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Article  in  Journal of Postgraduate Medical Institute · July 2018


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2 authors:

Hassan Bin Usman Shah Muhammad Ahmed Khan

UNSW Sydney CMH Zhob


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Muhammad Ahmed Khan¹, Sumera Akram², Hassan Bin Usman³, Ghazanfar Ali⁴

Combined Military Hospi- ABSTRACT
tal, Bahawalpur Cantonment,
Objective: To compare frenulotomy versus frenulectomy in cases of ankylo-
Bahawalpur – Pakistan.
glossia in terms of post operative improvement in speech and feeding difficul-
Address for Correspondence:
ties in children.
Dr. Muhammad Ahmed Khan
Combined Military Hospital, Methodology: This study was carried out in Combined Military Hospital (CMH),
Bahawalpur Cantonment, Ba- Bahawalpur. Total 64 cases of tongue tie were selected from outpatient depart-
hawalpur – Pakistan. ment. The cases were randomly divided into two groups. In group A, children
Email: underwent frenulectomy via Z-plasty and in group B they had frenulotomy i.e.
Date Received: April 01, 2017 release of tongue tie with bipolar diathermy. Postoperative improvement in
Date Revised: May 06, 2018 speech and feeding problems was assessed in both groups.
Date Accepted: May 13, 2018
Results: Mean age of children in the study was 2.79 ±1.01 years. There were
45 (70.3%) males and 19 (29.7%) females. Group A, had significantly better im-
provement in speech as compared to group B (p =0.000). regarding breast
feeding, both procedures showed almost similar improvement (p =0.224).
Conclusion: Frenulectomy was superior to frenulotomy as far as post operative
speech is concerned; however, both procedures were almost equally effective in
improving feeding problems (breast feeding) in babies with tongue ties.
Key Words: Ankyloglossia, frenulum, frenulotomy, frenulectomy, Z-plasty

This article may be cited as: Khan MA, Akram S, Usman HB, Ali G. Comparison of frenulotomy versus frenulec-
tomy in cases of ankyloglossia. J Postgrad Med Inst 2018; 32(2): 198-200.

is asymptomatic. Most of the children present at 1 to 3

years of life. The prevalence of ankyloglossia is around
Ankyloglossia or tongue tie is a condition in which 3-4% varying from 0.02-10.7%3-6.
the tip of the tongue cannot be protruded beyond the
In ancient times, tongue tie has been reported to
lower incisor teeth because of short frenulum¹. Typical-
ly, the lingual frenulum separates before birth, allowing be released with finger nails of mid-wives7. Nowadays,
the tongue to move freely. With tongue-tie, the lin- there are different modalities for treating tongue tie in-
gual frenulum remains attached to the ventral surface cluding simple release i.e. frenulotomy and frenulecto-
of tongue. Its cause is unknown, although some cases my (Z-plasty, V-Y plasty), release with electrocautery or
of tongue-tie have been associated with certain genet- lasers8-10. We have carried out this research to find the
ic factors². Tongue-tie is more common in boys than best method of treating ankyloglossia. This will help the
girls. Breast feeding difficulties have been reported as treating physicians to manage such cases in best opti-
the earliest complications associated with tongue tie³. mum way and to choose wisely the modality which has
Restriction of tongue movement in an infant may pre- better outcome for the patients.
vent the infant from taking enough breast tissue into
the mouth/difficulty in latching onto the nipples and
hence result in breast feeding problems such as painful The study was carried out in CMH, Bahawalpur from
nipples and poor milk supply for the mother, leading August 2014 to February 2016. It was a randomized
to frequent feeding and poor weight gain for the baby controlled trial. Sample size was calculated using online
despite frequent feeding. Other problems associat- Raosoft Sample Size Calculator. Prevalence was taken as
ed with tongue tie include difficulties with articulation 4% from the study of Segal et al⁶. Confidence interval
of sounds, dental problems and inability to lick an ice was taken at 95% and margin of error as 5%. Sample
cream or play wind instruments later in life. The sounds size came out to be 59. To account for non-response
which are affected and difficult to pronounce because and design effect, sample size was increased to 64. The
of tongue tie are “t, d, n”⁴. However, in many children it sample of 64 cases was divided randomly in two groups

