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Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 20(1):57–76, March 2000

q 2000 by the Society of Vertebrate Paleontology




Departamento de Biologı́a, Unidad de Paleontologı́a, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, 28049, Cantoblanco, Madrid, Spain;
Museo de La Plata, Dpto.Paleontologı́a de Vertebrados, Universidad Nacional de La Plata, Paseo del Bosque s/n. 1900,
La Plata, Argentina;
Museo de Geologı́a y Paleontologı́a, Universidad Nacional del Comahue, Buenos Aires 1400. 8300, Neuquén, Argentina

ABSTRACT—A new species of the genus Araripesuchus from the Albian–Cenomanian locality of the El Chocón
(Neuquén Province, Argentina) is described. The diagnosis of the genus is reviewed and its phylogenetic placement
within Crocodylomorpha discussed. Araripesuchus is proposed here as being the sister taxon of Neosuchia, corrobo-
rating previous phylogenetic analysis. The new species, Araripesuchus patagonicus, differs from the type species, A.
gomesii in the relationships of the prefronto-nasal and lachrymo-nasal sutures, the dermal placement of the postorbital
bar on the medial side of the jugal, and the greater extension of the squamosals in the skull dorsum. The African
species, ‘‘Araripesuchus’’ wegeneri, does not share the diagnostic traits of the genus, and its reassignment to a new
genus needs to be considered. The phylogenetic context of Araripesuchus and ‘‘A.’’ wegeneri permits a reanalysis of
the role played by their amphiatlantic distribution in the Aptian-Albian. ‘‘Araripesuchus’’ wegeneri and the South
American forms might share a pre-Aptian common ancestor, and have been already differentiated and isolated in the
African and South American continents by the time of the Aptian–Albian.

INTRODUCTION posed as a new Araripesuchus species; the westernmost and

southernmost record of the genus.
The knowledge of basal mesoeucrocodylians (sensu Benton Previous systematic considerations of Araripesuchus have
and Clark, 1988) is mainly founded on Gondwanian evidence. produced two major disagreements. First, Araripesuchus go-
The Cretaceous beds of Africa and South America have pro- mesii was originally proposed as a member of Notosuchidae
vided the best record of notosuchians and araripesuchids. Up (Price, 1959; Hecht, 1991), and later assigned to Uruguaysuch-
until now the notosuchians described from South America have idae (Gasparini, 1971; Buffetaut, 1982; Buffetaut and Rage,
been referred to the species Notosuchus terrestris Woodward, 1993). There is still no consensus regarding the phylogenetic
1896 and Comahuesuchus brachybuccalis Bonaparte, 1991, position of Araripesuchus within Mesoeucrocodylia. It is pro-
both from the Late Cretaceous of north-western Patagonia, Ar- posed as being either the sister group of Notosuchus 1 Liby-
gentina (Bonaparte, 1996); and Candidodon itapecuruense Car- cosuchus (Wu et al., 1997), the sister taxon of Neosuchia
valho and Campos, 1988 from the Albian of north-eastern Bra- (Clark, 1994), the sister group of Sebecus 1 Neosuchia (Benton
zil. The African genus Malawisuchus mwakayungutiensis and Clark, 1988), or a member of a clade including Libycosu-
(Gomani, 1997) from the Aptian of Malawi has been related to chus, Sebecus, and Baurusuchus (Gomani, 1997). Secondly,
Notosuchus (Clark et al., 1989; Gomani, 1997). On the other various authors (Michard et al. 1990; Kellner, 1994) have cast
hand, the species Araripesuchus gomesii Price, 1959 from the doubt on the congeneric relationships of A. gomesii and A. we-
Middle Albian (Kellner, 1996) of north-eastern Brazil was com- generi, and a revision of the African form is warranted. Other
material referred to aff. Araripesuchus and based on isolated
pared to the Aptian species Araripesuchus wegeneri Buffetaut,
teeth from the Barremian–Aptian Koum Basin of Cameroon
1981 from the Tegama basin, Niger (Buffetaut and Taquet,
and the Aptian of Malawi has been mentioned (Colins and Ja-
1979; Maisey, 1991; Hecht, 1991). Other taxa putatively related
cobs 1990). The similarities of the teeth of the African speci-
to Araripesuchus come from the Mid-Late Cretaceous of Uru- mens to those from A. gomesii were discussed by Kellner
guay (Uruguaysuchus aznarezi Rusconi, 1933 and U. terrai (1994).
Rusconi, 1933), and from the Late Cretaceous of Madagascar Herein we describe in detail the specimens from Patagonia,
(Buckley and Brochu, 1996). Notosuchians and araripesuchids revising the diagnosis of the genus Araripesuchus and propos-
provide clear evidence for the isolation and differentiation of ing a new species. We also compare the putative closely related
Gondwanic tetrapod faunas during the Cretaceous (Bonaparte, forms of Araripesuchus within a phylogenetic framework in
1996), although a putative notosuchian (Chimaerasuchus par- which 27 crocodyliform taxa are considered.
adoxus Wu et al, 1995) has been reported from the Lower Cre-
taceous of China. Moreover, the supposed close resemblance of
the African and Brazilian Araripesuchus species has played an
important role in supporting the hypothesis of a complete open- Araripesuchus gomesii: Holotype 423-R (a nearly complete
ing of the South Atlantic Ocean later than the Aptian–Albian skull and lower jaw) housed in the Divisao de Mineralogia e
(Buffetaut and Taquet, 1979; Buffetaut, 1981; Barron, 1987; Geologia do Departamento Nacional da Produçao Mineral (Rio
Bonaparte, 1991; Buffetaut and Rage, 1993). de Janeiro D. F., Brazil). Locality: Unspecified location in the
A set of articulated crocodylomorph specimens found in Ladeira da Berlenga, western flank of the Araripe basin, Ceará
Neuquén, north-western Patagonia, provide an opportunity to or Piauı́ State; Brazil. Horizon and age: Lower Cretaceous (Up-
present a detailed description of specimens of distinct biolog- per Aptian–Albian) of the Santana Formation (Hecht, 1991).
ical ages, and to revise the interrelationships of the species of Other specimens attributed to the same species: specimen
the genus Araripesuchus. The Patagonian specimens are pro- AMNH # 24450 (an almost complete individual), housed in the


American Museum of Natural History (New York, USA). This row with different dental morphologies: conical anterior max-
specimen came from the same basin as the holotype. illary teeth and low posterior teeth, anteroposteriorly expanded,
Araripesuchus wegeneri: Holotype GDF 700 (anterior por- and without denticles at the anterior and posterior carinae. Hy-
tion of a rostrum and lower jaw) housed in the Musée National pertrophied third maxillary tooth (derived condition shared by
d’Histoire Naturelle de Paris. Locality: Gadoufaoua, Tegama basal neosuchians). Medium-sized antorbital fenestrae, slightly
Basin, Niger (see Buffetaut, 1981, for details). Horizon and age: larger than the foramen magnum. Flat skull table, with pitted
Lower Cretaceous (Aptian) of the Elrhaz Formation (Buffetaut, external surface of parietal, frontal and squamosals (derived
1981). condition shared by Neosuchia). Posterior part of the squamosal
bends posteriorly to reach the paraoccipital process (primitive
Other Taxa Studied from the Literature condition). The supraoccipital lacks a sagittal crest. Occipital
region divided by a transverse crest extending between the par-
Uruguaysuchus Rusconi, 1933: Several small crocodiles aoccipital processes. Pitted surface of osteoderms (derived con-
found together during the construction of a hole in the Guichón dition shared by Neosuchia). No multifenestrated quadrate (de-
locality (Paysandú Department, Uruguay) with an imprecise age rived with respect to Notosuchus). Infratemporal fenestra an-
ranging from the Senonian–Cenomanian to the Santonian–Cam- teroposteriorly enlarged and laterodorsally oriented (derived
panian (Price, 1959; Gasparini, 1996). Rusconi (1933) founded condition shared by Notosuchus). Short posterior branch of the
two different species: U. aznarezi and U. terrai. Unfortunately, quadrate with posteroventrally directed condyles. Dentary ro-
the material is not easily available for revision. A part of the bust, with a convex lateral surface. Glenoid mandibular fossa
holotype of U. terrai was destroyed before the description that posteriorly expanded but not as enlarged as in Notosuchus. The
was supported solely by several photographs (Rusconi, 1933). palatal choana is located behind the nasopharyngeal duct and
The remaining Uruguaysuchus specimens are currently housed divided by a pterygoidean bar. Depressed area behind the cho-
in a private collection formerly belonging to Jorge Aznarez. ana, narrower than the palatine tube (derived condition shared
by Neosuchia). Retroarticular process posteriorly expanded and
GEOLOGICAL SETTING AND ASSOCIATED FAUNA with its dorsal surface facing posterodorsally.
The specimens are contained in a ferruginous sandstone ma-
trix from the lower section of the Candeleros Member, Rio Li- ARARIPESUCHUS PATAGONICUS, sp. nov.
may Formation, Neuquén Group. The outcrop is located 5 km (Figs. 2–6, 7B)
south-east of El Chocón, Neuquén Province, Argentina. The Holotype—Specimen MUCPV#269 (Figs. 2, 3, 4). Anterior
section is probably Albian in age, and the Candeleros Member half of an articulated individual with skull and mandibles lack-
has been dated as Albian–Cenomanian (Calvo, 1991). The the- ing the most anterior portion of the rostrum. The specimen ex-
ropod dinosaur Giganotosaurus carolinii (Coria and Salgado, poses the precaudal dorsal armor, and bones of both shoulder
1995), the titanosaur Andesaurus delgadoi (Calvo and Bona- girdles (scapulae) and forelimbs (humeri, radius and ulnae).
parte, 1991), diplodocid-like dinosaurs (Calvo and Bonaparte, Housed at the Museo de la Universidad Nacional del Comahue,
1989), pipoid anurans (Báez and Calvo, 1990) and turtle re- Paleontologı́a Vertebrados Neuquén, Argentina (MUCPV).
mains were all collected from the same formation and from Diagnosis—Short prefronto-nasal suture. Lachrymal with ex-
neighbouring localities (see also Calvo and Salgado, 1996, for panded dorsal surface, wider than that of A. gomesii and with
further information on the fossil association from this locality). a long contact with the nasal. Postorbital bar flush with the
The geological sequence containing the crocodiles is thought lateral surface of jugal, at least at its anterior border. Transverse
to be the product of flash flood conditions. The rock is a me- width of the parietal is one third of the posterior skull table
dium- to fine-grained sandstone with pelitic intraclasts in tab- width, unlike A gomesii in which the parietal width is larger
ular bodies (Calvo and Gazzera, 1989). Rapid sedimentation is than the squamosal.
indicated by the burial of this monospecific association of ar- Etymology—‘‘Patagonicus’’ refers to its occurrence from
ticulated individuals. Sedimentological studies of Recent lake Patagonia (Argentina).
Ezequiel Ramos Mexia show that the area is a depositional Locality and Age—El Chocón (Embalse Ezequiel Ramos
fluvial environment crossed by an association of shallow water Mexia; Neuquén Province, Argentina) from the Candeleros
bodies, some of them relatively wide, subjected to a regime of Member, Rio Limay Formation, Neuquén Group (Fig. 1). The
sporadic seasonal flooding. The climate was temperate with al- Candeleros Member has been dated as Albian–Cenomanian, al-
ternate rainy and dry periods (Calvo and Gazzera, 1989). though the section containing the crocodiles is likely to be Al-
bian in age (Calvo, 1991).
SYSTEMATIC PALEONTOLOGY Referred Specimens—Specimen MUCPV#267 (Fig. 2), an-
CROCODYLOMORPHA Walker, 1970 (sensu Benton and Clark, terior half of an articulated individual preserving an almost
1988) complete skull and attached mandibles. Specimen
CROCODYLIFORMES (sensu Benton and Clark, 1988) MUCPV#268, postcranial articulated elements. Specimen
MESOEUCROCODYLIA (sensu Benton and Clark, 1988) MUCPV#268b (Fig. 2), distal portion of tibia and fibula. Spec-
Genus ARARIPESUCHUS Price, 1959 imen MUCPV#270 (Fig. 2), distal portion of a left femur in
articulation with the tibia and fibula. Specimen MUCPV#283
Type Species—Araripesuchus gomesii Price, 1959. (Fig. 2), an isolated anterior portion of a rostrum comprising
Revised Diagnosis—Short-snouted mesoeucrocodylians with the premaxillae and anterior tip of the maxillae, nasals and den-
large orbits. Each orbit is dorsally covered by two palpebral taries. All the specimens considered were found in association
bones (primitive condition). Palpebrals do not contact each oth- with the holotype.
er. Rostrum with a trapezoidal section, slightly wider than high.
External surface of the rostrum lacking alveolar ornamentation DESCRIPTION
(primitive condition). Paired external nares (primitive condi-
tion), laterally exposed and anteroposteriorly expanded (auta- The sample is composed of at least four individuals, although
pomorphy). Sharp anterior tip of the rostrum (autapomorphy), the presence of a fifth is very probable. The specimens have
due to the morphology of the internarial bar and the lateral been numbered on the basis of their relative position in the
disposition of the external nares. Four premaxillary teeth. Tooth block (Fig. 2). Beside these specimens, the same block contains

