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Table of
Contents OUR TEAM

About Us
Leadership Resources Indonesia is an Indonesian
professional services firm incorporated in 2012 that
dedicated to deliver lasting impact result to its client.
Our Services focused on Leadership Development,
Productivity, Strategy Execution and Human Capital
Solution through training, coaching and consulting with
comprehensive analysis of client’s needs and customized
program for rapid implementation to achieve sustainable
goals for clients.
We provide content, tools, methodology, training and
thought leadership, all based on a foundation of
unshakeable principles and proven practices. Our ultimate
aim is to deliver not just incremental, but transformational
“We deliver great result and sustainable
performance to the Organization and People”

“To enable people and organization
throughout Training, Coaching and Consulting
services to unleash their full potential.”
To be a successful company, we recognise that leadership is
a collective responsibility, not just the job of a few
individuals. We are a restless organisation that is never
satisfied and continually looks for new and better ways of
doing things.


Our Values
Our methods focus on results. We measure our successes
not by what we tried to do, but by what succeeded. Our
approach is to start with the results you want for your
business and work our way back to develop the concrete
methods that will get you there

We’re honest, transparent and committed to doing what’s
best for our customers and our company. We openly
collaborate in pursuit of the truth.
Eval Wari
Founder & Managing Director
Eval is a Human Capital Practitioner and Professional Coach / Trainer with 18
years of experience, including more than 10 years in Coaching, Training and
He is Founder & CEO PT Leadership Resources. Previously, he had served as
HR Tech Advisor at PT. Dewata Freight International Tbk, Human Capital
Director of Priangan Investindo Group, as Coach / Consultant at FranklinCovey
(Dunamis Organization Services) and as Learning & Development Manager at
Sinarmas Group. Previously, he worked at Permodalan Nasional Madani (PNM)
as a Business Advisory Consultant and as a Statistics at Marketing Research
Indonesia (MRI).
Eval has facilitated solutions to more than 500 companies from various
industries such as banking, insurance, telecommunications, information
technology, consumer goods, agribusiness, pharmaceuticals, and government.
Graduated from IPB majoring in Statistics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural
Sciences, Bogor and Business Management from Prasetya Mulia Business
School, Jakarta.
He certified as Facilitator/Coach/Consultant on The 7 Habits of Highly
Effective People and The 4 Disciplines of Execution (4DX) program from
FranklinCovey USA, Certified Hipnotherapist (CHt) form Indonesian Board of
Hypnotherapist (IBH), Total Success with Anthonny Robbins & Millionaire Mind
Intensive with T. Harv Eker, Singapore, Certified Professional Coach from ICF &
Secretary General of International Coach Federation (ICF) Jakarta Chapter6
Ikun M. Soedrajat
Founder & Director | Senior Consultant
Ikun, born in Bandung, is a SWA Business Learning Center Consultant and consultant engaged in
Human Capital and Business. Hard skills training in banking competencies: Credit Management
(corporate, commercial, consumer), Risk management, Marketing, Bank Selling, Audit, Services.
Soft skills encompass Leadership, Execution, Communication and Psychological Capital
Development based on Positive Psychology.
Ikun has certification in the following areas: - Certified in Credit Management from Omega
Performance Inc., USA - International Certificate in Banking Risk and Regulation, issued by the
Global Association of Risk Professionals (GARP), ICBRR - Certification of Credit Competency in the
Banking Sector, from BNSP-LSPP, Jakarta - Certified in fascilitating of the 4 Disciplines of
Execution, from Global Execution Practice Leader, FranklinCovey USA. - Certified in Applied
Positive Psychology (CAPP) from Flourish Center Inc., USA - Certified in Master of Resilience from
Flourish Center Inc., USA - Certified in Advanced Training on Childhood Hand that Disturb (ChaD),
Projevtive Test, by Roseline Davido PhD. - Candidate Professional Financial Modeler (PFM), from
the International Financial Modeling Institute, USA
Has 30 years management experience in the fields of: manufacturing high voltage electric power
equipment, Human Capital consultants, the consumer goods industry, and specifically in Banking.
In the banking sector, Ikun has experience in the fields of: Corporate, Commercial, Consumer
Banking and Operations, Branch Management, Business Development, Credit Compliance, Special
Asset Management, and Audit.
Previous work experience is FranklinCovey Indonesia, PT Bank Permata, Tbk., PT. Bank Niaga, Tbk,
PT Unelec Indonesia, an Alsthom Atlantique CO (France), PT Procter & Gamble Indonesia (USA).
Ikun's educational background is as follows:
S1, Bachelor of Electrical Engineering from the Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB)
S2, Masters in Management, from Gajah Mada University (UGM) with the title Cum Laude
Currently a Doctoral Program (S3) student in the field of Psychology
A. Muchlis Alimin
Founder & Director | Senior Consultant
Muchlis is a truly facilitator. He spends most of his life in facilitating. He enjoys
facilitate. He has had the pleasure when people understand and become more
knowledgeable by him. Prior to developing Leadership Resources Indonesia, he
was the Senior Facilitator and Consultant at Dunamis Organization Services and
Iradat Konsultan in Indonesia, Senior Manager of Learning and Development
Asia Pacific in Standard Chartered Bank, Assistant Director for Marketing and
External Affairs at Indonesia Management Development Institute (IPMI).He has
globally experience in facilitating.
He facilitated middle-managers program for Standard Chartered Bank in 14
countries in Africa, Middle East, and Asia since 1996. He designed and facilitated
Team Building program in Vietnam for MPDF, an organization affiliated to the
World Bank. And he also facilitated officers and managers’ Leadership and
Performance program for a local bank in Pnom Penh, Cambodia.In Indonesia, he
designed and facilitated Leadership and Performance Management programs
for middle and senior managers, such as in BEJ, BES, KSEI, KPEI, Pemerintah
Daerah Sidoarjo; and for junior managers and supervisors in Lippo-AIG
Insurance, KPK, Santos, USAID, Suzuki Finance, Indomobil, PWC, DHL. More, he
also facilitated General Leadership Development Program in Bank BNI.
He did Graduate work in Journalism at the University of Missouri-USA and
Human Resource Development at the University of Manchester-UK. He did
Undergraduate in Political Science in Parsons College-USA, and he holds
Bachelor degree in Law from the University of Indonesia.Currently Muchlis lives
in Jakarta with his wife, Nieke and children, Astri and Sharfan. He reads a lot and
listens to the music sometimes. 8
Achmad Daris
Business Director & Senior Consultant

