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What will the

future be like?

I am Lucas Ferreira Loz



Uncertain not-too-distant

Evolve Predict


▰Someday we may explore remote galaxies in space ships.

▰In the not-too-distant future, perhaps in twenty years,
driverless cars may be the norm.
▰We cannot predict the future with perfect accuracy, but
sometimes we are quite close.
▰Mobile phones have evolved from large car telephones to
tiny, handheld computers.
▰She is uncertain if the Internet is a force for good or evil.

Futuristic science fiction

Fifty years ago, as people sat staring at paper maps to figure out
directions, could they have imagined that in the not-too-distant
future, voices from portable telephones would guide travellers to
their destinations? Meanwhile, we have come to rely on GPS
tools on our mobile phones or car navigation systems. What
amazing technological advance will our grandchildren’s
generation think of as ordinary? Science fiction authors may have
an answer to that question.

What does the future hold?

People often speculate about how life will be different in the

future. Will there be robots? Will there be space colonies? The
genre of science fiction, in particular, plays a big role in how we
imagine the future. Authors of this genre may find creative
inspiration in the future simply because it is unknown. Predicting
what might happen in the future allows writers and readers to
connect the current day with a mysterious and remote future.

Fact and Fiction

As its name suggests, science fiction is not purely science. Some

of what authors write about is possible; there are even some
examples of writers who seem to truly predict the future. Much
of it, however, is purely fiction. It is enjoyable to read and
perhaps has a message about our society or way of life, but is
totally impossible.
How does the future look to science fiction authors? When you
think of how authors typically portray the future, you might think
of flying cars, robots, gleaming cities, and strange fashion and
hairdos. However, science fiction seems to have an uncertain
relationship with the future. In earlier eras, the future was seen
as positive. Often, utopian worlds are made possible by science
and technology. More and more, science fiction has evolved to
show the future as a dark place. The vision of the future we see
nowadays is more dystopian.

Inspiration from today

Similar to writers of dystopian fiction, some science fiction

authors explore the possible evolution of current scientific and
technological trends. The developments of the last fifty years
have provided many ideas. In the last decades, we have
witnessed space exploration, the rise of the internet, the
introduction of artificial intelligence in daily life, and so much
more. Authors can extend any of these ideas, and imagine a
future where artificially intelligent assistants have an even bigger
role in our lives - perhaps they take the place of family and
friends, even.

How People 100 Years Ago Thought We'd Be

Living Today

In 100 YEARS, there will be flying taxis and people will travel to
the moon routinely. Knowledge will be instilled into students
through wires attached to their heads. These may sound like the
predictions of modern-day futurists, but they're how people a
century ago saw the future–otherwise known to you and me as
the present.
These vintage European postcards illustrate a view of the 21st
century that is remarkably prescient in some ways and
hilariously wrong in others, says Ed Fries, who selected them
from his private collection.


▰What will the world be like in 100 years?

▰How technology has changed our lifes? And how it will change in the future?
▰What kind of technology did you thought that should be normal in nowadays, but
no one use it ?
▰What technology do you think will seem old-fashioned and out of date to people
50 years from now?
▰What technologies exist today and how might they evolve in the future?
▰Some science fiction writers feel optimistic about the future, others feel less
hopeful and portray it in dark and dystopian ways. How do you see the future?

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