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Box 3.1a: Our house, my territory Questions: How accommodation is organised Family 1a) Where in the accommodation does the family meet as awhole? 5) What activities does the family do together? ©) Does the organisation of the accommodation help these actwvties or make them more dificult? “ Friends 4), Where do friends meet in he accommodation? 8}, What activities do family members do with fiends? ©) Does the organisation of the accommodation help these activities or make them more difficult? a Layout a) Which rooms are closest/furthest away from the front door or main entrance? (These are usually the most private.) 8} Inaccommodation of more than one storey or level, which rooms are upstairs and which are downstaits? ©). Which rooms are used for work or study? Who uses them? < Ambience 1a) Inthe accommodation, are the doors to dtferent rooms kept open or shut? Which doors? 5} Indifferentrooms, what lighting (e.g. spotlights, lamps} is there? ©) Hows sound e.g. from an audio system) used in different rooms? 4d) How many computers are in the accomadation? Where are they? 2) What pictures and ornaments are used in different rooms? What do they say about the people that lve there? Family a) Where in the accommodation does the family meet as a whole? 8) What activities does the family do together? ©) Does the organisation of the accommodation help these activities or make them more difficult” Friends 2). Where do friends meet in the accommodation? 5). What activities do family members do with fiends? ©) Does the organisation of the accommodation help these actwvties or make them more dificult? “ Layout 1) Which rooms are closest/furthest away from the front door or main entrance? (These are usually the most private.) 8} In accommodation of more than one storey or evel, which rooms are upstairs and which are downstairs? ©) Which rooms are used for wark or study? Who uses them? “ Ambience a} Inthe accommodation, are the doors to diferent rooms kept open or shut? Which doors? 5} Indifferent rooms, what lighting (e.g. spotlights, lamps! is there? ©) Hows sound e.g. from an audio system) used in diferent rooms? d)_ How many computers are in the accommodation? Where are they? ©) What pictures and ornaments are used n diferent rooms? What do they say about the people that lve there? ‘© Cambridge University Press 2010 reproduced from Intercultural Language Activities

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