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Engineering Department

Bogan Shire Council A.B.N. 68 886 242 083 1-1 Conditions of Tender

Section A

Bogan Shire Council A.B.N. 68 886 242 083 1-2 Conditions of Tender


A1 BACKGROUND ................................................................................................................................. 1
A2 SCOPE ............................................................................................................................................... 1
A3 CONTRACT ........................................................................................................................................ 1
A4 LIMITS OF CONTRACT ..................................................................................................................... 2
A5 INTERPRETATION ............................................................................................................................ 2
A6 PRINCIPAL SUPPLIED MATERIALS................................................................................................ 2
A7 STANDARD DOCUMENTS ............................................................................................................... 2
A8 OPERATION OF EXISTING ASSETS ............................................................................................... 2
A8.1 General ............................................................................................................................. 2
A8.2 Interruptions of Services ................................................................................................... 3
A9 CONTRACTOR’S SITE ESTABLISHMENT ...................................................................................... 3
A10 DESIGN DOCUMENTATION ............................................................................................................. 3
A10.1 Design Report ................................................................................................................... 3
A10.2 Design Submissions ......................................................................................................... 4
A11 DETAIL OF WORKS .......................................................................................................................... 5
A11.1 Principal design documentation ........................................................................................ 5
A11.2 Integration of EV001 & EV002 .......................................................................................... 5
A11.3 Filter Local Control Panel Replacement ........................................................................... 5
A11.4 Site Cabling ...................................................................................................................... 5
A11.5 Modification of current storage room for the purpose of the new switchroom .................. 6
A11.6 Water network RTU installation ........................................................................................ 6
A11.7 Instrumentation supply...................................................................................................... 6
A11.8 Supply of PLC programming, SCADA and telemetry ....................................................... 9
A11.9 ITP’s, inspections and FAT Testing of new switchboard and PLC code ........................ 11
A11.10 Pre-SAT of installation .................................................................................................... 11
A11.11 SAT testing of installation and PLC ................................................................................ 11
A11.12 Switchboard and rubbish removal .................................................................................. 11
A11.13 Training ........................................................................................................................... 12
A11.14 Project supplied manuals ............................................................................................... 12
A11.15 Project software .............................................................................................................. 12
A12 PROJECT MEETINGS & WORKSHOPS ........................................................................................ 12
A12.1 Cutover workshop ........................................................................................................... 13
A13 COMMUNITY AND STAKEHOLDER RELATIONS MANAGEMENT ............................................. 13
A13.1 Contractor Contact Persons ........................................................................................... 13
A13.2 Third Party Complaints ................................................................................................... 13
A14 WHS MANAGEMENT ...................................................................................................................... 13
A14.1 Specification and Statutory Requirements...................................................................... 13
A14.2 Managing Risks .............................................................................................................. 14
A14.3 Safe Work Method Statements ...................................................................................... 16
A14.4 WHS Management Meeting ........................................................................................... 17
A14.5 Consultation .................................................................................................................... 17
A14.6 Information, Training, Instruction and Supervision ......................................................... 17
A14.7 Site Attendance Register ................................................................................................ 19
A14.8 Site Safety Rules ............................................................................................................ 19
A14.9 Signage ........................................................................................................................... 20
A14.10 Incident Notification and Investigation ............................................................................ 20
A14.11 WorkCover Authority Inspections and Notices ............................................................... 20
A14.12 Audits .............................................................................................................................. 20
A15 ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT ............................................................................................... 20
A15.1 Specification and Statutory Requirements...................................................................... 20
A15.2 Environmental Incident Reporting................................................................................... 21
A16 QUALITY MANAGEMENT ............................................................................................................... 21

Bogan Shire Council A.B.N. 68 886 242 083 1-3 Conditions of Tender

A16.1 Inspection and Testing Plans .......................................................................................... 21

A16.2 Product Compliance ........................................................................................................ 21
A16.3 Monitoring and Audits ...................................................................................................... 21
A16.4 Quality Records ............................................................................................................... 21
A16.5 Failure to Comply ............................................................................................................ 22
A17 PROGRAMMING .............................................................................................................................. 22
A17.1 Requirement .................................................................................................................... 22
A17.2 Format ............................................................................................................................. 22
A17.3 Progress .......................................................................................................................... 22
A17.4 Revised Program............................................................................................................. 22
A17.5 Daily Records .................................................................................................................. 22
A18 REPORTING ..................................................................................................................................... 22
A18.1 Report Contents .............................................................................................................. 22
Attachment A1 - Daily Record Sheet ....................................................................................................... 24

Bogan Shire Council A.B.N. 68 886 242 083 1 Conditions of Tender

Bogan Shire Council (BSC) require the existing switchboard at the Nyngan Water Treatment Plant (WTP)
to be replaced in order to meet current standards and provide expansion capacity for future works.
BSC also have no SCADA onsite and wish to install a ClearSCADA system at the WTP to provide control
and monitoring.

This scope of works includes the following;
1) Meetings;
2) Detailed design of all aspects of the upgrade works including, but not limited to, electrical drawings
and cable schedule;
3) Installation of new consumer mains and LV metering including all necessary liaison with the supply
authority and payment of fees;
4) Modification of current storage room for the purpose of the new Switchroom;
5) Detailed design, supply, installation, commissioning and testing of a new site Main Switchboard;
6) Decommissioning and replacement of the existing five (5) filter local control panels with new IP54
stainless steel panels;
7) Detailed design, supply, installation, testing and commissioning of cabling from the new site Main
Switchboard to all new and existing equipment;
8) Detailed design, supply and installation of the new plant cable reticulation system;
9) Design, supply, installation, testing and commissioning of new instrumentation;
10) Installation and testing of an earthing system for the new Main Switchboard in accordance with an
MEN earthing system as defined within AS3000.
11) Design, supply, installation and testing of a site wide equipotential bonding system which bonds all
exposed metal of new equipment, existing equipment, structures and pipework to earth in accordance
with AS3000.
12) All temporary works as required to ensure that the WTP remains operational during the cutover;
13) Decommissioning and removal of all redundant equipment and cabling;
14) Supply of PLC and SCADA programing;
15) Supply of a ClearSCADA PC and Licence for the WTP;
16) Supply of the ClearSCADA ViewX licence for the Workshop PC;
17) Configuration of the ClearSCADA project as per the Lower Macquarie Water Utilities Alliance SCADA
18) Integration of the existing telemetry system including new antenna and mast;
19) FAT testing of new switchboard and PLC / SCADA code;
20) ITPs for installation;
21) Pre-SAT testing of installation;
22) SAT testing of installation, SCADA and PLC;
23) Work As Constructed drawings;
24) Updated function description of the plant operation;
25) Copies of the PLC and SCADA code;
26) Operation & Maintenance Manuals;
27) Training.

Bogan Shire Council A.B.N. 68 886 242 083 2 Conditions of Tender

The Contract comprises:

 Section A - General Specification (this document);
 Section B - General Conditions of Contract Minor;
 Section C - Technical Specification;
 Attachment 1 – Preliminary Design
 Attachment 2 – Sample Cutover Plan
 Attachment 3 – Safety in Design Report
 Attachment 4 – P&IDs
 Section D - Functional Specification;
 Section E - Tender Schedules;
 Letter of Acceptance.

 Existing kiosk transformer LV terminals.

 A separate Contractor will be engaged by Council to move the existing telemetry RTU interface
panel from the workshop to the WTP control room. This will include the upgrade of the Redloin
unit to Ethernet communications within the panel.
 BSC will “free issue” the SCADA PC for the implementation of the ClearSCADA ViewX client at
the BSC workshop.
 BSC will provide a wireless communications link from the WTP to the workshop for the purpose of
connecting the ViewX client to the WTP ClearSCADA Server. It will be the contractor’s
responsibility to install and commission the ClearSCADA View X licence onto this PC.

