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Contract Raf.

: GCIO 5/2 (T25)

T-contract Staff Timaahaat

~-contract St邕ff Detail 氬

~ame of Staff LEUNG Tak Shing
Name of T-contractor Global Executive Consultants Ltd (Fax: 3551-9400)
St己ff Category CSA
Post Unit IST
Department Social Welfare Department
Timesheet End Date 30-Jun-2021
Timasheet Start Date 15-Jun-2021

Timesheet Certifying Officer

Name Mr 叩NG Chi-ching Signature
- 丶
SS[IST]3 Email ssist3i /
Post t i t l e / Post Unit
Commitment Ref. (if applicable)
Certified On f / 7 ' ~/ IIIN ?的1
丶 \ JV

Timesheeet Details
Chargeable Hour Non-Chargeable D 祀 1 (se, Note 3)
Day Chargeable Day
Training Vacation/Sick 涵 turday off/ 。thers
(OT hours excluded)
(see Note 1) (see Note 2) (See Note 4) Leave Public Holiday (see Note SJ
15 1.0
16 1.0
17 1.0
18 1.0
19 1.0
20 1.0
21 1.0
22 1.0
23 1.0
24 1.0
25 1.0
26 1.0
27 1.0
28 1.0
29 1.0
30 1.0 .

Total. 12.0 0.0

Total. number of chargeable overtime
hours 0.0
Penalty charged for the months
(To 匾 filled by Time 吐·吐 Ce「 tifying 邙£icer)
,「 N/A
Resignation with no less than 1-month's notice but less than 2-
months'notice (for CSPM, CPM, CSSA and CSA only)

「 Resignation with las 已 than 1-month' 氬 notice

Traveling Expenst這 (HKD), if any 0.00

(Note 6) ,
1-14 Jun 2021 are days before on-board
T-contract Staff' 氬 Remark島 Black rai!lK"orm 曰 ignal w訌 i 巴 sued from 8:20am to 11:05am on 28/6
T上臼氬h-t Certifying Officer' 巴 Remark 巳 /
蠶Ota 1 : Chargeable day co尹 be ca.lcu.ated on h&H-d&y baa扛 , 曇 . g. "0. 5" day~o「 a work day on Saturday (i . e . Saturday OD) .
即 te 2: Fill .in th霾 hou五 of aarricaa render己 OD 「agular work daya/ra叩.lar 心ift p鼻 ttarn/ Savara Weather whlch c血卫o t ba ca.lcu.l矗 tad .in
•D,ay• mlit . Ch扛守abl.s 缸ur11 could be c.a1cul.ated in h.11~-hour b.111扛 " Bour11" 心ould NOT be 扛eluded 缸re. Ple.111龕 llpecify
details ill "7-contract S~f • 11 瓦1Hrlrlf• if 11errice11 are char叩d by hour11 worked in11tead of day11 worked.
蠶ote 3: Fill ill deta且,, for non-charge心l.e day where no service fee is charge心l.e by the T-contr矗ctor.
卹 te 4: Jlafers to training (土) enrolled/arr血qed by'l'-c:outrac:tor on the re守.靄 tofB/Dor(丑) iDit扭 tad by'l'-c:outrac:tor 己 th prior
~ t o:f B/D. For traiiw,g pravided/arr&n叩d by B/D during o:f:fice hour 。11 itll own co11t, the time 叩&Zit 吐otud 迢 cowited ae
- .. - - 一-一 `` ---,--

Jlo~5: Ple扛· 一 the de 乜旦氬 in•x-contract Stdf'a 瓦marka" if 血mber of day ia entered 土n 血氬 col一·
Jfote 6 : Tor tr一 _...,ea illcurred on jow:neya by public land tran叩ort, other th&n norma.l homa-o年c鸕 journey, for daty puzpo氬.. rith
prior authoriz矗 tion by 洫.._元sing officer of the T-contract staff.

('r.邙 - riaaabeet, Fab 2019)

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