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Umrah (The minor Pilgrimage)

Literal meaning of Umrah is to have intention or to visit. In Islamic terminology it is the

Minor Hajj, which can be performed at any time of the year. It can be performed along
with Hajj or separately in other days as well. It is not obligatory however its
recommendation comes in the Quran. “… accomplish Hajj and Umrah to please Allah”.

The procedure for Umrah is that first of Muslims are required to take bath or perform
ablution and then they wear Ihram. Ihram consists of two white sheets of cloth,
unstitched, for males to cover the body while their heads remain uncovered. They should
not cover their feet. Females wear their normal garments without covering their faces.
There are certain restrictions which should be observed during Ihram. These include the
cutting of hair & nails, establishing sexual relations, using perfume, hunting etc.

There are five boundaries/ stations named Mawaqeet(Singular: Miqaat). Miqaat stations
are those limits where Ihram is donned and intention for Umrah is made. Talbiyah is
started from the Miqaat. It is to pronounce “Labbaik Allahuma Labbaik…” which means
“O Allah I am present I am present…”. Talbiyah is pronounced loudly and it is compulsory
part of Umrah (& Hajj). Then Muslims enter in the Masjid-e-Haraam at Makkah Muslims
do the Tawaf of Kabah which consists of seven rounds around Kabah, anti-clock wise,
starting from the black stone and ending at the black stone. Muslims do Istilaam at the
Hijr-e-Aswad (the Black stone). Muslims should kiss the Black stone, or touch it or point
their hands toward it. It is done at the start of every round of the Twaf. Then Muslims
have to perform two raka at the station of Ibrahim (Muqam-e-Ibrahim). This is a stone
containing footprints of the Prophet Ibrahim (a.s.) who stood on it to build the Kabah.
Allah says: “…and enjoin the people to dedicate to worship the place where Ibrahim used
to stand for prayer.”. Then if Muslims are not fasting they should drink the water of
Zamzam which is considered sacred water.

Muslims perform between Safa and Marwa hill seven times after they complete tawaf.
These hills are the signs of Allah. Allah says: “Indeed Safa and Marwa are among the signs
of Allah”. This is also a compulsory(Wajib) act. At this place the mother of Ismaeel (r.a)
ran in search for water for Ismaeel (a.s.) then water gushed out when he rubbed his
heels. At the end of Saee heads are shaved or trimmed and the females are only allowed
to have a lock of the hair clipped. Shaving head (Halaq) carries more reward than
trimming. With shaving or trimming the acts of Umrah ends. The can take off Ihram.
Umra is rewardable act as the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) once said: “Umrah becomes expiation
for one’s sins till the next Umrah”. These are the ways in which we perform Umrah

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