FIGURE 1. Geographic location of El Chocón, Neuquén Province, Argentina, A. The arrow indicates the outcrop where the associated specimens
of Araripesuchus patagonicus, sp. nov. were found. Simplified stratigraphic columns of the Neuquén Basin, the Neuquén Group, the local sedimen-
tology, and location where the individuals were found, B.

FIGURE 2. Monospecific association of Araripesuchus patagonicus, sp. nov. The sample (MUCPV#267-270) is composed of at least four
individuals; the presence of a fifth individual is very probable. Bold triangles indicate individuals, the arrow indicates the holotype. Scale bar
equals 45 mm.

more individuals probably belonging to the same taxon, but rostrum that does not belong either to specimen MUCPV#267
which are yet to be examined. (because the hypertrophied third maxillary tooth is present in
Specimen MUCPV#267 consists of an almost completely both cases) or to specimen MUCPV#269 (because of their size).
preserved skull and mandibles, with the exception of the ante-
rior-most portion of the rostrum. Dorsal and lateral views are Skull
fully exposed, but the ventral surface is obscured by matrix.
The postcranial skeleton is in articulation, displaced a few mil- General Description—The skull is ornamented by small pits
limetres from the occipital condyle. The vertebral series is cov- on the frontal and the parietal bones, there being no ornamen-
ered by the precaudal dorsal armor, with the exception of three tation on the rostral bones. The length of the preserved portion
anterior cervical vertebrae. Both scapulae of the shoulder girdle of the skull of the holotype is about 65 mm (with an estimated
are present, the left being fully exposed in lateral view, and the total skull length of 80 mm) and about 90 mm for specimen
right being partially covered by the dorsal armor. Both humeri MUCPV#267 (estimated total length 100 mm). The known
are present, the right articulated with the scapula, and the left range of the cranial length of Araripesuchus gomesii specimens
slightly displaced from the shoulder girdle, but articulated with is 118 mm (holotype) and 83 mm (AMNH 24450) (Hecht,
the radius and ulna. Specimen MUCPV#268 exhibits part of its 1991). Araripesuchus wegeneri is only known from a rostral
caudal dorsal armor. The ilia and pubes of the pelvic girdle have fragment, but its total length might be as great as that of the
also been preserved, and some of the appendicular skeleton (left Brazilian type. The skull length in all the Araripesuchus is short
femur, tibia and fibula). Specimen MUCPV#268b comprises a (80–130 mm). The largest specimen possesses a profuse orna-
distal portion of tibia and fibula. Their relative positions suggest mentation of wrinkles on the rostrum, unlike the Patagonian
that they may belong to the left hind-limb of specimen individuals.
MUCPV#268. In the holotype specimen (MUCPV#269) the The skull is posteriorly broad and narrows in front of the
skull has been completely removed from the matrix and orbits, but does not widen at the same location as it does in
cleaned, providing a ventral view of skull and mandible. Spec- protosuchians and notosuchians. The skull is widest at the level
imen MUCPV#270 is a distal portion of a left femur in artic- of the jugals, the bone bowing outward at its orbital border. The
ulation with the tibia and fibula. These bones might belong to estimated length of the rostrum is almost equivalent to the post-
the holotype specimen (MUCPV#269), although the femoral rostral length (from the anterior border of the orbits to the rear
shaft does not fit with the direction and size of holotype. Spec- border of the skull table). The lateral contour of the rostrum in
imen MUCPV#283 is a badly crushed anterior portion of a front of the orbits is concave in dorsal view, becoming straight

anteriorly. The rostrum has no constriction at the premaxillo- nasals form the dorsal roof. Maxillae are almost as wide as
maxillary contact. The rostrum tapers to a narrow and acute tip. long. Posteriorly, the maxillae end in a long narrow projection
The rostral section is slightly stretched in all the available spec- beneath the jugal. Dorsally, the maxillojugal suture is located
imens although it is slightly wider than it is tall, with vertical in front of the orbital edge, and ventrally it extends beyond the
lateral walls. The orbits are long, constituting about one third anterior orbital border. The ventral edge of the maxilla is slight-
of the skull length and are laterally and dorsally directed. ly festooned. It forms a convex wave, with its maximum cur-
The skull roof is typically crocodyliform, with the dorsal sur- vature at the level of the largest maxillary tooth (the third),
face of the postorbital and squamosal located at the same level while the blunt posterior teeth are arranged along a shallow
as the fronto-parietal surface. The dorsal surface of the frontal concave wave. However, the Patagonian individuals do not have
is gently convex in its anterior portion. It descends from the such pronounced horizontal and vertical festooning as A. we-
prefrontal suture, the dorsal profile of the rostrum being lower generi and the type of A. gomesii. In A. patagonicus the last
than the skull roof in lateral view. The lateral sides of the skull maxillary teeth are caudally located on the anterior border of
table are almost straight in dorsal view. The lateral margins of the palatine fenestra.
the skull table widely overhang the otic aperture. A transverse The nasals prevent contact between the premaxillae behind
crest separating dorso-occipital and ventro-occipital surfaces di- the external nares. Nasals widen backwards and meet the frontal
vides the occipital region. The dorso-occipital surface is a con- along a transverse suture. This suture is zigzagged as in A.
tinuous shallow concavity, being bounded dorsally by a prom- gomesii. The prefrontals contact the nasals in a short lateral
inent nuchal crest in the cranial roof and ventrally by the trans- wedge at the level of the naso-frontal suture. Prefrontals and
verse crest between the paraoccipital processes. frontal therefore meet at this suture. However, the lachrymals
The major axes of the supratemporal fenestrae are antero- contact the nasals laterally along a long suture. The relationship
posterior, and diverge anteriorly. The supratemporal fenestrae between the prefrontal, lachrymal and nasal differs in A. go-
are separated by a wide parietal surface. The fenestra is sur- mesii. In the latter, the prefrontal touches the nasal laterally
rounded by a supratemporal fossa that forms a smooth, shallow along a long suture, while the lachrymo-nasal suture is much
depression, mainly comprised of the squamosal and the parietal. shorter than in A. patagonicus.
A wide orbito-temporal foramen is dorsally visible, located at The lachrymal is an L-shaped element with a wide dorsal
the squamosal-parietal suture and the quadrate does not contact surface and a downwardly directed pillar. The dorsal portion
it ventrally. presents a subtriangular surface that contacts medially with the
The infratemporal fenestrae face dorsally and laterally, and prefrontal and the nasal. The lachrymal is narrower in A. go-
are bordered by the jugal, postorbital and quadratojugal. The mesii than in A. patagonicus. The lachrymo-nasal suture is rel-
infratemporal fenestra is subtriangular-shaped with its ventral atively longer in the smallest individual. The orbital border of
length equal to its height in the smaller specimen. In the largest the lachrymal is firmly attached to the anterior palpebral, while
individual its length is about twice the height. In A. gomesii the its dorsal portion forms the roof of the antorbital cavity. The
infratemporal fenestra is somewhat reduced, with subequal edg- descending pillar of the lachrymal is obliquely oriented, with
es, as occurs in the smallest Patagonian individual. its dorsal tip anteriorly directed. At the orbital edge, the pillar
The antorbital fenestra is oval, laterally directed and com- is robust and subcylindrical in section while it becomes a de-
pletely surrounded by the lachrymal and the maxilla. The length pressed lamina at the antorbital fenestra. Ventrally, the pillar
of the fenestra is one third of the orbital length. touches the jugal posteriorly and the maxilla anteriorly. The
lachrymal expands posteriorly, forming the anterio-ventral edge
Skull Elements of the orbit. The lachrymal foramen is not visible because this
area is covered with sediment.
Rostral Region—The only available premaxilla (specimen Only the dorsal surface of the prefrontal is available. This
MUCPV#283) is badly crushed. The external nares open lat- element forms a narrow, bony band that runs parallel to the
erally, and are ventrally bordered by the premaxilla and dorsally frontal. The prefrontal does not expand laterally to any signif-
by the nasals. The nasals probably reached the anterior pre- icant degree at the level of the anterior border of the orbits.
maxillary symphysis, forming an internarial bar. The premaxilla Posterolateral edges of the prefrontal contact the medial side of
contacts the maxilla, forming an oblique sutural line, in which the anterior palpebral.
the dorsal tip of the premaxilla is directed backwards. The pres- The Temporal Region—The jugal is a triradiate bone. It is
ence of a foramen between the maxilla and the premaxilla on folded so that its total height is not apparent in lateral view,
the lateral sutural line is indicated by a depressed area filled but is somewhat ventrally directed. It is outwardly bowed at
with matrix on both sides of the rostrum, although its actual the level of the orbits. The jugal has an incipient alveolar or-
contour cannot be accurately distinguished. The external nares namentation. In lateral view, the jugal is as deep anteriorly as
are anteroposteriorly enlarged in the premaxilla and surrounded it is posteriorly, as occurs in other oreinirostral (sensu Busbey,
by a smooth ventroposterior perinarial fossa. There is a foramen 1995) basal mesoeucrocodylians. The jugal almost contacts the
between the nasal and the premaxilla of the posterior corner of rear border of the antorbital fossa. The dorsal projection of the
this perinarial fossa. Below this foramen, a vertical groove run- jugal forms the ventral rod-like portion of the postorbital bar.
ning towards the alveolar edge may correspond to the anterior This projection is oblique rather than vertical, its dorsal tip be-
opening of the lachrymal duct. These two elements (foramen ing posteromedially directed. However, unlike the holotype of
and groove) are also evident in Baurusuchus and Notosuchus. Araripesuchus gomesii and specimen AMNH 24450, the inser-
In palatal view, two fenestrae are parasagitally placed at the tion of the postorbital bar in the main body of the jugal is
contact between the premaxillae and maxillae. These fenestrae dermal, at least on its anterior edge. The posterior branch of
probably connect the premaxillo-maxillary sinus (caviconchal the jugal is a compressed bar that ends in a spine, overlapping
sinus) with the oral cavity. Their topographic position may cor- the lateral quadratojugal surface, and forming a V-shaped suture
respond to the cavitas neurovascularis, sensu Witmer (1997). with the caudally directed apex.
These fenestrae have also been observed in other basal me- The quadrato-jugal forms the posteroventral border of the
soeucrocodiles such as Notosuchus, the Fruita crocodile, Bau- infratemporal fenestra. The quadratojugal reaches the postor-
rusuchus and Lisboasaurus (Buscalioni et al., 1996). bital posterior lamina along much of its length. There is no
The maxillary bones are vertical, although they diverge quadratojugal spine. The quadratojugal is narrow at the infra-
slightly ventrally, to form a trapezoidal rostrum in which the temporal fenestra, fully visible in dorsal view, and has a smooth

