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AR245-NE28-15 ARI 11 May 2005 12:8

The Plastic Human

Brain Cortex
Alvaro Pascual-Leone, Amir Amedi,
Annu. Rev. Neurosci. 2005.28:377-401. Downloaded from

Felipe Fregni, and Lotfi B. Merabet

Center for Non-Invasive Brain Stimulation, Department of Neurology, Beth Israel
by HARVARD UNIVERSITY on 10/25/05. For personal use only.

Deaconess Medical Center, Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts 02215;


Annu. Rev. Neurosci. Key Words

2005. 28:377–401
stroke, blindness, neurorehabilitation, neuromodulation,
doi: 10.1146/
annurev.neuro.27.070203.144216 crossmodal plasticity, cortical stimulation, functional
c 2005 by
Annual Reviews. All rights
0147-006X/05/0721- Plasticity is an intrinsic property of the human brain and repre-
0377$20.00 sents evolution’s invention to enable the nervous system to escape
the restrictions of its own genome and thus adapt to environmen-
tal pressures, physiologic changes, and experiences. Dynamic shifts
in the strength of preexisting connections across distributed neu-
ral networks, changes in task-related cortico-cortical and cortico-
subcortical coherence and modifications of the mapping between
behavior and neural activity take place in response to changes in af-
ferent input or efferent demand. Such rapid, ongoing changes may
be followed by the establishment of new connections through den-
dritic growth and arborization. However, they harbor the danger
that the evolving pattern of neural activation may in itself lead to ab-
normal behavior. Plasticity is the mechanism for development and
learning, as much as a cause of pathology. The challenge we face is to
learn enough about the mechanisms of plasticity to modulate them
to achieve the best behavioral outcome for a given subject.

AR245-NE28-15 ARI 11 May 2005 12:8

plasticity of this sort; so that we may with-

Contents out hesitation lay down as our first propo-
sition the following, that the phenomena of
habit in living beings are due to the plasticity.
TWO-STEP CHANGES . . . . . . . . . . . 379
(p. 68)
Some years later, Santiago Ramón y Cajal
(1904) in the Textura del Sistema Nervioso ar-
gued that behavioral modifiability must have
an anatomical basis in the brain and thus ex-
INTERVENTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 383
tended the notion of plasticity to the neural
substrate. Considering the acquisition of new
OF BRAIN INJURY . . . . . . . . . . . . . 384
skills, Cajal wrote
Annu. Rev. Neurosci. 2005.28:377-401. Downloaded from


THE BLIND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 387
La labor de un pianista [. . .] es inacce-
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sible para el hombre ineducado ya que

la adquisición de nuevas habilidades re-
EXPERIMENT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 390
quiere muchos años de práctica mental y
fı́sica. Para entender plenamente este com-
plejo fenómeno se hace necesario admitir,
además del refuerzo de vias orgánicas pre-
establecidas, la formación de vias nuevas
TASKS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 392
por ramificación y crecimiento progresivo
de la arborización dendrı́tica y terminales
nerviosas.1 (p. 296)
AND THE BLIND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 392
SUMMARY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 395
We argue that plasticity is an intrin-
sic property of the nervous system retained
throughout a lifespan and that it is not possible
THE CONCEPT OF PLASTICITY to understand normal psychological function
“Plastic” is derived from the Greek word or the manifestations or consequences of
πλασ τ óσ (plastos), which means molded. Ac- disease without invoking the concept of brain
cording to the Oxford English Dictionary, be- plasticity. The brain, as the source of human
ing plastic refers to the ability to undergo a behavior, is by design molded by environ-
change in shape. William James (1890) in The mental changes and pressures, physiologic
Principles of Psychology was the first to intro- modifications, and experiences. This is the
duce the term plasticity to the neurosciences mechanism for learning and for growth and
in reference to the susceptibility of human be- development—changes in the input of any
havior to modification. neural system, or in the targets or demands
of its efferent connections, lead to system
Plasticity [. . .] means the possession of a
structure weak enough to yield to an influ-
ence, but strong enough not to yield all at
The labor of a pianist [. . .] is inaccessible for the un-
educated man as the acquisition of new skill requires
once. Each relatively stable phase of equilib- many years of mental and physical practice. In order to
rium in such a structure is marked by what fully understand this complex phenomenon it becomes
we may call a new set of habits. Organic necessary to admit, in addition to the reinforcement of
pre-established organic pathways, the formation of new
matter, especially nervous tissue, seems en- pathways through ramification and progressive growth of
dowed with a very extraordinary degree of the dendritic arborization and the nervous terminals.

378 Pascual-Leone et al.

AR245-NE28-15 ARI 11 May 2005 12:8

reorganization that might be demonstrable at jured brain, takeover of lost function by neigh-
the level of behavior, anatomy, and physiology boring systems (albeit perhaps incompletely
and down to the cellular and molecular levels. or via different strategies and computations),
Therefore, plasticity is not an occasional or the emergence of new behaviors that may
state of the nervous system; instead, it is the prove adaptive or maladaptive for the indi-
normal ongoing state of the nervous system vidual. Plasticity at the neural level does not
throughout the life span. A full, coherent speak to the question of behavioral change and
account of any sensory or cognitive theory has certainly does not necessarily imply functional
to build into its framework the fact that the recovery or even functional change. The chal-
nervous system, and particularly the brain, lenge we face is to learn enough about the
undergoes continuous changes in response to mechanisms of plasticity and the mapping re-
modifications in its input afferents and output lations between brain activity and behavior to
targets. Implicit to the commonly held notion be able to guide it, suppressing changes that
Annu. Rev. Neurosci. 2005.28:377-401. Downloaded from

of plasticity is the concept that there is a defin- may lead to undesirable behaviors while ac-
able starting point after which one may be able celerating or enhancing those that result in a
to record and measure change. In fact, there behavioral benefit for the subject or patient.
by HARVARD UNIVERSITY on 10/25/05. For personal use only.

is no such beginning point because any event In this review we first discuss mechanisms
falls upon a moving target, i.e., a brain under- of plasticity and strategies for its modulation
going constant change triggered by previous in the motor system during the acquisition of
events or resulting from intrinsic remodeling motor skills and the recovery of function after
activity. We should not therefore conceive a stroke. Then we focus on crossmodal plas-
of the brain as a stationary object capable of ticity following sensory loss, i.e., blindness, to
activating a cascade of changes that we call illustrate the fundamental nature of plasticity
plasticity, nor as an orderly stream of events and emphasize the principles that are applica-
driven by plasticity. Instead we should think of ble across systems.
the nervous system as a continuously chang-
ing structure of which plasticity is an integral
property and the obligatory consequence of TWO-STEP CHANGES
each sensory input, motor act, association, Cajal (1904) predicted that with the acqui-
reward signal, action plan, or awareness. In sition of new skills the brain would change
this framework, notions such as psychological through rapid reinforcement of preestab-
processes as distinct from organic-based lished organic pathways and later formation of
functions or dysfunctions cease to be infor- new pathways. We hypothesize that the first
mative. Behavior will lead to changes in brain of these processes is in fact a necessary re-
circuitry, just as changes in brain circuitry quirement for the development of the second.
will lead to behavioral modifications. Formation of new pathways is possible only
The mapping between behavioral mod- following initial reinforcement of preexistent
ifiability ( James 1890) and brain plasticity connections. Therefore, the scope of possible
(Cajal 1904) is not one to one. Therefore, plastic changes is defined by existing connec-
depending on the circumstances, neural plas- tions, which are the result of genetically con-
ticity can confer no perceptible change in trolled neural development and are ultimately
the behavioral output of the brain, can lead different across individuals. Reinforcement of
to changes demonstrated only under special existing connections, on the other hand, is the
testing conditions, or can cause behavioral consequence of environmental influences, af-
changes that may force the patient to seek ferent input, and efferent demand.
medical attention. There may be loss of a pre- These two steps of plasticity are illustrated
viously acquired behavioral capacity, release by the following experiment (Pascual-Leone
of behaviors normally suppressed in the unin- 1996, Pascual-Leone et al. 1995). Normal • The Plastic Human Brain Cortex 379

