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1. Where did Enrico's family move to?

     The south of Italy

     The USA

     a small town in Italy

     The north of Italy

2. How does Carolina describe Enrico when he was young?

     Quiet and funny


     Quite funny


3. What did she study at university?



     European languages

     European history

4. Where was she when she saw 'the handsome guy'?

     In the university

     In the cinema

     In a bar

     In a restaurant

5. What was he doing?

     Talking on his phone

     Chatting to friends at the table



6. What did they arrange to do?

     Go to a disco

     Go out for a pizza

     Go to have a beer

     Go to see a movie

7. What did they actually do?

     They went to the cinema

     They talked in a bar

     They went to a park

     They walked on the beach

8. How old is their daughter?

    6 months

     3 months

     1 year

     6 years

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