FIGURE 3. Araripesuchus patagonicus, sp. nov. (MUCP#269, holotype) from El Chocón, Neuquén Province, Argentina. A, dorsal view; B,
ventral view. Scale bar equals 10 mm.

FIGURE 5. Araripesuchus patagonicus, sp. nov. (MUCP#269, holotype) from El Chocón, Neuquén Province, Argentina. Dorsal (A) and ventral
(B) views. Abbreviations: an, angular; ar, articular; boc, basioccipital; bsp, basisphenoid; de, dentary; ect, ectopterygoid; exo, exoccipital; fr,
frontal; ju, jugal; la, lachrymal; mx, maxilla; na, nasal; pa, parietal; pal, palpebral; pfr, prefrontal; pl, palatine; po, postorbital; pt, pterygoid;
qj, quadratojugal; qu, quadrate; spl, splenial; soc, supraoccipital; sq, squamosal. Scale bar equals 10 mm.

surface. Caudally, the quadratojugal is laterally attached to the mosal and the quadrate is visible laterally, and the squamosal
quadrate, and does not reach the tip of the articular region. does not cover the dorsal ascending process of the quadrate at
Supratemporal Roofing Elements—The squamosal appears the otic recess. Along the lateral edge of the skull roof, the
triradiate in dorsal view. Its anterior projection is partially over- squamosal bears a tiny longitudinal groove, homologous to the
lapped by the postorbital. In lateral view, it extends anteriorly area for the insertion of the ear-flap muscles in modern croco-
beneath the postorbital. The medial projection of the squamosal diles.
contacts the dorsal surface of the parietal, comprising one third The parietal is unpaired. There is no notable constriction be-
of the cranial table width. Araripesuchus patagonicus differs tween the supratemporal fossae, this area being as wide as that
from A. gomesii in this trait in that the parietal is wider than of the interorbital. Its posterior margin cannot be clearly de-
the squamosal in the latter species. The squamosal has a pos- fined, but it is likely that the dorsal surface of the supraoccipital
terior projection, forming a slender lobe that bends downward, bone is barely exposed on the cranial table.
overlapping the paraoccipital process. In the figure of A. go- The frontal is an unpaired element. There is no trace of the
mesii (Hecht, 1991), the squamosal overhangs the paraoccipital interfrontal suture even in the smallest specimen. The fronto-
process, but the description of this particular shape of the squa- parietal surface is flat and wide. The fronto-parietal suture runs
mosal is unclear. In A. patagonicus the suture between the squa- transversally, and is located on the anterior border of the su-

FIGURE 6. Araripesuchus patagonicus, sp. nov. (MUCP#269, holotype) from El Chocón, Neuquén Province, Argentina. Occipital (A) and
lateral (B) views. Abbreviations: additional to Figure 5; ot, otic notch. Scale bar equals 10 mm.

FIGURE 4. Araripesuchus patagonicus, sp. nov. (MUCP#269, holotype) from El Chocón, Neuquén Province, Argentina. A, lateral view; B,
occipital view. Scale bar equals 10 mm.

pratemporal fenestrae. The frontal forms part of the fossa, and polygonal flat surface. The postoccipital processes are poorly
hence the parietal and the postorbital do not contact each other developed, despite the presence of posterotemporal foramina.
on the skull table surface. A. gomesii (holotype and Palate—The palate is partially visible in MUCPV#269, in
AMNH#24450) shows the same disposition of the frontal, al- which the lower jaw is in articulation. The palatal surface (max-
though Hecht’s (1991) figure indicates a postorbital contacting illary and palatine secondary palate) is smooth and flat. The
the parietal on the skull table. The frontal is not narrow between palatines meet along the midline, enclosing the nasopharyngeal
the orbits. duct and forming the rear extension of the secondary palate.
The postorbitals present a narrow dorsal surface, with a The caudal end of the palatine secondary palate is not continued
slightly concave anterior edge in dorsal view. At its anterolat- by the pterygoids, and the internal nares are formed by the
eral corner, a lower shelf is differentiated from the dorsal post- palatines.
orbital surface, on which the posterior palpebral rests. The post- The dorsal surface of the pterygoidal wings is flat rather than
orbital bar is inserted on a dorsally compressed and anteropos- concave, as seen in modern crocodiles. A sagittal sutural line
teriorly expanded lamina on the ventral surface of the main is evident along almost all of its length. The anterior extension
body of the bone. The bar is robust and becomes rod-like ven- of the primary palate of the pterygoids forms a shallow con-
trally. The postorbital bar contacts the jugal where it forms an cavity and contacts the palatine primary palate. This concavity
interdigitate suture. A vascular foramen can only be observed forms the rear extension of the nasopharyngeal groove. The
in A gomesii, since this area is covered by matrix in A. pata- internal nares are long and are longitudinally divided by a sep-
gonicus. tum formed by a spine of the pterygoids. This spine has a T-
Suspensorium—The cranial branch of the quadrate is more shaped transverse section. Anteriorly, this projection contacts
laterodorsally inclined than in modern crocodiles. It has two the palatal secondary palate, and slightly separates the rear ends
planes in lateral view, both of which are divided by a ridge of both palatines. This condition could be preservational, but it
running parallel to the quadrate-quadratojugal suture. The lat- is also shared by the specimen of Araripesuchus gomesii drawn
eral plane is almost dorsally oriented, while the medial one is by Hecht (1991). The ptegyoidean surface is rough. The de-
more vertical. The dorsal quadrate surface is depressed around pressed area behind the internal nares is narrower than the pal-
the otic recess area. Medially, and anterior to this depressed atine tube. The posterior outline of the pterygoidean flanges
area, the quadrate has a wide preotic foramen. Posteriorly, the possesses a depressed, sagittal notch in which the anterior end
quadrate forms the otic notch. Behind the otic notch the quad- of the basisphenoid is lodged. The left ectopterygoid is slightly
rate bears a dorsal sheet that forms the lateral surface of the exposed and attached to the lateral portion of the pterygoidean
paraoccipital process. The posterior articular branch of the flange, but no further details are available.
quadrate is extremely short. The quadrate condyles do not ex- Palpebral—All the Araripesuchus have two palpebral ossi-
tend beyond the base of the paraoccipital processes caudally, fications. The posterior palpebral is small, wider than it is long,
and are as ventrally deflected as in Notosuchus. Both condyles and restricted to the dorso-posterior area of the orbit. It is
are equally developed. The medial branch of the quadrate ex- lodged in a slight depression formed by the antero-lateral pro-
tends beneath the exocipital, so that the quadrate is barely vis- jection of the postorbital and probably does not contact either
ible occipitally. The ventral surface of the quadrate is smooth, the frontal or the anterior palpebral. The anterior palpebral is
without crests. The pterygoidal branch of the quadrate poste- hatchet-shaped, elongated anteroposteriorly, with a notch on its
riorly contacts the exoccipital, but not the basioccipital, as is posterior margin. Its antero-medial border is firmly sutured to
the case in modern crocodiles. The quadrate has a relatively the lachrymal and prefrontal.
short and narrow pterygoidean branch. The medial sutural line Dentition—There are four premaxillary teeth, the last being
of the ventral surface of the quadrate contacts the basisphenoid the largest. The number of maxillary teeth cannot be directly
along much of its length, avoiding the pterygoid and exoccipital established in the specimens, but 11 to 13 would be a reason-
connection. able estimate. Heterodonty is characterized by the change of
Braincase—The basisphenoid is broadly exposed in ventral size and shape of the maxillary dental series. The anteriormost
view. It broadly contacts posteriorly the exoccipital and, sagit- teeth are subconical, sharp, and with the apex directed back-
tally, the basioccipital. Its anteroposterior length is similar to wards. No denticles are present in the mesial and distal margins
that of the basioccipital. The ventral surface of the basisphenoid (i.e., teeth not serrated). The third tooth is the largest (more
is longitudinally crested by two prominent parasagittal ridges, than twice the height of any other tooth). Behind the eighth
as in Protosuchus (Clark, 1986). These ridges occur in a similar tooth, the maxillary teeth become blunt, with mesiodistally wid-
position to the distal ridges of the pterygoidal quadrate branch ened crowns. Their labial surfaces are hemispherical, and they
in modern crocodylians. have a constriction at the base of the crowns, almost forming
The basioccipital is mainly ventro-occipitally oriented. The a cingulum. Their apices are blunt without a clear acuminated
occipital condyle is posteriorly oriented. The ventral tip of the end. The worn facets are located at their distal side. The max-
basioccipital forms the rear notch of the eustachian foramen. illary teeth series occlude external to the dentary teeth. The
The basioccipital plate has a sagittal crest and two shallower dentary teeth are more conical in shape in the caudal part of
parasagittal ones in front of the lateral eustachian foramina. the maxilla. Specimens can be considered to show marked het-
There are no basioccipital tubera present. erodonty in shape, but size changes gradually along the series,
The exoccipitals form the main portion of the occipital view. and unlike eusuchians, there are no undulations of size variation
The surface of the exoccipitals is divided into two different in the posterior dentary and maxillary series.
planes separated by a transverse crest that extends between the Mandible—The lateral dentary surface has a lined set of
paraoccipital processes. The two exoccipitals meet each other, foramina running below the alveolar series over a smooth area.
preventing the participation of the supraoccipital in the border The dentary ornamentation is composed of rare pits and an-
of the foramen magnum. The position of the foramina of the teroposterior grooves, with a smooth posterior area. The dentary
cranial nerves and carotid artery cannot be accurately de- has a convex lateral profile that is dorsal and ventrally deflected.
scribed, since this area is poorly preserved. The exoccipitals In A. wegeneri the dentary is vertical, with a flat lateral surface.
form the medial border of the cranioquadrate canal, which is The dentary is not as tall as in primitive crocodylomorphs. The
laterally enclosed by the quadrate and the squamosal. dentary rises slightly behind the dental series, but its relation-
The supraoccipital is barely exposed in dorsal view. Occip- ship with the surangular is hidden by the skull. Neither the
itally, the supraoccipital exposes a tall and transversely wide dentary teeth nor the dorsal edge of the dentary are fully visible

