Ezequiel P. Puwoc: Midter Exam Asian History

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A. Japan history
1. Japan gained control of the liaodong peninsula and the south Manchurian
railway as well as half of sakhain island. Russia agreed to evacuate southern
manchuria, which was restored to China and Japan controls of Korea was

2. He decided to banned Catholicism and demanded the expulsion of all

European missionaries and the execution of all converts and Intent to bring
Japan under complete control, the succeeding Tokugawa Shogunate further
hardened the country's anti-Christian stance, accusing the religion of obstructing
the authorities, antisocial behavior and intolerance towards Shinto and

1. The Empire of Japan entered World War II by launching a surprise offensive

which opened with the attack on Pearl Harbor at 7:48 a.m. Hawaiian Time
(18:18 GMT) on December 7, 1941. Over the course of seven hours there
were coordinated Japanese attacks on the U.S.-
held Philippines, Guam and Wake Island and on the British
Empire in Borneo, Malaya, Singapore, and Hong Kong.[1] The strategic goals
of the offensive were to cripple the U.S. Pacific fleet, capture oil fields in
the Dutch East Indies, and maintain their sphere of influence of China, East
Asia, and also Korea. It was also to expand the outer reaches of the
Japanese Empire to create a formidable defensive perimeter around newly
acquired territory.
2. For me, the effect of the hiroshima and nagasaki bombing to japan is to make
their armies retreat from the countries that they were attacking and to stop the
bombing to their neighbor countries.
B. Korea
1. Korea was divided into two when the Japanese empire was dismantled at the end of
World War Two, and Korea fell victim to the Cold War and It was divided into two
spheres of influence along the 38th parallel. The Americans controlled south of the line
which is the south Korea and - the Russians installed a communist regime in the north,
which is the north Korea, later ceding influence to China.
Japan had ruled the Korean peninsula between 1910 and 1945, the 38th parallel was
established as the boundery between Soviet and American occupation zones. This
parallel divided the Korean peninsula roughly in the middle.

2. For me, its very hard for them to unite again as one, because they have a big
differences, one major difference from the two countries is that the North Korea is a
Communist Country while South Korea is a Democratic Country.
3. North Korea was called a rogue state because they are threatening the world peace.
One example is that the production of nuclear bomb to threat the world.

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