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Redel John A.

Bravo (IMC STEM G1)

“What I learned from the Midterm Class in IMC”

The Introduction to Maritime Career (IMC) help me to learn about how to become a
successful seafarer and also it helps me to learn how to become a better person. Mr.
Vlad Palomo, he is the person who teaches us about the Introduction to Maritime
Career. It is fun and exciting to learn about this subject it because our teacher Mr.
Palomo make some jokes in our class for the class not to be boring that way we will be
more interested in listening to his class. In his first topic he teaches us about
Introduction to Shipping, I learned a lot about this lesson that there are many job
opportunities in the Merchant Marine Profession for example of Ship Building Repair,
Philippine Coast Guard, Philippine Navy, etc. And also I learn that China is in the top 1
rank to supply the largest number of seafarer and also Chine got the top 1 rank for
officers, however Philippines got the top 1 rank for ratings because the Philippines is the
world’s largest supplier of seafarers, plays an important role in the supply of seafarers
which are the foundation of global logistics. Although it has been driven by the rise of
Chine in recent years. For the last I learned in lesson one is the benefits in a Shipping
Career that has a High waves, Tax exemption, Expense free, Meet people of different
cultures and Learn different languages. In topic two he teaches about International
Maritime Organization / Other Related Conventions, in this lesson I learned about
Safety of life at Sea and Safety equipment’s this lesson I learn for the safety of the
seafarers and the safety protocols onboard. And for the topic three we learn about the
Different Types of Ships the, there is a lot of ship like General Cargo ships, Bulk
Carriers, Car Carrier, Container Carrier and more. This ships have different
characteristics that they have different jobs to do for example the Bulk carrier use to
transport unpackaged bulk cargo, such as grains, coal, etc., in its cargo holds. However,
Passenger ship is a merchant ship whose primary function is to carry passengers on the
sea. All of kinds of ships our very important that’s why we need to know all kinds of ship
for their proper in carrying cargo. The last topic Ship’s Nomenclature, Dimensions, And
Terminologies, this is about parts of the ships for this topic Mr. Palomo explain about
the definitions of Ships Nomenclature and Fittings and also explain the other naval
terms. For this midterm class in IMC I learned a lot and I know this lessons will help me
for the future in becoming a seafarer. I’m thanking Mr. Palomo for his time to teach us
about this subject and I will never forget this all of this lessons because this is one of
kind of lessons that I can bring for my future job. Mr. Palomo told us to be confident all
the time and also think positively and also believe in God so that we be can a better
person and to become a successful seafarer.

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