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Basic data and indicators Notes Units 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009

1.1 Total ('000) .. .. .. .. ..
1.2 ♦ Overnight visitors (tourists) ('000) 2,027 2,253 2,507 2,699 2,750
1.3 ♦ Same-day visitors (excursionists) ('000) 959 957 741 990 897
1.4 * of which, cruise passengers ('000) .. .. .. .. ..
Arrivals by region
1.5 Total ('000) 2,027 2,253 2,507 2,699 2,750
1.6 ♦ Africa ('000) 4 4 4 5 4
1.7 ♦ Americas ('000) 1,553 1,755 1,968 2,154 2,252
1.8 ♦ East Asia and the Pacific ('000) 75 84 91 88 79
1.9 ♦ Europe ('000) 385 402 437 447 411
1.10 ♦ Middle East ('000) 1 2 1 1 1
1.11 ♦ South Asia ('000) 4 4 4 4 3
1.12 ♦ Other not classified ('000) 5 2 2 .. ..
1.13 * of which, nationals residing abroad ('000) .. .. .. .. ..
Arrivals by main purpose
1.14 Total (1) ('000) 2,069 2,273 2,534 2,710 2,758
1.15 ♦ Personal ('000) 1,719 1,795 2,075 2,142 2,044
1.16 * holidays, leisure and recreation ('000) 1,185 1,312 1,344 1,316 1,199
1.17 * other personal purposes ('000) 534 483 731 826 845
1.18 ♦ Business and professional ('000) 350 478 459 568 714
Arrivals by mode of transport
1.19 Total ('000) 2,027 2,253 2,507 2,699 2,750
1.20 ♦ Air ('000) 855 912 1,055 1,039 979
1.21 ♦ Water ('000) 75 95 104 122 113
1.22 ♦ Land ('000) 1,097 1,246 1,348 1,538 1,658
1.23 * railway ('000) 3 2 2 3 2
1.24 * road ('000) 1,094 1,244 1,346 1,535 1,656
1.25 * others ('000) .. .. .. .. ..
Arrivals by form of organization of the trip
1.26 Total ('000) .. .. .. .. ..
1.27 ♦ Package tour ('000) .. .. .. .. ..
1.28 ♦ Other forms ('000) .. .. .. .. ..
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1.29 ♦ Guests ('000) .. .. .. .. ..
1.30 ♦ Overnights ('000) .. .. .. .. ..
Member State (842-00-041)

Hotels and similar establishments (2)

1.31 ♦ Guests ('000) 1,397 1,460 1,563 1,564 1,424
1.32 ♦ Overnights ('000) 2,877 3,203 3,605 3,709 3,221
1.33 Total US$ Mn 1,682 1,891 2,226 2,537 2,270
1.34 ♦ Travel US$ Mn 1,109 1,213 1,477 1,674 1,568
1.35 ♦ Passenger transport US$ Mn 573 678 749 863 702
Expenditure by main purpose of the trip
1.36 Total US$ Mn 1,109 1,214 1,478 1,674 1,568
1.37 ♦ Personal US$ Mn 958 1,042 1,217 1,123 1,062
1.38 ♦ Business and professional US$ Mn 151 172 261 551 506
1.39 Average size of travel party Persons .. .. .. .. ..
Average length of stay
1.40 Total Days .. .. .. .. ..
1.41 ♦ For all commercial accommodation services Nights 12.50 10.40 10.90 9.80 9.20
1.42 * of which, "hotels and similar establishments" Nights .. .. .. .. ..
1.43 ♦ For non commercial accommodation services Days .. .. .. .. ..
1.44 Average expenditure per day US$ .. .. .. .. ..
Basic data and indicators Notes Units 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009