AR245-NE28-15 ARI 11 May 2005 12:8

subjects were taught to perform with one hand of the actual movements (Roland et al. 1987,
a five-finger exercise on a piano keyboard con- Decety & Ingvar 1990). In doing so, men-
nected via computer musical interface. The tal practice alone may be sufficient to pro-
subjects were instructed to perform the se- mote the plastic modulation of neural circuits
quence of finger movements fluently, without placing the subjects at an advantage for faster
pauses, and without skipping any keys, while skill learning with minimal physical practice,
paying particular attention to keeping the in- presumably by making the reinforcement
terval between the individual key presses con- of existing connections easier and perhaps
stant and the duration of each key press the speeding up the process of subsequent sprout-
same. A metronome gave a tempo of 60 beats ing and consolidating of memories.
per minutes for which the subjects were asked Once near-perfect level of performance
to aim, as they performed the exercise un- was reached at the end of a week of daily
der auditory feedback. Subjects were studied practice, subjects were randomized into two
Annu. Rev. Neurosci. 2005.28:377-401. Downloaded from

on five consecutive days, and each day they groups (Figure 1B). Group 1 continued daily
had a two-hour practice session followed by practice of the same piano exercise during the
a test. The test consisted of the execution following four weeks. Group 2 stopped prac-
by HARVARD UNIVERSITY on 10/25/05. For personal use only.

of 20 repetitions of the five-finger exercise. ticing. During the four weeks of follow-up,
The number of sequence errors decreased, cortical output maps for finger flexor and ex-
and the duration, accuracy, and variability of tensor muscles were obtained in all subjects on
the intervals between key pushes (as marked Mondays (before the first practice session of
by the metronome beats) improved signifi- that week in group 1), and on Fridays (after the
cantly over the course of the five days. Be- last practice session for the week in group 1).
fore the first practice session on the first day In the group that continued practicing
of the experiment and daily thereafter, we (group 1), the cortical output maps obtained
used focal transcranial magnetic stimulation on Fridays showed an initial peak and even-
(TMS) to map the motor cortical areas tar- tually a slow decrease in size despite contin-
geting long finger flexor and extensor mus- ued performance improvement. On the other
cles bilaterally. As the subjects’ performance hand, the maps obtained on Mondays, before
improved, the threshold for TMS activation the practice session and following the week-
of the finger flexor and extensor muscles de- end rest, showed a small change from base-
creased steadily. Even considering this change line with a tendency to increase in size over
in threshold, the size of the cortical represen- the course of the study. In group 2, the maps
tation for both muscle groups increased sig- returned to baseline after the first week of
nificantly (Figure 1A). However, this increase follow-up and remained stable thereafter.
could be demonstrated only when the cortical This experiment reveals that acquisition
mapping studies were conducted following a of the necessary motor skills to perform a
20- to 30-min rest period after the practice five-finger movement exercise correctly is
(and test) session (Pascual-Leone 1996). No associated with reorganization in the cortical
such modulation in the cortical output maps motor outputs to the muscles involved in
was noted when maps were obtained before the task. The rapid time course in the initial
each daily practice session (Figure 1A). modulation of the motor outputs, by which a
Remarkably, mental practice resulted in a certain region of motor cortex can reversibly
similar reorganization of the motor outputs increase its influence on a motoneuron pool,
to the one observed in the group of sub- is most compatible with the unmasking of
jects that physically practiced the movements previously existing connections (Jacobs &
(Figure 1C). Mental simulation of move- Donoghue 1991, Sanes et al. 1992). Support-
ments activates some of the same central neu- ing this notion, the initial changes are quite
ral structures required for the performance transient: demonstrable after practice, but

380 Pascual-Leone et al.

AR245-NE28-15 ARI 11 May 2005 12:8
Annu. Rev. Neurosci. 2005.28:377-401. Downloaded from
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Figure 1
Changes in cortical output maps associated with learning a five-finger exercise on the piano (modified
from Pascual-Leone 1996, Pascual-Leone et al. 1995). A: Cortical output maps for the finger flexors of
the trained and the untrained hands of a representative subject (see text and Pascual-Leone et al. 1995 for
details on mapping method). Note the marked changes of the output maps for the trained hand following
practice and the lack of changes for the untrained hand. Note further the significant difference in cortical
output maps for the trained hand after the practice sessions on days 3–5. B: Serial cortical output maps to
finger flexors in a representative subject during five weeks of daily (Monday to Friday) practice of the
five-finger exercise on the piano. Note that there are two distinct processes in action, one accounting for
the rapid modulation of the maps from Mondays to Fridays and the other responsible for the slow and
more discrete changes in Monday maps over time. C: Average cortical output maps for the finger flexors
of the trained hand in subjects undergoing daily physical versus mental practice. Note the similarity in
output maps with either form of practice. • The Plastic Human Brain Cortex 381

AR245-NE28-15 ARI 11 May 2005 12:8

returning to baseline after a weekend rest. As A growing number of neuroimaging studies

the task becomes overlearned over the course have suggested a similar two-step process
of five weeks, the pattern of cortical activa- (Seitz et al. 1990; Grafton et al. 1992; Jenkins
tion for optimal task performance changes as et al. 1994; Karni et al. 1995, 1998).
other neural structures take a more leading
role in task performance. We suggest that
flexible, short-term modulation of existing THE RAPIDLY SHIFTING
pathways represents a first and necessary step MAPPING BETWEEN BRAIN
leading up to longer-term structural changes ACTIVITY AND BEHAVIOR
in the intracortical and subcortical networks Behavior is the manifestation of the coordi-
as skills become overlearned and automatic. nated workings of the entire nervous system.
As long as an output pathway to manifest
the behavior is preserved (even if alternate
Annu. Rev. Neurosci. 2005.28:377-401. Downloaded from

pathways need to be unmasked or facilitated),

changes in the activity across a distributed
neural network may be able to establish new
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patterns of brain activation and sustain func-

