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Agile Methodology Meetings

1) Gromming Session/ Process walktrough

2) Sprint Planning Meeting
3) Daily Scrum Meeting
4) Sprint Review Meeting
5) Sprint Retrospective Meeting


IPA (Product Backlog)- Total Requirment

>>>>>Requirment ---> Use Case

PDD (Sprint Backlog)- Prior Requirment

>>BA convert requirment to use cases in PDD (Use Cases created on the basis
of -Same functionality/Same Application)
>>Reuqirment in the form of Use Cases in PDD Document.

Use Case 1 Function 1

Use Case 2 Function 2
Use Case 3 Function 3


>>>>>1st Sprint Start

1) Grooming Session (1-2 Hour)- Happening at Start of the Sprint- 1st Meeting

- Its also called as Process Walktrough (BA is given Process walktrough)

- Doubt clarification Session
- Requirment Walktrough

---> BA, Team Leader, SA, Developer, Tester


2) Sprint Planning Meeting - happening at the start of the sprint- (1-2 Hour) - 2nd

- (Complexity, Estimation) (time period to complete any specific task)

- Time Allocation would be happening on the basis of complexity of the task

>>Use Cases would get break downed in multiple user stories

>>User Stories are part of Bug Tracking Tool
---> BA, Team Leader, SA+ Developer, Tester, Scrum Master

>>>>>>> Use Case---->User Stories

-BA would be creating User stories in the bug Tracking tool

(SA, BA, PL)

-Solution Architect, Business Analyst, Project Leader are seat together and create
User Stories in bug tracking tool
-User Stories are part of Bug Tracking Tool/ Work managment Tool

Diffrent Bug tracking tools in the market are- Jira, HP-ALM, Rally, QC

-Team member can track the workflow using bug tracking tool

1) US 1-- 2 Pointer- (1 pointer = 8 Hours)==== 2*8 === 16 Hours ---->

2) US 2-- 4 Pointer- (1 pointer = 8 Hours)==== 4*8 === 32 Hours ---->
3) US 3-- 3 Pointer- (1 pointer = 8 Hours)==== 3*8 === 24 Hours ---->


3) Daily Scrum Meeting/ Stand Up meeting (15-30 mins)- its happening on the daily

- each member in the team sharing his work status

- what i did yesterday
- what i am doing today
- any roadblock (Challenges/ Issues)

---> BA, TL, SA, SM, Developers, Tester


4) Sprint Review Meeting (Its happening at the end of the sprint) (1 Hour)

- Internal Meet (Internal team member will be available)

- Scrum master is not part of this meeting
- Review Happening- (which user stories we had completed, what US are in pending
- Status of Each User story would get checked (most of the time all the US will get
Completed)- u need to provide justifiication for your pending User Story

---> BA, SA, PL, Developer, Tester


5) Sprint Retrospective meeting (Its happening at the end of the sprint)

(Retrospective means Inspection) (1 hour)

- Good and Bad things happened in the Current sprint

- Suggestion on Improvement will be given
- SM is part of this meeting

---> BA, SA, PL, SM, Developer, Tester, PM (Optional)


>>>> Sprint 2

Grooming Session
Sprint Planning Meeting
Daily Stand Up
Sprint Planning
Sprint Review

>>>> Sprint 3

>>>> SPrint 4


END to END Testing

Production Deployment

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