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Động từ tình thái hay còn được gọi là động từ khiếm khuyết là loại động từ đặc biệt, có chức năng làm
rõ các tính chất của hành động diễn tả bởi động từ chính trong câu.
Các động từ tình thái: will, would, can, could, may, might, shall, should, must.
Hình thức: modal verb + bare infinitive
Ví dụ: I can swim very well.
May I go out?
We shouldn’t bring him to that party.
Ngoài ra, còn có các cụm động từ có tính chất và ý nghĩa gần giống với động từ tình thái như: have to,
have got to, had better, ought to, would rather, would prefer.
Ví dụ: She has to be there before 3 pm today.
Cách dùng của các động từ tình thái:
1. Diễn tả một khả năng hoặc kĩ năng (ability).
Động từ tình thái: can, could hoặc be able to.
Ví dụ: He can speak five languages.
She could swim when she was only six years old.
We will be able to swim very fast after this swimming course.
Chú ý: Không dùng can để diễn tả một khả năng hoặc kĩ năng mà mình chưa có ở hiện tại nhưng sẽ có
trong tương lai, thay vào đó ta dùng will be able to.
Ví dụ: He will be able to speak Japanese very well after this course.
2. Diễn tả một khả năng xảy ra trong tương lai (future possibility).
Động từ tình thái: may, might, can, could hoặc be likely to.
Could và might diễn tả một sự việc ít chắc chắn hơn may, can và be likely to.
Ví dụ: He may win the race.
She might not visit us tomorrow.
Dùng động từ will để diễn tả một khả năng hoặc sự kiện mà người nói cảm thấy chắc chắn xảy ra trong
tương lai.
Ví dụ: She will leave tomorrow. She’s ready now.
Dùng will với các trạng từ maybe, probably, hoặc perhaps để diễn tả một khả năng hoặc sự kiện không
chắc chắn sẽ xảy ra.
Ví dụ: Maybe she will move next summer.
They will probably ask you about this.
Chú ý: Không dùng could not đế diễn tả một khả năng hoặc sự kiện có thể hoặc không thể xảy ra
trong tương lai.
Ví dụ: We may not/míght not/coutd not find a good solution to the pollution.
3. Đưa ra một yêu cầu (request).
Dùng động từ can, could, will hoặc would để yêu cầu người khác làm một điều gì đó. Could và would
được dùng trong những tình huống trang trọng và lịch sự.
Ví dụ: Can you close the door?
Will you send this package on your way home?
Could you please help me with this exercise?
Would you look at my report?
Chỉ được dùng can hoặc will để trả lời các yêu cầu này, hoặc có thể dùng các cụm từ: OK, Sure,
Certainly, Sorry...
Ví dụ: Can you close the door for me? - OK.
Will you send this package on your way home? — Yes, I will.
Would you look at my report? - Sorry, but I don’t have enough time.
Dùng be required to để diễn tả một yêu cầu được đưa ra đổi với ai.
Ví dụ: I was required to work overtime last week.
They are required to go to class on time.
4. Đưa ra một lời đề nghị giúp đỡ (offer).
Dùng Can/Shall I? hoặc Can/Shall we? để đưa ra một lời đề nghị giúp đỡ người khác.
Ví dụ: Can 1 help you?
Shall we do it for you now?
Để trả lời lời đề nghị này, có thể dùng các cụm từ: OK, Thanks, That would be very nice, Yes, please...
Ví dụ: Can I help you? - Yes, please.
Shall we do it for you now? – That’s OK. I can do it by myself.
Chú ý: Cũng có thể dùng Would you like để đưa ra một lời đề nghị giúp đỡ.
Ví dụ: Would you like me to help you?
Would you like us to clean the house for you?
5. Đưa ra một lòi xin phép (permission).
Dùng Can/Could/May I/we? để đưa ra một lời xin phép.
Could và may được dùng trong những tình huống trang trọng và lịch sự.
Ví dụ: Can we go to the movies tonight, Mum?
Could I use your computer for a moment?
May I leave early today?
Dùng can, may (không dùng could) hoặc các cụm từ Sure, Go ahead, Certainly, I’m sorry but để trả
lời các lời xin phép này.
Ví dụ: Can we go to the movies tonight, Mum? - Yes, you can.
Could I use your computer for a moment?
- Yes, you can/may/could.