FIGURE 7. Schematic drawing not to scale of the cranio-mandibular articulation of (A) Araripesuchus gomesii (AMNH#24450) in dorsolateral
view; grey line represents the reconstructed articular. (B), A. patagonicus in dorsolateral view. and (C), Notosuchus terrestris (specimens from
MUCP) in dorsal view. Quadrate articulation shadowed. Abbreviations: additional to Figure 5; c, crest along the mandibular glenoid fossa; ef;
external fossa; if, inner fossa; gl, glenoid fossa; rar, retroarticular process. The arrows delimit the cranio-mandibular articulation in Araripesuchus.

in the specimens, since the maxillary teeth occlude externally. not apparent in A. gomesii because of its state of preservation.
The dentary symphysis is not completely preserved. The splen- However, in lateral view, the articular area of AMNH 24450 is
ials form part of the mandibular symphysis, forming a stout enlarged, as is the case in the Patagonian specimens (Fig. 7A).
sutural join, and probably constitute half of the symphysial This trait has been previously considered exclusive to notosu-
length. The splenial deflects its lamina ventrally and is exposed chians (Clark et al., 1989; Gomani, 1997), and, in fact, the
in this view. However, in A. wegeneri the splenial constitutes retroarticular process of Notosuchus is much more extensive
more than half the width of the ventral surface of the mandible than that of Araripesuchus (Fig. 7C).
in the postsymphysial region. An external mandibular fenestra
is displayed, bordered by dentary, surangular and angular. The Postcranial
angular has a very restricted alveolar ornamentation below the
external mandibular fenestra. The angular borders the retroar- Osteoderms or matrix mostly hides the axial skeleton. The
ticular process laterally, and its internal lamina is low. In ventral few vertebrae that are exposed are amphicoelous. The neural
view, the articular is anteroposteriorly enlarged and possesses spine of the atlas is ring-shaped. An accurate description of the
a short horizontal descending process. It expands medially with axis of the neural spine is difficult since it is broken away at
a convex medial contour. The ventro-lateral edge of the retroar- the base. Cervical diapophyses and long, stout ribs are exposed.
ticular is covered by the spine of the angular. The dorsal surface Scapulae of two individuals are the only preserved elements
of the retroarticular process is notably wide and flat. There is of the pectoral girdle. The scapular lamina is dorsally broad
no evidence of the foramen aërum on the dorsal surface. The (three times its ventral anteroposterior width), and expanded
retroarticular process does not curve dorsally, as in neosuchi- particularly in the anterior part. The scapula has a concave an-
ans, although it faces dorsally and has a slight medial deflec- terior border and a straight, or slightly convex, posterior one.
tion. The mandibular articular surface extends backwards and A weak prominence is anteriorly developed at the level of the
medially to the quadrate condyles, and does not have a posterior acromial area. Laterally and medially a keel-like prominence
buttress of the articular, as occurs in modern species. This is forms the posterior edge above the level of the glenoid up to

FIGURE 8. Cladogram summarising the definition of Mesoeucrocodylia. The clade Ziphosuchia is here exemplified by Notosuchus, and Neo-
suchia by Theriosuchus (see Appendix 4 for the extended phylogenetic analysis). Araripesuchus is proposed as the closest sister taxon of Neosuchia.
The genus Araripesuchus is composed of two species: A. gomesii and A. patagonicus. ‘‘Araripesuchus’’ wegeneri should be reassigned to a new
genus. It is discussed either as a sister taxon of Araripesuchus plus Neosuchia, or as a sister taxon of Araripesuchus. Unambiguous diagnostic
characters for each node are discussed in the text. Node 1, Mesoeucrocodylia; node 2, unnamed node; node 3, Neosuchia.

the mid-constriction of the scapular blade. This ridge may cor- curving processes. The pelvic girdle is notable for its deep ac-
respond to the site of attachment of a head of the triceps mus- etabular area and the dorsal margin of the iliac blades. Ante-
culature. riorly, the ilium is poorly preserved; although it probably pos-
The humerus has a straight, cylindrical shaft, without the sesses a short anterior process. The pubis has a proximal rod-
pronounced posterior curvature of the shaft of the recent spe- like shaft and is flat and distally expanded.
cies. The proximal lateromedial width is wider than the distal Two femora are exposed. The femoral shaft is twisted so that
articulation. The humeral head is reflected posteriorly, below the proximal head and the distal condyles form an angle of
which there is a pit or depressed area on the posterior surface. about 608, as in extant species. The femoral head is short with
The deltopectoral crest is well-developed and it has a convex respect to the shaft length. Distal condyles are hidden by other
lateral profile. It extends along the first third of the shaft length. bones or by the matrix. However, the lateral condyle is antero-
The inner tuberosity bends ventrally. There is a prominent, posteriorly wide.
well-developed proximodistal ridge on the posterior surface, be- The tibia is as long as the femur. It has a proximal head with
low the lateral tuberosity, with a pit at the distal end of its ridge. two articulating surfaces separated by a crest. Proximally, its
The distal condyles are anteroposteriorly enlarged. In lateral lateral border is taller than the medial one. A posterior view of
view, the development of the lateral condyle modifies the distal the tibia is exposed in one specimen, showing the distal artic-
end of the shaft, forming a flat, expanded surface. No anterior ulating surface. The proximal fibular end is medially curved.
view is available in the specimens.
The radius and the ulna are shorter than the humerus. Few Dermal Armor
fine details are preserved. Both shafts are cylindrical. The ulna
is a slender bone of about the same length as the radius. Un- Two paramedian rows comprise the dorsal armour covering
fortunately, distal forelimb elements are not exposed. the entire animal body, and range continuously from the occip-
The pubis and ilium constitute the two preserved elements ital area (except for the first three cervical vertebra, which are
of the pelvic girdle. Iliac blades have long posterior, laterally uncovered). There is no evidence of ventral scutes. The osteo-

detail. According the present analysis the Fruita Formation

crocodile is not placed within Mesoeucrocodylia, unlike the re-
sult shown in previous phylogenetic analysis (Benton and
Clark, 1988; Clark, 1994).
Members of Mesoeucrocodylia (Notosuchus and Araripesu-
chus 1 Neosuchia in Fig. 8) share the differentiation of the
posterior region of the skull. The infratemporal fenestrae are
dorsolaterally oriented (see character 46 in Appendix 1). The
plesiomorphic condition shared by basal crocodyliforms and the
Fruita Formation crocodile is interpreted as a vertical infratem-
poral fenestrae that is also dorsally covered by the lateral ex-
tension of the skull roof. At this node, the anteroventral border
of the quadratojugal extends forward to form part of the ventral
margin of the infratemporal fenestra (character 39). The closure
or disappearance of a depression on the dorsal surface of the
posterior branch of the quadrate delimiting the attachment area
of the tympanic membrane (Walker, 1990) is another diagnostic
trait (character 154) of node 1 (Fig. 8). In the palatal region of
Notosuchus 1 (Araripesuchus 1 Neosuchia) the ectopterygoid
contacts the maxilla preventing the participation of the jugal in
the suborbital fenestrae (character 61) and pterygoids are cau-
dally fused (character 58). Members of this node bear a sepa-
rated foramen for the cranial nerve IX (character 64). The ab-
sence of a premaxillo-maxillary notch (character 14) also di-
agnoses node 1 (Fig. 8). In these taxa the symphysis of the
dentary lengthens posteroventrally, enlarging the sutural area
(character 151), while in the primitive condition the symphysis
is short and vertically oriented. All Mesoeucrocodylia (as di-
agnosed in the Appendix 4) share the posterior extension of the
secondary palate involving the palatines and the position of the
internal choana, which is located on the rear border of these
elements. This condition is not an unambiguous trait of node 1
since the Fruita Formation crocodile also shares it.
Araripesuchus definitely does not constitute a clade with No-
tosuchus, but instead must be considered as the sister group of
Neosuchia (node 2, Fig. 8). This node is diagnosed by the ap-
FIGURE 9. Holotype of ‘‘Araripesuchus’’ wegeneri from the Aptian pearance of a pitting pattern of ornamentation on the dermal
of Gadoufaoua (Tegama Basin, Niger). A, ventral view; B, lateral view; bones (characters 1 and 111). Initially, in the basal members of
C, detail of the fourth to sixth maxillary teeth. Abbreviations: addi- this node and basal neosuchians (e.g., Theriosuchus, Pelago-
tional to Figure 5; 3 mx, third maxillary tooth; 5 pmx, fifth premaxillary saurus) this pattern mainly involves osteoderms and dermal
tooth; orb, orbit. Scale bar equals 2 cm. bones of the cranial roof (parietal, frontal and squamosal). The
rostrum is differentiated in a number of ways related to the
trend toward the platyrostral condition (sensu Busbey, 1995),
and the rise of heterodonty (characters 20 and 132). The pla-
derms are thin and smoothly sculptured with infrequent and tyrostral skull is defined by a set of characters shared by Neo-
shallow radiating pits. Osteoderms are wider than they are long, suchia and which are exaggerated in modern crocodiles. Al-
with an unsculptured anterior articulating area. No anterolateral though Araripesuchus does not have a platyrostral skull, it nev-
peg is apparent, probably due to the state of preservation. Os- ertheless follows the trend towards it, with a rostrum that is
teoderms have a dorsal keel, dividing each into two parts. The slightly wider than it is tall. Heterodonty is expressed in the
external part of the osteoderm bends ventrally and is slightly maxilla in which the dental series is variable in size and shape.
exposed laterally. The osteoderm shape changes along the dor- In the basal members of the Neosuchia clade (except in the
sal armour; the anterior ones are rectangular while the caudal marine crocodiles) the third maxillary tooth is the largest, as in
ones are square and more profusely sculptured. The distal edges Araripesuchus, whereas in more advanced members of Neo-
become rounded, as osteoderms become more caudal. suchia the fourth and fifth maxillary teeth become enlarged.
Furthermore, the teeth of the members of this node are not
DISCUSSION disposed in a groove (character 19). In Araripesuchus and other
basal neosuchians (i.e., Pelagosaurus, Theriosuchus), the pre-
The Phylogenetic Context of Araripesuchus
frontal pillars are transversely broad at their roof but more rod-
To place Araripesuchus in a phylogenetic context, we discuss like at their base (character 30). On the other hand, the pillars
below the apomorphic traits that it shares with Notosuchus, and form a near-complete transverse wall where it makes contact
Neosuchia, based on a phylogenetic analysis of Crocodylifor- with the palatines in the plesiomorphic condition (shown in
mes detailed in the Appendices 1–4. The synapomorphies ex- Dibothrosuchus and Notosuchus). The palatal construction of
plained below unambiguously diagnose the internal nodes of Araripesuchus and Neosuchia exhibits a narrowing of the post-
the cladistic analysis discussed in Appendix 4 and summarised choanal depression behind the nasopharyngeal duct (character
in Figure 8. We define Mesoeucrocodylia comprising Zipho- 139), unlike Notosuchus, in which it is expanded transversely.
suchia 1 Araripesuchus 1 Neosuchia. Ziphosuchia is a new In the members of node 2 the palatal surface is flat or even
proposed taxon that involves Notosuchus 1 Libycosuchus 1 convex (character 175) instead of the primitive, concave con-
Sebecosuchia. This new taxon will be elsewhere discussed in dition. In Araripesuchus 1 Neosuchia, the retroarticular process

