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Módulo transversal

English for physical and

sports activities

Answer key
Solucionario English for physical and sports activities
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Módulo transversal
English for physical and sports activities

4. The world of athletics.

4.1. Situation and reading

1) Reading activity.Correct the information in the sentences below. Use the information in the text.

Pierre de Coubertin was the first male record holder of the 110 m hurdles in the world.
No, Pierre de Coubertin was not the first male record holder of the 110 m
hurdles in the world. He promoted amateurism in the modern OG.

a. Nowadays, all running events take place on ash tracks.

b. Sprint running distances are between 800 m and 3 000 m.
c. The distance of the marathon is 21 km.
d. The second jump of the triple jump event is called hop.
e. The pole vault event is a throwing event.

a. No, nowadays the tracks are made of synthetic materials such as tartan, for instance.

b. No, sprint running distances are between 100 m and 400 m.

c. No, the distance of the marathon is 42.125 km.

d. No, the second jump of the triple jump event is called step.

e. No, the pole vault event is a jumping event.

2) Quiz activity.Choose the correct option for each sentence.

1. Athletics is ...
a. A group of race events.
b. A group of sporting events.
c. A place to practise sport.

2. The first celebration of an athletic competition took place in...

a. 776 BCE
b. 1992 ACE
c. 1492 ACE

3. The first known winner in a race in the ancient Olympic Games was...
a. Carl Lewis
b. Pierre de Coubertin
c. Coroebus

4. The period of peace during the competitions was called...

a. Peace in competitions
b. Fair play
c. Olympic truce

5. What was the name of the city where the first Olympic Games were held?
a. Athens
b. Olympia
Módulo transversal
English for physical and sports activities

c. Sparta

6. The name of the first racing event was:

a. Stadion
b. Olympion
c. Double Stadion

1. b. A group of sporting events.

2. a. 776 BCE

3. c. Coroebus

4. c. Olympic truce

5. b. Olympia

6. a. Stadion

3) Speaking activity.Explain in your own words to your partner:

a. Who was Philippides?

b. Who was Pierre de Coubertin?
c. When is an athlete disqualified at the start of a race?
d. How many different running events with obstacles exist in the athletic sporting events?

a. The soldier who ran between Marathon and Athens to communicate the victory of the finished war.

b. The person who, in 1896, promoted the amateurism as a main requirement to compete in the
modern Olympic Games.

c. If he makes two false starts.

d. Two: hurdling and steeplechase running.

4) Do you have a good memory?

a. Name the four throwing events:

b. Name the three main group of distances in racing events:
c. Name the four jumping events:

a. Discus, javelin, hammer throw, shot put.

b. Sprint running, middle distance running, long distance running.

c. Long jump, high jump, triple jump, pole vault.

5) Try to find out the following technical and historical concepts:

a. What was the reference to define the weight of the iron ball in the shot put event?
b. How long is a lap in an athletic outdoor stadium?
c. Where was the first reference to discus throw found?
d. What object do sprinters use to avoid slipping back after the gunshot?
e. What was the distance of the Stadion race in the ancient Olympic Games?

Módulo transversal
English for physical and sports activities

a. The weight of a gun bullet.

b. 400m.

c. The Illiad.

d. Starting blocks.

e. 197.27m.

6) Can you recognise the different athletic events in these signs? Which one is missing? Sketch one sign
for the missing event.

a. Middle distance running. b. High jump. c. Sprint running. d. Javelin.

e. Shot put. f. Triple jump. g. Long distance running.

h. Hurdling. i. Discus throw. j. Long jump. k. Pole vault

Missing event: Hammer throw is missing.

Rest of the activity, open.

4.2. Vocabulary

1) Unjumble the letters and write the name of the sports you can see in the pictures .
Hurdles, javelin, steeplechase, discus, shot put, marathon.

2) Choose the correct word for its definition.

Cadence – Tartan Track – Heel – Lane – Competition number –

Sprinter – Ash – Dash – Bar – Spiked shoes

a. Synthetic material used to cover the track in athletic events: Tartan track

b. Old substance that covered the tracks in athletic events: Ash

c. A flexible horizontal bar to be jumped over in jumping events: Bar

d. The regular execution of the stride: Cadence

Módulo transversal
English for physical and sports activities

e. Any race without obstacles: Dash

f. Number that identifies each competitor: Competition number

g. Special shoes equipped with little spikes on the sole: Spiked shoes

h. Measurement used to control the exact length to be run in jumping events: Heel

i. Each narrow part of a track intended for each runner: Lane

j. Athlete who take part in sprint events: Sprinter

3) Group activity.In pairs or small groups, explain where in a track and field stadium each athletics
event is done.
Open activity.

