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respondent’s obsessive mahjong playing surely Mondarez and has lived since then with the latter in

impacted her family life particularly on her very young Cagayan de Oro City. From the time Natividad abandoned
children. Her willfully exposing her children to the them in 1972, Rodolfo was left to take care of Ma.
culture of gambling on every occasion of her mahjong Reynilda and Ma. Rizza and he exerted earnest efforts to
sessions was a very grave and serious act of save their marriage which, however, proved futile
subordinating their needs for parenting to the because of Natividad’s psychological incapacity that
gratification of her own personal and escapist desires. appeared to be incurable. For her part, Natividad failed
The respondent revealed her wanton disregard for her to file her answer, as well as appear during trial, despite
children’s moral and mental development. This service of summons. Nonetheless, she informed the court
disregard violated her duty as a parent to safeguard and that she submitted herself for psychiatric examination to
protect her children (Kalaw v. Fernandez, G.R. No. Dr. Cheryl T. Zalsos (Dr. Zalsos) in response to Rodolfo’s
166357, January 14, 2015) claims. Rodolfo also underwent the same examination.
Q: Was the Molina doctrine abandoned by the recent In her two-page psychiatric evaluation report, Dr. Zalsos
ruling in the abovementioned case of Kalaw vs. stated that both Rodolfo and Natividad were
Fernandez (G.R. No. 166357, January 14, 2015)? psychologically incapacitated to comply with the
A: NO. The Court in this case merely recognized the essential marital obligations, finding that both parties
unintended consequences of strictly applying the suffered from "utter emotional immaturity [which] is
standards set in Molina. The resiliency with which the unusual and unacceptable behavior considered [as]
concept (of psychological incapacity) should be applied deviant from persons who abide by established norms of
and the case-to-case basis by which the provision conduct." As for Natividad, Dr. Zalsos also observed that
should be interpreted, as so intended by its framers, she lacked the willful cooperation of being a wife and a
had, somehow, been rendered ineffectual by the mother to her two daughters. On February 10, 1999, the
imposition of a set of strict standards in Molina. In Office of the Solicitor General (OSG), representing
hindsight, it may have been inappropriate for the Court petitioner Republic of the Philippines (Republic), filed
to impose a rigid set of rules, as the one in Molina, in an opposition to the complaint, contending that the acts
resolving all cases of psychological incapacity. The committed by Natividad did not demonstrate
unintended consequences of Molina has taken its toll on psychological incapacity as contemplated by law, but are
people who have to live with deviant behavior, moral mere grounds for legal separation under the Family
insanity and sociopathic personality anomaly, which, Code. Should the marriage be dissolved?
like termites, consume little by little the very foundation A: NO. "Psychological incapacity," as a ground to nullify a
of their families, our basic social institutions. Far from marriage under Article 36 of the Family Code, should refer to
what was intended by the Court, Molina has become a no less than a mental – not merely physical – incapacity that
strait-jacket, forcing all sizes to fit into and be bound by causes a party to be truly incognitive of the basic marital
it. covenants that concomitantly must be assumed and
In the abovementioned case, the Supreme Court is not discharged by the parties to the marriage which, as so
suggesting the abandonment of Molina. It simply expressed in Article 68of the Family Code, among others,
declares that there is a need to emphasize other include their mutual obligations to live together, observe
perspectives as well which should govern the love, respect and fidelity and render help and support. The
disposition of petitions for declaration of nullity under RTC, as affirmed by the CA, heavily relied on the psychiatric
Article 36. evaluation report of Dr. Zalsos which does not, however,
Q: Rodolfo and Natividad were married. On explain in reasonable PERSONS AND FAMILY
December 28, 1998, Rodolfo filed a verified
complaint for declaration of nullity of marriage RELATIONS
before the RTC alleging that Natividad was 47
psychologically incapacitated to comply with her
essential marital obligations. In support of his
complaint, Rodolfo testified, among others, that he
first met Natividad when they were students at the
Barangay High School of Sindangan, and he was
forced to marry her barely three (3) months into
their courtship in light of her accidental pregnancy.
At the time of their marriage, he was 21 years old,
while Natividad was 18 years of age.