Unless the context requires otherwise, any expression in the Contract such as give notice, submit,
approval, or directed means give notice to, submit to, approval by, or directed by the Principal.
Unless the context states otherwise, any expression in the Contract in the form of a direction means the
Contractor shall perform the direction.


 Workshop PC

 Lower Macquarie Water Utilities Alliance SCADA templates
 This Contract


The Contractor will be responsible for ensuring continued plant operation of the existing water treatment
plant, and ensure that the plant returned to operation at the end of each working day.
The WTP is capable of being shutdown for a single day with no more than one shutdown taking place
every two days. I.e. if a shutdown was scheduled for Monday a subsequent shutdown cannot be
scheduled until Wednesday that week.

A8.1 General
Access roads to all operational areas of the plant and works areas are not to be impeded and are to be
kept open and in a serviceable state during construction activities. This includes access for all vehicles
and plant associated with deliveries, operation and maintenance of all equipment and processes. Provide
detours and signage when necessary during the course of construction.
The WTP operators normally attend the site on a regular basis and may be present or have contractors
Bogan Shire Council A.B.N. 68 886 242 083 3 Conditions of Tender

present to undertake maintenance or construction work at the plant at any time. The operators are
responsible for ensuring the existing infrastructure meets supply requirements. The successful
completion of the Contract shall require close cooperation between the Contractor, plant operators and
the Principal to ensure protection of existing assets and continued performance of the plant to meet

A8.2 Interruptions of Services

If during the course of the work under the Contract it becomes necessary to interrupt operation of the
WTP services, provide written notice to the Principal of the expected time and duration of the interruption
at least ten (10) days in advance. Provide a copy of the written notice to the Superintendent at the same
The allowable planned interruption time shall be dependent on the current conditions at the WTP and shall
be approved by the Principal.
Use best endeavours to ensure the planned interruption times are kept to a minimum.


 Contractor can have the use of the WTP toilets and office.
 BSC will provide a set down area for the contractor within the WTP grounds.

All works associated with the provision of temporary site services (e.g. power and water) for Contractor
facilities or site installation works are to be undertaken by the Contractor at no cost to the Principal. The
Contractor may elect to provide temporary diesel generators for any additional necessary electric power
within the Site where reticulation from the current distribution is impractical.


The Contractor is responsible for all design works associated with the upgrade including the design’s
ability to achieve the project objectives. The Contractor is required to submit design packages to the
Principal for review prior to construction commencing.
The Contractor is to accommodate and detail within their project program the following design review
process for each individual design package submitted:
 Draft Design submitted to Principal for review (Hold Point)
 Principal review of the Draft Design (10 working days)
 Finalisation of the design package and inclusion of the Principal’s representative comments (5
working days)
 For Construction submission (Hold Point)
Principal review or approval of the design package does not relieve the Contractor of their responsibility to
meet the requirements of the Contract or standards.
No construction works are to be undertaken until the Superintendent has approved the design documents
unless otherwise advised in writing by the Principal.

A10.1 Design Report

Submit a Design Report detailing the results and recommendations of work undertaken during detail
design with the For Construction design.
Design report shall include:
 copies of all formal approvals obtained during detail design;
 any other relevant documents or information that will provide a complete record for the detail
design process;
 design philosophy and any design assumptions;
 detailed description including design parameters and design calculations;

Bogan Shire Council A.B.N. 68 886 242 083 4 Conditions of Tender

 list of items, including description and identification numbers appropriately cross-referenced to

P&ID’s and drawings.

A10.2 Design Submissions

Submitted drawings and documentation must be clearly marked to show its current status (i.e.
“Preliminary Design”, “Draft for Design Approval”, “For Construction” etc. the relevant issue date and
revision number. All submissions are to include a transmittal that highlights previous submission dates.
The following list details key aspects of the design to be submitted. The provided list is not to be taken as
an exhaustive list of all design submissions, or relieve the Contractor of meeting any submission detailed
within the Contract:
1. Updated Equipment List detailing all equipment onsite.
2. Supply Authority alteration works - All power supply upgrade/connection documentation received
from the supply authority or submitted on behalf of BSC to the supply authority.
3. Switchboards - General arrangements including detailed layouts of each individual cells (to scale),
type test documentation, complete equipment list for all installed equipment, ITP’s and factory
acceptance test documentation.
4. Electrical Drawing package, including but not limited to:
a. Drawing Index
b. Single line diagrams
c. Power metering, surge diverter and phase failure schematic diagrams
d. 230VAC UPS distribution schematic diagrams
e. 230VAC auxiliaries and L&P distribution schematics
f. 24VDC UPS distribution schematics
g. 24VDC non-UPS distribution schematics
h. Motor schematics
i. Valve schematics (electric actuators and solenoids)
j. Instrument loop diagrams
k. PLC IO card schematic diagrams
l. Control system network architecture
m. Switchroom layout
n. Site equipment layouts
o. Cable pit and conduit layouts
p. Motor termination diagrams
q. Instrument termination diagrams
5. Cable schedule including as a minimum:
a. Tag Number
b. Cable Type (Power, Control, instrument, Data, Earth etc.)
c. Description
d. From
e. To
f. Core Size
g. Conductor Material
h. No. of Cores
i. Insulation/Sheath
j. Cable Length

Bogan Shire Council A.B.N. 68 886 242 083 5 Conditions of Tender

k. Cable Rating (no de-rating)

l. De-rating Factor
m. Cable Rating (de-rating applied)
6. Switchroom heat loading calculations.
7. Power systems analysis and fault protection study.
8. PLC IO List.
9. SCADA page templates.
10. Water quality analyser wet rack design including:
a. General arrangements and layouts
b. Detailed equipment list


A11.1 Principal design documentation
A preliminary electrical design package has been completed for the Nygnan WTP. The Contractor is
encouraged to utilise the electrical design package and develop the drawings as necessary to meet the
requirements of this specification.
The electrical design package includes:
 Master Equipment List – Including Drive List, Valve List, Switch List, Instrument List and Load List
(refer Appendix D)
 Single Line Diagrams
 Schematic Diagrams
 Instrument Loop Diagrams
 PLC Connection Diagrams
 Indicative Switchboard Layouts
 Indicative Switchroom Layout
 P&ID

All drawings form part of the preliminary design package and shall be provided to the Contractor in .dwg
format at award of Contract.
A11.2 Integration of EV001 & EV002
The existing Clarified Water Desludge valve (EV001) and Sedimentation Tank Desludge Valve (EV002)
are currently controlled via dedicated valve control panels local to their respective valves.
As part of the upgrade works the existing valve panels are to be decommissioned and removed and the
valves directly interfaced to the new Main Switchboard to allow control and monitoring in accordance with
the Functional Specification.
Note: the required valve integration is not currently detailed in the Preliminary Design drawings.

A11.3 Filter Local Control Panel Replacement

The existing five filters currently each have a dedicated local filter control panel which is required to be
A new IP54 stainless steel filter control panel is to be installed for each filter to replace the existing control
panel. The existing filter level transmitters which currently wire through the filter control panels are to be
wired directly to the PLC.

A11.4 Site Cabling

Due to the change in location of the new site Main Switchboard the existing field cabling and incoming
consumer mains are not suitable for reuse and new cabling is to be installed.
To assist in maintaining plant production during the cutover it is proposed to back feed the existing site

Bogan Shire Council A.B.N. 68 886 242 083 6 Conditions of Tender

switchboard from the new Main Switchboard following energisation.