4) As a coach, try to complete the sentences you would normally use with your athletes. Use the words
in the box.

Baton – Record – Prezone – Bell – Starting pistol – Get set

– Plasticine marker – Spiked shoes – Take-off board – Pacemaker – False starts
– Disqualified – Cadence – Take-off step – Laps

a. During the relay race, try to give the baton to your teammate after the prezone to avoid a

b. Avoid touching the plasticine marker with your spiked shoes during the take-off step in the long
jump event. Step only on the take-off board.

c. When you hear the bell progressively increase your cadence until the finish line.

d. The starting judge will say “On your marks”, after that “Get set” and finally he will fire the starting
pistol. If you make two false starts, you will be disqualified.

e. During the first two laps, follow the pacemaker to beat the Olympic record.

Módulo transversal
English for physical and sports activities

5) Make a sentence with each pair of words.

a. Middle distance / steeplechase

b. Throwing cage / accident
c. Marathon / mass start
d. Bar / high jump
e. Arrival judge / finish line

Open activity.

4.3. Grammar

1) Complete the sentences with the correct past participle of the verbs win, ride, be, jump or participate.
Then, answer the questions.
a. Have you ever been on a sports TV programme?

b. Have you ever ridden a horse?

c. Have you ever jumped higher than 8 metres?

d. Have you ever won a gold medal?

e. Have you ever participated in a race?

2) Choose the best answer to complete the sentence.

1. I have travelled to Europe a lot, and in 2017...

a. I have gone to Portugal
b. I went to Portugal

2. She finished her University degree in 2016 and she has been a sports teacher...
a. for 3 years.
b. since 3 years.

3. The athlete has been in two Olympic Games, but

a. he hasn’t won any medals yet.
b. he hasn’t just won any medals.

4. We are really tired because...

a. will train for three hours.
b. we have trained for three hours.

5. Students...
a. have practised this exercise since last Friday.
b. practised this exercise since last Friday.

6. Have you...
a. still finished your work?
b. already finished your work?

1. b. I went to Portugal.

2. a. for 3 years.

Módulo transversal
English for physical and sports activities

3. a. he hasn't won any medals yet.

4. b. we have trained for three hours.

5. a. have practised this exercise since last Friday.

6. b. already finished your work?

3) Read the text and correct the mistakes.

I think I has had a very interesting life. I’s 67 now and I don’t work anymore. I were a athlete for
25 year. I stoped my career as a sportsman when I was 42 and then I workied as a trainer since
23 years.

I life in a small town in Massachusetts. I have lived here since the last 20 years. To be precise, I
lived here since 1999.

I have be to so many countrys that I can remember all of them. I’ve been to Japan three or four
time and to Kenya five times. I haven’t also been to Germany but I haven’t liked them all.


I think I has have had a very interesting life. I’s I’m 67 now and I don’t work anymore. I were was a an
athlete for 25 year. I stoped stopped my career as a sportsman when I was 42 and then I workied
worked as a trainer since for 23 years.

I life live in a small town in Massachusetts. I have lived here since for the last 20 years. To be precise,
I have lived here since 1999.

I have be been to so many countrys countries that I can can’t remember all of them. I’ve been to
Japan three or four time times and to Kenya five times. I haven’t have also been to Germany but I
haven’t liked didn’t like them all.

Final text:

I think I has had a very interesting life. I’s 67 now and I don’t work anymore. I were a athlete for 25
year. I stoped my career as a sportsman when I was 42 and then I workied as a trainer since 23

I life in a small town in Massachusetts. I have lived here since the last 20 years. To be precise, I lived
here since 1999.

I have be to so many countrys that I can remember all of them. I’ve been to Japan three or four time
and to Kenya five times. I haven’t also been to Germany but I haven’t liked them all.

4) Writing activity. Write a similar text about someone in your family: your grandfather, your
grandmother, your great grandparents...
Open activity.