tion. These notions are illustrated by the
following experiment (Figure 2). We asked
normal subjects to open and close their fist
deliberately at a self-paced rhythm of approx-
imately one movement every second while ly-
ing in an fMRI scanner. As compared with
during rest, during movement there was a sig-
nificant activation of the motor cortex (M1)
contralateral to the moving hand and of the
rostral supplementary motor cortex (SMA). If
motor cortex activity is modified by repetitive
TMS, the pattern of brain activation changes
as behavioral integrity is maintained. Appli-
cation of slow, repetitive TMS to the con-
tralateral M1 (presumed to suppress neuronal
firing; Walsh & Pascual-Leone 2003) results
in increased activation of the rostral SMA
and of M1 ipsilateral to the moving hand.
Conversely, increasing excitability in the con-
tralateral M1 (by application of fast, repetitive
Figure 2 TMS) leads to a decrease in activation of ros-
Brain activation in fMRI while subjects performed the same rhythmic tral SMA.
hand movement (under careful kinematic control) before and after In a very elegant study, Lee et al. (2003)
repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) of the contralateral
motor cortex. Following sham rTMS (top row) there is no change in the
combining TMS and positron emission
significant activation of the motor cortex (M1) contralateral to the tomography (PET) have provided supporting
moving hand and of the rostral supplementary motor cortex (SMA). After evidence to these notions and critically
M1 activity is suppressed using 1Hz rTMS (1600 stimuli, 90% of motor extended it by revealing the shifts in cortico-
threshold intensity; middle row), there is an increased activation of the cortical and cortico-subcortical connectivity
rostral SMA and of M1 ipsilateral to the moving hand. Increasing
excitability in the contralateral M1 using high-frequency rTMS (20 Hz,
underlying the changes in cortical activation
90% of motor threshold intensity, 1600 stimuli; bottom row) results in a patterns (Figure 3). Following rTMS,
decrease in activation of rostral SMA. task-dependent increases in rCBF were seen

382 Pascual-Leone et al.

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Annu. Rev. Neurosci. 2005.28:377-401. Downloaded from
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Figure 3
Areas of the brain showing differential movement-related responses and coupling after rTMS. Modified
from Lee et al. 2003 (copyright 2003 by the Society for Neuroscience). A: Increased movement-related
activity after 1Hz rTMS to the motor cortex. Results are displayed on an axial section of averaged
anatomical MRI scans ( p < 0.001, uncorrected). B: Circle, square, and triangle symbols indicating sites in
primary motor cortex (open symbols) that are more strongly coupled to activity in sensorimotor cortex
(SM1), dorsal premotor cortex (PMd), and supplementary motor cortex (SMA) after rTMS. The solid
diamond indicates the position of the SM1 site circled in Figure 3A. X marks the site of stimulation with
1Hz rTMS.

during movement in the directly stimulated THE RISK OF CHANGE AND

primary motor cortex and the dorsal premotor THE OPPORTUNITY FOR
cortex in the unstimulated hemisphere, INTERVENTION
whereas motor performance remained un-
A system capable of such flexible reorganiza-
changed. Analyses of effective connectivity
tion harbors the risk of unwanted change. In-
showed that after rTMS there is a remod-
creased demand of sensorimotor integration
eling of the motor system, with increased
poses such a risk. Faulty practice or excessive
movement-related connectivity from the
demand in the presence of certain predispos-
SMA and premotor cortex to sites in primary
ing factors (for example, genetic) may result
sensorimotor cortex.
in unwanted cortical rearrangement and lead
Both of these experiments demonstrate
to disease. Focal hand dystonia in musicians
that in the face of a change in motor cor-
(Chamagne 2003) is such an example of patho-
tex activity (in these cases transient disrup-
logical consequences of plasticity.
tion induced by rTMS; Walsh & Pascual-
We examined five guitarists using fMRI
Leone 2003) performance of a relatively
during dystonic symptom provocation by
simple movement task can be maintained
means of an adapted guitar inside the mag-
by rapid operational remapping of motor
net (Pujol et al. 2000). As reference we used
representations, recruitment of additional
the activation pattern obtained in the same
motor areas, and task-related changes in
subjects during other hand movements and in
cortico-cortical and cortico-muscular coher-
matched guitar players without dystonia dur-
ence (Strens et al. 2002, Chen et al. 2003, Lee
ing the execution of the same guitar-playing
et al. 2003, Oliviero et al. 2003). • The Plastic Human Brain Cortex 383

AR245-NE28-15 ARI 11 May 2005 12:8

ultimately maladaptive, giving rise to symp-

toms of pathology. A sensory disturbance or
sensorimotor mismatch may play a crucial
role in contributing to the establishment of
such an undesirable pattern of cortical activa-
tion (Hallett 1995, Bara-Jimenez et al. 1998,
Elbert et al. 1998, Pantev et al. 2001).
Regardless of the role that sensory
dysfunction may play, suppression of the
task-specific excessive activation of the motor
cortex has beneficial behavioral consequences
for the symptoms of dystonia. For example,
application of slow, repetitive TMS to the
Annu. Rev. Neurosci. 2005.28:377-401. Downloaded from

contralateral motor cortex suppresses cortical

excitability by increasing intracortical inhi-
bition and leads to a transient but significant
by HARVARD UNIVERSITY on 10/25/05. For personal use only.

improvement of dystonic symptoms in some

patients (Siebner et al. 1999). Sensorimotor
retuning (Candia et al. 1999, 2002), where
motor activity is constrained using an in-
dividually designed splint so as to prevent
dystonic posturing, is likely to induce its
remarkable beneficial effects on dystonia by
a similar mechanism of reducing task-specific
motor cortical activation, thus promoting the
establishment of a more adaptive mapping
between brain activity and behavior (Candia
et al. 2003). It is thus possible to induce
shifts in brain activity either by guiding (and
constraining) behavior or by directly modu-
lating neuronal firing, for example through
Figure 4
cortical stimulation. In either case, the plastic
exercises. Dystonic musicians compared with property of the nervous system is utilized to
BOLD fMRI images both control situations showed a significantly
of a normal and a induce a behaviorally desirable outcome.
larger activation of the contralateral primary
dystonic guitar
player executing sensorimotor cortex that contrasted with a
right hand arpeggios conspicuous bilateral underactivation of pre- PLASTICITY IN THE SETTING
in the scanner. Note motor areas (Figure 4). Our results coin- OF BRAIN INJURY
the greater activation cide with studies of other dystonia types be-
of the sensorimotor That plasticity is a capacity of the brain that
cause they show an abnormal recruitment of can be activated in response to an insult to
cortex (arrows)
contralateral to the cortical areas involved in the control of vol- promote functional recovery or compensate
performing hand and untary movement. Our study demonstrates for lost function is a misconception. Rather,
the lack of activation that the primary sensorimotor cortex in pa- plasticity is always activated. Following brain
of premotor and tients with focal dystonia is overactive when
supplementary injury, behavior (regardless of whether nor-
they are tested during full expression of the mal or manifesting injury-related deficits) re-
motor cortices in the
dystonic patient. task-induced movement disorder. The impli- mains the consequence of the functioning of
Modified from Pujol cation is that the established mapping between the entire brain, and thus the consequence
et al. 2000. brain activity and behavior is inadequate and of a plastic nervous system. Symptoms are