A11.5 Modification of current storage room for the purpose of the new switchroom
The existing storage room that is located adjacent to the current switchboard will be converted into a new
switchboard room as part of this contract. This will include:
1. Clean out existing Storage Room;
2. Remove existing Air Conditioner and GPO’s from the walls adjacent to the Chlorine Dosing and
the Sedimentation Tank, as this is where the switchboard will be positioned;
3. Brick up hole the left in wall where the Air Conditioner was located;
4. Ensure all BCA requirements are met;
5. Cut in a new double-door on the south-western wall;
6. Doors shall open outwards and have crash/panic bars fitted to allow them to be easily opened
from within the switchroom. The new door shall open to approximately 180° and provide a finished
opening of 2400mm in height, both of these are to allow the switchboard to enter through this new
7. New lighting and power circuits;
8. Install a new Air Conditioner powered from the new Main Switchboard;
9. New fire protection to meet the Australian standards, including fire rated penetrations for cables;
10. New laminated flooring tiles;
11. New wall and ceiling painting (White ceiling, Cream walls);
12. Install a new meter panel on the outside wall of the new switchroom in a location suitable to the
Supply Authority;
13. Take note of phase rotation at existing switchboard so the supply can be restored without

A11.6 Water network RTU installation

Currently there is an Elpro RTU installed in the existing switchboard that provides monitoring and control
of the two offsite reservoirs and the raw water pump station.
This RTU is to be removed from the existing Switchboard and placed into the new switchboard. The RTU
shall be hardwired into the new switchboard to allow the complete interaction between the WTP. This will
need to be done during the cutover to ensure that the plant remains operational. The Contractor is
required to undertake all necessary design investigations to integrate the existing RTU into the new site
Main Switchboard. A new RTU antenna and cable shall be installed by the Contractor to provide reliable
communications to the existing offsite RTU’s.

A11.7 Instrumentation supply

As part of the plant upgrade there are several instruments that are required to be supplied, installed,
tested and commissioned by the Contractor.
The scope includes:
 Onsite investigation to determine interface requirements.
 Final instrument selection.
 Integration into the electrical design to meet the requirements of the Functional Specification.
 The complete design of the installation and supply of all necessary interfacing equipment (e.g.
tappings, pipework, valves, brackets, solenoids etc.)
 Instruments are to be installed and commissioned in accordance with the manufacturers
A11.7.1 General
Sample lines to analytical instruments shall be PE100 PN12.5. The sample lines shall be furnished with
ball valves made of 316 stainless steel and be three piece, full bore valves, PN16 or stainless steel grade

Bogan Shire Council A.B.N. 68 886 242 083 7 Conditions of Tender

316 barstock with PTFE seats at the connection point to the process and at the instrument.
Pressure regulating valves shall be provided to ensure protection and proper functioning of the instrument
where required.
The placement of the instruments and equipment must allow for ease of access for maintenance,
particularly any regular cleaning, and servicing or calibration requirements. The removal of process
equipment to access maintenance points or to remove assemblies, components etc. will not be
The design of all instrument sample lines shall be such that the sample residence time from the point of
connection to the process to the instrument shall be less than 60 seconds under all operational conditions.
A11.7.2 Spare Parts, Consumables and Tools
Spare parts as recommended by the Contractor shall be provided to allow system operation for a period of
5 years. For consumables with a shelf life of less than 5 years, spares should be provided up to the limit of
the shelf life only.
Spares shall be readily available from Australian Contractors.
Spares shall be packed and protected for storage to AS 2400. Electrical equipment shall be sealed in
polythene or similar bags with a liberal supply of desiccant. Other items shall be protected so as to avoid
corrosion and spoilage for a minimum of twelve months after delivery. Each package shall have attached
to it an untarnishable metal plate giving information for identification. This shall include the maker's name
and reference descriptions, which shall correspond fully to those given in the Contract Drawings. Each
spare part shall be permanently marked with its part number.
The packages of items of spares shall be delivered into consignments of reasonable size and then packed
in secure cases each of which shall contain a contents list.
Items requiring special tools are to have the tools supplied with the item. Any special tools supplied under
the contract shall be supplied in lockable tool boxes to indicate the equipment they are to be used for. A
lock and two keys shall be provided for each tool box.
The special tools shall not be used for the erection of the Works and shall be handed over in a completely
new and unused condition.
A11.7.3 Raw Water Instrumentation (AIT131)
A Hach Ultraturb SC turbidimeter is to be provided for online monitoring of the raw water turbidity. The raw
water sample is to be sourced from a tapping in the raw water delivery main to the WTP, sufficiently
upstream of chemical dosing to ensure raw water only is sampled (this does not include PAC which is
dosed at the raw water pump station).
The turbidimeter is to be located on a wall mounted PVC panel within the existing filtration building.
Nominally, the instrumentation will be located in place of the existing switchboard which is to be replaced.
Provide a suitable SC200 controller for display of the instrument output. Where appropriate, controllers
which can display and transfer multiple signals will be accepted.
Waste from the instrument will be directed to a common instrument drain line (also to be provided as part
of this contract) which drains the waste via gravity to the sewer.
A11.7.4 Clarifier Inlet Flowmeter (FM004)
An ABB water master or approved equivalent magnetic flowmeter is to be provided for monitoring of the
raw water flow to the clarifier. It is noted for cutover sequencing that the Clarifier is able to be isolated
without stopping the plant.
The flow meter shall be supplied as complete sets incorporating the primary flow element, a separate solid
state flow indicating transmitter and 316 grade stainless steel earthing rings for both upstream and
downstream flanges which shall also protect lining material leading edges.
The metering method shall be based on the pulsed direct current principle. The flow meter is to be
suitable for use in empty pipes without the need to de-activate the flow meter.
Supply and install cones, rings and spacer pieces to form a complete unit.
All flanges, cones, rings and spacer pieces shall be suited to the operating conditions, shall conform to the
requirements of AS 4087 PN16 and shall be drilled to suit the plant pipework flange arrangements.
Supply suitable gaskets and 316 grade stainless steel bolts, nuts and washers for connecting into the

Bogan Shire Council A.B.N. 68 886 242 083 8 Conditions of Tender

Supply a length of suitably rated flanged pipe to act as a makeup piece should the flow meter be removed.
The length and end connection detail shall be such as to allow direct fitting and connection to the pipework
when the flow meter is removed. Demonstrate satisfactory fitting of the makeup piece prior to
The primary element housing shall be suited to occasional immersion affording protection to IPX8 as
defined by AS 1939. The housings shall be designed to fully enclose the coils and shall incorporate a
sealed terminal box for all necessary cabling. Cable terminations within the terminal box shall be clearly
Field coils shall be formed from heavily insulated wire and cores shall be of precision formed laminated
silicon steel.
The element shall have electrodes and lining material suited to the application.
Lining materials such as neoprene, Teflon, polyurethane, hard ebonite rubber or approved epoxy liners
shall be used. Electrode materials such as 316 grade stainless steel, Hastelloy C or Platinum Iridium shall
be used.
Interconnecting cables between flow tube and transmitter shall be shielded type cable and shall be
provided connected to the tube.
The flow indicating transmitter shall include all necessary adjusting and calibration equipment to ensure
correct operation of the flow meter.
Primary element and indicating transmitter nameplates shall be stamped with instrument loop number,
span in L/s and all associated calibration factors.
The transmitter shall display instantaneous flow and totalised flow on an LCD back lit screen.
Provide output from transmitter for both instantaneous flow and totalised flow. Totalised flow held in the
transmitter for display on the LCD screen is to be available also for interrogation by the treatment plant
local SCADA system such that interruption of SCADA services does not result in loss of totalised flow
Calibration shall be factory set in the manner specified under Works Testing.
The Contractor is to provide a certificate of calibration for all electromagnetic flow meters provided under
the contract. Provide a certified flow curve for the meter and include in O&M manual.
Electromagnetic flow meters of DN50 or greater are to use a flanged connection.
A counter is to be provided in an externally mounted cabinet to display the totalised value of raw water
extracted from the Peel River as monitored by the Peel River Pumping Station electromagnetic flow
Accuracy of primary element and transmitter together, from 10% to 100% of flow as sized shall be ±0.5%
of actual flow rate increasing to ± 1% at 1% of meter capacity.
The installation arrangement is to be as follows:
 A straight pipe length with no fittings, pipe bends, pipe joins etc. within five times the nominal
meter diameter upstream of the meter is to be provided.
 A flow control valve cannot be within five times the nominal meter diameter upstream of the
 A straight pipe length with no fittings, pipe bends, pipe joins etc. within two times the nominal
meter diameters downstream of the meter is to be provided.
 (Additional cable is to be provided to allow the removal of the flow element from the pipework
without disconnecting the cable.
Supply in-situ calibration verification and certification that allows the unit to be checked and verified as
functioning correctly and accurately since factory testing occurred.
A11.7.5 Sedimentation Tank Plough Switches (ZS222 and ZS223)
Plough switches are to be provided on the carriage of the plough assembly which shall automatically stop
movement of the sedimentation tank rake when there is an obstruction on the rail on which the rake
carriage runs. The leading and trailing switches are to be provided to cater for obstructions on the rail for
both directions of movement of the carriage.
The plough switches must be connected to an assembly which activates the plough switch and stops the
carriage assembly for the full height and width of the carriage leading edge.

