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Trust: the basic unit of

currency for leadership,
teamwork and wellbeing
at work

1. We follow based on honesty

and competency
Just below the 2. Teams can’t survive challenge
surface or turbulence without it
3. Having a friend at work is a
huge factor in our wellbeing
engagement and motivation

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We’re hard wired

to priorities trust

COVID and Trust: a few

things to think about for

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Risks and benefits: The state of emergency around COVID has catalysed Working on line presents some real challenges to trust
innovation and change at a rate which seemed impossible 12 months
ago. How do we maintain some of that agility as the crisis subsides?

From Breuer, C., Hüffmeier, J., & Hertel, G. (2016). Does trust matter more in virtual teams? A meta-analysis
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of trust and team effectiveness considering virtuality and documentation as moderators. Journal of Applied
Psychology, 101(8), 1151 – 1177.

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So here’s how you can help part 1: Understand

the mechanics of trust
People trust each other based on three factors: competence, integrity
and benevolence. Below are simple actions that facilitate those three:
• Competence: Give evidence of each member’s skills and expertise in
relation to a role. So during meetings let individuals ‘show and tell’.
….but we all had very Overcommunicate important information
personal experiences
• Integrity: Team members keep promises, respect deadlines, and
of COVID comply with team behaviours on which the team had agreed. You
have to clarify how trust is earned and lost.
• Benevolence: Promote and modelling behaviours of helping and
seeking help. Create opportunities to build interpersonal bonds
through sharing and mentoring
Clark, W. R., Clark, L. A., & Crossley, K. (2010)

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J1 Jim, 24/02/2021

How you can help part 2: Understand the role of

gossip and stories about heroes and villains

© NHS Elect

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