384 Pascual-Leone et al.

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not the manifestation of the injured brain creased cortical excitability in the unaffected
region, but rather the expression of plastic hemisphere after a stroke. For example, in
changes in the rest of the brain. After a le- patients with acute cortical stroke, intracor-
sion, just like after an rTMS-induced shift tical inhibition is decreased and intracortical
in activity in the primary motor cortex (see facilitation increased in the unaffected hemi-
above), parallel motor circuits might be acti- sphere (Liepert et al. 2000). Furthermore,
vated to establish some alternative input to the the interhemispheric inhibitory drive from
spinal motoneurons. These parallel circuits the unaffected to the affected motor cortex
may originate from the contralateral, undam- in the process of voluntary movement gen-
aged primary motor area (M1), bilateral pre- eration is abnormal (Murase et al. 2004). In-
motor areas (PMA), bilateral supplementary terestingly, the duration of stroke is inversely
motor areas (SMA), bilateral somatosensory correlated to the imbalance of the excitability
areas, cerebellum, basal ganglia, etc. As long between the hemispheres. A disease duration
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as efferent, cortico-spinal output pathways ex- of more than four months after stroke onset
ist, cortico-cortical and cortico-subcortico- results in a tendency to normalization of
cortical interactions will shift weights across the intracortical facilitation (ICF) of the
by HARVARD UNIVERSITY on 10/25/05. For personal use only.

the involved functional network, aiming to unaffected hemisphere (Shimizu et al. 2002).
establish a suitable brain activation map for Acutely after a stroke, increased inhibitory
a desired behavioral result. Conceptually it input from the undamaged to the damaged
might be worth thinking of processes occur- hemisphere makes conceptual sense if one
ring after brain injury and leading to restora- considers it a manifestation of a neural at-
tion of function as fitting different mecha- tempt to control perilesional activity, reduce
nisms that may proceed partly in parallel but oxygen and glucose demands in the penum-
which have variable time frames. Initial plas- bra of the stroke, and thus limit the exten-
tic changes aim to minimize damage. Rapid sion of the lesion (Figure 5). However, af-
functional improvement is likely to occur as ter an acute phase, and once the injury is
dysfunctional, but not damaged, neuronal el- stable, input to the perilesional area would
ements recover from the postinjury shock and seem to be best as excitatory in nature to
penumbra processes resolve. Partially dam- maximize the capability of the preserved neu-
aged neural elements may be able to be re- rons in the injured tissue to drive behavioral
paired relatively quickly after the insult as output. If so, following the acute phase, we
well, thus contributing to early functional im- might expect a shift of interhemispheric (and
provement. Subsequent processes, once the fi- many intrahemispheric) interactions, from in-
nal damage has been established, involve re- hibitory to excitatory. Should such a shift fail
learning (rather than recovery) and will follow to take place, the resulting functional outcome
the two steps discussed above: initial unmask- may be undesirable, with limited behavioral
ing and strengthening of existing neural path- restoration, in part owing to persistent in-
ways, and eventually the establishment of new hibitory inputs from the intact to the dam-
structural changes. aged hemisphere (Figure 5). In fact, some
These concepts can be illustrated by exam- neuroimaging studies demonstrate that long-
ining the role of the ipsilateral motor cortex in term, persistent activation of the ipsilateral
the recovery of hand motor function follow- cortex during motor tasks is associated with
ing stroke. After stroke, there is an increase in poor motor outcomes, whereas a good mo-
the excitability of the unaffected hemisphere, tor recovery is associated with a decrease in
presumably owing to reduced transcallosal activity in the unaffected and an increase in
inhibition from the damaged hemisphere the affected primary sensorimotor cortex ac-
and increased use of the intact hemisphere. tivity (Carey et al. 2002, Rossini & Dal Forno
Several studies have demonstrated the in- 2004). Furthermore, the pattern of activation • The Plastic Human Brain Cortex 385

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Figure 5
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Schematic illustration showing that in the acute phase after a stroke, increased inhibitory input (within or
across the hemispheres) may limit the extension of the lesion. Increased excitability (increased
glutamatergic activity and reduced GABAergic activity) and postischemic LTP harbor an otherwise
increased risk for further damage. However, after the acute phase, and once the injury is stable
by HARVARD UNIVERSITY on 10/25/05. For personal use only.

(long-term), excitatory input increases excitability and may further increase the efferent (e.g., motor)
output. In contrast, inhibitory input at chronic stages is a maladaptative strategy, and the resulting
functional outcome may be undesirable, with limited behavioral restoration. Note that the sources
(intra- or interhemispheric) of such inputs may differ across neural systems and across individuals.
Nevertheless, this provides a road map for neuromodulatory interventions whose aims differ in the acute
and long-term stages (block arrows indicate a desirable increase or decrease in excitability).

in well-recovered patients is similar to healthy subjects, where ipsilateral motor cortex acti-
subjects (Ward et al. 2003). More longitudi- vation on functional MRI during unilateral
nal studies of patients following a stroke and hand movements is indeed related primarily
correlation of interhemispheric interactions to interhemispheric interactions (Kobayashi
with functional measures are needed to ex- et al. 2003), and disruption of the activity
plore these issues further. If correct, neuro- of one hemisphere reduces transcallosal in-
modulatory approaches targeting the intact hibition to the contralateral hemisphere and
hemisphere may be useful to limit injury and can indeed improve ipsilateral motor function
promote recovery after a stroke. (Kobayashi et al. 2004). However, Werhahn
For instance, suppression of the ipsilateral et al. (2003) conducted a similar study to eval-
motor cortex through slow rTMS (Pascual- uate the modulation effects of 1Hz rTMS of
Leone et al. 1998, Maeda et al. 2000) may the unaffected hemisphere on the paretic hand
enhance motor performance in patients sta- and found different results. In that study, 1 Hz
ble following the acute phase of a stroke. In rTMS of the unaffected hemisphere did not
patients 1–2 months after a stroke, Mansur affect the finger tapping in the paretic hand in
et al. (2005) applied 0.5 Hz rTMS for 10 min a small sample of five patients more than one
to the unaffected hemisphere to suppress cor- year after a stroke. The time since the brain
tical activity and thus release the damaged insult is likely to be a critical variable to con-
hemisphere from potentially excessive tran- sider. Studies with larger samples of patients
scallosal inhibition. The results of this pilot are needed to investigate this question further.
study support the notion that the overactiv- Behavioral motor therapy may also shift
ity of the unaffected hemisphere (ipsilateral cortical excitability balance between hemi-
hemisphere) may hinder hand function re- spheres and thus influence outcome. For ex-
covery, and neuromodulation can be an inter- ample, the beneficial effects of constraint-
ventional tool to accelerate this recovery. The induced therapy on motor function (Mark &
findings are consistent with results in normal Taub 2004, Grotta et al. 2004) are achieved