2.1 Total ('000) .. .. .. .. ..
2.2 ♦ Overnight visitors (tourists) ('000) .. .. .. .. ..
2.3 ♦ Same-day visitors (excursionists) ('000) .. .. .. .. ..
Trips by main purpose
2.4 Total ('000) .. .. .. .. ..
2.5 ♦ Personal ('000) .. .. .. .. ..
2.6 * holidays, leisure and recreation ('000) .. .. .. .. ..
2.7 * other personal purposes ('000) .. .. .. .. ..
2.8 ♦ Business and professional ('000) .. .. .. .. ..
Trips by mode of transport
2.9 Total ('000) .. .. .. .. ..
2.10 ♦ Air ('000) .. .. .. .. ..
2.11 ♦ Water ('000) .. .. .. .. ..
2.12 ♦ Land ('000) .. .. .. .. ..
2.13 * railway ('000) .. .. .. .. ..
2.14 * road ('000) .. .. .. .. ..
2.15 * others ('000) .. .. .. .. ..
Trips by form of organization
2.16 Total ('000) .. .. .. .. ..
2.17 ♦ Package tour ('000) .. .. .. .. ..
2.18 ♦ Other forms ('000) .. .. .. .. ..
2.19 ♦ Guests ('000) .. .. .. .. ..
2.20 ♦ Overnights ('000) .. .. .. .. ..
Hotels and similar establishments (2)
2.21 ♦ Guests ('000) 2,888 3,082 3,371 3,531 3,328
2.22 ♦ Overnights ('000) 5,799 6,170 6,578 6,900 6,607
2.23 Average size of travel party Persons .. .. .. .. ..
Average length of stay
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Total Days .. .. .. .. ..
Delivered by

2.25 ♦ For all commercial accommodation services Nights .. .. .. .. ..
2.26 * of which, "hotels and similar establishments" Nights .. .. .. .. ..
2.27 ♦ For non commercial accommodation services Days .. .. .. .. ..
2.28 Average expenditure per day US$ .. .. .. .. ..
Member State (842-00-041)

3.1 Total ('000) .. .. .. .. ..
3.2 ♦ Overnight visitors (tourists) ('000) 2,651 3,005 3,234 3,061 2,895
3.3 ♦ Same-day visitors (excursionists) ('000) .. .. .. .. ..
3.4 Total US$ Mn 1,355 1,573 2,042 1,789 1,956
3.5 ♦ Travel US$ Mn 1,051 1,239 1,660 1,397 1,625
3.6 ♦ Passenger transport US$ Mn 304 334 382 392 331
Expenditure by main purpose of the trip
3.7 Total US$ Mn 1,050 1,240 1,661 1,398 1,624
3.8 ♦ Personal US$ Mn 671 795 1,167 801 1,163
3.9 ♦ Business and professional US$ Mn 379 445 494 597 461
3.10 Average length of stay Days 10.00 10.00 9.00 7.00 8.40
3.11 Average expenditure per day US$ 45.0 47.0 54.0 70.0 71.0
Basic data and indicators Notes Units 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009

Number of establishments
4.1 Total Units .. .. .. .. ..
4.2 ♦ Accommodation for visitors Units .. .. .. .. ..
4.3 * of which, "hotels and similar establishments" Units 3,433 3,484 3,528 3,657 4,005
4.4 ♦ Food and beverage serving activities Units .. .. .. .. ..
4.5 ♦ Passenger transportation Units .. .. .. .. ..
4.6 ♦ Travel agencies and other reservation
services activities Units .. .. .. .. ..
4.7 ♦ Other tourism industries Units .. .. .. .. ..

Accommodation for visitors in hotels and similar establishments

Monetary data
4.8 ♦ Output US$ Mn .. .. .. .. ..
4.9 ♦ Intermediate consumption US$ Mn .. .. .. .. ..
4.10 ♦ Gross value added US$ Mn .. .. .. .. ..
4.11 ♦ Compensation of employees US$ Mn .. .. .. .. ..
4.12 ♦ Gross fixed capital formation US$ Mn .. .. .. .. ..
Non-monetary data
4.13 ♦ Number of establishments Units 3,433 3,484 3,528 3,657 4,005
4.14 ♦ Number of rooms Units 53,079 62,212 63,146 66,144 70,883
4.15 ♦ Number of bed-places Units 130,295 136,550 138,126 143,528 151,738
4.16 Occupancy rate / rooms Percent 34.10 35.90 36.40 38.60 37.90
4.17 Occupancy rate / bed-places Percent 31.70 34.60 36.90 28.50 27.10
4.18 Average length of stay Nights 2.00 2.10 2.10 2.10 2.10
4.19 Available capacity (bed-places per 1000 inhabitants) Units .. .. .. .. ..

Travel agencies and other reservation service activities

Monetary data
4.20 ♦ Output US$ Mn .. .. .. .. ..
4.21 ♦ Intermediate consumption US$ Mn .. .. .. .. ..
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4.22 ♦ Gross value added US$ Mn .. .. .. .. ..

4.23 ♦ Compensation of employees US$ Mn .. .. .. .. ..
4.24 ♦ Gross fixed capital formation US$ Mn .. .. .. .. ..
Non-monetary data
♦ Domestic trips
Member State (842-00-041)

4.25 * with package tour Percent .. .. .. .. ..