Achmad Daris is a Senior Consultant / Facilitator as well as

Business Director of Leadership Resources Indonesia

He has over 20 years of experience working as an HRD

practitioner in various multi-national and industrial
companies. Has a reputation in the fields of Management
Transformation, Corporate Culture, Organizational
Restructuring and Compensation and Benefits
Design.Graduated a Masters in 2002 from the PPM College
of Management and the Trisakti Industrial Engineering
Department in 1990.

Attended education: Qualified ISO Internal Auditor (QIA),

SHARP Corporation Train the Trainer Malaysia, SHARP
Corporation Innovation Management China, Japan Overseas
Technical Scholarship Association (AOTS), SANNO
Production Management Japan, Basic Managerial from the
Financial Services Authority, Global Leadership Assessment,
The Marshal Goldsmith Group USA, and do a lot of
Management and Corporate Policy Consultation and HRD. 9
Wardah Masdalina
Business Leader

Wardah Masdalina is a Senior Business Partner & Team

Leader of Leadership Resources Indonesia

She has over 20 years of experience working as an HRD

practitioner in various multi-national and industrial
companies. Has a reputation in the fields of People
Development in Training, Coaching & Consulting

Susi Kurniati
Business Partner

Susi Kurniati a Senior Business Partner of Leadership

Resources Indonesia

She has over 15 years of experience working as an HRD

practitioner in various multi-national and industrial
companies. Has a reputation in the fields of People
Development in Training, Coaching & Consulting

Triananda Lovita
Business Partner

Triananda Lovita is a Senior Business Partner of Leadership

Resources Indonesia

She has over 10 years of experience working as an HRD

practitioner in various multi-national and industrial
companies. Has a reputation in the fields of People
Development in Training, Coaching & Consulting