FIGURE 10. Reconstruction of the skull of Araripesuchus patagonicus, sp. nov. (A) in comparison with A. gomesii (B) in dorsal view. The
Patagonian species have a set of juvenile traits and proportions: large orbits; bowed jugals; and large orbital/rostrum length. The species differ
in: (1) the dorsal extension of the prefrontal and lachrymal bones; (2) the enlargement of the squamosal; and (3) the inset/outset placement of
the ascending process of the jugal to form the postorbital bar. The skull length of the holotype of A. gomesii is 118 mm, and A. patagonicus is
about 80 mm. Although the specimens used for the reconstruction of the skull have unequal skull length the differences reported are also evident
in the smallest specimen of A. gomesii (Hecht, 1991).

faces dorsally, instead of medially, as is the case in Notosuchus. fossa (character 105) without a posterior buttress (as occurs in
Finally, the lateral wall of the dentary is convex (character 81) Notosuchus and Malawisuchus) (Gomani, 1997). The develop-
and the inner shelf of the retroarticular process is dorsally ex- ment of this surface is much larger in Notosuchus and Mala-
posed (character 147) in members of node 2 (Fig. 8), differing wisuchus. In Notosuchus, the articular fossa has a bilobate
from the flat vertical wall of Notosuchus. asymmetrical surface, divided by a medium-shallow crest. The
The distribution of unambiguous characters discussed here lobes delimit two trails for the anteroposterior movements of
places Araripesuchus in a phylogenetic position that is taxo- the quadrate condyles. The external fossa is longer than the
nomically consistent with that proposed by Clark (l994), i.e., medial one. In Araripesuchus the dorsal surface of the articular
as the sister group of Neosuchia. In the cladogram depicted by fossa is small and rather flat (Fig. 7).
Clark (1994) Baurusuchus, Notosuchus, Sebecus and Libyco-
suchus appear as the basal mesoeucrocodylians, forming suc- Other Species Assigned to the Genus Araripesuchus
cessive sister groups of (Araripesuchus 1 Neosuchia). The de-
rived conditions of the characters that diagnose Araripesuchus Buffetaut (1981) described Araripesuchus wegeneri, based
1 Neosuchia mentioned above are not shared by any of the on a rostral fragment with joint mandibles (Fig. 9) from the
other basal mesoeucrocodylians (i.e., Baurusuchus, Sebecus, Aptian of the Elrhaz Formation (Niger). The anterior tip of the
Bretesuchus, Libycosuchus, and Iberosuchus, which, in turn, are rostrum and the most anterior part of the dentary are eroded.
members of Ziphosuchia) considered in Figure 11. Araripesuchus wegeneri may well belong to Mesoeucrocodylia,
Two autapomorphic traits (not included in the character list but there is a lack of information concerning the nature of the
of Appendix 1) defining Araripesuchus have been remarked palate. Nonetheless, the specimen has a secondary palate
upon in the systematic paleontology section: an acuminate an- formed by the palatines, and although the palatine nasopharyn-
terior rostral contour, due to the projection of the nasals be- geal duct has broken off, the choana should be located, at least,
tween the external nares, forming an internarial bar, and the at the caudal end of the palatines. Araripesuchus wegeneri
lateral orientation of the external nares, which are extended an- shares the pattern of maxillary heterodonty and the flat palatal
teroposteriorly. The two species of the genus Araripesuchus (A. surface with Neosuchia. As in the South American Araripesu-
patagonicus 1 A. gomesii) share a dental morphology (char- chus, A. wegeneri has a trapezoidal section of rostrum. Arari-
acter 131) whereby the teeth are mesiodistally enlarged (con- pesuchus wegeneri differs from the South American Araripe-
vergent in Theriosuchus and Bernissartia). They also share the suchus in a number of features. It has five premaxillary teeth,
posterior extension of the dorsal surface of the glenoid articular a widespread condition in Crocodylomorpha, but absent in Ar-

FIGURE 11. Concensus tree of two most parsimonious solutions resulting form a strict parsimony analysis (see Appendices 1–4). Data matrix
processed using PAUP 3.1.1 (Swofford, 1993). The tree has a length of 388 steps. Consistancy Index is low (0.469), but Retention Index is high
(0.745). The two most parsimonious trees differ only in the placement of Thalattosuchia within Neosuchia. Either as the sister group of Itasuchus
1 all remaining neosuchians, or as the sister group of Goniopholis 1 Bernissartia 1 Las Hoyas Neosuchia 1 Eusuchia. (See Appendix 4 for
information on nodes.)

aripesuchus gomesii and A. patagonicus. Furthermore, the last wegeneri until a description of new African material becomes
premaxillary tooth is the largest in the South American species available.
whereas the fifth is very small in A. wegeneri. On the other The other crocodile that has been postulated as being a close
hand, the probably paired external nares in the latter species relative of Araripesuchus is Uruguaysuchus from the Upper
are directed frontally rather than laterally, which is an autapo- Cretaceous of Uruguay. It is heterodont, and it also has the
morphic trait of the Southamerican species. The jugal is deep parietal, frontal, squamosals and osteoderms ornamented with
and flat instead of narrow, folded and bowed outwards. The an alveolar sculpture. Both traits are derived and also shared
mandible of A. wegeneri has a dentary with a deep, vertical and by Araripesuchus 1 Neosuchia. Uruguaysuchus has played a
flat posterior lamina. Although the mandible of A. wegeneri is key role in the revision of the taxonomic status of the Uru-
incomplete, its lateral profile is primitive with respect to that of guaysuchidae family (Gasparini, 1971), in which Araripesuchus
Araripesuchus and Neosuchia. The splenial is widely exposed gomesii was included as a member. However, its phylogenetic
ventrally in A. wegeneri, with the ventral mandibular width relation to the latter genus have not yet been determined, and
formed by the equal participation of the splenial and dentary (a unfortunately, the type species is not available for revision. It
condition shared by Baurusuchus and Notosuchus). In Arari- is possible that, as in the case of the African species ‘‘A.’’
pesuchus the splenial is less involved in the formation of the wegeneri, Uruguaysuchus was a member or the sister taxon of
ventral surface of the mandible. The crown morphology of the the node defined by Araripesuchus and Neosuchia.
posterior maxillary teeth is similar to that of A. patagonicus
and A. gomesii: low, blunt, mesiodistally enlarged teeth, with Biogeographic Implications of the ‘‘Araripesuchids’’
tips that are not distally curved. However, there are denticles
on the margins of the teeth of A. wegeneri, with fine enamel Araripesuchus gomesii and Notosuchus are the South Amer-
ridges on the labial side, and a constricted neck. Consequently, ican mesoeucrocodylians that have received most attention, not
taken together, these differences suggest that the African spe- only with regard to their phylogenetic relationships, but also to
cies does not share the diagnostic traits proposed here. The their paleobiogeographic nexus with other related African spe-
reassignment of Araripesuchus wegeneri to a new genus should cies (Gasparini, 1996; Gomani, 1997). The ‘‘araripesuchids’’
therefore be considered. We will refer it as ‘‘Araripesuchus’’ (Araripesuchus and ‘‘Araripesuchus’’ wegeneri) have been suc-