Bogan Shire Council A.B.N. 68 886 242 083 9 Conditions of Tender

The plough switches are to be rated at category 3 or better and directly interfaced into the hardwired
starter circuit of the Sedimentation Rake drive via a minimum Category 3 safety relay.
A11.7.6 Clear Water Monitoring Equipment (AIT431 and AIT432)
A Hach CL10 SC reagentless chlorine and pH analyser is to be provided for online monitoring of the clear
water. The clear water sample is to be sourced from a tapping on the combined discharge of the clear
water pumps.
The analysers are to be located on a wall mounted PVC panel within the existing filtration building.
Nominally, the instrumentation will be located in place of the existing switchboard which is to be replaced.
The existing clear water turbidimeter is to be relocated by the contractor to the same panel on which the
chlorine and pH analyser are located.
Sufficient space shall on the PVC backing panel shall be provided for future placement of an online
fluoride analyser.
Provide a suitable SC200 controller for display of the instrument output. Where appropriate, controllers
which can display and transfer multiple signals will be accepted.
Waste from the instrument will be directed to a common instrument drain line (also to be provided as part
of this contract) which drains the waste via gravity to the sewer.
A11.7.7 Clear Water Storage Level Element (LIT436)
Provide a Vegason ultrasonic level element or equivalent for monitoring the full range of levels within the
existing clear water storage tank.
A11.7.8 Filtered Water Turbidity Analysers (AIT308, AIT328, AIT348, AIT368 and AIT388)
A Hach 1720E turbidimeter is to be provided for monitoring of the filtered water from each filter. The
filtered water sample is to be sourced from a tapping on upstream of the filtered water outlet pneumatic
control valve for each filter.
Each analyser is to be located on the external wall of the filter above the filtered water outlet pipe.
Provide a suitable SC200 controller for display of the instrument output. Where appropriate, controllers
which can display and transfer multiple signals will be accepted.
Waste from the instrument will be directed to a common filtered water turbidity drain line drain line (also to
be provided as part of this contract) which drains the waste via gravity to the sewer.
A11.7.9 Compressed Air and Process Water Pressure Switches (PSL901 and PSL902)
A Kelco, IFM or approved equivalent pressure switch is to be provided on the discharge pipe from the
compressed air system for monitoring and control purposes.
A Kelco, IFM or approved equivalent pressure switch is to be provided on the main process water supply
pipeline to the WTP for monitoring and control purposes.

A11.8 Supply of PLC programming, SCADA and telemetry

A11.8.1 PLC
The contractor shall complete all PLC, SCADA and Telemetry programming. The PLC is to be
programmed in function block logic, with the use of structured text to be used for data mapping only (no
control). The PLC code will utilise standard function blocks for common equipment for example:
 DOL drives
 VSD Drives
 Instruments
 Duty control of drives
 Etc.
The Schneider PLC will be programmed to allow full automatic operation of the WTP in accordance with
the Functional Specification and the final electrical drawings. The program will be backed up onto an SD
card that is placed into the CPU processor. The code will be written into function block logic making full
use of templates for drives and duty / standby controls. All tags will be fully commented, along with the
corresponding sections of code / logic throughout the entire program.

A11.8.2 SCADA Server and Client

Bogan Shire Council A.B.N. 68 886 242 083 10 Conditions of Tender

As part of the project there will be a ClearSCADA system installed at the Water Treatment Plant which will
be connected to the MCC PLC by Modbus Ethernet communications. The MCC power meter will also be
connected to this network. The SCADA Server and Client will be configured using the provided Lower
Macquarie Water Utilities Alliance ClearSCADA templates.
A ClearSCADA ViewX client will be configured and installed at the workshop. BSC will free issue the PC
for this Client, with the contractor providing all engineering and testing to connect this client to the SCADA
server at the WTP. BSC will also provide the required communications path from the workshop to the

As part of the installation a new ClearSCADA terminal will be added to the installation, This SCADA will
1. Automated plant start-up and shutdown
2. Plant overview
3. Section overviews
4. Drive overviews (popup)
5. Device overviews (popup)
6. Sequence start-up and shutdown overviews
7. Device interlock indications (on drive / device popup)
8. Current and historical alarming
9. Current and historical trending (all analogue inputs and outputs, drive run and fault, digital field

A11.8.3 Existing Telemetry

There are currently Telemetry links to the Bogan River Weir Pool Pumping Station and the Town
Reservoirs. This RTU is hardwired to the existing MCC I/O to indicate a “call for water” from the town
reservoirs and a “Start command” for the raw water pumps. The RTU and associated hardware within the
existing MCC is to be removed and placed into the new MCC. The existing hardware signals associated
with these links is to be integrated into the PLC I/O for the purpose of monitoring and control. This will
include the existing I/O:
 RTU Digital output 1 - Reservoir 1 call for water
 RTU Digital output 2 - Reservoir 2 call for water
 RTU Digital output 4 - Battery over discharge protection
 RTU Digital Input 1 - RWPS call for water
The following new I/O will be also wired to the PLC
 RTU Analogue Output 1 – Reservoir 1 level
 RTU Analogue Output 2 - Reservoir 2 level

To achieve this the existing Telemetry RTUs at the WTP and the reservoirs is to be modified.

A11.8.4 Power meter

The MCC power meter will be interfaced into the PLC with the respective data indicated onto the SCADA.
The data displayed will include:
 Voltage L-L (Phase a,b & c)
 Voltage L-N (Phase a,b & c)
 Current (Phase a,b & c)
 Frequency
 kW
 kWh
 kVA

Bogan Shire Council A.B.N. 68 886 242 083 11 Conditions of Tender

 kVAR
 power factor

A11.9 ITP’s, inspections and FAT Testing of new switchboard and PLC code
Prior to the transport of the Switchboard the following testing will be conducted to ensure seamless
integration of the new switchboard into the plant:
1. Inspection of the switchboard sheet metal work
2. Manufacturers point to point testing
3. Manufacturers earth and insulation resistance testing
4. Inspection of the Switchboard wiring and live functional testing of the PLC I/O from the
switchboard devices or the terminal strip
5. FAT testing of the PLC and SCADA code, with the option of BSC or representative to be present.
6. The contractor is to produce a detailed SAT test document that will be based on the FDS and the
process operation of the plant
All signed and witnessed documented evidence of the above testing will be provided at the end of each

A11.10 Pre-SAT of installation

Once the switchboard has been installed, the devices and drives wired and the power has been applied,
the switch board will be pre-commissioned. Prior to the cutover the contractor is to produce detailed pre-
commissioning sheets that will allowed the testing of the following as a minimum:
1. Field I/O testing back to the PLC
2. Confirmation of wire and cable numbers
3. Inspection of cable installations
4. Operation of the switchboard power meter
5. RTU testing to external water network sites