386 Pascual-Leone et al.

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through immobilization of the unaffected relearning of skills and preservation of be-

arm, which results in a reduction of the ex- havior involves shifts of distributed contribu-
citability of the contralateral (undamaged) tions across a specific neural network (fun-
motor cortex owing to the decreased effer- damentally, the network engaged in learning
ent demand and afferent input (Liepert et al. the same skills in the healthy brain). Intra-
2001). The reduced activity of the undamaged and particularly interhemispheric interactions
motor cortex may decrease transcallosal inhi- may shift from being initially inhibitory (to
bition of the damaged motor cortex and thus minimize damage) to later excitatory (to pro-
promote recovery, ultimately by mechanisms mote functional recovery). Changes in the
similar to those recruited by suppressing cor- time course of such connectivity shifts may
tical excitability through slow rTMS. result in the establishment of dead-end strate-
Of course, the alternative neuromodu- gies and limit functional recovery. Ultimately,
latory approach, directly aimed to enhance activation of brain areas that are not normally
Annu. Rev. Neurosci. 2005.28:377-401. Downloaded from

excitability of the damaged hemisphere peri- recruited in normal subjects may represent
lesionally, can also be entertained. Results of a a nonadaptative strategy resulting in a poor
pilot study in primates support the feasibility prognosis.
by HARVARD UNIVERSITY on 10/25/05. For personal use only.

of using a therapy approach, combining

peri-infarct electrical stimulation with reha-
bilitative training to alleviate chronic motor THE OCCIPITAL CORTEX IN
deficits and promote recovery from cortical THE BLIND
ischemic injury (Plautz et al. 2003). Very early The core principles of neural function that
experiments with invasive cortical stimula- apply to the motor system should also apply
tion in humans reveal similarly encouraging to sensory systems. We now switch from the
results (Brown et al. 2003). However, non- motor to the visual system and briefly discuss
invasive rTMS at appropriate parameters can the impact of visual loss on occipital cortical
also be applied to enhance cortical excitability function to illustrate the fundamental nature
(Pascual-Leone et al. 1998, Maeda et al. 2000, of plasticity.
Huang et al. 2005) and thus may exert similar We live in a society that relies heavily on
beneficial effects, particularly if coupled with vision. Therefore, blind individuals have to
physical therapy. In this setting, functional make striking adjustments to their loss of sight
neuroimaging might be useful, among other to interact effectively with their environment.
things, to identify the perilesional areas to One may thus imagine that blind individuals
be targeted (Baron et al. 2004), and EEG need to develop superior abilities in the use
or fMRI may allow investigators to define of their remaining senses (compensatory hy-
precisely and optimize the physiologic effects pothesis). However, blindness could also be
of TMS (Bestmann et al. 2004). the cause for maladjustments (general-loss hy-
Similar principles of neuromodulation can pothesis). For example, the loss of sight could
be applied to the recovery of nonmotor be detrimental to sensory perception/spatial
strokes and other focal brain lesions as il- information processing mediated by the re-
lustrated by studies on the effects of cortical maining senses because of our strong reliance
stimulation on neglect (Hilgetag et al. 2001, on vision for the acquisition and construction
Oliveri et al. 2001, Brighina et al. 2003) or of spatial and form representations. Against
aphasia (Knecht et al. 2002; Martin et al. 2004; the general-loss hypothesis is evidence that
Naeser et al. 2005a,b). blind individuals show normal and often supe-
Therefore, functional recovery after a fo- rior skills in tasks implicating touch and hear-
cal brain injury, e.g., a stroke, is essentially ing as compared with the average sighted pop-
learning with a partially disrupted neural net- ulation (Rauschecker 1995; Hollins & Kelley
work. A main neural mechanism underlying 1988; Lessard et al. 1998; Van Boven et al. • The Plastic Human Brain Cortex 387

AR245-NE28-15 ARI 11 May 2005 12:8

2000; Gougoux et al. 2004, 2005; Voss et al. between activity in a given region or network
2004; Doucet et al. 2005). Growing experi- with task performance. Therefore, the obser-
mental evidence suggests that in blind per- vation of activity in visual cortical areas in the
sons brain areas commonly associated with the blind fails to prove that this activity is nec-
processing of visual information are recruited essary for the sensory processing. In support
in a compensatory cross-modal manner that of a causal link between occiptal function and
may account for these superior nonvisual ca- the ability to read Braille is the remarkable
pabilities (Merabet et al. 2005, Theoret et al. patient reported by Hamilton et al. (2000,
2004). Figure 6B). This congenitally blind woman
Phelps et al. (1981) and Wanet-Defalque (from retinopathy of prematurity) was once
et al. (1988) were among the first to suggest a highly proficient Braille reader (learning at
that the occipital cortex is active in the blind the age of six and able to read at a rate of 120–
and furthermore, that puberty may represent 150 symbols per minute). Following bilateral
Annu. Rev. Neurosci. 2005.28:377-401. Downloaded from

an important developmental milestone for posterior cerebral artery strokes, she was ren-
this activation. Using event-related electroen- dered unable to read Braille despite the fact
cephalograph (EEG) recordings, Uhl et al. that her somatosensory sensation, peripheral
by HARVARD UNIVERSITY on 10/25/05. For personal use only.

(1991) [and later confirmed by a follow-up motor, and sensory nerve functions were all
study using single photon emission comput- intact. Even though she was well aware of the
erized tomography (SPECT) imaging; Uhl presence of the dot elements contained in the
et al. 1993] provided early support for the Braille text, she was “unable to extract enough
notion of task-related (tactile) occipital cor- information” to determine which letters and
tex activation in blind subjects. Sadato et al. words were written. Despite her profound in-
(1996, 1998) employed PET imaging and ability to read, she had no difficulty in per-
demonstrated that the primary visual cortex forming simple discrimination tactile tasks,
is activated in early-blind subjects performing such as identifying the roughness of a sur-
a Braille reading task (Figure 6A). Specifi- face, distinguishing between different coins,
cally, they observed bilateral activation in me- or identifying her house key from a given set.
dial occipital cortex (area 17) with concomi- However, she was not able to judge distance
tant activity in extrastriate areas. Activation of between Braille dots or read Braille (Hamilton
the primary visual cortex was also evident in et al. 2000, Merabet et al. 2004b). This
non-Braille tactile discrimination tasks (e.g., serendipitous experiment of nature (and tragic
discrimination of angle, width, and Roman- event for our patient) provides strong clini-
embossed characters encoded in Braille cells), cal evidence that a functioning occipital cor-
though to a lesser extent. However, passive tex is needed to carry out the task of Braille
sweeping of the finger (without responding) reading.
over a homogeneous pattern of Braille dots In an experimental setting, Cohen and col-
(i.e., meaningless Braille symbols) did not re- leagues (1997) used TMS to induce tran-
sult in activation of the primary visual cor- sient disruption of cortical function during
tex. Subsequent investigators have further re- a Braille identification task. Identification of
fined and extended these early findings ad- Braille characters or embossed Roman letters
dressing the role of imagery, the differences was impaired following TMS to the occipi-
between early and late blind, and the role of tal cortex in early-onset blind subjects but not
tactile versus verbal/linguistic aspects of the in sighted subjects. In blind subjects, occip-
task (Büchel et al. 1998, Melzer et al. 2001, ital stimulation with TMS not only induced
Burton et al. 2002a, Sadato et al. 2002, Amedi errors in Braille identification, but also dis-
et al. 2003; for review see Merabet et al. 2005). torted tactile perceptions. Subjects knew that
One must realize that functional neu- they were touching Braille symbols but were
roimaging at best establishes an association unable to identify them, reporting instead

