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PTP – Refresh Population

Oracle PMO – VCP
Nov 2012

• Introduction
• Business Scenarios
• Refresh Population
• Overview
• Execution
• Gaps
• Filtering

© 2009 Oracle Corporation – Proprietary and Confidential 2


• Introduction
• Business Scenarios
• Refresh Population
• Overview
• Execution
• Gaps
• Filtering

© 2009 Oracle Corporation – Proprietary and Confidential 3


• Promotions are typically created at the aggregate level

(e.g. Promotion Group/Retailer Account) of item and
location dimension. The system stores promotion detail
information at the lowest level of the data model
• Item and Location master data changes
• New Product/Sold-to Introduction
• Hierarchy realignment
• Item moves from one promotion group/category to another promotion
• Sold-to moves from one territory to another
• System provides “Refresh Population” functionality to refresh
the detail data of future promotions to reflect the changes in
Item & Location master data

© 2009 Oracle Corporation – Proprietary and Confidential 4


• Introduction
• Business Scenarios
• Refresh Population
• Overview
• Execution
• Gaps
• Filtering

© 2009 Oracle Corporation – Proprietary and Confidential 5

Business Scenarios
• Scenario 1: A Sold-To moves from Retailer A to Retailer B
• Without Refresh Population: Sold-To remains on promotions for Retailer A. Promotions for
Retailer A are shown when Retailer B is selected on Promotion Planning worksheet
• Expected Behavior with Refresh Population : Sold-To should be removed from any future
promotions for Retailer A and added to any future promotions for Retailer B

• Scenario 2: A new Sold-To is added. It is associated with Retailer A

• Without Refresh Population : New Sold-To is not added to any promotions
• Expected Behavior with Refresh Population : The new Sold-To should be added to any future
promotions for Retailer A

• Scenario 3: An Item moves from Product Category A to Product Category B

• Without Refresh Population : Item remains on promotions for Product Category A. Promotions
for Product Category A are shown when Product Category B is selected on Promotion
Planning worksheet
• Expected Behavior with Refresh Population : Item should be removed from any future
promotions for Product Category A and added to any future promotions for Product Category B

• Scenario 4: A new Item is added. It is associated with Product Category A

• Without Refresh Population : New Item is not added to any promotions
• Expected Behavior with Refresh Population : The new Item should be added to any future
promotions for Product Category A

© 2009 Oracle Corporation – Proprietary and Confidential 6


• Introduction
• Business Scenarios
• Refresh Population
• Overview
• Execution
• Gaps
• Filtering

© 2009 Oracle Corporation – Proprietary and Confidential 7

Refresh Population Overview
• Function:
• Updates a promotion’s population (Lowest Level: Ship to/Site and Item) based on the current
Account and Product hierarchies for the promotion definition
• Refresh Population updates the population as if a user just created the promotion
• If promotion is defined at lowest level, then Refresh Population will not update the population
• Example 1:
• Promotion “Super Sale” is planned for retailer “Bigmart”
• At the time the promotion is created “Bigmart” is comprised of 2 Ship to/Sites: “Bigmart 100” and
“Bigmart 200”
• Today, “Bigmart” is comprised of “Bigmart 200”, “Bigmart 300”, and “Bigmart 400”
• Refresh Population would remove “Bigmart 100” from the “Super Sale” promotion and add
“Bigmart 300” and “Bigmart 400”
• Proportional series would be reallocated to the new promotion population
• Example 2:
• Promotion “Super Sale” is planned for Ship to/Sites “Bigmart 100” and “Bigmart 200”
• Refresh Population will not update this promotion

© 2009 Oracle Corporation – Proprietary and Confidential 8

Refresh Population Overview

• System provides “Refresh Population” Workflow step to refresh the

population of the promotion

• Can be run as a Level Method linked to a Workflow

• Runs for the single promotion that is selected when the Method is
• Runs based on security of this user
• Only relevant for Promotion level
• Can be run as a Workflow
• Runs for all open promotions (status <> “Closed) in the future (based on

