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Republic of the Philippines


General Tinio, Cabanatuan City, Nueva Ecija

Clinical Learning Skills Laboratory

Name: ______________________________________________________________ Score:

Block: ________________________ Date:____________________________

Turning a Client to the Lateral Position
Performed Comments
1. Assess:
• The client’s physical abilities
• Ability to understand instruction
• Degree of comfort or discomfort when moving if needed,
administer analgesics or perform other pain relief
• Client’s weight
• Your own strength and ability to move the client
2. Determine:
• Assistive devices that will be required
• Encumbrances to movement, such as an IV or a heavy cast
on one leg
• Medications the client is receiving, as certain medications
may hamper movement or alertness of the client
• Assistance required from other health care personnel
1. Assemble equipment and supplies:
• Assistive devices such as overhead trapeze, pull and/ or
turn sheet and transfer sliding bar
1. Explain to the client what you are going to do, why it is necessary,
and how she can cooperate.
2. Wash hands and observe appropriate infection control
3. Provide for client privacy.
4. Position yourself and your client appropriately before performing
the move
Move the client closer to the side of the bed. Use a pull sheet
beneath the client’s trunk and thighs to pull the client to the side of
the bed. Adjust the client’s bed and reposition the legs appropriately.

While standing on the side of the bed nearest the client, place the
client’s near arm across his chest. Abduct the client’s far shoulder
slightly from the side of the body, and externally rotate the shoulder.

Place the client near ankle and foot across the far ankle and foot.

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Raise the siderail next to the client before going to the other side of
the bed

Position yourself on the side of the bed toward which the client will
turn, directly in line with the client’s waistline and as close to the
bed as possible

Lean your trunk forward from the hips. Flex your hips, knees and
ankles. Assume a broad stance with one foot forward and the weight
placed on this forward foot.

5. Pull or roll client toward you to the lateral position.

Place on hand on the client’s far hip and the other hand on the
client’s far shoulder.

Tighten your gluteal abdominal leg and arm muscles: rock

backward, shifting your weight from the forward to the backward
foot: and roll the client unto the side of the body to face you.

Position the client on his side with arms and legs positioned and
supported properly.

Place on hand on the client’s far hip and the other hand on the
client’s far shoulder.

Variation: Turning the Client to a Prone Position

To turn a client to a prone position, follow the preceeding steps, with
two exceptions:

• Instead of abducting the far arm, keep the client’s arm

alongside the body for the client to roll over.
• Roll the client completely onto the abdomen. Never pull a
client across the bed while he is in the prone position.


6. Document all relevant information.
• Time and change of position moved from and position
moved to
• Any signs of pressure areas
• Use of support devices
• Ability of client to assist in moving and turning
• Response of client to moving and turning


Rating Scale:
Excellent : 96 – 100% __________________________________________
Very Satisfactory : 90 – 95% Student’s Printed Name and Signature
Very Good : 85 – 89%
Good : 80 – 84%
Fair : 75 – 79%
Skills Laboratory Instructor
Poor : 74 and below
Printed Name and Signature

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