388 Pascual-Leone et al.

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Annu. Rev. Neurosci. 2005.28:377-401. Downloaded from
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Figure 6
Braille activation in the visual cortex of the blind and its functional relevance. A: Brain imaging (PET)
of occipital activation during Braille reading in an early-blind subject (modified from Sadato et al. 1996).
B: Braille alexia following a bilateral occipital stroke. T2-weighted structural MRI of a congenitally blind
woman who was rendered unable to read Braille following a bilateral occipital stroke (modified from
Hamilton et al. 2000). C: Effects of transient disruption of the occipital cortex using single-pulse TMS on
tactile Braille character recognition in congenitally blind subjects. The TMS pulse was delivered at
different times (interstimulus interval) after delivery of a tactile stimulus to the index finger pad. The
graph displays the number of tactile stimuli detected (open symbols) and correctly identified ( filled symbols).
Disruption of somatosensory cortex leads to a decrease in the number of detected and identified letters at
an interstimulus interval of 30 ms (red arrow). Disruption of occipital cortex does not affect detection but
leads to a decrease in the number of identified letters at a later interstimulus interval of approximately
60 ms (blue arrow) (modified from Hamilton et al. 1998).

that the Braille dots felt “different,” “flatter,” formation processing (Pascual-Leone et al.
“less sharp and less well-defined” (1997). Oc- 2000, Walsh & Pascual-Leone 2003). A dis-
casionally, some subjects even reported feel- ruptive TMS pulse was delivered to the occip-
ing additional (“phantom”) dots in the Braille ital or the somatosensory cortex (contralateral
cell. The functional significance of the oc- to the reading hand) at a variable interval af-
cipital activation during Braille reading in ter a peripheral stimulus was applied to the
the early blind has been further evaluated pad of the subject’s index finger (Hamilton &
using single-pulse TMS to obtain informa- Pascual-Leone 1998). In normal sighted sub-
tion about the timing (chronometry) of in- jects, stimuli to the occipital cortex had no • The Plastic Human Brain Cortex 389

AR245-NE28-15 ARI 11 May 2005 12:8

effect, but TMS delivered to the somatosen- pears engaged in detection, whereas the oc-
sory cortex ∼20–30 ms after a tactile stim- cipital cortex contributes to the perception of
ulus to a contralateral finger interfered with tactile stimuli.
the detection of the peripheral somatosen-
sory stimulus (presumably by disrupting the
arrival of the thalamo-cortical volley into the UNMASKING CONNECTIONS:
primary sensory cortex; Cohen et al. 1991, THE BLINDFOLD EXPERIMENT
Pascual-Leone et al. 1994). In congenitally Complete and transient visual deprivation in
blind subjects, TMS to the left somatosensory sighted subjects (i.e., five days of blindfolding)
cortex disrupted detection of Braille stimuli seems to be sufficient to lead to recruitment of
presented to their right index finger at inter- the primary visual cortex for tactile and audi-
stimulus intervals of 20–40 ms (Figure 6C). tory processing (Pascual-Leone & Hamilton
Similar to the findings in the sighted, in some 2001). The speed of these functional changes
Annu. Rev. Neurosci. 2005.28:377-401. Downloaded from

cases the subjects did not realize that a pe- is such that it is highly improbable that new
ripheral stimulus had been presented to their cortical connections are established in these
finger. When they did realize it, they were
by HARVARD UNIVERSITY on 10/25/05. For personal use only.

sighted individuals. Therefore, somatosen-

able to identify correctly which Braille sym- sory and auditory connections to the occip-
bol was presented. On the other hand, TMS ital cortex must already be present and are
to the striate cortex disrupted the process- unmasked under our experimental conditions
ing of the peripheral stimuli at interstimu- (Figure 7A). These could be cortico-cortical
lus intervals of 50–80 ms. Contrary to the connections, linking Heschl gyrus or post-
findings after sensorimotor TMS, the subjects central cortex and striate cortex directly, via
generally knew whether a peripheral stimulus cortical multisensory areas, through thalamic
had been presented. However, they could not or other subcortical relay nuclei. Ultimately,
discriminate which Braille symbol had been the occipital cortex recruitment mechanisms
presented. These results suggest that in early- in tactile processing in the blind and un-
blind subjects, the somatosensory cortex ap- der blindfolded conditions are not likely to

Figure 7
Changes in connectivity between somatosensory and visual areas in blindfolded sighted and early-blind
subjects. A: BOLD fMRI activation focused on the calcarine sulcus (area V1) of a sighted subject
undergoing complete visual deprivation for five days through blindfolding. During this period the patient
was scanned conducting different tasks including tactile object recognition versus corresponding
sensorimotor controls. This contrast results in negligible V1 activation during baseline (day 1 of
blindfolding; not shown). Following five days of blindfolding robust V1 activation is evident in V1 (left).
The V1 region of interest shows significant activation for tactile object recognition with either the left or
the right hand (red and purple time course, respectively) but none during low-level sensorimotor control
(imitating object palpation movements in the air with right or left hand; orange and cyan colors, respectively).
This activation is dramatically reduced only hours following the removal of the blindfold (right). The
speed of these functional changes is such that it is highly improbable that new cortical connections are
established in these sighted individuals. Therefore, somatosensory connections to the occipital cortex,
perhaps via the ventral pathway and the lateral occipital (LO) region, must already be present and are
unmasked under our experimental conditions. B: Combined PET and rTMS study to probe the
connectivity between primary somatosensory cortex (S1) and early visual cortex (V1 and neighboring
areas). The figure presents the pattern of PET activation in early- versus late-blind subjects contrasting
the effects of real versus sham rTMS to S1. Note significant activation in parietal, occipital, and
occipito-temporal areas. Most striking, activation was found also in V1, which suggests that
cortico-cortical connection between S1 and V1 is stronger in early-blind subjects, possibly supporting
enhanced tactile information processing (modified from Wittenberg et al. 2004).