A11.11 SAT testing of installation and PLC

Once the switchboard has been pre-commissioned, the switchboard and installation will be
commissioned. The contractor will be responsible for ensuring that the entire plant is commissioned to
provide compliance with the functional specification.
BSC and the principal’s representative shall undertake the process commissioning of the WTP as part of
the Contractors commissioning phase. The Contractor shall be required to work closely with BSC
operations staff to process commission the plant. The Contractor is to allow to provide fulltime electrical
and automation support during a one (1) week process commissioning phase on top of any
commissioning tasks required to be performed by the Contractor.
Prior to the cutover the contractor is to produce commissioning sheets that will detail the testing of the
following as a minimum:
1. RTU interface control
2. The full automation control of the plant via the new PLC and SCADA as per the final FDS
3. Red pen mark-ups to be left on site

A11.12 Switchboard and rubbish removal

Once the new switchboard has been fully commissioned and tested, all redundant equipment and cable
will be removed from the installation and cleared from site. The existing switchboard will also be
dismantled and removed from site. Any remaining bolts, studs, protrusions and safety hazards are to be
removed. Any damaged equipment, civil works or structural works are to also be returned to a state that
is safe and clean.

Bogan Shire Council A.B.N. 68 886 242 083 12 Conditions of Tender

A11.13 Training
As part of the final project delivery the following training will be provided.
1. One full day operator training for BSC operator staff, complete with training manuals that as a
minimum highlight key operational areas such as:
a. Plant start-up and shutdown
b. Alarm monitoring and acceptance
c. Fault finding using the SCADA
d. Navigation of the SCADA
e. Drive and device popup information
f. Navigation of trend information
g. Automated control of the plant with respect to the new FDS
2. One half day operator training for BSC electrical and maintenance staff, using the newly provided
manuals, that as a minimum highlight key operational and maintenance areas such as:
a. MCC and field fault finding for drives and devices
b. How to read and work with the new electrical drawings
c. Highlight of key electrical equipment (Drives and devices)
d. Isolation procedures of the main switchboard, drives, devices and I/O
e. How to interrogate PLC I/O using the drawings and the PLC card light indicators
f. Interrogating the SCADA alarms into fault finding for drives and devices
g. MCC interfacing of the existing RTU system

A11.14 Project supplied manuals

As part of the final project delivery the following information will be supplied in a bound manual and a soft
copy on CD and Memory stick.
1. PLC code
2. SCADA code
3. RTU Code
4. SCADA backup
5. miscellaneous device programming
6. all equipment manuals
7. all “as constructed” drawings
8. final cable schedule
9. final FDS
10. design calculations
11. recommended spares

A11.15 Project software

As part of the final project, supply a copy of the Schneider programming software for the PLC, RTU and
the SCADA is to be provided. Including any required programming cables.


Formal project meetings and workshops between the Contractor and Superintendent shall be held as
 Project inception meeting (within two weeks of Contract award).

Bogan Shire Council A.B.N. 68 886 242 083 13 Conditions of Tender

 Detailed design review workshop (within 8 weeks of Contract award).

 WHS Management Meeting (refer A14.4)
 Cutover Plan Workshop (refer A12.1)
 Construction progress, monthly following commencement of on-site works.
 Other meetings during contract period, where reasonably requested by the Superintendent or
The Contractor shall be prepared to attend these meetings/workshops at Nyngan WTP or at the Council’s
chambers in Nyngan. The Contractor shall be required to take minutes and comply with the following:
 Draft minutes within 2 days of the meeting/workshop date.
 Allow 3 days for Principal review comments.
 Final minutes, incorporating review comments, within 2 days of receiving the Principals

A12.1 Cutover workshop

The Contractor is required to facilitate a cutover plan workshop (1 day) at BSC council chambers a
minimum of four (4) weeks prior to any cutover works commencing onsite. The purpose of the cutover
workshop is to allow key stakeholders to provide comment on the Contractors proposed cutover plan and
cutover methodology.
An example cutover plan has been provided by BSC and is included as Attachment 2 to the Specification.
The Contractor is to develop a detailed cutover plan for the upgrade works, along with an associated risk
register, submited a minimum of one (1) week prior to the cutover workshop.
The Contractor is to provide minutes of the workshop in accordance with the previously defined
requirements, and also submit a revised cutover plan incorporating workshop comments within one week
after the workshop.


A13.1 Contractor Contact Persons
Provide the names and contact details, including mobile telephone numbers, of at least two persons who
will be available to respond at all times to issues which require action by the Contractor.

A13.2 Third Party Complaints

Notify the Superintendent upon receipt of all third party complaints.
Provide the notification as soon as practicable as and no later than 5:00pm on the day of receipt of the
Third party complaints which are received by BSC will be referred to the Contractor for investigation and/or
resolution with the Complainant.
Make direct contact with a complainant within 24 hours of receipt or notification of the complaint. Where
responsibility is accepted, complete the agreed actions within the agreed timeframe. Confirm satisfactory
completion of the actions with the complainant and notify the Superintendent.
If the Contractor considers that it is not liable to respond to the complaint, refer the complaint to the
Superintendent. Provide a copy of relevant discussions to the Superintendent at the same time.
Maintain a third party complaints register which details complainant’s name, address, contact phone
numbers, date of receipt and details of the complaint, action/status, and completion date.
Submit the register as part of the Contractor’s monthly report.


A14.1 Specification and Statutory Requirements
Comply with:

Bogan Shire Council A.B.N. 68 886 242 083 14 Conditions of Tender

(a) the NSW Work Health and Safety Act 2011 (WHS Act) and NSW Work Health and Safety
Regulation 2011 (WHS Regulation); and
(b) all of the following Safe Work Australia model codes of practices which are relevant to the work
under the Contract, including those draft codes which have been approved by Safe Work
Australia Members ready for approval by the Select Council of Workplace Relations (Ministerial
Council), including:
- How to Manage Work Health and Safety Risks;
- Hazardous Manual Tasks;
- Managing the Risk of Falls at Workplaces;
- Labelling of Workplace Hazardous Chemicals;
- Preparation of Safety Data Sheets for Hazardous Chemical;
- Confined Spaces;
- Managing Noise and Preventing Hearing Loss at Work;
- Managing the Work Environment and Facilities;
- Work Health and Safety Consultation Cooperation and Coordination;
- How to Safely Remove Asbestos;
- How to Manage and Control Asbestos in the Workplace;
- First aid in the workplace;
- Managing risks in construction work;
- Preventing falls in housing construction;
- Managing electrical risks at the workplace;
- Managing risks of hazardous chemicals;
- Managing risks of plant in the workplace;
- Safe design of structures;
- Excavation work;
- Demolition work;
- Spray painting and powder coating;
- Abrasive blasting; and
- Welding processes.
All actions recommended by Safe Work Australia model codes of practice (i.e.: wherever the word ‘should’
is used in a code) must be adopted as mandatory.
The Work Health and Safety (WHS) requirements contained or referred to in this Specification, are in
addition to, but are not in substitution for, any requirements under the WHS Act, the WHS Regulation and
the model codes of practice and do not limit the responsibilities of the Contractor.
The WHS Act and the WHS Regulation can be accessed at and the model codes
of practice at

A14.2 Managing Risks

A14.2.1 Risk Management Fundamentals
Manage all risks to health and safety associated with the work under the Contract by:
(a) identifying all reasonably foreseeable hazards that could give rise to a risk;
(b) eliminating the risk so far as is reasonably practicable;
(c) if it is not reasonably practicable to eliminate the risk, minimize the risk so far as is reasonably
practicable by implementing control measures;
(d) maintain the control measures so they remains effective; and
(e) review, and if necessary revise, control measures so as to maintain, so far as is reasonably

Bogan Shire Council A.B.N. 68 886 242 083 15 Conditions of Tender

practicable, a work environment that is without risks to health and safety.