5) Choose the correct option:

1. Would you like to _________ hiking with me?

a. go

Módulo transversal
English for physical and sports activities

b. do
c. play

2. Have you ever _________ hockey?

a. done
b. played
c. gone

3. I think that _________ yoga is very relaxing.

a. playing
b. doing
c. going

4. She _________ athletics at school.

a. went
b. did
c. played

5. They _________ sailing yesterday.

a. did
b. went
c. played

6. When I was 10 years old, I _________ swim very well.

a. can
b. could
c. did

7. Because of her physical skills, this girl _________ aikido.

a. could do
b. can do
c. can play

1. a. go

2. b. played

3. b. doing

4. b. did

5. b. went

6. b. could

7. b. can do

6) Speaking activity. In pairs, talk about what sports you have played. Explain what you were able to do
and what you were not able to do.
Open activity.

7) Complete these time expressions with for or since.

Módulo transversal
English for physical and sports activities

1. for six days

2. since 4 o’clock

3. for a long time

4. for a moment

5. since last summer

6. for a year

7. since he was a child

8. since 1999

8) Write sentences about Ann Longlegs using the present perfect tense (for instance, she has
participated) and the past simple tense (she played).
Open activity.

9) Speaking activity.Search for information about a real athlete and complete a table like the one in
activity 8 . Then share it with a partner.
Open activity.

10) Complete the sentences with the past perfect of the verb in brackets. Example: Ann Longlegs was
very tired because she hadn’t slept well.
a. When I arrived at the stadium, the match had started.

b. She had lived in London, before she went to Paris.

c. If you had listened to me, you would have got better results.

d. Had the athlete been sick for a long time before she recovered?

e. She told me she had trained a lot before the race.

f. The grass of the football pitch was yellow because it had rained all summer.

11) Speaking activity.In pairs, read about this situation and talk about the possible consequences of the
trainer’s absence. Use the past perfect simple.

Módulo transversal
English for physical and sports activities

A trainer came back to the training session and realised he or she shouldn’t have left the teenage
athletes on their own for that long. The trainer walked back and saw...

Example: They hadn’t got changed into their sports clothes.

Open activity.

12) Use a frequency adverb (always, often, normally, never...) to express true sentences about yourself .
Open activity.

13) Writing activity.Write about what you do on Fridays. Use as many frequency adverbs as you can.
Open activity.

14) Write sentences explaining what each of the following people must and mustn’t do.

Arrival judge – Athlete – Competitor – Marathon runner – Sprinter

Example: A good sportsperson must be physically and mentally fit.

Open activity.

15) It’s 7:30 a.m. and David has finished his morning training session. Today he has a lot of things to do.
Look at the list and talk with your partner about David’s tasks for today. Use modal verbs of obligation
(have to, must, should).

Open activity.

16) Match the sentences .

1, f: Listen to your coach’s suggestions. They should help you improve your performance.

2, e: Sometimes, the runners do several long races in a row. That can’t be healthy.

3, g: Ann Longlegs has competed in the OG twice. She must have been excited.
Módulo transversal
English for physical and sports activities

4, h: Ann Longlegs will compete in the next OG. She must be excited.

5, i: A high jumper needs to master the Fosbury flop. It can be difficult at first.

6, d: The train is not moving, I may be late for work.

7, b: My flight is not on the board. It may have been cancelled.

8, c: The coach suggested training four times a week. He may be right.

9, a: It is midnight. They should have finished their training by now.

17) Group work.Choose an athletics discipline and make a poster with its rules. Use modal verbs to
express obligation, advice, permission and prohibition.
Open activity.

4.5. Make it real!

1) Summer athletic activities


You are the new coach at the North Coast Athletic Club of Trondheim and you are in charge of the
beginners. You will prepare material for the summer activities information package.


Search for information about athletics: athletic disciplines, places in an athletic stadium, historical
events... You can find useful information on Internet. Use Google or go directly to some specialised
websites as (International Association of Athletics Federations).
Prepare a presentation of athletics (about 300 words) for the information package. Try to use the
following items:
The different three groups of athletic events and their specific names. You can add information
about how they work and if they use some equipment.
The different specific places on the field in an athletic stadium.
The different parts and characteristics of the tracks.
Information to catch participants’ eye: historical data, icons, Did you know?...

Open activity.