4.26 * without package tour Percent .. .. .. .. ..
♦ Inbound trips
4.27 * with package tour Percent .. .. .. .. ..
4.28 * without package tour Percent .. .. .. .. ..
♦ Outbound trips
4.29 * with package tour Percent .. .. .. .. ..
4.30 * without package tour Percent .. .. .. .. ..
Basic data and indicators Notes Units 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009

Number of employees by tourism industries
5.1 Total ('000) .. .. .. .. ..
5.2 ♦ Accommodation services for visitors (hotels
and similar establishments) ('000) .. .. .. .. ..
5.3 ♦ Other accommodation services ('000) .. .. .. .. ..
5.4 ♦ Food and beverage serving activities ('000) .. .. .. .. ..
5.5 ♦ Passenger transportation ('000) .. .. .. .. ..
5.6 ♦ Travel agencies and other reservation
services activities ('000) .. .. .. .. ..
5.7 ♦ Other tourism industries ('000) .. .. .. .. ..
Number of jobs by status in employment
5.8 Total ('000) .. .. .. .. ..
5.9 ♦ Employees ('000) .. .. .. .. ..
5.10 ♦ Self employed ('000) .. .. .. .. ..
Number of full-time equivalent jobs by status in employment
5.11 Total ('000) .. .. .. .. ..
5.12 ♦ Employees ('000) .. .. .. .. ..
5.13 * male ('000) .. .. .. .. ..
5.14 * female ('000) .. .. .. .. ..
5.15 ♦ Self employed ('000) .. .. .. .. ..
5.16 * male ('000) .. .. .. .. ..
5.17 * female ('000) .. .. .. .. ..
6.1 Gross travel propensity Units .. .. .. .. ..
6.2 Carrying capacity (arrivals/population) Units .. .. .. .. ..
Macroeconomic indicators related to international tourism
6.3 Inbound tourism expenditure over GDP Percent 1.4 1.3 1.4 1.6 ..
6.4 Outbound tourism expenditure over GDP Percent 1.1 1.1 1.2 1.1 ..
6.5 Tourism balance (inbound minus outbound tourism expenditure) over
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GDP Percent 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.5 ..

6.6 Tourism openness (inbound plus outbound tourism expenditure) over
GDP Percent 2.6 2.4 2.6 2.6 ..
6.7 Tourism coverage (inbound over outbound tourism expenditure) Percent 124.2 120.3 109.6 147.2 ..
6.8 Inbound tourism expenditure over exports of goods Percent 4.1 3.2 3.3 4.0 ..
Member State (842-00-041)

6.9 Inbound tourism expenditure over exports of services Percent 23.6 24.2 24.9 24.5 ..
6.10 Inbound tourism expenditure over exports of goods and services Percent 3.5 2.8 2.9 3.4 ..
6.11 Inbound tourism expenditure over current account credits Percent 3.2 2.6 2.6 3.0 ..
6.12 Outbound tourism expenditure over imports of goods Percent 4.4 4.4 4.6 3.1 ..
6.13 Outbound tourism expenditure over imports of services Percent 17.5 18.6 20.5 15.7 ..
6.14 Outbound tourism expenditure over imports of goods and services Percent 3.5 3.5 3.8 2.6 ..
6.15 Outbound tourism expenditure over current account debits Percent 2.6 2.4 2.6 2.0 ..
6.16 Inbound tourism expenditure over workers' remittances Percent .. .. .. .. ..
Country notes
General data sources:
"Servicio Nacional de Turismo - SERNATUR"

For further information visit:

(1) Including nationals residing abroad; (2) Figures for 2005 are not comparable with those of previous years due to a revision of the National Census of Tourism
Accommodation Establishments.

Notes du pays
Sources des données générales :
"Servicio Nacional de Turismo - SERNATUR"

Pour plus d'informations, voir :

(1) Y compris les nationaux résidant à l'étranger; (2) Les chiffres de 2005 ne sont pas comparables à ceux des années précédentes en raison de la mise à jour du
recensement national des établissements d’hébergement touristique.

Notas del país

Fuentes de los datos generales:
Servicio Nacional de Turismo - SERNATUR
martes, 07 de diciembre de 2010 12:20:37
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Para más información visite:

(1) Incluidos los nacionales residentes en el extranjero; (2) Las cifras de 2005 no son comparables con años anteriores debido a una actualización del Censo con cobertura
Member State (842-00-041)

nacional de Establecimientos de Alojamiento Turístico.

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