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DB/OS Product Planning Matrix* Last update: May 17th, 2021

for SAP S/4HANA 2020 (*1) and SAP S/4HANA FOUNDATION 2020 (*2)

Based on: ABAP Platform 2020 with SAP kernel 7.81, including AS Java with SAP kernel 7.53, SAP JVM 8

Windows Server AIX (*6,*9) Linux SLES (*7) Linux RHEL (*7)

2016, 2019

Power LE

Power LE


8 (*8)

8 (*8)



HANA DB 2.0 (*3,*7) AS AS ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
MaxDB 7.9 (*4) ✓ ✓ ✓ - ✓ -
ASE 16.0 (*4,*5) ✓ ✓ ✓ - ✓ -

available Supported and currently recommended. *1 Please see SAP Note 2884313 for more details.
planned Planned in Quarter X (QX) or Month X (MX). *2 Please see SAP Note 2912919 for more details.
deprecated No longer supported with the latest or upcoming versions of these SAP products. *3 Minimum version is HANA DB 2.0 SP05.
*4 Database Option valid for Java Instances only.
*5 Minimum Version is ASE 16.0 SP03 PL07.
✓ Database Server and Application Server
*6 Please see SAP Note 1780629 for more details.
DB Database Server only (not for Application Server)
HANA database only on SLES 15 / RHEL 8 and higher
AS Application Server only (not for Database Server) *7
Please see SAP Note 2235581 for more details.
HA High Availability Solution only
*8 Please see SAP Note 2871484 for more details.
*9 Please see SAP Note 2947755 for more details.

*) This „DB/OS Product Planning Matrix“ lists DB/OS combinations that are currently supported or planned to be supported by SAP and the DB/OS platform vendors for the SAP products mentioned on top. DB/OS combinations not supported
with the latest or upcoming releases of these SAP products or nearing the end of standard support by their DB/OS platform vendors are indicated as ‚deprecated‘. DB/OS combinations no longer supported by their DB/OS platform vendors are
no longer listed in this matrix. Single database and/or operating system releases might not be available with every SAP kernel version. For a complete overview of all released DB/OS combinations for these SAP products please refer to the
official „SAP Product Availability Matrix“ ( For any deployment within an IaaS environment, SAP Note 1380654 applies.
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