Chú ý: dùng be allowed to/be permitted to diễn tả những việc được phép hoặc không được phép làm.
Ví dụ: We were not allowed to play games before finishing our homework.
They are permitted to enter the house at any time.
6. Diễn tả lời khuyên (advice), sự bắt buộc (obligation), sự cần thiết (necessity).
■ Dùng động từ should hoặc ought to để đưa ra một lời khuyên.
Ví dụ: She should prepare for her trip carefully.
We ought to look for a safer apartment.
■ Dùng động từ should hoặc ought to để đưa ra một ý kiến tổng quát, (general opinion).
Ví dụ: People should try their best to stop environmental problems.
Students ought not to do too much homework.
■ Dùng cụm động từ be supposed to để diễn tả một quy định hoặc mong đợi (expectation), việc gì đó
sẽ được thực hiện hoặc sẽ diễn ra.
Ví dụ: I ’m supposed to attend the meeting.
The meeting is supposed to start tomorrow. (It is scheduled.)
■ Dùng động từ had better để đưa ra một lời cảnh báo (warning) về một sự việc hoặc hành động (có
thể mang lại hậu quả).
Ví dụ: You ’d better study for the test if you don’t want to fail.
He 'd better go to work on time.
Chú ý: thể phủ định của had better là had better not.
I’d better not call him. He may get angry with me.
■ Dùng động từ must, have to hoặc have got to để diễn tả một sự bắt buộc (obligation).
Ví dụ: You have to stop when the red light is on.
Motorists must obey all traffic lights in the city.
They’ve got to leave soon.
 Dùng cụm động từ be to để diễn tả một mệnh lệnh (command) cần phải thực hiện.
Ví dụ: I am to be at the airport by 4 pm tomorrow. (My boss has told me to be there.)
I was to call him last night. (That was what I was told to do.)
■ Dùng các động từ needn’t/not... need to/not... have to hoặc haven’t got to để diễn tả một điều
không bắt buộc hoặc không cần thiết.
Ví dụ: They don’t have to/haven 't got to/needn’t wear uniforms to that school.
7. Diễn tả sự ngăn cấm (prohibition).
Dùng động từ must not để diễn tả một điều cấm đoán.
Ví dụ: They mustn’t bring pets into that restaurant.
You mustn’t blow your car horn in front of the hospital.
Chú ý: must not dùng để diễn tả một điều cấm đoán trong khi not...have to dùng diễn tả một điều
không bắt buộc hoặc không cần thiết.
Ví dụ: You mustn’t bring your cell phone into the classroom.
You don’t have to bring your cell phone with you at any time.
8. Diễn tả một kết luận ở hiện tại (logical assumption).
Dùng động từ must, may (khẳng định) hoặc can't, couldn’t, might not (phủ định) đế diễn tả một kết
luận có cơ sở về một sự việc ở hiện tại (logical assumption).
Ví dụ: You have worked all night these days. You must be very tired.
Look at him. He looks very young. He can’t be over forty years old.
Tom couldn’t be at the library now. I just saw him five minutes ago.
9. Diễn tả một điều ưa thích (preference).
Dùng cụm động từ would like, would prefer hoặc would rather để diễn tả một điều ưa thích hoặc
mong muốn.
Ví dụ: I would prefer to watch Vietnam Idol.
1 would like to go camping today.
I would rather not be at home.
Chú ý:
Thể khẳng định:
would like/would prefer + to-infinitive
would rather + bare infinitive
Thể phủ định: would prefer not + to-infinitive
would rather not + bare infinitive
KHÔNG dùng would like ở thể phủ định, dùng not... want để thay thế.
Ví dụ: She would rather not stay here.
They would prefer not to watch that movie.
They don’t want to eat in this restaurant.
10. Diễn tả sự việc đang diễn tiến ở hiện tại.
Động từ tình thái có thể kết hợp với hiện tại phân từ (V-ing) để diễn tả các sự việc đang diễn tiến ở
hiện tại.
Modal + be + V-ing
■ Diễn tả một kết luận ở hiện tại (present deduction)
Để diễn tả một kết luận về sự việc đang diễn tiến ở hiện tại, ta dùng:
must/may/could/might/couldn ’t/can’t + be + V-ing
Ví dụ: Tom is in the library now. He must be studying for his test tomorrow.