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from the Lower Cretaceous of Galve (Teruel, Spain). Bulletin de
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS L’Institut Royal des Sciences Naturelles de Belgique, Sciences de
la Terre 60:129–150.
The specimens of A. patagonicus were found by the geologist Calvo, J. O. 1991 Huellas fósiles de dinosaurios en a Formación Rio
A. Gazzera and one of the authors (J. C. Calvo). Fieldwork was Limay (Albiano-Cenomaniano), Provincia de Neuquén, Argentina.
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and the Universidad Nacional del Comahue. Restoration of the , and E. E. Gazzera 1989. Paleoecologı́a en el sector inferior del
specimens was carried out in the Museo Nacional ‘‘Bernardino Miembro Candeleros (Fm. Rio Limay, Grupo Neuquén, Cretácico)
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generi by D. Serrette from the Museum national d’Histoire na- Patagonia, Argentina. VI Jornadas Argentinas de Paleontologı́a de
turelle de Paris. We want to thank also France de Lapparent Vertebrados, San Juan, Argentina:3–5.
, and J. F. Bonaparte 1989. Nuevos hallazgos de Saurópodos en
who provided the ‘‘A.’’ wegeneri photographs. Photographs of el Miembro Candeleros de la Fm Rio Limay (Cretácico), Grupo
A. patagonicus by Gerardo Kurtz. Funds for the study were Neuquén, Provincia de Neuquén, Argentina. V Jornadas Argentinas
provided by the Programa de Estancia de Investigadores Ex- de Paleontologı́a de Vertebrados, La Plata, Argentina. 12 pp.
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Ministerio de Educación y Cultura del Estado Español, Project Limay (Albiano-Cenomaniano), Neuquén, Argentina. Ameghiniana
number PB97-0061. We also thank B. P. Pérez-Moreno for his 28:404 pp.
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America and Africa during Albian–Cenomanian times based on
sauropod dinosaur evidence. IGCP Project N 381. South Atlantic
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new? Early Cretaceous protosuchian (Archosauria, Crocodylifor- 22. Rostral tip of nasals: nasals reach the caudal edge of external nares
mes) from Sichuan (China), and the monophyly of Protosuchia. (0); nasals do not reach the caudal edge of external nares (1).
Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 17(1):89–103. 23. Rostral tip of nasals: nasals reach premaxillae (0); nasals do not
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nasals caudally separated by an anterior sagittal projection of frontal
Received 2 July 1998; accepted 29 July 1999. (1).
25. Frontals: separated (0), fused (1).
APPENDIX 1 26. Dorsal fronto-parietal surface: reduced to a narrow bar (0); wide
List of characters used in this analysis. Characters are either reela- 27. Parieto-postorbital suture: absent on dorsal surface of skull roof (0);
borated from different authors (Molnar, 1981; Clark, 1986, 1994; Clark present on dorsal surface of skull roof (1).
et al., 1989; Buscalioni and Sanz, 1990; Benton and Clark, 1988; Norell 28. Parietals: separated (0); fused (1).
and Clark, 1990; Parrish, 1991; Gasparini et al, 1991, 1993; Sereno and 29. Prefrontal pillars: do not reach palate (0); reach palate and solid
Wild, 1992; Wu and Chatterjee, 1993; Wu et al., 1994, 1995; Wu and integrated (1).
Sues, 1996; Legasa et al 1994; Ortega and Buscalioni, 1995; Busbey, 30. Prefrontal pillars when integrated in palate: pillars transverselly ex-
1995; Ortega et al., 1996), or are newly developed based on the direct panded (0); transversely expanded in their dorsal half and columnar
study of most of the taxa included in the analysis. ventrally (1); pillars longitudinally expanded in their dorsal part and
columnar ventrally (2).
31. Postfrontals: present (0); absent (1).
1. Ornamentation of external surface of cranial dermal bones: smooth
32. Antero-lateral spine of postorbital: absent (0); postorbitals project
or formed by grooves and ridges (0); with circular or subpolygonal
a short and sharp spine (1).
pits (1).
33. Relative length between postorbital and squamosal: squamosal is
2. Sculpturing of palatal surface: maxillary palatal surface smooth (0);
longer (0); postorbital is longer (1).
maxillary palatal surface ornamented with ridges (1).
34. Jugal portion of postorbital bar: flushes with lateral surface of jugal
3. Rostral length: distance from anterior orbital edge to anterior con-
(0); medially displaced and a ridge separates postorbital bar from
tour of rostrum equal or longer than distance from anterior orbital
lateral surface of jugal (1).
edge to posterior parietal contour (0); distance from anterior orbital
35. Caudal tip of ectopterygoidean-jugal contact: placed cranial to post-
edge to anterior contour of rostrum shorter than distance from an-
orbital bar (0); placed caudal and surpassing postorbital bar (1).
terior orbital edge to posterior parietal contour (1).
36. Ectopterygoid-postorbital suture: ectopterygoid does not contact
4. Rostral length: distance from anterior orbital edge to anterior con-
postorbital (0); ectopterygoids contacts postorbital on medial side
tour of rostrum shorter, equal or slightly longer than distance from
of postorbital bar (1).
anterior orbital edge to posterior parietal contour (0); distance from
37. Postorbital and jugal forming postorbital bar in lateral view: jugal
anterior orbital edge to anterior contour of rostrum at least twice
sets caudal to postorbital (0); postorbital is medial or caudal to jugal
than distance from anterior orbital edge to posterior parietal contour
(1). (1).
5. Rostral section: tubular, almost as deep as wide (0); wider than deep 38. Jugal and quadratojugal in lateral view: quadratojugal visible be-
(1). neath jugal (0); quadratojugal is not exposed (1).
6. Premaxillo-maxillary suture in lateral view: vertical (0); caudodor- 39. Corner of infratemporal fenestra in lateral view: jugal-quadratojugal
sally directed (1). suture lies at posteroventral corner (0); quadratojugal extends an-
7. Premaxillo-maxillary joint: premaxilla overlapping maxilla (0); pre- teriorly forming part of dorsal edge of infratemporal bar (1).
maxilla and maxilla sutured (1). 40. Skull roof: not developed, postorbito-squamosal dorsal surface on
8. Premaxillo-maxillary suture in lateral view: straight (0); zigzag a lower plane than fronto-parietal dorsal surface (0); developed,
shaped (1). postorbito-squamosal and fronto-parietal surfaces are on the same
9. Direction of premaxillo-maxillary suture in palatal view: cranially plane (1).
directed (0); caudal directed (1). (Direction of suture is evaluated 41. Supratemporal fenestrae: relatively large, covering most of surface
with respect to a theoretical line that passes between the lateral of skull roof (0); relatively short, fenestrae surrounded by a flat and
contact of both bones). extended skull roof (1).
10. Ventral edge of premaxilla with respect to ventral edge of maxilla 42. Outer surface of squamosal: laterodorsally oriented (1); dorsally
in lateral view: placed almost at same height (0); deeper, and an- oriented (1).
terior dorsal contour of dentary is also strongly concave (1). 43. Contour of squamosal in dorsal view: curved (0); L-shaped (1).
11. Oral cavity communicates with nasal cavity through palatal perfo- 44. Quadrate inclination with respect to a horizontal plane including
rations (naso-oral fenestrae), besides internal nares: no (0); yes (1). the cranial roof: craniocaudal axis of quadrate inclined more than
12. Naso-oral fenestrae formed by: maxilla and premaxilla (0); pre- 45 degrees (0); craniocaudal axis of quadrate inclined less than 45
maxilla (1). degrees (1).
13. Foramen at premaxillo-maxillary suture in lateral view: present (0); 45. Longitudinal groove on dorsolateral surface of squamosal: absent
absent (1). (0); present (1).
14. Premaxillo-maxillary notch: absent (0); present (1). 46. Infratemporal fenestrae: facing laterally (0); facing laterodorsally
15. Last premaxillary alveolous the largest of premaxillary tooth row: (1).
no (0); yes (1). 47. Quadratojugal spine at caudal margin of infratemporal fenestrae:
16. External nares: facing frontal, laterofrontal or frontodorsally (0); absent (0); present (1).
facing dorsally (1). 48. Quadratojugal contacts postorbital: widely (0); punctually, quadra-
17. Position of external nares with respect to anterior rostral contour in tojugal is dorsally acute, or there is no contact at all (1).
dorsal view: concealed (0); a premaxillary bar separates external 49. Quadratojugal contacts postorbital: yes (0); no (1).
nares and anterior rostral contour (1). 50. Quadrate fenestrated: quadrate lacking fenestrae (0); quadrate fen-
18. Relative position of last maxillary tooth with anterior edge of pal- estrated even it possesses one fenestra which in such case is placed
atine fenestra: last maxillary tooth caudal to anterior edge of pal- on dorsal surface of the cranial ascendent process of quadrate (1).
atine fenestra (0); last maxillary tooth cranial to anterior edge of 51. Quadrate fenestrated: with more than one fenestra (0); with just one
palatine fenestra (1). fenestra (1).
19. Dental implantation: teeth set in isolated alveoli (0); teeth set dis- 52. Relative position of cranio-mandibular joint: beneath basioccipital
posed in a groove (1). ventral edge (0); aligned with basioccipital (1).
20. Size of maxillary teeth: all maxillary teeth similar in size or with 53. Quadrate condyles: almost aligned (0); medial condyle expands
the largest alveolous placed at middle of maxillary row (0); tooth ventrally (1).
row with waves of size variation (1). 54. Dorsocaudal edge of quadrate: straight or smoothly curved (0);
21. Ventral edge of maxilla in lateral view: straight or convex (0); si- forming otic notch (1).
nusoidal (1). 55. Dorsal surface of caudal branch of quadrate: concave or flat and

