Exercise 1: Use Appropriate Phrases Given in The Box Below To Complete The Dialogue Given

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Exercise 1: Use appropriate phrases given in the box below to complete the dialogue given

What is the matter? I think you should

How do you feel? It isn’t painful, is it? Hope you feel better soon
How did it happen? should have remembered An insect repellent

Pharmacist : Good morning, ____________(1) What happened?

Zaidi : Hi, I have some mosquitoes bites on my legs. There are some on my hands

Pharmacist : Oh, dear! Let me have a look. ___(2)

Zaidi : I went camping with my friends two days ago at Ulu Bendul. There were a lot
of mosquitoes there.

Pharmacist : Didn’t you bring along ____________?(3)

Zaidi : No, I didn’t. I ________?(4)

Pharmacist : Yes, you should. Hmm, I see there are scratches too. You must have scratched
it, don’t you? _____________(5) stop scratching the wounds. __________(6)

Zaidi : I know I shouldn’t scratch it but it is very itchy.

Pharmacist : All right, I will give you this ointment. It will help to relieve the itch.

Zaidi : How do I use it?

Pharmacist : First, you should clean your hands and legs. Make sure it is dry. Then, put the
ointment in the affected area. If you feel any pain, you need to see the physician.

Zaidi : Yes. It is not painful but itchy.

Pharmacist : __________________________(8)

Zaidi : I hope I will too. How much is it?

Pharmacist : It is RM6.00 only. Remember, if it is swellings, see a doctor. Don’t forget to

bring an insect repellent if you go camping again.
Exercise 2 : Error identification

Read the text below and correct the underlined errors

For each question, write the correct word in the space provided.

Many teenagers regularly (0) does not get enough sleep. The hormonal change during

puberty causes the body to shift by about one or two hours. This makes them sleep later.

(1)As they sleep later, school starts early and they are forced to get up early. This causes (2)

they not to have enough sleep. Hectic after-school schedules like homework, sports, part-

time work (3)so social commitments can cut into a teenager’s sleeping time. Leisure

activities such (4) of television-watching, Internet surfing and computer gaming can

(5)keeps a teenager out of bed. These activities cause the brain to stay awake. An active

brain makes it even more difficult to fall asleep. Lack of sleep can cause difficulties (6) for

concentrating in class and short attention spans. It can also (7) causing moodiness,

aggression and inability to remember facts learnt. The result (8)are thus a fall in the grades

of examination.

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