A14.2.2 Reasonably Practicable
For the purposes of clause A19 reasonably practicable means that which is, or was at a particular time,
reasonably able to be done taking into account and weighing up all relevant matters including:
(f) the likelihood of the hazard or the risk concerned occurring;
(g) the degree of harm that might result from the hazard or the risk;
(h) what the person concerned knows, or ought reasonably to know, about the hazard or the risk,
and ways of eliminating or minimising the risk;
(i) the availability and suitability of ways to eliminate or minimise the risk, and
(j) after assessing the extent of the risk and the available ways of eliminating or minimising the risk,
the cost associated with available ways of eliminating or minimising the risk, including whether
the cost is grossly disproportionate to the risk.
A14.2.3 Identifying Hazards
The designer’s safety report is contained in Attachment 4 of Section C. The designer’s report identifies, as
far as the designer is reasonably aware, hazards relating to the design which could create a risk to the
health or safety of persons who are to carry out construction work.
The list of hazards in the designer’s report is not intended to be exhaustive and must not be taken to
include all hazards associated with the work under the Contract, particularly those relating to the work
methods to be adopted by the Contractor. Further examples of hazards include:
- the construction workplace itself, including its location, layout, condition and accessibility;
- the use of ladders, incorrectly erected equipment, unguarded holes, penetrations and voids,
unguarded excavations, trenches, shafts and lift wells, unstable structures such as incomplete
scaffolding or mobile platforms, fragile and brittle surfaces such as cement sheet roofs,
fibreglass roofs, skylights and unprotected formwork decks;
- falling objects, for example tools, debris and equipment;
- collapse of trenches;
- structural collapse;
- hazardous chemicals, including the handling, use, storage, and transport or disposal of
hazardous chemicals;
- the presence of asbestos and asbestos-containing materials;
- welding fumes, gases and arcs;
- the traffic management system that controls traffic access both within the construction
workplace and where there are public roads, road verges, road medians, footpaths and bicycle
- systems of work;
- hazardous atmospheres including ignition sources;
- storage of flammable and combustible substances such as paints, solvents, grease, oils, fuels,
glues and sealants;
- plant, including the transport, installation, erection, commissioning, use, repair, maintenance,
dismantling, storage or disposal of plant;
- hazardous manual tasks causing injuries such as back injuries, sprains, strains and
occupational overuse injuries;
- the interface with other works or trade activities;
- the physical working environment, for example the potential for electric shock, immersion or
engulfment, fire or explosion, slips, trips and falls, people being struck by moving plant,
exposure to noise, heat, cold, vibration, radiation, static electricity or a contaminated
atmosphere, and the presence of a confined space.
For the purposes of this Contract and the WHS Regulation the following structures and spaces are
deemed to be confined spaces:

Bogan Shire Council A.B.N. 68 886 242 083 16 Conditions of Tender

- the Concrete Tank – upper and lower areas.

Presentation of the designer’s safety report and the above lists do not relieve the Contractor of its
obligations under the WHS Act and WHS Regulation to identify hazards.
A14.2.4 Risk Assessment
Undertake a risk assessment if and as required under chapter 3 of Safe Work Australia’s code of practice
How to Manage Work Health and Safety Risks, December 2011 available from Safe Work Australia’s
A14.2.5 Risk Control
If it is not reasonably practicable to eliminate a health and safety risk, minimise the risk by doing one or
more of the following:
(k) substituting (wholly or partly) the hazard giving rise to the risk with something that gives rise to a
lesser risk (eg: provide equipment to reduce manual handling);
(l) isolating the hazard from any person exposed to it (eg: provide physical barriers to keep
pedestrians away from mobile plant);
(m) implementing engineering controls (eg: shoring of excavations to prevent collapse).
If a risk then remains, minimise the remaining risk, so far as is reasonably practicable, by implementing
administrative controls (eg: signage, training). Further minimize any remaining risk, so far as is reasonably
practicable, by ensuring the provision and use of suitable personal protective equipment (eg: hard hats,
high visibility clothing, ear muffs).
Monitor the controls to ensure that they remain effective for as long as the hazard exists for the duration of
the Contract.
A14.2.6 Review Risk Controls
Regularly review risk controls to make sure they work as planned. A review must be undertaken:
(n) when a control measure is not effective in controlling risk;
(o) before a change at the workplace that is likely to give rise to a new or different health and safety
risk that the control measure may not effectively control:
(p) if a new hazard or risk is identified;
(q) if the results of consultation indicate that a review is necessary; or
(r) if a health and safety representative requests a review.

A14.3 Safe Work Method Statements

A14.3.1 Preparation of Safe Work Method Statements
Ensure that safe work method statements are prepared for all high risk construction work in accordance with
section 4.2 of Safe Work Australia’s draft code of practice Construction Work. The draft code is available
from Safe Work Australia’s website The primary purpose of the safe work
method statement is to enable those at the workplace to understand the requirements that have been
established to carry out the high risk construction work in a safe and healthy manner.
Submit draft safe work method statements five working days prior to the commencement of the activities
for which the safe work method statements apply. Submission of the safe work method statements does
not relieve the Contractor of any responsibility for ensuring compliance with the WHS legislation and the
Submit revised safe work method statements immediately after any revision is made. Clearly indicate the
revisions that have been made.
A14.3.2 High Risk Construction Work
Clause 291 of the WHS Regulation defines high risk construction work as construction work that:
(s) involves a risk of a person falling more than 2 meters;
(t) is carried out on a telecommunication tower;
(u) involves demolition of an element of a structure that is load-bearing or otherwise related to the
physical integrity of the structure;
(v) involves, or is likely to involve, the disturbance of asbestos;
Bogan Shire Council A.B.N. 68 886 242 083 17 Conditions of Tender

(w) involves structural alterations or repairs that require temporary support to prevent collapse;
(x) is carried out in or near a confined space;
(y) is carried out in or near a tunnel or a shaft or trench with an excavated depth greater than 1.5
(z) involves the use of explosives;
(aa) is carried out on or near pressurised gas distribution mains or piping;
(bb) is carried out on or near chemical, fuel or refrigerant lines;
(cc) is carried out on or near energised electrical installations or services;
(dd) is carried out in an area that may have a contaminated or flammable atmosphere;
(ee) involves tilt-up or precast concrete;
(ff) is carried out on, in or adjacent to a road, railway, shipping lane or other traffic corridor that is in
use by traffic other than pedestrians;
(gg) is carried out in an area at a workplace in which there is any movement of powered mobile plant;
(hh) is carried out in an area in which there are artificial extremes of temperature;
(ii) is carried out in or near water or other liquid that involves a risk of drowning; or
(jj) involves diving work.
A14.3.3 Implementation of Safe Work Method Statements
Ensure that all high risk construction work is undertaken in accordance with safe work method statements.
Adopt a system of routine and random workplace inspections to see if the control measures outlined in the
safe work method statements are being implemented. If the work subject to a safe work method
statement is not being carried out in accordance with the safe work method statement, suspend the work
immediately or as soon as it is safe to do so. Work must not resume until the work can be carried out in
accordance with the safe work method statement.
A14.3.4 Review of Safe Work Method Statements
Regularly review each safe work method statement to ensure that they remain effective. Specifically,
review and revise any safe work method statement if a relevant risk control is revised under clause
Undertake the review process in consultation with workers who may be affected by the operation of the
safe work method statement and their health and safety representatives. Ensure that all relevant
supervisors and workers are advised of the revision in a manner that will assist them to understand and
implement the revised safe work method statement.