390 Pascual-Leone et al.

AR245-NE28-15 ARI 11 May 2005 12:8

be identical. Fast changes during blindfold- the establishment of new pathways follow-
ing reveal the capacity of the plastic brain to ing the initial reinforcement of preestablished
change in response to environmental changes connections (just as Cajal predicted). Indeed,
(in this case, visual deafferentation) and main- in early-blind subjects connectivity between
tain functional behavior (in this case, percep- primary somatosensory cortex (S1) and early
tual capturing of the world, for example, by visual cortex is changed, as recently shown in
enhancing auditory and tactile processing). an elegant study combining rTMS with PET.
Such shifts in connectivity are rapidly reversed Wittenberg et al. (2004) showed that rTMS
with visual input restoration (Figure 7A). over S1 evoked activation of peri-striate cor-
However, sustained and early sight loss may tex in early-blind but not in late-blind or
result in lasting structural brain changes with sighted individuals (Figure 7B).
Annu. Rev. Neurosci. 2005.28:377-401. Downloaded from
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ESTABLISHING NEW that the most common error produced after

CONNECTIONS: OCCIPITAL rTMS was semantic (e.g., apple ⇒ jump,
ACTIVATION IN HIGH-LEVEL instead of eat, one possible correct response).
COGNITIVE TASKS Phonological errors and interference with
motor execution or articulation (stuttering
Recent fMRI studies in the blind have demon-
and slurring of the responses) were rare.
strated occipital cortex activation (including
Thus, in blind subjects, a transient virtual
V1) during tasks requiring auditory verb-
lesion of the left occipital cortex can interfere
generation and similar linguistic tasks (Burton
with high-level verbal processing, and not
et al. 2002b, Amedi et al. 2003), semantic judg-
only with the processing of tactile stimuli and
ment tasks (Burton 2003, Noppeney et al.
Braille reading. This finding suggests that be-
2003), and speech processing (Röder et al.
yond changes in connectivity across sensory
2002). In a comparative analysis of brain acti-
systems, in early blind the visually deaffer-
Annu. Rev. Neurosci. 2005.28:377-401. Downloaded from

vation in early and late blind during a verb-

ented occipital cortex becomes engaged in
generation task, Burton et al. (2002b) in-
higher-order cognitive functions, presumably
structed subjects to generate covertly a verb
through establishment of new connections.
by HARVARD UNIVERSITY on 10/25/05. For personal use only.

in response to reading a noun cue presented

in Braille (e.g., reading the word “cake” would
generate “bake”) or using auditory words. DRAWING CONCLUSIONS
They found that occipital cortex activation FROM THE BLINDFOLDED AND
(including primary visual cortex) was much THE BLIND
more prominent in early- than in late-blind
The functional and structural identity of the
subjects (Figure 8).
occipital cortex may change from processing
Amedi et al. (2003) observed robust left-
visual information to processing information
lateralized V1 activation for a verbal-memory
related to another sensory modality or even
task requiring the retrieval of abstract words
supramodal high-level cognitive functions
from long-term memory. The striking find-
(Figure 10). In comparison, the occipital
ing of this report is that contrary to previous
cortex may inherently possess the compu-
studies, the observed occipital activation
tational machinery necessary for nonvisual
was demonstrated without introducing any
information processing (Pascual-Leone &
tactile or auditory sensory input. Notably,
Hamilton 2001). Under specific conditions
blind subjects showed superior verbal mem-
(such as blindness or prolonged blindfold-
ory capabilities compared not only with
ing) this potential could be revealed. Burton
age-matched, sighted controls, but also with
(2003) suggested the definition of two distinct
reported population averages (using the
mechanisms: (a) “cross-modal plasticity de
Wechsler verbal memory test). Furthermore,
novo” in response to visual deprivation, and
investigators found a strong positive correla-
(b) “expression of normal physiology” that is
tion between the magnitude of V1 activation
normally inhibited or masked when sight is
and the verbal memory capability in that the
present. However, as discussed above, in the
degree of activation increased with increasing
context of the intrinsically plastic brain, these
word-recall ability (Figure 9).
two mechanisms are inextricably linked. The
The functional relevance of these findings
unmasking of preexisting connections and
was demonstrated with rTMS. When activity
shifts in connectivity represent rapid, early
in the left calcarine sulcus or left occipito-
plastic changes, which can lead, if sustained
temporal cortex was disrupted by rTMS,
and reinforced, to slower developing but more
performance in a verb-generation task was
permanent structural changes, with dendritic
impaired (the error rate increased) (Amedi
arborization, sprouting, and growth. This
et al. 2004). An analysis of error types revealed
hypothesis can account for the findings in

392 Pascual-Leone et al.

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by HARVARD UNIVERSITY on 10/25/05. For personal use only.

Figure 8
BOLD fMRI activation within occipital cortex in early- and late-blind Braille readers. Note that the
magnitude of activation is greater in early-blind individuals. Scale denotes the Z-scores for BOLD
responses (Z-max early-blind 25; Z-Max late-blind: 15; modified from Burton et al. 2002).

blindfolded subjects and for the magnitude sighted. Indeed, Amedi & colleagues (2001,
difference of the reorganization between 2002) reported convergence of visual and
early and late blind. This hypothesis also re- tactile object recognition in the ventral visual
sults in the strong prediction that careful task stream in an occipito-temporal area termed
choice and experimental design will reveal the the lateral-occipital tactile visual area (LOtv).
nonvisual roles of the occipital cortex in the The defining feature of this region is that • The Plastic Human Brain Cortex 393

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Annu. Rev. Neurosci. 2005.28:377-401. Downloaded from
by HARVARD UNIVERSITY on 10/25/05. For personal use only.

Figure 9
Verbal memory fMRI activation in early visual cortex of congenitally blind subjects correlates with their
superior verbal memory abilities. Congenitally blind subjects show robust activation in the left visual
cortex during a verbal memory task of abstract word retrieval, which involves no sensory stimulation.
The left-lateralized activity stretches from V1, via extrastriate retinotopic areas, to nonretinotopic areas
such as the lateral occipital complex (LOC; top panel ). This activation was correlated with the subjects’
verbal memory abilities (lower panel ). Subjects were tested on the percentage of words they remembered
six months after the scan. In general, blind subjects remembered more words and showed greater V1
activation than did the sighted controls. The correlation between V1 activity and performance was
significant only in blind subjects (modified from Amedi et al. 2003).

it is activated preferentially by object shape involves (in addition to a series of other

rather than by texture and scrambled images brain regions) activation of bilateral occipital
of the object. Similarly, TMS studies have cortices in sighted subjects (Press et al. 2004).
revealed that the visual cortex of the sighted is Therefore, in the visual system in re-
functionally involved in tactile processing of sponse to loss of visual input, we encounter
orientation (Zangaladze et al. 1999) and judg- a similar situation to the one discussed in
ing of distance between Braille dots (Merabet the context of the motor system: In a first
et al. 2004a). Recent fMRI work even step the nervous system is molded rapidly by
suggests that as compared with phonemic shifts of strength in existing connections. In
word generation, semantic word generation a second step new structural connections are

394 Pascual-Leone et al.

AR245-NE28-15 ARI 11 May 2005 12:8

established giving rise to new capacities such

as improved verbal memory through recruit-
ment of the occipital cortex (Amedi et al.
2003); the remarkably high incidence of ab-
solute pitch in early-blind subjects in the ab-
sence of the expected changes in planum tem-
poral asymmetry (Hamilton et al. 2004); or the
superior auditory localization ability of blind
subjects, which correlates with the amount of
striate cortex activation (Gougoux et al. 2005).
However, just as in the motor system, plas-
ticity risks becoming the cause of pathology.
For example, acutely after visual deafferenta-
Annu. Rev. Neurosci. 2005.28:377-401. Downloaded from

tion, just as after a focal lesion of the oc-

cipital cortex, altered cortical excitability and
rapid changes in cortico-cortical connectiv-
by HARVARD UNIVERSITY on 10/25/05. For personal use only.

