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Pabiona, James Ivan P.


“What I have learned from the Midterm class in IMC”

Over the past years maritime career is one of the top profession among filipinos and
even in a whole world. Thus, as a dreamer I decided to take a challenge leading to this
maritime profession career. In our society today most of the succesfull and having a
sustainable living are the mariners, we can see on how wealthy they are specifically on
financial matters and etc. As i go alongvwith this path i already take and accept the
challenge as a first step to achieve may dreams in the future.

As a student right now of jblfmu, i assess my self on what i have learned in the subject
introduction to maritime career. IMC or introduction to maritime career, from the word
itself a perceived that this kind of subject is all about the life of a seafarer, on how to
become competent and knowledgeable seafarer, what are different types of ships,
machineries that ca be found onboard and most of all knowledge about on how to
equip your self as a mariner or seafarer onboaed in the furtue.

First of all before our classes starts our instructor gave his personal background
regarding on his life as a seafarer on how he can handle and faces difficulties and
struggles before he bacame a successful one. On the other hand, i've already learned a
lot of things in introduction to maritime career subject like the diffferent kinds of ships
such as general cargo ship, bulk carriers, different types of tankers ( Lng tanker, lpg
tanker ), passenger vessel, tug boats, service boats and cruise ship vessel. This types
of vessel have their own capabality and uniqueness on how to carry their respective
goods. Lik the cargo ship that carries cargoes ,goods and materials from one port to
another. The tanker vessel designed to transport or store liquids in gases. Like the
chemical tankers , oil crude tanker but this designed vessel is more risky compare to
others. Then the passnger vessel the roro vessel or the roll on roll off vessel it designed
to carries people as passnger to depart from one place to another. Another passenger
vessel is cruise ship in which it is being known as a luxury vessel in where being
aboarded by the rich and elite people or individuals. The tug boat or the service boats
design ship a small design boats used to assit the vessel going to alongside or berthing
this kinds of boats is significant during in port operation. That’s all sir thank you, sorry
for wrong grammar I hope for your kind consideration.

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