Harry J Lubis
Business Leader & Senior Consultant

Harry has deep understanding and strong managerial

experiences in numerous project consultation, particularly in
Learning & Development, Organization Alignment, Knowledge
Management, Business Process & Standard Operation
Procedure, and Islamic Banking. He has been helping around 100
multinational and national companies in Indonesia. In his
previous role, Harry was the consutant and project manager of
special projects and high-value clients such as Penyelarasan
Kurikulum Kepemimpinan Micro Banking Bank Mandiri, Program
Pengembangan Kepemimpinan Berjenjang OJK, Analysis and
Judgement Training AHM, Effective Coach XL Axiata,, and
Transition to People Management L’OREAL. Graduated from
MBA in Islamic Banking and Finance from International Islamic
University Malaysia (IIUM), Harry was the GM and Senior
Consultant/Trainer of BusinessFirst International, Associate
Consultant of Profile Consulting, Guest Lecturer of Institut
TAZKIA, and Trainer of CIRTIE. Aside of being a writer, he is also
the Certified Facilitator of Think On Your Feet, Certified Coach
Practitioner, and Certified DiSC Trainer. 13
Syamsul Hatta
Professional Coach & Trainer

Syamsul Hatta is a Professional Coach & Trainer. More than 16 years of experience in the
corporate world, from employees to Top Management, provides a great learning, where
Syamsul Hatta can see the Organization / Company from the Employee, Management to
Executive level.
It was from this learning that later made Syamsul Hatta Focus to move in the field of Personal
and Professional Development (People & Professional Development), through the Training &
Coaching approach.
Some of the areas of focus are:
1. Leadership
2. Communication
3. Negotiation

In addition to his experience, several National and International certifications that support
this focus include:
- Licensed Master NLP Practitioner - Approved By Society of NLP & DR. Richard Bandler
(CoFounder NLP)
- Certified Master NLP Practitioner - Approved By National Federation of Neuro Linguistic
- Certified Professional Coach - By Loop Indonesia, ACSTH 88 Hours Approved by the
International Coach Federation
- Licensed Trainer of Professional NLP Coach - Approved by Indonesia NLP Society
- Licensed Trainer of NLP Essentials - Approved by Indonesia NLP Society
- Certified Communication Skill Master Practitioner
- Certified Hypnotherapist - By Indonesian Board of Hypnotherapy
- Certified Instructure of Hypnotherapy - By the Indonesian Board of Hypnotherapy
- Certified Neuro Linguistic Hypnotherapy - By NLP Consult Indonesia 14
Heri Suchaeri
Professional Coach & Trainer

Heri Suchaeri is a professional coach, trainer, writer,

consultant and public speaker in the field of HR
development (Service Excellent, Sales, Leadership,
Communication, Motivation, Teamwork) with
training, coaching and program execution methods.

Started his career by working at the national airline

PT. Garuda Indonesia was approximately 18 years
before entering the world of training, consulting and
coaching. Various trainings and educations were
attended, including at the Garuda Indonesia Training
Center, Certification in the field of coaches by
participating in the Certified Professional Coach
program based on the competencies of the
International Coach Federation (ICF) USA, Certified
Professional Trainer, Certified Hypnotherapist,
Certified Quantum Healing.
Professional Coach & Trainer

Coach Sulis started his career at PT Bank Mandiri,

Tbk. for more than 20 years. He started his career as
IT staff in IT Group, Customer Service Officer,
Service Quality Officer, and later served as EC
Manager (ATM Coordinator).

He has worked for Dunamis Intermaster for 6 years

and is currently an associate coach at the Loop
Institute of Coaching and associates Sandler Training

Yulia Sari
Marketing & Finance Manager

Yulia Sari is a Marketing & Finance Manager at

Leadership Resources Indonesia. He was educated as
a Pharmacist who graduated from Andalas
University, Padang, for almost 10 years working as a

In 2015 Yulia began to pursue the profession as an

Entrepreneur in the world of Marketing in one of the
Travel Umrah companies.

Now starting to love the world of Marketing and

People Development Training & Coaching.