A14.4 WHS Management Meeting

Arrange a meeting with the Superintendent for at least 7 days before commencing work under the
Contract on site. At the meeting present:
- the WHS Management Plan;
- evidence of general construction induction training for all persons who have been engaged to work
on the site, including persons engaged by a subcontractor;
- list of hazards identified and proposed control measures relevant to the work; and
- safe work method statements or a schedule of proposed safe work method statements and
timetable for their submission; and
- copies of any licences or permits required under the WHS Regulation.

A14.5 Consultation
Consult with workers in accordance with Safe Work Australia’s code of practice Work Health and Safety
Consultation, Co-operation and Co-ordination (available from Safe Work Australia’s website and consistent with an aim to ensure that sufficient information is collected to
make well-informed decisions and that workers who may be affected by decisions are given a reasonable
opportunity to express their views and understand the reasons for the decision.

A14.6 Information, Training, Instruction and Supervision

Bogan Shire Council A.B.N. 68 886 242 083 18 Conditions of Tender

A14.6.1 General
Provide relevant information, training, instruction and supervision to protect all persons from risks to their
health and safety arising from the work under the Contract. The information, training and instruction must
be readily understandable by the person to whom it is provided and be suitable and adequate having
regard to:
(kk) the nature of work carried out by the person;
(ll) the nature of risks associated with the work at the time of the information, training and
instruction; and
(mm) the control measures implemented.
Supervisors must be aware of and provide the level of supervision necessary to ensure the health and
safety of workers, including assessing worker’s competency to undertake the work.
A14.6.2 General Construction Induction Training
Do not direct or allow a worker to carry out construction work unless the worker has successfully
completed general construction induction training and, if the worker completed the training more than two
years previously, the worker has carried out construction work in the preceding two years.
Workers must hold and produce when requested:
(nn) a general construction induction training card issued under Clause 319 of the WHS Regulation;
(oo) a general construction induction training certification that has been issued on completion of the
course within the preceding 60 days.
General construction induction training must be provided by an organisation listed as a Registered
Training Organisation for general construction induction training on
A14.6.3 Workplace Specific Training
Provide all workers with workplace specific training to make them aware of issues and arrangements
relevant to the workplace including:
(pp) safety documents, policies and plans, including any WHS management plan and safe work
method statements
(qq) supervisory, consultation and reporting arrangements
(rr) workplace safety rules, including first aid provisions and emergency procedures
(ss) workplace facilities, including their location, use and maintenance
(tt) emergency procedures, including after-hours emergency contacts
(uu) health monitoring requirements and procedures
(vv) access, egress and security
(ww) workplace specific hazards and control measures
(xx) how safety issues are resolved, including health and safety representative arrangements
(yy) how to report hazards and unsafe work practices
(zz) how to report accidents, incidents and dangerous occurrences
(aaa) what to do if a person is injured, including first aid provisions
(bbb) fire appliance selection and use appropriate for the various potential fire sources at the
workplace (eg: electrical, liquids).
Provide suitably modified workplace specific training to any BSC personnel who need to access the
workplace to perform inspection, audit, management, maintenance or operations functions and to visitors.
Maintain a register on site identifying at least the persons provided with workplace specific training and the
date trained.
A14.6.4 Confined Space Training
Comply with Reg 76 of the WHS Regulation by ensuring that workers who are to enter a confined space,
workers who are to carry out a function in relation to work in a confined space and the supervisors of
those workers, are provided with suitable and adequate information, training and instruction in relation to

Bogan Shire Council A.B.N. 68 886 242 083 19 Conditions of Tender

the following:
- the nature of all hazards associated with a confined space;
- the need for, and appropriate use of, risk control measures;
- the selection, use, fir, testing and storage of any personal protective equipment;
- the contents of any relevant confined space entry permit; and
- emergency procedures;
Training must be by an organisation listed as a Registered Training Organisation for confined space
training on Assess competency every 2 years and provide re-training or refresher training
as necessary to maintain competency. Keep records of all training provided and competency
assessments including at least the name of the person trained, an outline of the training, the date and
duration of training and the name of the trainer and Registered Training Organisation.
Submit records of training and competency assessment prior to the commencement of confined space
work on site.
Submit copies of all entry permits within 24 hours of the confined space being returned to service.

A14.7 Site Attendance Register

Maintain a register on site of all persons attending the site including employees, subcontractors and
visitors. Ensure that all persons attending the site sign on upon arrival and sign off when leaving the site.
Check the register at the end of each day to ensure that all persons have left the site and are accounted

A14.8 Site Safety Rules

All persons in the construction area must comply with site safety rules which, as a minimum, include the
following provisions.
- Workplace Specific Training. All persons in the construction area must have first attended
workplace specific training.
- Safety Helmets. All persons in the construction area must wear safety helmets at all times. Safety
helmets must comply with AS 1801 Occupational protective helmets.
- Safety Footwear. All persons in the construction area must wear safety footwear at all times. Safety
footwear must comply with AS 2210 Occupational protective footwear.
- Glass Containers. Glass containers are not allowed on the site, other than in lunchrooms.
- Alcohol and Drugs. The consumption of alcohol and illegal drugs on the site is prohibited. Persons
under the influence of drugs and/or alcohol will not be permitted on the site.
- Smoking. Smoking is prohibited on site.
- Mobile Phones. Only supervisors are permitted to use mobile phones in work areas.
- Accidents and Incidents. Accidents and injuries must be reported immediately to the Contractor's
site representative.
- First Aid. All persons requiring first aid treatment must contact the first aid officer who will administer
the treatment and record the person's name and the nature of the injury in the WorkCover Register of
- Fire Prevention. Each item of plant on site must carry a 9kg fire extinguisher on board. Conduct and
document a risk assessment to determine the most appropriate type of extinguisher for each item of
- Cleanliness and Tidiness. Work areas must be kept clean and tidy, with rubbish and other safety
hazards, cleaned up promptly. All protruding nails shall be removed immediately from timber. All
vehicles leaving the site must not track soil, debris etc. onto the roads and all loads must be covered
(where applicable).
- Electrical. All temporary electrical work and temporary electrical plant must comply with the AS 3012
Electrical installations - Construction and demolition sites.
- Preventing Public Access. Implement security measures to prevent unauthorised access to the
construction area.

Bogan Shire Council A.B.N. 68 886 242 083 20 Conditions of Tender

- Pets/animals. Animals are not permitted on the construction site.

- Storage of Materials, Plant and Equipment. Ensure that all materials, plant and equipment located
on the site are positioned and secured so as to not present a hazard to any person. Irrespective of
the slope of surface and erection of perimeter fencing, secure pipes to prevent movement. Return all
pipes not laid at the end of day to secure stockpile areas.

A14.9 Signage
Provide signs at each workplace, or the work area of the workplace, where the construction project is
being undertaken stating at least the following in black vinyl lettering at least 50mm high:

Visitors report to <the location of the site office or supervisor>

PH : <Principal Contractor’s phone number>
AH : <Principal Contractor’s after hours phone number>
Contracting to Bogan Shire Council
Signs shall have minimum overall dimensions of 450mm x 600mm and be manufactured from 0.8 mm
thick colorbond steel sheeting. Sign(s) shall be gloss white on the front face and green or similar on the
reverse face. Ensure that the signs are clearly visible from outside the workplace.
Signs should be fixed in place unless the workplace will only be a construction site while workers are in
attendance (eg: work in the area is completed and full public access resumed in one shift), in which case
relocatable signs (such as a sandwich-board style) may be used.