smooth (0); with a longitudinal ridge from base of paraoccipital splenials just touch or do not contact each other (0); splenials form
process to articular end (1). significant part of symphysis (1).
56. Pterygoidean secondary palate: pterygoids of primary palate ex- 89. Splenials behind symphysis: thin and lateromedially compressed
posed and they do not contact each other secondarily on midline (0); broad and robust (1).
(0); pterygoids meet on midline forming a secondary palate (1). 90. Foramen intramandibularis oralis: small or absent (0); big slot-like
57. Basipterygoid processes: expanded (0); reduced to a narrow arista foramen (1).
or absent (1). 91. Emergence of the mandibular branch of trigeminus nerve in the
58. Pterygoids: caudally separated (0); caudally fused (1). medial side of mandible: caudal to symphysis (0); enclosed within
59. Vomer: exposed on palate between premaxillae and maxillae (0); symphysis (1).
hidden by palatal branch of maxillae (1). 92. Transversal section of splenial: plane (0); convex (1).
60. Palatal secondary palate: palatines of primary palate exposed and 93. Caudal edge of angular: does not ascend to the articular glenoid
they do not contact each other secondarily on midline (0); palatines cavity (0); ascend surpassing the articular glenoid cavity (1).
meet on midline forming a secondary palate (1). 94. Caudal edge of surangular: slopes ventrally (0); slopes dorsally (1).
61. Ectopterygoid-maxilla contact: ectopterygoid does not connect to 95. Rear portion of dentary in dorsal view: does not expand medial to
palatal branch of maxilla (0); ectopterygoid makes contact with tooth row (0); medially expanded to tooth row (1).
maxillary palatal branch (1). 96. Anterior projection of surangular in lateral view: unique and acute
62. Supraoccipital exposure on cranial roof: no, parietals contact on (0); forked (1);
occiput avoiding dorsal exposition of supraoccipital (0); supraoc- 97. Prearticular: present (0); absent (1).
cipital connects parietal at posterior edge of skull roof or is clearly 98. Coronoid size: short (0); long, anteriorly extended (1).
exposed in dorsal surface of cranial roof (1). 99. Surangular and quadratojugal taking part in craniomandibular joint:
63. Bones bounding foramen magnum: exoccipitals and supraoccipital no (0); yes (1).
(0); exoccipitals (1). 100. Mesial and distal margin of tooth crowns: with denticulate carinae
64. Occipital foraminae for cranial nerves IX, X, and XI: all passing (denticles are isolated units, distinctly shaped and sized) (0); with-
through a common foramen (0); foramen metoptico (IX) in a sep- out carinae or with carinae smooth or crenulated (crenulation is
made of enamel wrinkles) (1).
arate passage (1).
101. Root of maxillary and dentary teeth: as wide or narrower than its
65. Basioccipital surface under foramen magnum: caudoventrally ori-
crowns (0); inflated roots, wider than is crowns (1).
ented (0); vertical and occipitally oriented (1).
102. Shape of tooth crowns in bucal view: triangular (0); trapezoidal
66. Cranial projection of iliac blade: present and as long as the caudal
projection (0); reduced to a tuberosity (1); absent (2)
103. Lingual side of maxillary and dentary tooth: without a longitu-
67. Basisphenoid in ventral view: widely exposed (0); almost excluded
dinal depression (0); with a longitudinal depression affecting root
from ventral view and hidden by pterygoid and basioccipital (1).
and crown (1).
68. Relative length of basisphenoid and basioccipital: basisphenoid
104. Maxillary and dentary teeth transverse section: labiolingually
shorter or equal than basioccipital (0); basisphenoid longer and
compressed (0); subcircular (1).
transversely wider than basioccipital (1).
105. Glenoid fossa of articular: craniocaudally similar to articular sur-
69. Antorbital fenestra: present (0); absent or reduced to a tiny foramina face of quadrate (0); craniocaudally longer than articular surface of
(1). quadrate (1).
70. Nasal participation in antorbital fenestra: yes (0); no (1). 106. Tip of maxillary and dentary tooth crowns: caudally curved (0);
71. Jugal participation in antorbital fenestra: yes (0); no (1). dorsal directed or lingually curved (1).
72. Supratemporal fenestra: present (0); absent (1). 107. Number of longitudinal rows of osteoderms forming presacral dor-
73. Infratemporal fenestra: wide (0); forming a vertical slot (1). sal armor: two (0); four (1).
74. Infatemporal fenestra: shorter than it is deep or at least as long as 108. Presence of accessory ranges of osteoderms (sensu Frey, 1988),
deep (0); much longer than deep (1). that is, more than four longitudinal rows of osteoderms forming
75. Anterior opening of temporo-orbital: exposed in dorsal view (0); presacral dorsal armor or four longitudinal rows in which the par-
hidden in dorsal view, and overlapped by squamosal rim of supra- asagitals must show two longitudinal keels: no (0); yes (1).
temporal fossa (1). 109. Continuity of dorsal armor: dorsal armor continues from neck to
76. Cranio-quadrate canal: laterally open (0); closed off by a thin lam- tail (0); dorsal armor shows a narrowing or gap at cervico-thoracic
ina formed by squamosal, quadrate and exoccipital (1) closed off juncture (1).
by a thick lamina formed by squamosal, quadrate and exoccipital 110. Presacral dorsal osteoderms: lateroventrally deflected (0); flat (1).
(2). 111. Ornamentation of presacral dorsal osteoderms; smooth or made of
77. Iliac blade: with posterior lamina as high as anterior one (0); with ridges and grooves (0); with a pitting surface (1).
posterior lamina higher than anterior one (1). 112. Dorsal paravertebral osteoderms constituting a hemiplastron: hem-
78. Maxilla forms part of secondary palate: no (0); yes (1). iband is narrower than its craniocaudal length (0); hemiband is
79. Palatines or pterygoids participating on caudal opening of naso- wider than its craniocaudal length (1).
pharyngeal duct (internal nares): no (0); yes (1). 113. Imbrication of osteoderms: osteoderms of presacral dorsal armor
80. External mandibular fenestra: present as a wide foramen (0); pres- with an anterior peg that articulates into a socket of precendent one
ent but very reduced (1); absent (2). (0); osteoderms without anterior projection (1).
81. Mandibular compression: dentary compressed, formed by almost 114. Imbrication of osteoderms: osteoderms of presacral dorsal armor
vertical lateral and medial laminae (0); dentary transversely ex- with a short caudal salient peg (0); osdeoderms with straight caudal
panded, almost as wide as high, and with convex lateroventral sur- edge (1).
face (1). 115. Number of keels on transverse bands of presacral dorsal armor:
82. Suture between dentaries: separated mandibular symphysis (0); two (0); more than two (1).
dentaries fused, at least in ventral mandibular symphysis (1). 116. Coracoid shaft: short (0); long shaft extending ventrally (1).
83. Dorsocaudal branch of dentary: dentary extends caudally up to end 117. Cervical and dorsal centra: amphicoelous (0); procoelous (1).
of tooth row (0); dentary extends beyond tooth row and with a 118. Styliform process of coracoid: present. (0); absent (1).
dorsal ascending projection (1). 119. Centrum of first caudal vertebra: amphicoelous (0); biconvex (1).
84. Lateral contour of dentary in dorsal view: straight (0); sigmoidal 120. Contour of scapular blade: dorsally broad and with concave cra-
(1). nial and caudal edges (0); dorsally broad and with a concave cranial
85. Post-caniniform dentary teeth: almost homodont in size (0); with edge but straight or convex caudal one (1); dorsally narrow, straight
waves of size variation (1). cranial and caudal edges (2).
86. Outline of dentary tooth row in dorsal view: straight (0); sigmoidal 121. Relative length of coracoid and scapula: scapula is at least one
(1). third longer than coracoid (0); scapula as long as coracoid (1).
87. Proximal articular head of tibia: with two concavities separated by 122. Glenoid surface of coracoid: extended on a subhorizontal plane
a crest (0); with one concave articulating area (1). (0); extended on a vertical plane (1); extended on a oblique plane,
88. Splenial symphysis: splenial not involved in mandibular symphysis, and the glenoid lip facing outwards and posteroventrally (2).

123. Humeral proximal head: facing backwards (posterodorsally) (0); 138. Pterygoidean flanges: laminar (0); bar-like (1).
facing dorsally, and with a lateromedial major axis (1). 139. Depression on primary pterygoidean palate posterior to internal
124. Inner tuberosity of proximal head of humerus: developed and with nares: depression wider than palatine bar (0); narrower than palatine
articular facet bending ventral or obliquely (0); not developed and bar between palatal fenestrae (1).
with articular surface facing dorsally (1). 140. Postmaxillary internal nares: present (0); absent (1).
125. Ligamental depression on anterior surface of humerus: inmediate- 141. Retroarticular process: without a medial shelf (0); with a medial
ly lateral to inner tuberosity and below humeral head (0); displaced shelf (1).
laterally toward the border of the shaft and located lateral to hu- 142. Internal nares: far from caudal contour of skull (0); close to caudal
meral head (1). contour of skull (1).
126. Lateral profile of deltopectoral crest: convex (0); concave (1). 143. Caudal edge of internal nares: cranial to rear edge of palatine
127. Radial: longer than wide (0); as long as wide (considering its fenestra (0); caudal to de rear edge of palatine fenestra (1).
proximal width as reference) (1). 144. Ventral edge of external mandibular fenestra: smoth (0); with a
128. Relative length of radial and ulnar: radial as long as ulnar (0); depression surrounding the edge (1).
radial longer, at least 1/3 of ulnar length. 145. Lateral surface of anterior branch of jugal: smooth, plane or con-
129. Proximal carpals short, almost spherical (0); radial and ulnar elon- cave (0); with a pronounced triangular depression.
gated (1). 146. Ectopterygoidean medial descendent branch: single (0); distally
130. Lateral contour of rostrum in dorsal view: straight (0); with con- forked (1).
strictions and with a sinusoidal aspect (1). 147. Medial shelf of retroarticular process: vertical and facing medially
131. Mesio-distal length of tooth crowns: decreasing towards the rear (0); facing dorsally (1).
of tooth row (0); increasing towards the rear of toothrow (1). 148. Coracoidal shaft: blade-like (0); rod-like (1).
132. Heterondonty of maxilla and dentary teeth: homodonty (0); with 149. Femoral shaft: slightly twisted, proximal and distal articular facets
different dental morphologies (heterodonty) (1). are twisted each other about 30 degrees (0); strongly twisted, prox-
133. Number of premaxillary teeth: five (0); less than five (1). imal and distal articular facets are twisted each other about 60 de-
134. Exposition of posterior part of angular in ventral view: angular grees (1).
surface (where pterygoidean muscle attached) ventrally exposed 150. Proximal and distal ends of radial: almost equally expanded (0);
(0); angular laterally displaced and overlapping articular, with sur- proximal head wider than distal one (1).
face for pterygoidean muscle attachment facing laterally (1). 151. Mandibular symphysis: short (0); long, dentary symphysis pro-
135. Caudal branch of quadrate: at least as long as broad (0); shorter longs caudal to 4th alveoli (1).
than broad (1). 152. Craniocaudal length of retroarticular process: less than craniocau-
136. Palatal maxillary platform: absent (0); present, avoiding contact dal length of articular glenoid fossa (0); much longer than cranio-
between ectopterygoid and maxillary alveoli (1). caudal length of articular glenoid fossa (1).
137. Septated internal nares: yes (0); no (1). continued next page

APPENDIX 2. Distribution of character states. ‘‘0’’ denotes the primitive condition; ‘‘-’’denotes missing or not applicable condition.


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Taxon 12345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890
Postosuchus 0000000000--00000000000000000-0000000000000000000000000000000-00--0-00000000-000
Sphenosuchus 00000000000110000000000000010-1000-00000000000000000000000000000-00-011000000100
Dibothrosuchus 0000000000100000000000000001101000000100000000000000000000000000--0-01100000-100
Protosuchus 01100110001001100100000001010-10000011011011100001100100100000100001011010000101
Orthosuchus 00100110001001100100000001010-1000-011011011100001100-00100000100001011000000100
Sichuanosuchus 01100110-0---10001000-000111--10000011-110111000011----01--00---0-010110--00-100
Shantungosuchus 011000100010010001000-0--------0-00-1001---1-0-00110010011-00--10-01011-10-0-100
Gobiosuchus 0010001000011110001000001101101000001-011011100001100-0010000-100-0-010100-1-102
Las Hoyas Croc. 00100010-0---100001000001101--1000--1-01101110000------01-00----0-0-011100---102
Fruita Fm. Croc. 01100010001001000010000011010-100000110110111000011-0-10--01011-----0110000--112
Notosuchus 0010001000100010011000001111101000--10111010110001101100110111110100011000020110
Baurusuchus 00000011001-01000100000111111010000011111110110001001100111111110-0011100102-110
Itaborai Croc. 000000111001110000011001111110100001110111111100010-011011111-110-1011101-02-110
Bretesuchus -0000010-10111000100000-------1--001--------------0----111111--10-10111-01---110
Sebecus 0000001-011-11010100000-1101--10000111011111110-01000110-11111110-1011100002-110
Iberosuchus 0000001100--0100000000011101101100101011111111010100110-111--1110-1001000102-1-0
Libycosuchus 00100-1--00110100110000-11-1--1000-01111111011000100110-11-1111-0-1011100002-110
Ar. gomesi 10100010-0010000000110001101111001--1011101011000100-100111111110-0001100002-110
Ar. patagonicus 1010001--0--0000000100001101--1000--1011101011000100010011-1111-0-0001100002-110
Lomasuchus 1000101100--1-00000100001101--1000--1111101111-0010----011111-110-1001100-02-110
Itasuchus 10001-1-0011--01-00111011--------0001111----110-----------11--------011-01---110
Theriosuchus 101010100011110100011001110111100101111110111101--000110111111110100111000010112
Pelagosaurus 1001101000--1-010000011100010110110011100001100100-00000110111100-0011100101-110
Steneosaurus 0001101000101101000001110001--10110-11100001100100-000001-11-11-0100111001010110
Goniopholis 1000101000--11010001110111011210010111111111111101010110111111110110111000111112
Bernissartia 100010101011110110011-01110111100111111111111111010101101111111-0-1011100011-112
Las Hoyas Neos. 10001010-011110110011-0111-11110011111-1111111-1-10-010111111-1-1-1011100011-112
Hylaeochampsa 00---------------00----11101111001111--1111111-1-10101-1111111111-10---0--11-11-
Alligator 10001010101110011001100111111210011111011111110101010101111111111210111000121110
Crocodylus 10001010101111011001100111111210010111011111111111010101111111111210111000121110

