercise program can help
increase their functional capacity. It is important that precautionary measures should be performed prior
to implementing an aerobic exercise program.

 First, people with these condition should seek a medical clearance before starting an exercise
program. The physician can provide supervision as they performed an exercise or recommend
activities and medications suitable to these conditions.
 Second, they should also consult a clinical exercise physiologist to help them plan an exercise
program as well as modify the exercises according to what they can tolerate.

NOTE: A clinical physiologist is a specialized fitness trainer that understands how a certain condition
limits the functional capacity of a person and knows how to program the exercise to address the
limitations. The specialized fitness trainer can also teach how to properly do the exercise and supervise
the workout.

Is there a gender difference for aerobic capacity and muscular strength?

In general, men have higher absolute aerobic capacity and strength than women. Their higher
aerobic capacity is primarily attributed to a larger heart and higher blood volume. As for strength, men
have higher muscle mass than women. However, there is no difference in force output if individual
muscle fibres are compared. The greater muscle mass in men is due to the testosterone level which is 10
times higher compared to women. The difference in absolute strength is more obvious when upper body
strength is compared between men and women. Studies show that the difference in lower body strength
between males and females is negligible because the broad hip in women is capable of supporting more
muscle tissue.

Experts believe that women will greatly benefit form a resistance training program. The increase
in absolute strength is sometimes faster in women compared to men. It is recommended that females
perform resistance exercise that improve upper body strength and muscle balance in the trunk and lower
extremities. Furthermore, steroid use among women will continue to an increased muscle fiber size
known as hypertrophy and strength development but it poses adverse side effect.

How does anabolic steroids increase muscle mass?

Anabolic steroids mimic the action of testosterone in the body. Testosterone is a hormone that
interacts with other hormones and instructs the body to build tissues. The hormones enters the nucleus of
the cell and interacts with the DNA. The cells starts to synthesize proteins that promotes growth. Its
effect in the muscle tissue is hypertrophy. In addition,, testosterone has a masculinizing effect such as
decrease in fat stores, increase in facial hair, and a deeper voice.

 Physical Education and Health,volume 1 ; REX books store, 2016
 Foundations of Physical Education, Carmen Tabije Andin; Rex Book Store, 1994
 Physical Education hand book,WMSU.

Name: ______________________________________ Date: _____________
1. What is Aerobic Exercise?

2. What are the benefits of aerobic exercises?

3. What is the ideal duration and frequency when designing an aerobic exercise?
4. What is the best indicator for an enhanced aerobic capacity?



Resistance training uses resistance to activate the muscles and gain strength. It may come in the
form of dumbbells, kettle bells, bars, resistance bands, or even your body weight. Overall, strength
training forces the muscles to adapt. It’s all about challenging the muscles. When the muscles are placed
under resistance or force, they will adjust to withstand it. As we age, our muscle mass naturally
decreases. Strength training can help counteract these age-related changes.

Strength and weight training also:

 Creates strong bones

 Can help maintain a healthy weight via increased muscle mass
 Decreases chronic pain
 Improves your stability and balance, preventing falls and injury
 Reduces your risk of heart disease, obesity, depression, diabetes, back pain, and arthritis

Is resistance training safe for children and adolescents?

The musculoskeletal structures of children and adolescents are susceptible to injuries if the
workload is more than what their bodies can tolerate. As they mature, the growth plates of the bones
starts to calcify and fuse then completely hardens between ages 18 to 25. While the bone is still young,
these regions of the bone cannot tolerate large amounts of stress and can be fracture easily. Once the
plates are injured, it can stunt the growth of a child. It is important that the adolescent trains with in the
allowable limits in order to stimulate bone growth without causing injury. According to the experts.
Children and adolescents will benefit greatly from a well-designed and supervised resistance training
program. A well-designed program will provide stimulus for the development of musculoskeletal

The resistance training program for children and adolescent are as follows:

 It should be properly planned and taught.