JPMI VOL. 32 NO. 2 198


of 32 patients in each group (Group A and Group B) assessed according to improvement in breast feeding,
using random number tables. Non-probability conve- less frequent feeds, decrease in pain and soreness of
nient sampling technique was used. In Group A, pa- nipples. Effect on phonation was categorized into mild
tients underwent frenulectomy by Z-plasty and Group improvement, moderate improvement and best result/
B patients had frenulotomy (simple release) by bipolar improvement. Similarly effect on breast feeding was
electrocautery. All those children with short frenulum categorized into mild improvement, moderate improve-
which caused restriction of tongue movements were ment and best result/improvement.
included in this study. Children with liver and renal dis-
Data had been analyzed using statistical package for
eases; those with any bleeding disorders and tongue tie
social sciences (SPSS) version 19. Frequency and per-
along with other congenital anomalies i.e. cleft palate
centage were calculated for qualitative variables while
were excluded from the study.
mean and standard deviation (SD) were calculated for
All patients were selected from outpatient depart- quantitative variables. Chi square test was used to com-
ment of CMH, Bahawalpur. The main parental concerns pare qualitative variables between the two groups. A p
of bringing the babies to outpatient department were value < 0.05 was considered significant.
noted along with their age and gender. Classic Z-plas-
ty was carried out in Group A, dividing the frenulum RESULTS
with scissors and stitching the upper and lower bands There were 64 cases of tongue tie in the present
with vicryl. In Z-plasty, a releasing incision was made study. The main concerns of parents for bringing their
on superior border and other on the inferior border of children were difficulty in articulation (speech prob-
lingual frenulum. Two flaps were raised, interchanged lems) and feeding difficulty, as shown in Table 1.
and stitched to increase the length of frenulum. Bipolar
electrocautery was used in Group B, to cut the frenulum The age range of children was from 1 to 5 years with
and hemostasis was achieved automatically by cauteri- mean age of 2.79 ±1.01 years. There were 45 (70.3%)
zation. Both the groups were compared postoperatively males and 19 (29.7%) females. In Group A, 23 showed
for functional assessment. Functional assessment was maximum improvement of speech. However, in Group
carried out through effect on phonation and breast B, only 04 showed maximum improvements after sur-
feeding as described by parents. Functional assessment gery, as shown in Table 2. As far as effect on breast feed-
was carried out at first postoperative week using Hazel- ing was concerned, both procedures showed almost
baker Assessment Tool11. Effect on breast feeding was similar improvement, as shown in Table 3.

Table 1: Main parental concerns in children with tongue tie

S. No. Main Complaints of Parents Frequency
1 Speech Problems 64 (100%)
2 Speech & Feeding Difficulty 25 (39.06%)

Table 2. Postoperative improvement in speech

Improvement Frenulectomy Frenulotomy
P value
in Speech (Z-Plasty Technique) (Release)
Mild 0 6
Moderate 9 22
Maximum/Best 23 4
Total 32 32

Table 3. Postoperative improvement in breast feeding

Improvement in Frenulectomy Frenulotomy
P value
Breast Feeding (Z-Plasty Technique) (Release)
Mild 0 2
Moderate 5 9
Maximum/Best 6 3
Total 11 14

JPMI VOL. 32 NO. 2 199


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CONCLUSION 14. Heller J, Gabbay J, O’Hara C, Heller M, Bradley JP.

Improved ankyloglossia correction with four-flap
Frenulectomy (Z-plasty) was superior to frenulotomy
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(release of tongue tie) as far as post operative speech
was concerned; however, frenulotomy and frenulecto-
my were almost equally effective in improving feeding CONTRIBUTORS
problems (breast feeding) in babies with tongue ties. MAK conceived the idea, planned the study, and
drafted the manuscript. SA and GA helped in ac-
REFERENCES quisition and interpretation of data and did litera-
1. Tongue-tie (ankyloglossia). American Academy of Oto- ture search. HBU helped in manuscript writing. All
laryngology-Head and Neck Surgery. Available at: http:// authors contributed significantly to the submitted manuscript.

JPMI VOL. 32 NO. 2 200

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