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2nd SEMESTER 2019-2020

NAME:__________________________________________ SCORE:__________
COURSE/YEAR:_______________________ DATE:___________
PART I. MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the letter of the correct answer and write it before the number. Write E if you think there is/are no answer/s on
the given choices.

1. What is the approximate distance from the surface to the center of the Earth?
a. 1,000 miles c. 10,000 miles
b. 4,000 miles d. 40,000 miles
2. The boundary between the mantle and the core lies at a depth of approximately ________ .
a. 300 kilometers c. 5000 kilometers
b. 1000 kilometers d. 3000 kilometers
3. What drives plate tectonics?
a. thermal convection c. solar energy
b. thermal conduction d. erosion
4. Which one of the following term associations is FALSE?
a. asthenosphere --- plastic behavior
b. lithosphere --- rigid solid
c. outer core --- right solid
d. continental crust --- rigid solid
5. The lithosphere includes:
a. crust and uppermost, rigid mantle
b. outer core and inner core
c. asthenosphere and mesosphere
d. outer core and lower mantle
6. What region of the Earth takes up the greatest volume?
a. the crust c. the outer core
b. the inner core d. the mantle
7. Which of the following statements is false?
a. the asthenosphere lies beneath the lithosphere
b. the asthenosphere is stronger than the lithosphere
c. the asthenosphere rises close to the surface beneath mid-ocean ridges
d. the asthenosphere is partially molten
8. Which of the following statements is true
a. the lithosphere contains the crust
b. the crust contains the lithosphere
c. the lithosphere and crust are different terms for the same part of the Earth
d. the lithosphere and crust are totally separate parts of the Earth
9. What element makes up most of the Earth's core?
a.silicon c. oxygen
b. iron d. nickel
10. When the boundaries of the ______ bump up against each other they can cause earthquakes.
a. Crust c. Mantle
b. Outer Core d. Tectonic plates
11. What layer of the Earth is the second layer from the surface?
a. Crust c. Mantle
b. Outer Core d. Inner Core
12. Which layer is the hottest part of the Earth?
a. Crust c. Outer Core
b. Mantle d. Inner Core
13. Which layer is the thin outer layer of the Earth?
a. Crust c. Mantle
b. Outer Core d. Inner Core
14. Which of the following best describes the Earth's outer core?
a. The area of the Earth that is sometimes called the lithosphere
b. The thinnest layer of the four layers that make up the composition of the Earth
c. It consists of liquid iron and nickel
d. It resides between the crust and the inner core
e. It is under such immense pressure that, even though it is very hot, it is still a solid
15. Which of the following best describes the Earth's inner core?
a. The area of the Earth that is sometimes called the lithosphere
b. The thinnest layer of the four layers that make up the composition of the Earth
c. It consists of liquid iron and nickel
d. It resides between the crust and the outer core
e. It is under such immense pressure that, even though it is very hot, it is still a solid
16. Which of the following best describes the tectonic plates of the Earth?
a. The area of the Earth that is sometimes called the lithosphere
b. The thinnest layer of the four layers that make up the composition of the Earth
c. It consists of liquid iron and nickel
d. It resides between the crust and the outer core
e. It is under such immense pressure that, even though it is very hot, it is still a solid
17. Which of the following best describes the Earth's crust?
a. The area of the Earth that is sometimes called the lithosphere
b. The thinnest layer of the four layers that make up the composition of the Earth
c. It consists of liquid iron and nickel
d. It resides between the crust and the outer core
e. It is under such immense pressure that, even though it is very hot, it is still a solid
18. Which of the following best describes the Earth's mantle?
a. The area of the Earth that is sometimes called the lithosphere
b. The thinnest layer of the four layers that make up the composition of the Earth
c. It consists of liquid iron and nickel
d. It resides between the crust and the outer core
e. It is under such immense pressure that, even though it is very hot, it is still a solid
19. What is the name of the Mesozoic supercontinent that consisted of all of the present continents?
a. Eurasia c. Laurasia
b. Pangaea d. Gondwanaland
20. When did the supercontinent Pangaea begin to break apart?
a. about 10,000 years ago c. about 10 million years ago
b. about 200 million years ago d.about 570 million years ago
21. It pertains to the forces or conditions within the earth that causes movements of the crust.
a. earthquake c. plate tectonics
b. continental drift d. pangea
22. Plate boundaries are the boundaries of tectonic plates. Which of the following describes divergent plate boundaries?
a. It is when two plate came together which the impact of the colliding plates can cause the edges of one or both plates to
buckle up into a mountain ranges or one of the plates may bend down into a deep seafloor trench.
b. It is when two plates sliding past each other formed this type of boundary. Natural or human-made structures that cross a
transform boundary are offset—split into pieces and carried in opposite directions.
c. describe the scenario in which two tectonic plates move apart from each other. These boundaries are often volatile with lava
eruptions and geysers along these rifts.
d. none of the above
23. It is the result of a sudden release of energy in the earth’s crust that creates seismic waves.
a. earthquake c. plate tectonics
b. continental drift d. pangea
24. During an earthquake, it is a term used to point on the fault where rapture occurs and the location from which seismic waves are
a. epicenter c. fault line
b. fault lane d. focus
25. It is the topographic expression of faulting attributed to the displacement of the land surface by movement along faults.
a. fault scrap c. fault line
b. fault lane d. focus
26. What is the primary cause of an earthquake?
a. tsunami c. fault
b. plate corrosion d. volcanic activity
27. These are the waves of energy caused by the sudden breaking of rock within the earth or an explosion. They are the energy that
travels through the earth and is recorded on seismographs.
a. seismic wave c. wave
b. fault d. shake
28. This is the fastest kind of seismic wave, and, consequently, the first to 'arrive' at a seismic station. It can move through solid rock
and fluids, like water or the liquid layers of the earth.
a. S wave c. Love waves
b. Rayleigh waves d. P waves
29. These are instrument which measures motions of the ground including those seismic waves.
a. seismometers c. seismograph
b. sinomometer d. none of the choices
30. This idea explained that the earth was composed of one supercontinent and at the course of time this super landmass breaks down
and formed the different continent.
a. Continental Drift c. Pangaea
b. tectonic plates d. peninsulas

PART II. DRAWING. Draw the following types of seismic waves. describe the differences between these waves.
P waves
S waves
L waves
Rayleigh waves

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