Our training is designed to provoke the attitude of
We employ action learning methodology which involves
participants mentally and at times physically in
ation challenges that can impact them emotionally.
This allows the participants to capture some insights
Self and learning points that may be applied in their
Learning Discussi
& Pre & on working place. This is a powerful training method as the
Post Test impact on emotive behavior of people carries a lasting
The Learning methodology is called “ The Experiential
Learning” that uses the following practices:
& Audio
Visual • Facilitators Presentation
• Group Discussion
Case • Sharing Session
Study • Video Playing
• Case Study
• Skill Practices and Role Play
• Identify training need • Training delivery. • Training report
through discussion, • Facilitated by experienced • Facilitator deliver post-
interview with key facilitators with training program to
persons or distribution of interactive methods monitor implementation
questionnaires. of the program.
• Design program
according to learning
Our Solution
People. Execution. Performance
Our Training program are customized to your
organization needs and fit with your culture or
system in achieving goals through soft and hard
skills training session.
We help you to improve knowledge, Skills and
attitude which contributes to capabilities and
accountabilities improvement as reliable and
excellent professional.

Advancing corporate leaders in creating
extraordinary future through
solution - focused coaching. The right Coaching
can optimize individual and/or team
performance , expand professional career
opportunities, improve business management
strategies, increase self-esteem/self-confidence
and manage work/life balance.
Our consulting services focus on our clients’
most critical issues and opportunities: capability
development, organizational development and
sales performance. We bring deep, functional
expertise, but are known for our holistic
perspective. We provide effective solution
in leveraging human resources as
key success of business performance.

We provide organizational health assessment
examines several areas of your organization and
performs gap analyses to assess where you
might best benefit from clarifying, training,
defining, tightening systems or setting
direction/planning. While our assessment looks
at many standardized aspects of your business,
the full scope of the assessment is driven by you,
to assure proper coverage.
All organizations produce results based on the way
their systems and processes are aligned.

Many organizations experiencing misalignment try to

solve their complex problems with quick-fix

We provide strategic consulting services, solution

development, and implementation guidance for
campus leadership.

Our services include:

• Human Capital Management System

• Assessments to Diagnose Organizational Needs
• Organizational health Assessment
• Corporate Culture solutions
• Change management
• Business Process Alignment
• Knowledge Management
• Project Management
We provide strategic consulting services, solution
development, and implementation guidance for
Human Resources Management Services
Our services include:
• Human Resources Management System
• Organization Design
• Job Analysis & Job Description
• Competency Management
• Talent Management System
• Learning Management System
• Human Resources Management System Audit
• Employee Opinion Survey
The right Coaching can optimize individual and/or
team performance , expand professional career
opportunity, improve business management
strategies, increase self-esteem/self-confidence and
manage work/life balance Our coaching services will
assist you to reach your personal goal as an individual
and / or organization. Our coaching program will be
customized to your goals and with specific time and

We provide one on one coaching through face to face

or telephone and group coaching to suit your needs.

Our coaching services :

• Corporate Coaching Program
• Executive Coaching Program
• Sales Coaching Program
• Leader as Coach
• Coaching for High Performance
• Leader as Coach
• Neuro-Based Coaching
• Coaching & Mentoring in
• Becoming Internal Coach for
• Effective Sales Coaching
• Effective Coaching for Leader

• Leadership Development
• Neuro Leadership
• The 5 Keys to High Impact
• Advanced Supervisory Skills
• Performance Coaching for
• Creative Business Think
ONLINE TRAINING • Building Successful Team
• Leadership of Execution
• Strategic Decision Making
• Training Leadership and
• Training Effective Meeting
• Training Change Leadership
• Change Management Strategy
• Leadership & Culture in
• How to Influence Others
ONLINE TRAINING • Supervisory Skills
• Personal Effectiveness
• Interpersonal Effectiveness
• Achievement Motivation
• Character Building
• Services Excellence
• Presentation Skills
• Train the Trainer Training
• Team Work
ONLINE TRAINING • The Champion’s Mindset
• Generation Gaps
• Business Model YOU
• Effective Time Management
• High Impact Presentation
• Effective Communication
• Goal Setting for Result
• Problem Solving & Decision
• Negotiation Skills
• Consultative Selling
ONLINE TRAINING • Measuring Results from
• Business Acumen
• Lean Process & Six Sigma
• Generation Gaps
• Effective Communication Skill
• Stress Management
• Customer Relationship
• Effective Complain Handling
 LEADX® helps managers improve
consistency in execution by giving
team members a process by which
they can align their efforts with the
most critical objectives of the

 Methods :
o Lecturing (30%)
Available o Sharing (20%)
ONLINE TRAINING o Discussion (20%)
o Exercise (30%)
 Skills in exploring the inner potency to
achieving target or personal mission
effectively by utilizing the power of positive
thinking, start with defining objective,
determining key activities, measuring
accomplishment, and increasing personal