 It is necessary that the fitness expert supervise the exercise session and ensure that the child
performs the correct technique.
 Aside from focusing on proper form, the child should avoid exercises wherein the load is lifted
above the head.
 The child should start with a light load and perform one to three sets of 10 to 15 repetitions per
 The intensity should be increase gradually at less than 10% of the previous load.
 The exercise sessions should be scheduled twice a week with rest days in between.
 The program should also include single joint and multi-joint exercises but not exclude Olympic
 A series of stabilization exercises for the lower back and shoulder should be included in the
 The exercise program for adolescents is similar with that of the adults.

Exercises for Beginners

A novice lifter should start with a low load while emphasizing on technique. Resistance training
puts an excessive load on the musculoskeletal structures which can lead to injury if not properly
performed. Some fitness trainers advocate the use of machines over free weights for novice lifters
because it is safer and easy to teach. The limitation of using machines is that movement usually occurs

in a single plane and does not imitate the normal human movement that occurs at different planes. On
the other hand, some trainers would emphasize on using free weights like dumbbells and barbells
because it emphasizes on learning the proper technique, balance, and coordination. Learning the
technique takes more time but the exercise is more functional compared to exercises performed using a

Type of resistance training program to increase muscle mass

Hypertrophy is dependent on several factors such as muscle fiber type, nutrition, hormone level,
and type of resistance program. The muscle is comprise of different types of muscle fibers and each type
has a different characteristics. Muscle fibers are commonly subdivided into fast twitch and slow twitch.
These fibers are significantly in their ability to generate force as well as resist fatigue. Slow twitch fibers
are usually smaller in diameter, have low power output, and enhanced capability to resist fatigue. On the
other hand, fast twitch fibers are bigger in diameter, generate high force output and have lower
resistance to fatigue fast twitch fibers increase in size as a result of resistance training while slow twitch
muscle fibers tend to remain the same. An individual’s ability to bulk up is dependent on which fiber
type is predominant in his/her body. The distribution and proportion of a fiber type is genetically

Are women going to bulk up if they lift weights?

The change of women bulking up is low because their average testosterone level is lower than
men. The lower concentration of testosterone reduces the capacity of the muscle cells to increase in
muscle size. Before puberty, the testosterone levels of males and females are almost similar. At the start
of puberty, the testosterone level of males increases tenfold while the level in females remains the same.
Women who artificially increase their testosterone level will spark the same masculinizing changes
observed in men and this includes muscle mass increase.

There is an increased risk for injuries when lifting weights because the stress can be too high
than what the individual can tolerate. Furthermore, accidents can happen when the individual is not
focused. It is important for an individual to get a medical clearance first before lifting weights especially
if he/she has been sedentary for a long time. Another way of reducing injury risk is by following the
training program and increasing the workload gradually.

 Physical Education and Health,volume 1 ; REX books store, 2016
 Foundations of Physical Education, Carmen Tabije Andin; Rex Book Store, 1994
 Physical Education hand book,WMSU.

Name: ______________________________________ Date: _____________
1. What is Resistance Training?

2. What are the benefits of resistance training?

3. What exercises should beginners start with and how heavy should they lift?


4. What type of resistance training program can help increase muscle mass?



Flexibility training refers to a movement that lengthens the muscles and improves joint mobility.
It involves stretching of the muscles. In turn, this enables the joints to move through their full range of
motion. This dramatically enhances body function throughout your daily life. For example, it could
make picking up an object from the ground easier by allowing your muscles to lengthen, without pain,
achieving the range of motion required to complete the movement. Most experts suggest stretching after
exercise or in a separate session, such as yoga. It’s often best to perform flexibility training when your
muscles are already warmed up.

