EF State Conference June 2011 - 5

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You are cordially invited to attend

“Exposing the
Many Tentacles
of Agenda 21”
Friday June 17 and Saturday June 18, 2011, Sacramento, CA

Have you noticed that our nation and our form of government are changing into something we hardly
recognize anymore? Is there some strange agenda that is taking over, some master plan that is
changing how representative government used to function? Is that same agenda also seeking to
destroy private property rights, traditional family values, the Judeo-Christian foundation of our nation,
the free enterprise system, change our schools and universities from true education into propaganda
centers? The answer to all of these questions is Yes. There is a deceptive master plan. It is called
Agenda 21 (Sustainable Development) and it has many tentacles seeking to transform America.
You are cordially invited to attend our conference to hear from outstanding speakers to find out
what the plan is, what we are being transformed into and what we can possibly do to try to stop it.

Lobby Day at the Capitol: The conference begins with a “lobby day” on Friday morning 10:00
a.m. at the Secretary of State’s Office, 1500 11th St., (on the corner of K and 11 Street – across from
the Capitol), where some of our favorite state legislators will speak to us on the legislative process
and pending legislation. At noon we will divide up into groups and go lobby – speak to some of the
state legislators and give them our opinion on proposed legislation. We will report back 3:30 – 4:00.

Double Tree Hotel - 2001 Point West Way (adjacent to the Arden
Fair Mall) Friday Night: The rest of the conference will be at the
Double Tree Hotel with a private reception at 6:00 p.m. where one can
have pictures taken with Phyllis Schlafly and Sherriff Mack..
The banquet will begin at 7:00 p.m. with a delicious dinner followed by
Orlean Koehle, Eagle Forum State President, who will introduce the
theme “Exposing the Tentacles of Agenda 21;
Phyllis Schlafly, National President and Founder of Eagle Forum, will
speak on one of the tentacles – The attack on the family and the promotion
of feminism. She will speak on her recent published book, The Flipside of
Feminism, What Conservative Women Know and Can’t say.
Sherriff Richard Mack – Popular former Arizona Sherriff who stopped
the anti-second Amendment “Brady Bill.” “Understanding the Role of the
Local Sherriff in Protecting our Rights and Fighting Agenda 21”

Aaron Browning, political and campaign strategist, “What’s the Game Plan in 2012?” Eagle
Forum’s technological strategy for the 2012 election. There is hope of conservatives winning even in
liberal California.
Fund Raiser: Following the speakers Friday night will be Eagle Forum’s fundraiser with both a
silent and live auction. Proceeds will go to further the work of Eagle Forum and raise scholarships.
Check www.eagleforumofcalifornia.com to see some of the great items that will be available for
the silent and live auction. A registration form for the conference will also be on the website.
Eagle Forum Conference Continued – Double Tree Hotel, June 18, 2011
8:00 – 9:00 a.m. registration
9:00 – program begins; 12:30 buffet luncheon; conference ends 4:00 p.m.; followed by a raffle

Featured speakers:
Bill Jasper, Author and Senior Editor for the New American magazine – “The History and Overall
Objectives of Agenda 21; How it Seeks to Promote its Objectives by Indoctrination.”
Phyllis Schlafly, Attorney, author, syndicated columnist – “How Agenda 21 Seeks to Impose Social
Justice in place of Equal Justice and Restructure American Representative Government.”
Patrick Wood, Editor of August Review.com, “Agenda 21 Seeks to Implement Big Brother’s
“Technocracy” controls through Smart Meters, Smart Grids, and Smart Growth.”
Dr. Stan Monteith, Former orthopedic surgeon, author, host of Radio Liberty Radio Show that is
heard over 50 radio stations across the nation and overseas – “Agenda 21 and Population Control”

Key Note Speaker - The Honorable California Congressman

Tom McClintock – Special Guest Luncheon Speaker – “How AB 32
is Fulfilling the Objectives of Agenda 21 to Control and Limit the Use
of Energy and Other Resources and what that is Doing to California”
Orlean Koehle, Author and State President of Eagle Forum of
California - “Her Personal Experience – Agenda 21’s Attack on
Property Rights – both Rural and Urban. What are ICLEI Towns?”
A Panel will Leave Us with Hope Presented by:
State Senator Doug La Malfa - “the Importance of our Second
Amendment Rights in Protecting Property and Freedoms.”
Art Robinson, scientist, author, congressional candidate for
Oregon, home schooled his six children, author of several books on
home schooling, gathered the signatures of 32,000 scientists to expose
the global warming fraud – “Take a Stand and Teach Truth.”

Erin Ryan, Tea Party Leader of Redding, State Board member for Eagle Forum, “The success of
the Tea Party groups in combating out-of-control governments and helping to stop Agenda 21.
Georgiana Prescar, author and Sacramento Eagle Forum Chapter Leader “Getting Back to the
Rule of Law in Stopping the Tentacles of Agenda 21”

Registration Form for Eagle Forum State Conference, June 17-18, 2011
Mail Checks to Eagle Forum of California, PO Box 5335, Santa Rosa, CA, 95402:

Name _____________________________Phone _____________E-mail __________________

Address ___________________________________City _______________Zip Code________

                                                                                                                         Number  Amount
____I would like to attend Lobby Day Friday morning and afternoon June 17 ___ x $10 _____
____I would like to attend the private reception with Phyllis at 6:00 p.m. June 17 ___ x $100 _____
____I would like the package deal including lobby day, Friday evening
banquet, and Saturday luncheon at the “early eagle” special price (before June 1) ____x $135 _____
(After June 1, add $10.00 to the price.)
____I would like to attend the Friday evening banquet and fund raiser only ____x $75 _____
____I would like a table for ten @ $700 for the evening banquet (saving $50) $700 _____
____I would like to attend the Saturday conference/ buffet luncheon only ____x $75 _____
____I would like a student (ages 13-25) discounted ticket for both days ____x $120 _____
____I would like to reserve a vendor table to sell books, etc. $50 _____
____I cannot attend but would like to donate to scholarships for young people _____
____I would like to pre-order a DVD or CD of the conference _____$50 ______
Total __________

If you need over-night accommodations, there are special discounted prices of $85 per room for
two queen size beds at the Double Tree Hotel. Tell them that you are part of the Eagle Forum
Conference and would like the special rate price. Call 916-929-8855.

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