Extra Listening 1: Get fit


[SPEAKER 1] I was very unfit but was determined to do some sport with my group of friends. The first
time I went hill walking, I had to keep stopping while I caught my breath and resting as my muscles
ached. I persevered and now I am fit enough to go hiking with my friends.
[SPEAKER 2] I am a very fit person because I have been doing different sports for years. I have
Módulo transversal
English for physical and sports activities

practised long distance running since I was 18. Now I am preparing for an ultra-trail which is a real
challenge for me.
[SPEAKER 3] For me, jogging is a real challenge. When I first started, I often wanted to turn back
when I was only one kilometre away. I asked myself: “Why am I doing this?” But I knew the answer
really: to strengthen my legs and do some aerobic exercises. An unexpected bonus was making so
many friends that have the same hobby.

Activity 1: Write a synonym for each of the following words or expressions.

1. out of shape
2. hurt
3. difficult goal
4. resolute
5. pastime.
6. extra benefit.
1. Unfit
2. Ached
3. Challenge
4. Determined
5. Hobby
6. Bonus

Activity 2: Indicate which speaker or speakers...

1. consider what he or she does a challenge.
2. is the fittest.
3. places friendship at the core of physical activity.

1. All three.
2. Speaker 2.
3. Speakers 1 and 3.

Activity 3: Can you identify any of your friends or relatives with speaker 1, 2 or 3? Explain why.
Open answer.

Extra Listening 2: Para-athletics


Para-athletics is practised by people with a disability. The events are mostly the same as those
available to able-bodied people, with two major exceptions in wheelchair racing and club throwing,
which are specific to the para-athletics division.

There are three main categories: deaf athletes, athletes with a physical disability and athletes with an
intellectual disability. Members of the first group normally compete among themselves, while the
second and third groups are assessed and given a classification and therefore they are grouped
together with those who have similar ability levels. There is an International Paralympic Committee
which is in charge of creating the different groups.
Módulo transversal
English for physical and sports activities

Paralympic athletics entered the Paralympic games in 1960. The Paralympic Games are organised in
parallel with the Olympic Games.

Activity 1: Answer the questions.

1. Which two exceptions do the events in para-athletics have regarding the athletics events?
2. Which three main categories do para-athletics include?
3. Which section competes among themselves?
4. Who is in charge of creating the different classification of groups?
5. Which year did Paralympic athletics enter the Paralympic Games?
1. Wheelchair racing and club throwing.
2. Deaf athletes, athletes with a physical disability and athletes with an intellectual disability.
3. The deaf athletes.
4. The Paralympic Committee.
5. In 1960.

Activity 2: Write the word corresponding to each definition.

1. ______________. Power, skill or capacity to do or act physically, mentally, etc.
2. ______________. A physical or mental handicap.
3. ______________. A sportsperson with a disability.
4. ______________. Partly or completely without the sense of hearing
5. ______________ disability. A condition that affects a person’s mobility, physical capacity, stamina,
or dexterity.
6. ______________ disability. A disability characterised by significant limitations in both intellectual
functioning and in adaptative behaviour.
1. Ability
2. Disability
3. Para-athlete
4. Deaf
5. Physical disability
6. Intellectual disability

Activity 3: In small groups of four or five people, find arguments in favour of separate sports
competitions according to personal abilities and limitations (for example, Olympic Games, Paralympics
and Special Olympics) and arguments in favour of inclusive sports competitions.

In class, share the arguments of each group and discuss the topic. Is there a reason for there to be
segregated competitions? In which contexts or for what reasons? Could anything be changed to make
top-level competitions more inclusive?
Practical activity.

Extra Reading 1: Olympic Games

1) Twenty-three athletes at the London 2012 Olympic Games from five different sports and of six
different nationalities returned adverse analytical findings on doping tests after samples were
reanalysed, the International Olympic Committee has said.
The IOC tested 265 samples from a selection of athletes who could potentially compete at Rio 2016,
as they did with a sample from the 2008 Beijing Olympics that had not returned 32 positive retests.
They also added that the reanalysis programme, which began in August 2015 in a bid to crack down
on past doping cheats who evaded anti-doping authorities, is ongoing with more positive results a
possibility in the coming weeks.

Módulo transversal
English for physical and sports activities

The positive tests could result in bans being handed out for the Rio Olympics, which begin in August,
and after an initial 31 tests failed new anti-doping measures from the Beijing Olympics, the IOC have
revealed that an additional failure has been recorded.
The IOC and the respective international federation – which has not been named – will now follow up
on the abnormal result.
"These reanalyses show, once again, our determination in the fight against doping," said IOC
president Thomas Bach in a statement on Friday."We want to keep the dopers away from the Olympic
Games in Rio de Janeiro. This is why we are acting swiftly now. I have already appointed a
disciplinary commission, which has the full power to take all the decisions on behalf of the IOC."
While the athletes have not been publicly named, they, along with the National Olympic Committees
and international federations have all been informed, with proceedings able to begin thereafter.
It has already been stated that any athlete found to have failed anti-doping regulations will be banned
from competing at Rio 2016.