The benefits of flexibility training include:

 Decreased back pain
 Increased balance and stability
 Reduced risk of injury.
 Contribute to improved athletic performance as well as smooth movement in your daily life.
Poor flexibility changes normal movement patterns and posture. Aside from increasing range of
motion, flexibility exercises corrects muscle imbalance and helps improve neuromuscular efficiency.
For example, a low back pain is commonly due to tight hamstrings and trunk muscle imbalance. A
stretching exercise program for the hamstring muscles and other muscles surrounding the hip joint will
improve flexibility around the joint and reduce the occurrence of low back pain.

Flexibility is the available range of motion for each joint. It varies from joint to joint and from
person to person. Flexibility can be classified as active which implies that the limb is moved through
muscle action or passive when the limb is moved by an external force.

What type of stretching exercise can be included in one’s comprehensive training program?

There are four types of flexibility training programs: static, dynamic, ballistic, and
Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation (PNF). Static stretching is a low and sustained muscle-tendon
lengthening exercise usually held at the end of ROM (range of motion) for 30 seconds. Dynamic
stretches lengthen the muscle tendon unit by slowly moving the limbs throughout the entire range of
motion but the position is not held or sustained. The exercise is performed repeatedly to improve the
range of motion. Ballistic stretching incorporates rapid movements to lengthen the muscle tendon unit.
The momentum lengthens the muscle beyond the normal range. The rapid increase in tension over the
stretched muscle might lead to muscle strains. PNF is usually an assisted stretching routine wherein the
muscle tendon unit is made to contract a resistance followed by passive lengthening similar to the static
stretch. This contraction and relaxation routine is repeated three times with each cycle for 20 to 30

Experts recommend that beginners should incorporate a static stretching program because it is
safer and easier. It is further recommended to do stretching exercise at least twice a week after the
resistance training session while the muscles are still warm. Also, stretching exercises should be
performed for all the major muscle groups and joints. As a general rule, each stretch should be held at
the point of mild discomfort for 30 seconds and performed in two sets for each exercise.

 Physical Education and Health,volume 1 ; REX books store, 2016
 Foundations of Physical Education, Carmen Tabije Andin; Rex Book Store, 1994
 Physical Education hand book,WMSU.
Name: ______________________________________ Date: _____________

1. What factors contribute to poor flexibility?
2. What is the best type of stretching for beginners?


3. What are the exercises that beginner should avoid?


City Government of Zamboanga
Ayala and Vitali Campus

Midterm Examination
P.E. and Health 1

Name: _________________________________ Date: ____________

Grade & Major: _________________________ Score: ___________

Directions: Read each question carefully, and then ENCIRCLE ONLY THE LETTER OF YOUR ANSWER.

1. These are repetitive movements that aim to improve one or more components of fitness.
a. Exercise b. agility c. flexibility d. BMI
2. Why might strength be an important health related component to help a young person lead a healthy lifestyle?
a. To give a good body image c. To be able to life and carry objects safely
b. To be able to protect yourself from physical peak d. To improve endurance
3. It is the ability of the muscle to resist fatigue when performing multiple repetitions of a submaximal load.
a. Aerobic Capacity b. Muscular Strength c. Muscular Endurance d. Flexibility
4. Which of the following best support in implementing healthy lifestyle?
a. Eating healthy food c. taking over dosage of supplements
b. Drink great amount of alcohol d. Exposed to drugs.
5. A popular test to assess cardiovascular endurance.
a. Push-up b. sit and reach c. curl-up d. one mile run
6. Is a multi-joint movement that has the ability to show neuromuscular deficit in the core muscles and the lower
extremity muscles.
a. Lunge b. squat c. trunk rotation d. push-up
7. Why flexibility is considered a component of a fit and healthy lifestyle?
a. To avoid straining muscles during physical activities c. To be able to life heavy weights
b. To impress others during warm up activities d. To help fight infections
8. It involves large muscles groups (e.g., thighs) that perform rhythmic and continuous movement for a prolonged
period of time in order to improve aerobic capacity.
a. Aerobic exercise b. stretching exercise c. Resistance exercise d. none of the above
9. A healthy, active lifestyle helps to improve and maintain mental health. Which one of the following is an
example of an improvement in mental health?
a. Better stamina to keep going c. More skills to carry out specific physical activities
b. You live longer c. More able to think positively
10. This test assesses muscular fitness of the muscles in the upper torso.
a. Curl-up b. jogging c. push-up d. sit and reach
11. Cooling down following physical activity is important. Which one of the following is a good reason for
performing a cool down?-
a. Improves speed of movement c. Raises the pulse rate
b. Rehydrates the body d. Prevents muscle soreness
12. During exercise, it is advisable to eat how many gram/s of carbohydrates every hour for a heavy exercise?
a. 10-20g b. 30-60g c, 20-40g d. 40-60g
13. It requires the muscle to contract against an external load (e.g., barbell) in order to improve muscular strength,
muscular endurance, and bone strength.
a. Lunge b. squat c. flexibility exercise d. resistance exercise
14. To maintain good health, you should eat healthy foods, drink plenty of water, exercise regularly, and
a. sleep less c. sleep only when you’re really tired
b. get plenty of rest d. drink plenty of sports drinks
15. An individual performs three sets of curls with the same weights four days a week to strengthen the biceps.
This best illustrates which of the following principles of training?
a. the principle of specificity of exercise c. the principle of reversibility of training effects