153. Dorsal surface of retroarticular process: facing craniocaudally (0); 168. Section of ulna shaft: circular (0); compressed at least its distal
facing dorsal or craniodorsally (1). end (1).
154. Dorsal surface of caudal branch of quadrate: with a triangular 169. Prefronto-frontal joint: prefrontal overlaps frontal (0); frontal over-
depression (0); without depression (1). laps prefrontal (1); frontal and prefrontal with a interdigitate suture
155. Dorsal contour of rostrum in lateral view: straight or convex (0); (2).
concave (1). 170. Distal lateral condyle of humerus in posterior view: projecting a
156. Teeth at anterior part of maxilla: no prominent tooth (0): second sharp ridge towards shaft and delimiting a flat lateral plane (0);
or third alveoli enlarged (1); fourth or fifth alveoli enlarged (2). smooth (1).
157. Skull roof: rectangular and with a major transverse axis (0); square 171. Lachrymal descending lateral process: columnar (0); laminar (1).
or rectangular and with a longitudinal dominant axis (1). 172. Lachrymal orbital contour: facing laterally (0); facing laterodor-
158. Caudolateral lobe of squamosal: not differentiated (0); squamosal sally.
showing a smooth lobe differentiated from the skull by a caudo- 173. Cranial jugal branch: as deep or slightly deeper than caudal branch
lateral groove (1). (0); much deeper than caudal one (1).
159. Anterior opening of cranio-quadrate passage in otic area (when 174. Lateral surface of jugal in ventral view: exposed lateral to maxilla,
cranio-quadrate canal is closed off): not expanded (0); opening ex- jugal outwardly bowed (0); not visible in ventral view, jugal straight
panded forming a caudal notch (1). (1).
160. Ventral border of exoccipital: straight, and leaving posterior open- 175. Palatal surface: concave (0); plane (1).
ing of cranio-quadrate passage visible in occipital view (0) convex 176. Occipital condyle: caudally directed (0); ventrocaudally directed
and ventrally overhanging and obscuring posterior opening of cran- (1).
io-quadrate passage from occipital view (1). 177. Primary pterygoidean palate: without parasagittal depressions (0);
161. Length from proximal articular facet of femur to distal end of with deep parasagittal depressions (1).
fourth trocanter: more than one third than total femoral length (0); 178. Deltopectoral crest of humerus: partially visible in caudal view
one third or less than total femoral length (1). (0); hidden in caudal view (1).
162. Largest mandibular teeth: unique (0); double, generally third and 179. Ligamental pit below humeral head on posterior surface: delim-
fourth (1). iting a ridge on its medial border (0); pit displaced laterally between
163. Premaxillo-maxillar suture in palatal view: acute (0); straight and humeral head and lateral tuberosity (1).
orthogonal with the sagittal plane (1). 180. Humeral shaft: straight (0); sigmoidal, with a pronounced posterior
164. Number of maxillary teeth: ten or more (0); less than ten (1). curvature of shaft on proximal area of humerus (1).
165. Naso-lachrymal suture: nasal extensively contact lachrymal (0), 181. Proximal and distal head of humerus: each turned more than 30
nasal and lachrymal do not contact or with a short contact (1). degrees (0); each turned less than 30 degrees (1).
166. Articulation of medial process of articular and otoccipital: absent 182. Inner distal condyle of humerus: with a vertical extension of troch-
(0); present (1). lea (0); transervely expanded (1).
167. Internal edge of proximal ulna head: concave (0); straight (1).

APPENDIX 2. (Continued).

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

List of Taxa Used in this Analysis Cladogram. Consensus tree of two most parsimonious solutions re-
sulting from a strict parsimony analysis of data matrix including 3 out-
groups and 27 crocodyliform taxa (see Appendix 3). Data matrix has
Out-group is formed at: Postosuchus, Upper Triassic of North Amer- been processed using PAUP 3.1.1 (Swofford, 1993). They have a length
ica, (Chatterjee, 1985); Sphenosuchus, Upper Triassic or Lower Jurassic of 388 steps. Consistence index is low (0.469), but Retention index
of South Africa, (Walker, 1990); and Dibothrosuchus, Lower Jurassic (0.745) is rather high. The two most parsimonious trees just differ in
of China (Wu and Chatterjee, 1993). In-group is composed of: Orthos- the placement of Thalattosuchia within Neosuchia. Either as the sister
uchus, Lower Jurassic of South Africa (Nash, 1975); Protosuchus*, group of Itasuchus plus the remainder neosuchians or as the sister group
Lower Jurassic of North America (Colbert and Mook, 1951); Sichuano- of Goniopholis plus Bernissartia plus Las Hoyas Neosuchia plus Eu-
suchus, Upper Jurassic of China (Peng, 1995); Shantungosuchus, Upper suchia. Unambiguous changes along branches on the strict consensus
Jurassic/Lower Cretaceous of China (Wu et al., 1994); Fruita Fm. croc- and node names are below. (Abbreviations: ‘‘,’’ primitive condition,
odile* (sensu Clark, 1985): Upper Jurassic of North America (Benton ‘‘.’’ derived condition).
and Clark, 1988), Gobiosuchus*, Upper Cretaceous of Mongolia (Os-
mólska, 1972; Osmólska et al., 1997); Las Hoyas crocodyliform*, Low-
er Cretaceous of Spain (Buscalioni et al., 1997); Notosuchus*, Upper Node 1. (Crocodyliformes): 3.; 7.; 14.; 26.; 37.; 40.; 41.; 43.;
Cretaceous of Argentina (Woodward, 1896; Gasparini, 1971); Bauru- 44.; 45.; 50.; 51.; 54.; 57.; 63.; 100.; 112.; 120.; 121.;
suchus*, Upper Cretaceous of Brazil (Price, 1945); Iberosuchus*, Eo- 122.; 133.; 135.; 169...
cene of southwestern Europe (Antunes, 1975; Ortega et al; 1996); Se- Node 2. 19.1; 25.; 62.; 106.; 114.; 165..
becus*, Eocene of Argentina (Colbert, 1946; Gasparini, 1972); Libyco- Node 3. 29.;83.; 88..
suchus*, Upper Cretaceous of Egypt (Stromer, 1914); Itaborai crocodile* Node 4.(Mesoeucrocodylia): ,14; 39.; 46.; 58.; 61.; 64.; 154.;
(sensu Buffetaut, 1982), Paleocene of Brazil; Bretesuchus*, Paleocene 168..
of Argentina (Gasparini et al., 1993); Araripesuchus gomesii*, Lower Node 5. 1.; ,19; 20.; 30.; 81.; 111.; 132.; 139.; 147.; 149.;
Cretaceous of Brazil (Price, 1959); Araripesuchus patagonicus*, Lower 175..
Cretaceous of Argentina; Lomasuchus*, Upper Cretaceous of Argentina Node 6. (Neosuchia) 5.; 13.; 96.; 171.; 174..
(Gasparini et al., 1991); Pelagosaurus*, Lower Jurassic of Europe (Buf- Node 7. 9.; 17.; 35.; ,88; 108.; 115.; 117.; 134.; 165..
fetaut, 1980; Clark, 1986); Steneosaurus*, Jurassic (Buffetaut, 1982); Node 8. ,55; 56.; 65..
Itasuchus*, Upper Cretaceous of Brazil (Price, 1955); Theriosuchus*, Node 9. (Eusuchia): 142.
Upper Jurassic/Lower Cretaceous of Europe (Clark, 1986); Goniophol- Node 10. (Crocodylia): 27.; 76..; ,160.
is*, Lower Cretaceous of Europe (Buffetaut, 1982; Clark, 1986); Ber- Node 11. (Protosuchia): 6.; 18..
nissartia*, Lower Cretaceous of Europe (Buscalioni and Sanz, 1990, Node 12. 2.; 73.; 166..
Norell and Clark, 1990); Las Hoyas Neosuchia*, Lower Cretaceous of Node 13. 132..
Spain (Ortega and Buscalioni, 1995); Hylaeochampsa*, Lower Creta- Node 14. (Gobiosuchidae): 72.; 82.; 101.; 103..
ceous of England (Clark and Norell, 1992); Alligator mississippiensis*, Node 15.(Ziphosuchia, new taxon): 18.; 53.; 92.; 127.; 148.;
Recent; and Crocodylus niloticus*, Recent. Asterisks denote species di- 177..
rectly reviewed by authors. Node 16. 42.; 69.; 171.; 173..
Node 17. (Sebecosuchia): ,3; 14.; ,19; 74.; 90.; 145.; 156.;
Node 18. 44.; ,135.
Node 19. (Sebecidae): 13.; 36.; ,39; ,53; 55.; 99..
Node 20. ,11; 86.; 139..
Node 21. (Araripesuchus): ,38; 105.; 131..
Postosuchus: ,71.; ,94-.; ,96.; ,165.; ,169..
Sphenosuchus: 13.; 98..
Dibothrosuchus: 29..
Orthosuchus: 94.; 164..
Protosuchus: 80.; 83.; ,100; ,121.
Sichuanosuchus: no unambiguous changes
Shantungosuchus: ,6; ,38; ,165.
Fruita Fm. crocodile: 2.; 55.; 102.; 117.; 162.; 171..
Gobiosuchus: 15.; ,71; 107.; 165..
Las Hoyas crocodyliform: no unambiguous changes
Notosuchus: ,38; 91.; 102.; 105.; 164..
Libycosuchus: ,11; 13.; 94.; ,133.
Baurusuchus: 12...; 86.; 137.; 143.; 164.; 165..
Iberosuchus: ,18; 35.; ,38; 48.; ,69; ,71; ,112; ,133; 142.;
Sebecus: 16.; ,74; ,83; ,90; ,145.
Itaborai crocodile: ,18; 20.; 21.; 73.; ,89; ,92; 134..
Bretesuchus: ,8; 56.; 142..
Araripesuchus gomesii: 21.; 34.; 130..
Araripesuchus patagonicus: no unambiguous changes
Lomasuchus: 8.; ,100, 165..
Pelagosaurus: ,59.
Steneosaurus: ,1; 91..
Goniopholis: ,,14; 30.; 89.; 92.; 142..
Bernissartia: 91.; 131.; 132..
Las Hoyas neosuchian: no unambiguous changes.
Hylaeochampsa: ,1; ,175.
Alligator: ,47; 86.; ,137; ,174.
Crocodylus: ,,14; ,35; 143.; ,165.

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