Jane can’t be working now. I just saw her at the coffee shop.
They couldn’t be going on vacation. They are hewing an important project.
■ Diễn tả một khả năng có thể xảy ra ở hiện tại hoặc tương lai.
Ta dùng: may/might/could + be + V-ing.
Ví dụ: Don 't call me tonight. I could be going to the movies with my family.
11. Diễn tả sự việc trong quá khứ.
Modal + have + past participle (PP)
 Diễn tả một lời khuyên trong quá khứ.
should/ought to have + PP (đáng lẽ ra): diễn tả lời khuyên về một điều đáng lẽ nên làm trong quá
khứ nhưng không được thực hiện.
shouldn’t have/ought not to have + PP (lẽ ra không): diễn tả lời khuyên về một điều đáng lẽ
KHÔNG nên làm trong quá khứ nhưng đã thực hiện.
Ví dụ: She should have studied hard during the course last semester (but she didn’t).
They ought to have seen the doctor earlier (but they didn’t).
I shouldn’t have gone through the red light yesterday (but I did and got a ticket).
■ Diễn tả một kết luận trong quá khứ.
98% must have + pp The grass is all wet. It must have rained very
hard last night.
50% may have + pp John looks upset. Something bad may have
happened to him.
<50% could have + pp Some students were late this morning. They
might have + pp could have got stuck in traffic.
Tom wasn’t at the party. He might have
forgotten about it.
couldn’t have + pp You couldn’t have talked to Tim yesterday.
2% He was not in town.
can’t have+ PP Mary can’t have been at home. She ate out
with me.
 Diễn tả một điều không có thật trong quá khứ.
Ta dùng: would/could/might have + pp.
Nó tương đương với câu điều kiện loại III.
Ví dụ: I would have accepted this job, but I didn’t want to leave my country.
I could have become an artist, but my parents made me study medicine.


Exercise 1: Choose the best answer to complete each of the following sentences.
1. When she was young, she________swim across this river.
A. was able to B. had better C. would D. should
2. He________stop making personal calls at work, or he will lose his job.
A. would rather B. had better C. could D. will
3. _______I clean the room before the guests arrive?
A. Shall B. Would C. Could D. Might
4. _______I use your computer for a minute?
A. Might B. Could C. Must D. Would
5. My brother________attend a university in the USA, but he isn’t sure yet.
A. should B. will C. shall D. can
6. I think the principal of this school_________give students more freedom in choosing
the courses they want to study.
A. would B. would like C. might D. ought to
7. You_______ask for permission before going inside the room.
A. have got to B. would C. will D. might
8. The exhibition is free for all students. We________pay any fee.
A. mustn’t B. shouldn’t C. may not D. don’t have to
9. Is that Tom over there? - No, it_______ be him. He’s not tall at all.
A. shouldn’t B. might not C. can’t D. won’t
10. They are doing very hard on their project. It_________be very important to them.
A. should B. could C. must D. would
Exercise 2: Choose the best answer to complete each of the following sentences.
1. We_______protect the environment if we continue treating the earth this way.
A. are permitted to B. are not allowed to
C. are unlikely to D. are required to
2. ________me to deliver these flowers to the recipient for you? - That’d be nice.
A. Will you want B. Would you like
C. Are you permitted D. Should
3.You look very tired this morning. You___________up late last night.
A. shouldn’t have stayed B. mustn’t stay
C. couldn’t have stayed D. can’t stay
4.Readers_________bring food and drink to the library. Please leave them outside.
A. aren’t allowed to B. are permitted to
C. don’t have to D. have to
5. You ________ disturb him. He has been very aggressive these days.
A. had better not B. hadn’t better
C. would rather not D. wouldn’t rather
6. She________ take a five-week business trip. That’s what her boss told her yesterday.
A. is able to B. would rather C. is to D. would like to
7. _______ skiing with us this weekend?
A. Would you go B. Would you rather to go
C. Would you prefer go D. Would you like to go
8. Look at all the tools on the floor. He_______somewhere around here. Let’s find him.
A. couldn’t be working B. can’t be working
C. couldn’t be working D. must be working
9. Tom ________ finish the report as soon as possible. He needs it for the meeting tomorrow.
A. is supposed to B. is allowed to
C. isn’t permitted to D. doesn’t have to
10. He___ very hard to get such a good result.
A. could be studying B. may be studying
C. must have studied D. should have studied
Exercise 3: Choose the best answer to complete each of the following sentences.
