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delhi lost much of its natural heritage due increased urbanisation, habitat distruction, pollution has

damaged the environment

as a result, climate change and outbreak of pandemics

loss of biodiversity leads to ecosystem unbalance?

aravalli hill and yamuna

quality of life is threatened

dda has been developing network of biodiversity parks

7 biodiversity parks in delhi

joined collab with centre of management for degraded ecosystem cmde uni of delhi

main goal conserving natural heritage in urban centre and inhance quality of life

457 acre area

first phase 157 acre

several modules - visitor zone and rest is nature reserve zone

fruit conservatory

medicinal garden

butterfly garden


sacred groves

two wetlands - deep and narrow shallow

fully functional

inactive zone - never receives flood water

both areas is connected by 200m long greenery corridor so that animals can move to one phase to

1/2km yamuna

initial phase

totally barren only halophytes(salt lovinf plant)

now fully functional forest

ph high
need to reduce salinity

grow grasses that have capacity to decrease salinity such as laptochloa fusca which has the capacity
to reduce ph from 10 to 7

sporobolus another grass used

salinity reduced

sporobulus, sancraas, desmostekia types of grasses

role of grass - prevents excess runoff? of water from soil. during monsoon,

grassland good habitat for incests herbivores and reptiles small birds


vetivera khus drink plant also acts as coolant grain eaten by birds

khoos in worship help in reduce salt conc

sancras water holgding capacity high

fruit orchard

several villagers cultivated some fruit bearing plants along yamuna

old ber trees

fruit plants

khirni plant anti oxidant fruit medal carahexendra? locally extinct

tamarind fruit eaten by birds

chikoo plant eaten by squirrels and peacocks and birds

elephant apple eaten by elephants and digest their pulp leaving behind a hollow structure which is
used by insects

second phase 300 acre

one 100 acre wetland

500 m away yamuna

active zone - receives flood water

during monsoon excess of water in yamuna is reciebed in this wetland through channelized drainage

wetland -

riverine ecosystem - plants which can survive longer in water

deep wetland has high depth

migratory birds here from siberia central asia and many more

how to find where to build wetland

some indicators such as grasses like typha and fragmitis water indicators

ground water and drain water is conserved

shore line vegetation submerged vegetation floating vegetation

fishes taken from yamuna such as rohu catla were introduced here self reproduce now

fish eating birds

migratory birds

red crested buchard ybp single home in whole delhi

nothern shobbler


great corvorent from china and ladakh

cattle egret

oriental dartar

white throated kingfisher

pond heron

narrow shallow wetland

looks like yamuna

1.8 km

community ike fragmitis and tamarix

stagnant water but no mosquitoes as top predators like dragonflies eats them

black crown night heron

one sea boldius snake

nature reserve zone

three layer forest to mitigate the pollution

ground, middle vegetation and top canopy

dust particles settle down on these cvegetation

leaf litter

role - acts as carbon sink

these leaves decomposed by decomposers thus carbon gases get fixed in the soil

acts as habitat for reptiles and snakes

garden lizard

praying mantis


caterpillar stage on one insect

defense mechanism of backbomb

rat snake non venomous

snake farmer friend - eats rats


indian hare eats grain of sporobolus

grain eating birds like silver vinmonia, scaly breasted vinmonia, red monia,

tri colour vinmonia, black headed vinmonia

honeybees and moths pollinates flowers

fruit eating birds like asian koyal, coppersmith barvet, red vinted bulbul, yellow footed green pigeon

dead tree role - used by birds and insects to make nests and resting and nesting points

spotted owlette lazy birds

purple sunbird resembles hummingbird


wild boars omnivores

nilgai largest antelope

sivet luwak coffee


jungle cat
asiatic cat

leopard in 2016 stayed for 22 days

top predator only comes if tropic levels are completed

medicinal garden


vajardanti tooth and cosmetic

isacool husky for digestion problem

hatjod fastens the healing process of broken bones

akarkara pain relaed problem anti oxidant root


antmool astamavil

lilly pond in medicinal garden

butterfly garden

75 species

two kinds of plants - host and nectar plant

host plant - completes life cycle

nectar plant - used for food

plain tiger butterfly

yellow pansy buttefly

pinted lady?

blue fancy butterfly?


common crester defense mechanism is camoflage

blues veil?


The plants and animals that once flourished along the banks of the Yamuna in Delhi have been
successfully resurrected. Environmentalists want to restore the river's natural splendour by
reintroducing several extinct medicinal plants in the river's flood plains—Yamuna Biodiversity Park

The Park has attracted a specialist herbivore – Barking deer and a top carnivore – the Leopard suggesting
that ecosystem is functional.

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