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1. Write and explain at least 2 laws of the land stated in the country’s criminal and civil codes.

• Republic Act 6425 or known as the Dangerous Drug Act of 1972, as amended, and providing funds
for its implementation. The penalty of imprisonment ranging from 4 years and 1 day to 8 years and a
fine ranging from 4 thousand to 8 thousand pesos shall be imposed upon any person who, unless
authorized by law, shall make or issue a prescription for any regulated drug.
• Republic Act 10627 or known as the Ant-Bullying Act which aims to protect children enrolled in
kindergarten, elementary, and secondary schools and learning centers from being bullied.

2. Can be our law be the basis of Ethics? Expand your answer.

• Despite the fact that the law embodies ethical principles, laws and ethics are not always that
compatible. Laws are the one that guide us and protect us with one another or secure its citizen.
Laws convey discipline for infringement which ethics do not.

3. Is religion can be a basis of Ethics? Expand your answer.

• Ethics doesn’t depend on religion. Human moral conduct ought to be founded strongly on
compassion, training and social ties and need so it basically no religious basis is obligatory.

5. Explain your certain traits, values and practices of your culture.

• In our house, we practiced saying “po” and “opo” when talking to my parents or elders. We also do
“Mano po” every time we have visitor that is much older than me or when my father comes home
after his work every day.

6. Elaborate and explain the changes of our indigenous culture to the modern culture.
• Say for instance the indigenous or traditional song of a tribal group can misuse or misapplication in
modern culture.

7. Is culture can be the basis of ethics?

• When we say culture, this is something that address people ought to act and interface with others
based on what they usually do. These beliefs can be ethical or not in the vision of others.

8. define “Holiness” in your own opinion.

• Holiness is the state of being holy. It is devoted or sacred to God or a religious purpose.

9-10. Imagine that you are a legislator. What rules or laws that currently prohibited certain acts or practices
would you want to amend or repeal? Also, are there certain acts or practices would you want to prohibit?
Think of this on the level of your school, your city, and nation.
• One thing I would like to amend in the rules and regulation of my, let say my former school is the rule
that stated that student can’t go outside the school during class hours. Why? Because I think it
prohibited student to do some important stuff outside the school. When I was in shs, in my former
school, they don’t let student go outside the school during class hours even you have something
important to do, you need to stay. We are doing our research that time and we forgot to print some
part of it then we ask permission to guards and they didn’t let us go. We are really in a rush that time
because we need to passed it on time.

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