1. Who would you________, a famous singer or a famous actor?
A. like meeting B. prefer to meet
C. rather to meet D. rather meeting
2. She is leaving. She________here tonight.
A. wouldn’t rather stay B. wouldn’t like to stay
C. doesn’t want to stay D. wouldn’t prefer to stay
3. Our math class was canceled yesterday. The teacher_________busy with something.
A. should be B. could be C. should have been D. could have been
4. Tom ________ watch TV than go to the party with her.
A. would like B. isn’t allowed C. isn’t permitted D. would rather
5. You have to wait for him because he_________a meeting now.
A. may be having B. may have had
C. may not have D. may have been having
6. Why don’t you tell us right now what he_______?
A. would rather not do B. wouldn’t prefer to do
C. wouldn’t rather do D. would like not to do
7. Athletes_______ be careful when using medicines or any kinds of drugs.
A. are permitted to B. are able to
C. are allowed to D. are required to
8. That player only played in the second half. He________near the end of the game.
A. must have scored B. couldn’t have scored
C. might have scored D. may not have scored
9. “_________finish the test yesterday?” - “No, I didn’t have enough time.”
A. Were you able to B. Were you supposed to
C. Were you permitted to D. Were you allowed to
10. The lights in Susan’s room are still on. She ________ her assignment.
A. must have written B. might have written
C. should have written D. might be writing

Exercise 4: Choose the best answer to complete each of the following sentences.
1. She spoke in a low voice, but I________what she was saying.
A. can understand B. could understand
C. were able understand D. could have understood
2. The fire spread through the building very quickly, but everyone_________escape.
A. could B. can be able C. was able to D. could be
3. We didn’t go out last night. We_________to the movies, but we decided to stay at
A. could go B. can go C. could be going D.could have gone
4. You’ve been travelling all day. You________tired.
A. must be B. have been C. are able to D. ought to be
5. I hear that your exams are next week. You ________ very hard right now.
A. must to study B. must be studying
C. had to study D. must have studied
6. The phone rang but I didn’t hear it. I_________asleep.
A. must be B. had to be
C. ought to be D. must have been
7. She passed me on the street without speaking. She_________me.
A. mustn’t see B. can’t see
C. mustn’t have seen D. can’t have seen
8. Jack was an excellent tennis player. He ______ anybody.
A. can beat B. is able to beat C. could beat D.was able tobeat
9. It’s really a good movie. You_________and see it this evening.
A. should have gone B. must have to go
C. ought to go D. used to go
10. I'm not sure where to go on my vacation, but I _________to Ha Long Bay.
A. able to go B. may go
C. can be going D. may not be going
Exercise 5: Choose the best answer to complete each of the following sentences.
1. This building ________finished by the end of last year but there have been so many
strikes that it isn’t finished yet.
A. will have been B. should have been
C. was to have been D. may not have been
2. Jenny’s engagement ring is enormous! It_________have cost a fortune.
A. can B. must C. could D. should
3. Tom painted his bedroom black. It looks dark and dreary. He____________a different
A. has to choose B. should have chosen
C. must have chosen D. could have been choosing
4. I know you didn’t see me yesterday because I was in Hanoi. You__________me.
A. may not have seen B. mustn’t have seen
C. shouldn’t have seen D. can’t have seen
5. They ________ married next week but now they have quarreled and the wedding has
been cancelled.
A. will have B. were to have been
C. will have been D. should have been
6. Why are you so late? You________here two hours ago.
A. need have been B. must have been
C. should have been D. oughtn’t to have been
7. I found this baby bird at the foot of a tree. It________from a nest.
A. might not have fallen B. must have fallen
C. can have fallen D. ought to have fallen
8. It’s a pity you didn’t ask because I________you.
A. could help B. could have helped
C. should have helped D. would help
9. “The instructions were in French, and I translated them into English for him.”
“You__________them. He knows French.”
A. needn’t have translated B. oughtn’t to have translated
C. shouldn’t have translated D. can’t have translated
10. “I can’t think why they didn’t try to help him.” “They_______________that he was
A. couldn’t have realized B. mightn’t have realized
C. must have realized D. mustn’t have realized

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