Adapted from: “Twenty-three London 2012 Olympic athletes fail drug tests after having samples
retested, confirms the IOC”, by Jack de Menezes, The Independent, 27 May 2016

Activity 1: Answer the questions.

1. How many samples were tested? How many have tested positive?
2. Were the doping samples all of athletes from the same sport or from the same country?
3. When and why was the reanalysis program instituted?
4. What punishment will be applied to athletes who have tested positive for doping?
5. Sort the cited Olympic Games from oldest to most recent.

1. 265 samples 33 athletes.

2. No, they were from five different sports and of six different nationalities.
3. It was instituted in August 2015 to try to crack down on past doping cheats who evaded anti-doping
4. Any athlete found to have failed anti-doping regulations will be banned from competing at Rio 2016.
5. Beijing 2008, London 2012, Rio 2016.

Activity 2: True or false.

1. Anti-doping tests are infallible.
2. Samples can be retested years later.
3. Positive retests are an abnormal result.
4. The penalties will be imposed by a committee created specifically for this case.
5. The tests are terminated.
1. False.
2. True.
3. True.
4. True.
5. False.

Activity 3: Give your opinion on doping in sport. Should competition be prohibited for all athletes who
have taken a substance that improves their results? Do you think there should be exceptions? Which?
Open activity.
Módulo transversal
English for physical and sports activities

Extra Reading 2: Boston marathon

1) Boston marathon
Registration for the 2022 Boston Marathon will take place over five days, November 8–November 12,
Minimum age requirement for the Boston Marathon is 18 years of age on race day.
Athletes must meet time standards which correspond to age and gender. The qualifying times are
based upon each athlete's age on the date of the 2022 Boston Marathon (April 18, 2022). Qualifying
times are based on official submitted net time (also known as chip time).
Due to field size limitations, achieving one's qualifying standard does not guarantee entry into the
event, but simply the opportunity to submit a registration application.
The qualifying window for the 2022 Boston Marathon will be open from September 1, 2019 through the
conclusion of the registration period, November 12, 2021. The qualifying window will remain open until
the conclusion of registration for the Boston Marathon (once the maximum field size has been
Only a certified full marathon distance will be accepted for qualifying. Distances shorter than a full
marathon will not be accepted.
Times from indoor marathons or virtual marathons are not accepted for qualifying purposes.
We accept qualifying times from USATF, AIMS, or foreign equivalent certified courses.
The Boston Marathon does not designate which races meet qualifying standards. You must directly
contact the race you wish to qualify at to see if they have a current certification.
All qualifying times are subject to review and verification.
Though the B.A.A. will email registrants upon the completion of their form, runners are not officially
entered into the race until their qualifying time is verified. The amount of time it takes to verify
qualifying times may vary and can be as long as several days, depending on the qualifying marathon.

Adapted from: 2022 Boston Marathon (

Activity 1: True or false?

1. The 2020 Boston Marathon will take place over five days, November 8–November 12, 2021.
2. To participate in the Boston Marathon you must be over 18 years old.
3. Times recorded in any marathon are valid as qualifying times for the Boston Marathon.
4. The organization will email registrants to inform them that they are officially entered into the race.
5. The verification of the qualifying times will be made from November 8 to November 12.

1. False.
2. True.
3. False.
4. False.
5. False.

Activity 2: Explain in your own words the following concepts.

Qualifying time:
Chip time:
Qualifying window:
Qualifying time: Minimum time required to participate in a sporting event.
Chip time: An official submitted net time.
Qualifying window: Period of time in which athletes must prove that they have achieved the qualifying
Módulo transversal
English for physical and sports activities

time to participate in a sports event.

Verification: Checking that an element, such as a mark or a time, meets the required standards.

Activity 3: Imagine that you are the sports coach for an athletics program for 16–24 year olds in New
England (USA). Most of them have experience in urban races and half marathons and some have
even participated in a marathon. Write a short letter informing them of the possibility of participating in
the Boston Marathon next year and what requirements must be met.
Open activity.


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