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The Effects of Online Gaming to the Academic Performance and Social Conduct of Filipino

College Students: Its Integration to Undergraduate Learning Methods

Alcira, Jonathan
Frando, Leobel R.
Reyes, Melrose Diane H.
Asia Technological School of Science and Arts
Accounting Research Methods
Ms. Thale Joy Escuton
The Effects of Online Gaming to the Academic Performance and Social Conduct of Filipino

College Students: Its Integration to Undergraduate Learning Methods

The effects of online games on people’s social behaviors have been studied extensively in

many years (“The Impact of Online Games on Social Behavior” 2020). This research decided to

shed some light on the relationship between online games and academic performance and social

conduct. Due to the fact that people live in an informed world where information is constantly

changed, the internet has become one of the needs of human beings of all ages and genders in

today's society (Dumrique and Castillo 2018). Despite the fact that video games sometimes get a

poor name, there is proof that they can help children in a number of ways (Dewar 2013)

To be included in this research are (i) the most frequent users of online games in

Asiatech, (ii) the types of online games played by Asiatech College students, (iii) online games

affecting the performance of the selected college students, and (iv) the conduct of online gaming

integrated to the teaching styles and learning methods of college students in Asiatech.

An online game is a video game that is played in part or entirely over the internet or

another computer network. Online games are popular on digital gaming systems such as PCs,

consoles, and handheld devices, and they include a wide range of genres, including first-person

shooters, role playing games, real time strategy, massively multiplayer online games, and

multiplayer online battle arena.

First Person Shooter is a console and PC game genre These games are distinguished by

their first-person viewpoint, which helps the player to explore the game's world using only their

character's hands holding a weapon in frame to position themselves. Instead of allowing the
player to play from an omniscient third-person point of view, this provides a more realistic

environment (Norton nd)

Role-playing games are games in which you play as a protagonist who must overcome

impossible odds to save the universe You meet a lot of interesting people, learn new skills and

talents, battle gruesome creatures, and watch an exciting tale unfold: your story (Liberty 2017)

Real-time strategy games have numerous similarities to real-world scenarios in domains

such as war planning, air traffic control, and emergency response team management, making

them attractive test-beds for Artificial Intelligence (AI) and machine learning. End-user

annotations may aid in providing supplementary information to learning algorithms, especially

when training data is scarce (Metoyer, Stumpf, Numann, Dodge, Cao, and Schnabel 2010).

Massively multiplayer online games, also known as MMOGs, allow players to compete

against real-time players from other parts of the country on the same virtual network. They work

by allowing thousands of players from all over the world to log in and play together. You can

pick how much engagement you want to have, but if you just choose to play the games and not

talk to anybody, that's great, just as interacting with anyone is (Davies 2020)

Anything that is done unnecessarily, like online games, may be terrible. Moderation is

necessary. If college students take their video gaming hobby far enough, they can lead to class

and grade conflicts, or even worse (“Gaming Addiction in College” 2020). Now that the student

has been such a college, obligations take place. Research has found that students who participate

in career preparation remain at school for a longer term, graduate on time, increase their

academic achievement and appear to be more target-oriented and inspired. In general, the

university experience is more satisfactory and comprehensive. Therefore, your personal identity

and values are an important first move in education. By analyzing the principles, the educational
aims are established and the work is finally planned (Weiler, Nicholas W., and Stephen C.

Schoonover 2001).

Academic performance assesses the growth of human capitals in an economy and provide

students and parents with the opportunity to know their students' actual academic status (Narad

& Abdullah, 2016). Academic performance is among the several components of academic

success (Massud, Mufarrih, Qureshi, Khan 2019) From its creation, the complexity of

intellectual accomplishment begins. Sometimes it is known as school readiness, academic

achievement and school performance, but usually semantics clarify the distinction between

terms, which are used as synonyms. (The 2015 Lamas)

Various psychology studies have shown that increased in internet time can negatively

affect a person's ability to interact with friends, colleagues, family members and parents in a

proper manner (Anderson and Lee Rainie 2012). A person's social behavior includes all of the

behavioral habits to which he or she is subjected in social contexts (Reppold, Filho, Hutz and

Teixeira 2016).

Online games include four types of social activity including talking, making friends,

playing roles, team work which connect virtual world and true society. They are all social

behaviors. (Qin, Rau, Gao 2011).

Social identity theory where Tajfel (1979) proposed that the groups (e.g. social class,

family, football team etc.) which people belonged to were an important source of pride and self-

esteem. Groups give us a sense of social identity: a sense of belonging to the social world.

The Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) started as the Theory of Reasoned Action in 1980

to predict an individual's intention to engage in a behavior at a specific time and place. The

theory was intended to explain all behaviors over which people have the ability to exert self-
control. The key component to this model is behavioral intent; behavioral intentions are

influenced by the attitude about the likelihood that the behavior will have the expected outcome

and the subjective evaluation of the risks and benefits of that outcome.

Social learning theory, proposed by Albert Bandura, emphasizes the importance of

observing, modelling, and imitating the behaviors, attitudes, and emotional reactions of others.

Social learning theory considers how both environmental and cognitive factors interact to

influence human learning and behavior.

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