ity frequently lead to visual hallucinations and

phantom vision (Merabet et al. 2004a). Such
hallucinations can be suppressed by reduc-
ing cortical excitability through slow rTMS
(Merabet et al. 2003). Eventually, halluci-
nations tend to subside, perhaps correlating
with the long-lasting, cross-modal plasticity
changes and the recruitment of the occipital
cortex for high-order cognitive tasks. How-
ever, such plasticity, although aiding in the
adaptation to blindness, poses difficult chal-
lenges to vision restoration. Appropriate de-
livery of electrical stimulation to the retina
or the occipital cortex can evoke patterned
sensations of light even in those who have
been blind for many years. However, success
in developing functional visual prostheses re- Figure 10
quires an understanding of how to communi- Schematic representation of changes affecting the occipital cortex after
cate effectively with the plastically changed, visual deafferentation. A: Following visual deafferentation, inputs from
visually deprived brain to merge what is other sensory processing areas (red and blue) reach the occipital cortex via
perceived visually with what is generated connections through multisensory cortical areas (and possibly through
electrically (Merabet et al. 2005). Similarly direct connections). B: The unmasking and strengthening of such
connections (thicker lines) lead to enhanced multisensory processing at the
challenging is the situation for patients who level of the occipital cortex and may eventually lead to the establishment of
recover sight through surgical approaches (for new connections and functional roles.
example, cataract removal or corneal stem-
cell transplant) after long-term visual depri-
vation (Fine et al. 2003). visually deprived visual system it is the conse-
quence of afferent input changes. Neverthe-
less, across systems the fundamental aspects
SUMMARY of plasticity remain the same: Plasticity is an
Plasticity in the motor system may be primar- obligatory consequence of all neural activ-
ily driven by efferent demand, whereas in the ity (even mental practice), and environmental • The Plastic Human Brain Cortex 395

AR245-NE28-15 ARI 11 May 2005 12:8

pressures, functional significance, and experi- plasticity for optimal behavioral gain, which
ence are critical factors. For example, the role is possible, for example, through behavioral
of the occipital cortex for tactile processing in modification and through invasive and non-
ICF: intracortical
facilitation the blind is likely to be fundamentally differ- invasive cortical stimulation.
ent for those who learn Braille early and those So, what makes our dynamic plastic
M1: motor cortex
who do not. cortex possible? Experience and behavior
Two steps of plasticity can be identified: correspond to the activity of all relevant
tactile visual area unmasking existing connections that may be neurons throughout the brain. Neuronal
followed by establishment of new ones. The networks provide a most energy efficient,
PMA: premotor
area former provides an opportunity to learn about spatially compact, and precise means to
core aspects of normal physiology (for exam- process input signals and generate responses
PMd: dorsal
premotor cortex ple, the role of cross-modal interactions in vi- (Laughlin & Sejnowski 2003). Nodes in
sual perception). The latter can give rise to such networks, specific brain regions, are
Annu. Rev. Neurosci. 2005.28:377-401. Downloaded from

S1: somatosensory
cortex unexpected capacities (for example, supranor- conceptualized as operators that contribute a
mal auditory abilities or verbal memory in the given computation independent of the input
blind). (Pascual-Leone & Hamilton 2001). Inputs
by HARVARD UNIVERSITY on 10/25/05. For personal use only.

motor area Plasticity is an intrinsic property of the hu- shift depending on the integration of a region
SPECT: single man nervous system, and plastic changes may in a distributed neural network, and the lay-
photon emission not necessarily represent a behavioral gain for ered and reticular structure of the cortex with
computerized a given subject. Plasticity is the mechanism rich reafferent loops provides the substrate
tomography for development and learning, as much as a for rapid modulation of the engaged network
TMS: transcranial cause of pathology and the cause of clinical nodes. Ultimately, plasticity is a most efficient
magnetic stimulation disorders. Our challenge is to modulate neural way to utilize the brain’s limited resources.

Work on this review was supported by K24 RR018875, RO1-EY12091, RO1-DC05672, RO1-
NS 47,754, RO1-NS 20,068, and R01-EB 00,5047. F.F. is supported by a grant from the
Harvard Medical School Scholars in Clinical Sciences Program (NIH K30 HL004095-03).
L.M. is supported by a K 23 mentored career development award from the National Eye
Institute (K23 EY016131-01) and A.A. by a Human Frontiers Science Program award. The
authors thank Mark Thivierge for invaluable administrative support.

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11 May 2005
Contents ARI 13 May 2005 13:21

Annual Review of

Volume 28, 2005


Genetics of Brain Structure and Intelligence

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Arthur W. Toga and Paul M. Thompson p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 1

The Actin Cytoskeleton: Integrating Form and Function at the Synapse
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Christian Dillon and Yukiko Goda p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p25

Molecular Pathophysiology of Parkinson’s Disease
Darren J. Moore, Andrew B. West, Valina L. Dawson, and Ted M. Dawson p p p p p p p p p p p p p57
Large-Scale Genomic Approaches to Brain Development and Circuitry
Mary E. Hatten and Nathaniel Heintz p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p89
Autism: A Window Onto the Development of the Social
and the Analytic Brain
Simon Baron-Cohen and Matthew K. Belmonte p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 109
Axon Retraction and Degeneration in Development and Disease
Liqun Luo and Dennis D.M. O’Leary p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 127
Structure and Function of Visual Area MT
Richard T. Born and David C. Bradley p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 157
Growth and Survival Signals Controlling Sympathetic Nervous System
Natalia O. Glebova and David D. Ginty p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 191
Adult Neurogenesis in the Mammalian Central Nervous System
Guo-li Ming and Hongjun Song p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 223
Mechanisms of Vertebrate Synaptogenesis
Clarissa L. Waites, Ann Marie Craig, and Craig C. Garner p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 251
Olfactory Memory Formation in Drosophila: From Molecular
to Systems Neuroscience
Ronald L. Davis p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 275
The Circuitry of V1 and V2: Integration of Color, Form, and Motion
Lawrence C. Sincich and Jonathan C. Horton p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 303

Contents ARI 13 May 2005 13:21

Molecular Gradients and Development of Retinotopic Maps

Todd McLaughlin and Dennis D.M. O’Leary p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 327
Neural Network Dynamics
Tim P. Vogels, Kanaka Rajan, and L.F. Abbott p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 357
The Plastic Human Brain Cortex
Alvaro Pascual-Leone, Amir Amedi, Felipe Fregni, and Lotfi B. Merabet p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 377
An Integrative Theory of Locus Coeruleus-Norepinephrine Function:
Adaptive Gain and Optimal Performance
Gary Aston-Jones and Jonathan D. Cohen p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 403
Neuronal Substrates of Complex Behaviors in C. elegans
Mario de Bono and Andres Villu Maricq p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 451
Annu. Rev. Neurosci. 2005.28:377-401. Downloaded from

Dendritic Computation
Michael London and Michael Häusser p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 503
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Optical Imaging and Control of Genetically Designated Neurons

in Functioning Circuits
Gero Miesenböck and Ioannis G. Kevrekidis p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 533


Subject Index p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 565

Cumulative Index of Contributing Authors, Volumes 19–28 p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 577
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