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V ganesan
The mechanical efficiency of single cylinder four- stroke
engine is 80%.The frictional power is estimated to be
25kw.Calculate the indicated power(ip) and brake power(bp)
developed by the engine.

M File
disp('This software calculates the indicated and brake power');

me=input('Enter the mechanical efficiency in decimal=');

fp=input('Enter the frictional power im kilowatt=');



fprintf('The brake power is %3.2f\n',bp);

fprintf('The indicated power is %3.2f\n',ip);

This software calculates the indicated and brake power

Enter the mechanical efficiency in decimal=0.80

Enter the frictional power im kilowatt=25

The brake power is 100.00

The indicated power is 125.00

A 42.5kw engine has a mechanical efficiency of 85%.Find the

indicated power and frictional power.

M File

disp('This software calculates the indicated and frictional power');

bp=input('Enter the brake power in kilowatts=');

me=input('Enter the mechanical efficiency in decimals=');



fprintf('The frictional power in kilowatts is%3.2f\n',fp);

fprintf('The indicated power in kilowatts is%3.2f\n',ip);


This software calculates the indicated and frictional power

Enter the brake power in kilowatts=42.5

Enter the mechanical efficiency in decimals=0.85

The frictional power in kilowatts is7.50

The indicated power in kilowatts is50.00

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