b. the principle of progression d. the principle of recuperation
16. It increases the elasticity of muscles and tendons surrounding the joint in order to improve flexibility.
a. Sit and reach b. stretching exercise c. physical fitness d. none of the above
17. Exercise is generally an important part of treatment plans for people with diabetes because physical activity
a. protect the insulin-producing cells of the pancreas. c. reduce the build-up of glucose in the blood.
b. eliminate urinary problems associated with diabetes. d. prevent diabetes-induced changes in vision.
18. It involves any bodily movement caused by muscular contractions that result in the expenditure of energy
a. Physical fitness b. exercise c. physical activity d. lunge
19. This test evaluates the flexibility of the hip and the hamstring area.
a. Curl-up b. sit and reach c. push up d. squat
20. Cardio-vascular endurance is a component of fitness and a healthy balanced lifestyle. Which of the following
describes cardio-vascular endurance most accurately?
a. The ability of our heart and lungs to cope with exercise over a long period of time
b. The ability to use muscles over a long period of time
c. The amount of force a muscle can exert against a resistance
d. The ability to change the body’s movement quickly
21. Muscular endurance is one component of fitness. Which one of the following best describes muscular
a. to be able to carry out repetitive tasks without tiring
b. to be able to lift a heavy weight
c. to be able to run fast over a short distance
d. to be able to touch your toes with straight legs for a long period of time
22. Which one of the following would you not take into account when assessing someone for readiness to
a. Family history of illness
b. Age of participant
c. History of sports success
d. Fitness level of participant
23. Which one of the following is a good reason to do a warm up before a physical activity?
a. To decrease the risk of injury
b. To speed up the removal of lactic acid
c. To stop the release of adrenaline
d. To slow down the resting heart rate
24. Physical fitness is one aspect of total fitness. Which of the following is NOT a benefit of fitness?
a. Maximize stress response c. Prevent heart ailment
b. Maintain proper body weight d. Delay the aging process
25. When engaged in training and exercise, a lot of activities make use of the school facilities and equipment.
Which of the following guidelines should NOT be followed?
a. Take care in using facilities and equipment
b. Use the equipment even though you do not know how to operate
c. Be alert and aware in the training area
d. Bring back all equipment in place after use.

Direction: Explain briefly the following questions. 5 points each

1. Your friend, Miles, believes that exercising takes too much energy, causes pain, and will take most of your
time. How would you encourage Miles that his ideas about physical activities are not true?

2. How would your life be different if you could exercise regularly?

3. Do you think you are flexible enough to exercise? Why or why not?

4. What could be combined to improve the fitness level of the individual?

5. What solution would you suggest for the person who are always playing online games and not giving time
for exercise?

Prepared by:


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