Val02 Act 3 Chapter 3 - Salonga

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1. Look for a newspaper article that tackles an ethical issue.

Consider the following questions:

Article: “Unintended Pregnancy and Unsafe Abortion in the Philippines; Context and Consequences

a. What makes this a matter of ethics?

• From the word “Abortion” we can say that this matter is considered as ethical issue. Why? Many
Filipino or women in the Philippines experience unwanted pregnancy, most of them are young or
not even on legal age. They got pregnant not knowing what kind of life a head of them. Unintended
pregnancy caused by incident, rape or some would say that all they want is sex not a baby. That is
why they think that abortion is the only way to get rid of them.

b. What is your own ethical judgement on this case?

• From my perspective, Abortion is really unethical. Unwanted pregnancy is very relevant in the
Philippines. As of today, the percentage of teenage pregnancy is very high. Some of them do really
want it or they accept the consequences of what they did but majority of them don’t want it. There
goes the problem, it can label as unintended pregnancy. Many young women chose to shirk than to
pursue their dream but because of the poverty that killed their dream, they can’t do anything but to
keep up with the wave of life. Thay abort their own child not because they don’t want it but because
of the poverty.

c. What are your reasons for this judgement?

• It is very unethical even if you say you didn’t want what happened. It is stated in the bible that
abortion is forbidden. There are many things you can do for unwanted baby.

2. Is looking after benefit of your own family over all other aspects considered as another form of egoism?
• Looking after benefit of your own family over all others can be considered as egoism if it has to do
with your ego. If it wasn’t against your decision and will return as a good benefit in your ego then it
is a form of egoism. When we say egoism, it relates to the act of your own interest and desires.

3. In your opinion,” What is justice?”

• It is an idea of moral rightness based on ethics which is given to deserving people or living things in
the world.

4. What are your self-possessions? Explain in 5 to 10 sentences.

• Self-possessions are something you cared about, things you valued the most and love. One of my
self-possessions is my family. I always have them in my mind. Every time I’m away I always think of
them. I cherished them the way they cherished me. They always in my head whenever I’m making
a decision to myself and I always considered what they going to say if I did something because I
love them all my heart.

5. Make a short story showing Psychological Egoism.

• Say for instance, When I was walking in the hallway and I saw a group of people or beggar
specifically. I always pity them not because they are beggar but because of poverty. They don’t
have their own house; they can’t afford to buy food or necessities and they don’t even have money
for their daily expenses. So, as what my ego always tells me, I provide them something that can
help them survive a day. I give them things or stuff such as food, drinks or anything I have. That
was one of example of psychological Egoism. Doing what you actually want and make your desires
come true that will benefit you and your ego.

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