 Methods :
o Lecturing (60%)
o Sharing (10%)
o Discussion (10%)
o Exercise (20%)
 Leadership Skills training workshop will help
new leaders with the fundamentals needed to
develop and improve their effectiveness as a
 Participants will build on their previously
successful experience in leadership
situations in order to achieve higher levels of
personal performance and productivity

 Methods :
Available o Lecturing (50%)
o Discussion (20%)
o Case Study (20%)
o Role Play (10%)
 A program focusing on the ability to
develop knowledge and skills on
Planning, Organizing, Actuating and
Controlling. Designed and
developed with case studies
customized to the core businesses
of the respectable clients.

 Methods :
o Lecturing (50%)
o Discussion (20%)
o Case Study (20%)
o Role Play (10%)
 Everyone was born to be a champion.
Because of the fact that to be born in
this world we experience a very long
process and extraordinary struggle.

 The reality now is that there are many

people who do not feel that they have
become champions so that in working,
the output they produce is not optimal

o Lecturing (70%)
o Discussion (10%)
o Exercise(20%)
 This training program aims to
provide provisions on how to
develop the champion behavior of
the staff under their responsibility,
besides that, this program is also
useful for anyone who wants to
know ways or methods to develop
champion behavior on their own.

Available  Methods :
ONLINE TRAINING o Lecturing (70%)
o Discussion (10%)
o Exercise(20%)
 A program focusing on the ability to do
Situation Analysis, Problem Analysis,
Decision Analysis and Potential Problem
Analysis. Delivered with high structure
and lots of case studies.

 Methods :
o Lecturing (30%)
o Case Study (60%)
Available o Case Presentation(10%)
 Strong presentation and influencing skills can
have a significant impact on achieving
business goals. This course will provide
participants with a structured set of skills
that will enable each to effectively
communicate in the business environment
and deliver successful business
 This course will also aim to improve their
persuasion and influencing skills, as well as
identify opportunities for personal
Available development.
 Methods:
o Lecturing (30%)
o Sharing (10%)
o Exercise & Role Play (60%)
 Understanding of time-quadrant and
focusing activities in the effective
quadrant which support the
attainment of objective so that
work-life balance can be achieved.

 Methods :
• Lecturing (70%)
• Discussion (10%)
• Exercise(20%)
 The Stress Management in the Workplace
training program delivers trademarked
stress management tools that are
unmatched in the measured results they
will produce for you and your organization.

 Participants apply these stress

management training tools to getting more
of what’s important to them done in less
time. Organizational skills are improved so
that less things “fall through the cracks.”
o Lecturing (70%)
o Discussion (10%)
o Exercise(20%)
 One important element in a business or company is
service excellence or excellent service. In the face of
competition with other businesses or companies, the
application of excellent service is very important.
 This course aim to understand in detail the
relationship between service excellence, individual and
team performance in the organization, work happiness
and customer loyalty.
 Having a strong personal vision as a direction as well
as motivation to further contribute to the company's
success in serving its customers.
 Methods :
Available o Lecturing (50%)
ONLINE TRAINING o Discussion (10%)
o Case Study (20%)
o Role Play (20%)
 The ability to be able to negotiate is now very
important because being a good negotiator
will make the work smooth, avoid
unnecessary conflicts and the work we do
will be more effective. An accomplished
negotiator must have good communication
skills and understand the mindset needed as
a negotiator.