A14.10 Incident Notification and Investigation

In addition to the responsibilities under Part 3 of the WHS Act to immediately notify NSW WorkCover
Authority of any Notifiable incidents, also notify the Superintendent:
- immediately in the case of a Notifiable incident; and
- as soon as reasonably practicable in the case of any other lost time injury, medical treatment
injury or significant near miss.
Submit copies to the Superintendent of any documents provided to NSW WorkCover Authority in relation
to a Notifiable incident.
Record, investigate and analyze all incidents, work related illnesses and injuries and their causes in
consultation with workers and their supervisors to bring about improvements in policies, standards,
procedures, processes and work practices. Submit a written report detailing the investigation, analysis and
proposed corrective actions within 5 working days of the incident.
If any incident involves the failure of any plant or equipment, do not permit the continued use of the failed
plant or equipment until it has been inspected, repaired and certified as fit for use by a qualified person
(eg: structural engineer, electrician, mechanic) and the certification submitted.

A14.11 WorkCover Authority Inspections and Notices

Immediately notify the Superintendent of any site inspection undertaken by a NSW WorkCover Authority
inspector and of any Improvement, Prohibition, Investigation or Penalty Notices issued.
Submit a copy of such notices together with written details of the corrective action(s) taken to rectify the
identified issue(s) and prevent recurrence.

A14.12 Audits
On request, make available all relevant WHS records, including those of subcontractors and suppliers, for
the purposes of audit and surveillance. Provide all reasonable assistance during such audits, including


A15.1 Specification and Statutory Requirements
The environmental management requirements contained in this Specification and any document

Bogan Shire Council A.B.N. 68 886 242 083 21 Conditions of Tender

referenced by this Specification, may be in addition to, but are not in substitution for, any statutory
requirements and do not limit the liabilities and responsibilities of the Contractor.

A15.2 Environmental Incident Reporting

Immediately notify the Superintendent of any incident that causes or may cause degradation of the
environment. If the Superintendent cannot be contacted, immediately notify the BSC Council - Phone 02
6835 9023.
Supply a detailed report on the environmental incident to the Superintendent within twenty four hours of
the incident.


A16.1 Inspection and Testing Plans
Develop, document, implement and maintain Inspection and Test Plans (ITPs) that are in accordance with
the NSW Government Quality Management System Guidelines.
The Guidelines are available from ‘NSW Procurement’ at:-
Web site:
[ select “Reference Material” then “Procurement Guideline Documents” & then choose the
appropriate guideline from list ]
Submit the ITPs and certification of the compliance of subcontractors’ ITPs, no later than 14 days before
work for which they apply commences. Submit revisions to the ITPs and certifications as necessary to
cover subsequent work 14 days before it commences.

A16.2 Product Compliance

For products manufactured to an Australian Standard, submit evidence from the manufacturer which
demonstrates compliance with the Australian Standard.
Satisfactory evidence includes:
 Product Certification supported by a sampling and testing plan,
 Minimum Sampling and Testing Frequency Plan required by the Australian Standard.
Submit records of testing required by the plans upon request or as directed.

A16.3 Monitoring and Audits

The Principal and/or its agents may undertake monitoring and audits (including testing) to confirm that the
Contractor, its subcontractors or suppliers are complying with the Contract.
Ensure that the Principal and/or its agents (including visitors authorised by the Principal) has access to all
facilities, documentation, records and personnel that are needed by those persons for the carrying out of
the monitoring and audits.
Ensure that the appropriate employees and representatives of the Contractor are available, as necessary,
to discuss details of quality matters with the Principal and/or its agents (including visitors authorised by the
Principal) during the above monitoring and audits.

A16.4 Quality Records

Quality Records comprise:
 ITPs and checklists;
 inspection and test records obtained from subcontractors, manufacturers and suppliers; and
 test results obtained from testing laboratories etc.
Ensure that the Quality Records are secure against deterioration, damage and loss and are suitably filed
and indexed to allow convenient retrieval of individual records.
Retain Quality Records until issue of the Final Payment Certificate or submit as required by the Contract
including at the request of the Superintendent.

Bogan Shire Council A.B.N. 68 886 242 083 22 Conditions of Tender

A16.5 Failure to Comply

If the Contractor fails to comply with the requirements of clause "Quality Management", the Principal may
carry out such inspections and tests that the Superintendent determines and the cost incurred by the
Principal shall be a debt due from the Contractor.

A17.1 Requirement
Within two weeks weeks of the Date of Contract Award, supply a detailed program detailing individual

A17.2 Format
Set out the program on a time scale of calendar weeks with individual activity durations not exceeding two
weeks. The program shall show but not be limited to:
- a project calendar clearly denoting which days are work days (allow for restrictions on working
time and contingencies for which the Contractor is responsible under the terms of the Contract.
This would include but not be limited to week-ends, holidays, Christmas close-down, union
designated and other days off and manufacture and trade delays);
- the inter-relationships between activities;
- the estimated duration of activities and the plant and manpower resources for each activity;
- the sequence of activities which constitutes the critical path or paths culminating in practical
- mobilisation to Site;
- order dates, supply lead time and Site delivery dates for all major items, including those to be
supplied by the Principal, as well as details of off-site manufacturing and fabrication activities;
- any action for which the Principal is responsible;
- Precommissioning;
- Commissioning;
- Date(s) for Practical Completion.

A17.3 Progress
With each Payment Claim submit an updated program to the same detail as that specified for the original
program and show time extensions granted and progress achieved against the program. List all specific
actions to correct or address any delays which may impact upon the Date for Practical Completion.

A17.4 Revised Program

A revised program may be requested if the Superintendent considers that the current program cannot be
adhered to. Within two weeks of such a request, submit an updated program incorporating changes in
methods, times or sequence of activities, and showing the planned progress towards the Date/s for
Practical Completion, to the same detail as specified for the original program.

A17.5 Daily Records

Each day submit a certified Daily Record in the form at ATTACHMENT A1 - DAILY RECORD SHEET or

A18.1 Report Contents
Within 5 calendar days of the end of each month, supply a written report for that month addressing the
following issues:
- Updated Schedule of Safe Work Method Statements and status of the submissions. Refer Clause
- Works Progress: Provide an Extension of Time register which shows the status of actual and
anticipated claims for Extensions of Time. Notwithstanding that an updated program is to be

Bogan Shire Council A.B.N. 68 886 242 083 23 Conditions of Tender

provided, report the Contractor’s assessment of progress making reference to any activities which
may be well behind or ahead of schedule, ability to achieve Practical Completion by the date for
Practical Completion, action to be taken to improve progress if necessary.
- Variations/Claims for Extra Cost: Provide a variation/claim register that shows the status of actual
and anticipated Variations/Claims for Extra Cost.
- Contract Payments: Provide a table of payment claims, payments received and predicted payment
- Requests for Information (Register): Details of correspondence for which a response from the
Superintendent is outstanding.

Bogan Shire Council A.B.N. 68 886 242 083 24 Conditions of Tender

Attachment A1 - Daily Record Sheet



Plant. Details Hours Plant. Details Hours Plant. Details Hours
No Worked No Worked No Worked
1. ....................... 5. ....................... 9. .......................
2. ....................... 6. ....................... 10. .......................
3. ....................... 7. ....................... 11. .......................
4. ....................... 8. ....................... 12. .......................
(Include RTA registration numbers for plant and equipment if available)

Lab. Name Hours Lab. Name Hours Lab. Name Hours
No Worked No Worked No Worked
1. ....................... 5. ....................... 9. .......................
2. ....................... 6. ....................... 10. .......................
3. ....................... 7. ....................... 11. .......................
4. ....................... 8. ....................... 12. .......................
Task No Details of Work/Activity Performed, Location and milestone reached Plant. Hrs Lab. No Hrs
in No

Bogan Shire Council A.B.N. 68 886 242 083 25 Conditions of Tender

Task No Details of Work/Activity Performed, Location and milestone reached Plant. Hrs Lab. No Hrs
in No


COMMENTS (Including any delays, WorkCover inspection etc).

I .......................................................................................... certify that the above information is correct.

(Name of Contractor’s Representative)
This record does not satisfy the requirements for a “Notice” if required under the Contract.

Signature of Contractor’s Representative: ………………………………………………..….

Date : ……………………………….



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