© 2009 Oracle Corporation – Proprietary and Confidential 9

Refresh Population Overview

• User:
• Select the user who is authorized to run this workflow
• Refreshes the population of the promotions according to the security definition of the user
• Applicable only when the Refresh Population workflow is executed in batch mode
• GL Base Level:
• Applies only to Promotion general level

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Refresh Population Overview

• Beyond this date, only the promotion population is refreshed
• Defaults to SYSDATE if its left null

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Refresh Population Overview

• Series settings “Aggregation Function” and “Move

Preservation” controls how series data gets preserved
during Refresh Population process

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Refresh Population Example

© 2009 Oracle Corporation – Proprietary and Confidential 13


• Introduction
• Business Scenarios
• Refresh Population
• Overview
• Execution
• Gaps
• Filtering

© 2009 Oracle Corporation – Proprietary and Confidential 14

Refresh Population Execution

• Recommendations
• Refresh population step should be part of daily/weekly batch
process workflow and should be executed after item and
location master load
• Users should be given custom level method to execute refresh
population on new promotion when creating it through duplicate
promotion method

© 2009 Oracle Corporation – Proprietary and Confidential 15


• Introduction
• Business Scenarios
• Refresh Population
• Overview
• Execution
• Gaps
• Filtering

© 2009 Oracle Corporation – Proprietary and Confidential 16

Refresh Population Issues

• Security
• Issue: When run from Workflow Manager, refreshes population based on
security of selected user not the owner of the promotion
• Implication: Items and Locations that the user who created the
promotion did not have security to, could be added to the promotion
• Workaround: Define the promotion population by specific item and
location level members that the promotion pertains to

• Promotion Selection
• Issue: When run from Workflow Manager, Refresh Population will
evaluate and work on all future promotions whose until date is beyond
“Refresh From Date” parameter
• Implication: Performance (could take a long time to run)

© 2009 Oracle Corporation – Proprietary and Confidential 17


• Introduction
• Business Scenarios
• Refresh Population
• Overview
• Execution
• Gaps
• Filtering

© 2009 Oracle Corporation – Proprietary and Confidential 18

Refresh Population Filtering

• System provides the capability to add a level filter to the

Refresh Population workflow step to limit it to specific set
of promotions, when run in batch mode
• Level from any dimension (Item, Location, Promotion) can
be added as a filter
• Only one level filter is allowed
• Requires two parameters
• Level_ID: Internal id of the aggregation level
• Member_ID: Internal id of the level member

© 2009 Oracle Corporation – Proprietary and Confidential 19

Refresh Population Filtering - Example
• Refresh Population of only future promotions created on Brand “Blast”

• level_id
• select group_table_id from group_tables where upper(table_label) = 'BRAND‘
• member_id
• Select gtable, id_field, data_field from group_tables where upper(table_label) =
• Select <id_field> from <g_table> where <data_field> = 'Blast'

© 2009 Oracle Corporation – Proprietary and Confidential 20

Refresh Population Filtering -
• Create a new parent level to Promotion called “Refresh Flag” with
member values of “Yes” and “No” and a default of “No”
• Create a workflow with the following steps:
• Stored procedure step calling custom database procedure to set the
“Refresh Flag” to “Yes” for the set of promotions to be refreshed based on
certain criteria defined by the customer
• Refresh Population step with level_Id = id of the “Refresh Flag” level and
member_id = id for “Yes” member value
• Stored procedure step calling custom database procedure to set the
“Refresh Flag” back to “No”
• Make sure that custom procedure updates the refresh flag in
promotion, promotion_matrix & promotion_data table

© 2009 Oracle Corporation – Proprietary and Confidential 21


• Refresh Population execution is recommended after

creating new promotion through
• New Promotion Method
• Copy/Paste Method
• Duplicate Method
• Refresh Population is recommended to run on Historical
• True
• False
• Does Refresh Population affects the promotion population
if it’s created at the lowest level of the Data Model?
• Yes
• No

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