 Methods :
o Lecturing (40%)
o Sharing (20%)
o Role Play (40%)
 Business acumen (business skills) are often
found in the demands of a manager's
 There are various kinds of understanding
demands in this business acumen, between
cash flow (cash flow), margin (profit level),
velocity (asset turnover, asset turn over),
return on investment (ROI), growth (company
growth), customers (customers), employee
(employee), wealth (welfare for investors).
The various elements mentioned require a
Available unique way of using it.
 Methods :
o Lecturing (40%)
o Sharing (20%)
o Simulation (40%)
 Lean Six Sigma is an operational
management concept that is a synergy of
Lean and Six Sigma. With Lean Six Sigma,
companies can get the "speed" that Lean has
and the "quality" that Six Sigma has
 Lean Six Sigma uses the concept of the
DMAIC phase in the process, as is the case in
pure Six Sigma. DMAIC is the phases that
must be passed in undergoing any
improvement project, which stands for
 Methods :
o Lecturing (40%)
o Sharing (20%)
o Simulation (40%)
 Teams may be portrayed as effective work
groups whose effectiveness rests in the
degree of motivation, co-ordination and
purpose and whose synergy produces an
energy and creativity which beyond them as
 Participants will be able to define the key
concepts associated with team work and
team building
 Methods :
o Lecturing (10%)
o Discussion (20%)
o Games (70%)
 The ability of effective delegation is
increasingly needed. He became a skill that
requires high leadership abilities. A real
delegation is a process to prepare
employees to work at a higher level.
However, it is often misinterpreted as giving
‘extra burden’.
 This program provides provisions for
participants to be able to make effective
delegations: when, who and how the
delegation process is carried out.
 Methods :
o Lecturing (40%)
o Sharing (20%)
o Role Play (40%)
 Effective Communication Skills Are
Essential. Being an effective communicator
takes real skill. Effective communication
skills have to be developed, honed and
added to on an ongoing basis.
 This program provides provisions for
participants to be effective communication
skills and techniques, it becomes
immediately apparent that the way you
present yourself is not all there is to it.
Available  Methods :
ONLINE TRAINING o Lecturing (40%)
o Sharing (20%)
o Role Play (40%)
 There are currently five generations in the
workforce, and employers faced with mass
retirements of Baby Boomers are looking for
ways to prepare for the changes that will
result. This course examines the history and
reality of the generation gap.
 This program provides provisions for
Identify where the generation gap issue
surfaces, and the impact it has on the
modern workforce.
Available  Methods :
ONLINE TRAINING o Lecturing (40%)
o Sharing (20%)
o Role Play (40%)
 Creative thinking or creative thinking is now
needed not only to solve everyday problems
but also to solve problems within the scope of
work that arises. Therefore someone who
masters the method / method of creative
thinking will always have ‘ammunition’ for all
the problems he faces. This workshop will
equip participants with tools that can be used
to think creatively.
 This program provides provisions for
participants to be able to make effective
delegations: when, who and how the
delegation process is carried out.
 Methods :
o Lecturing (40%)
o Sharing (20%)
o Role Play (40%)
 The fundamental goal of all workplace
training is to give employees the skills and
knowledge they need to perform their best.
But some training programs produce better
results than others. Just because employees
were taught, doesn’t mean they learned—or
applied what they learned.
 This program provides provisions for
measuring training effectiveness can also
help you prove the ROI of your organization’s
training program.
o Lecturing (40%)
o Sharing (20%)
o Role Play (40%)
 Companies are often faced with difficulties
managing non-routine activities that involve
cross-departmental unique and non-
repetitive. Activities as mentioned above
must be handled on a project basis. The most
common difficulty encountered is how to
guide the project activities to completion on
schedule with the expected quality and cost-
 This program Plan and control project costs
by knowing the deviations that occur and take
Available corrective actions in a timely manner :
ONLINE TRAINING o Lecturing (40%)
o Sharing (20%)
o Simulation (40%)
 This program enables Non-HR Managers
conduct HR processes which closely
related with their functions (recruitment
and selection, training and development,
and performance management) as super

 Methods :
o Lecturing (50%)
o Discussion (10%)
o Case Study (20%)
o Role Play (20%)
 Through this program, professionals will
be able to build performance plan align
with organization’s VMV, monitor the
progress, evaluate the achievement, and
determine correct intervention for

 Methods :
Available o Lecturing (50%)
o Discussion (10%)
o Case Study (20%)
o Role Play (20%)
 A program focuses on giving effective
feedback and direction in accordance with
interpersonal communication principles
which includes increasing subordinate’s
self-esteem, listen with empathy, employee
involvement in problem solving process,
information disclosure, and giving the
required support without the tendency of
delegating the responsibility.

 Methods :
o Lecturing (50%)
o Discussion (10%)
o Role Play (40%)
 Focusing on the deep understanding of
business process, how each and every
actions taken will impact the financial,
and how to align the correct execution

 Methods :
o Lecturing (40%)
o Discussion (10%)
Available o Exercise (20%)
ONLINE TRAINING o Simulation (30%)

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