He had no stable job and merely worked in the
gambling cockpits as "kristo" and "bangkero sa
hantak." When he decided to join and train with the
army, Natividad left their conjugal home and sold
their house without his consent. Thereafter,
Natividad moved to Dipolog City where she lived
with a certain Engineer Terez (Terez), and bore him
a child named Julie Ann Terez. After cohabiting with
Terez, Natividad contracted a second marriage on
January 11, 1991 with another man named Antonio
detail how Natividad’s condition could be characterized ways. Reghis then filed a petition for declaration of
as grave, deeply-rooted, and incurable within the nullity of marriage citing his psychological incapacity to
parameters of psychological incapacity jurisprudence. comply with his essential marital obligations. The
Aside from failing to disclose the types of psychological clinical psychologist submitted a report and testified
tests which she administered on Natividad, Dr. Zalsos that Reghis suffered from Obsessive Compulsive
failed to identify in her report the root cause of Personality Disorder (OCPD). This gave him a strong
Natividad's condition and to show that it existed at the obsession for whatever endeavour he chooses, such as
time of the parties' marriage. Neither was the gravity or his work, to the exclusion of other responsibilities and
seriousness of Natividad's behavior in relation to her duties such as those pertaining to his roles as father and
failure to perform the essential marital obligations husband. Dr. Basilio surmised that Reghis’ OCPD was the
sufficiently described in Dr. Zalsos's report. To hark root of the couple’s disagreements and that the same is
back to what has been earlier discussed, psychological incurable. The Office of the Solicitor General (OSG),
incapacity refers only to the most serious cases of representing the Republic, opposed the petition. Should
personality disorders clearly demonstrative of an utter the marriage be declared null and void?
insensitivity or inability to give meaning and A: No. The requirements for psychological incapacity do not
significance to the marriage. In the final analysis, the concur. Reghis’ testimony shows that he was able to comply
Court does not perceive a disorder of this nature to exist with his marital obligations which, therefore, negates the
in the present case. Thus, for these reasons, coupled too existence of a grave and serious psychological incapacity on
with the recognition that marriage is an inviolable social his part. Reghis admitted that he and Olivia lived together as
institution and the foundation of the family, the instant husband and wife under one roof for fourteen (14) years and
petition is hereby granted. (Republic v. Gracia, G.R. No. both of them contributed in purchasing their own house.
171557, February 12, 2014) Reghis also fulfilled his duty to support and take care of his
Q: Rachel worked as a domestic helper in Hong Kong family. Moreover, the OCPD which Reghis allegedly suffered
to provide for the needs of Jose, the love of her life. from was not shown to have juridical antecedence. No
Eventually, the couple got married and settled in a specific behavior or habits during his adolescent years were
house they acquired. The married life ran smoothly shown which would explain his behavior during his marriage
up until Rachel filed a petition for declaration of with Olivia. Dr. Basilio simply concluded that Reghis’
nullity of marriage. Her petition anchored on the disorder is incurable but failed to explain how she came to
ground that Jose was psychologically incapacitated such conclusion. Based on the appreciation of the RTC, Dr.
to fulfill his essential marital obligations. She Basilio did not discuss the concept of OCPD, its classification,
alleged that Jose was a violent man who used to cause, symptoms, and cure, and failed to show how and to
physically abuse her. She added that Jose was a what extent the respondent exhibited this disorder in order
drunkard and always had sexual relations with to create a necessary inference that Reghis’ condition had no
different women aside from Rachel. On his part, Jose definite treatment or is incurable.
simply denied all the allegations in the petition. Is Article 36 of the Family Code must not be confused with a
Jose psychologically incapacitated? divorce law that cuts the marital bond at the time the
A: No. For psychological incapacity to exist, it should grounds for divorce manifest themselves; rather, it must be
refer to no less than a mental and not merely physical limited to cases where there is a downright incapacity or
incapacity that causes a party to be truly incognitive of inability to assume and fulfill the basic marital obligations,
the basic marital covenants as provided for under not a mere refusal, neglect or difficulty, much less, ill will, on
Article 68 of the Family Code. In other words, it must be the part of the errant CIVIL LAW
a malady that is so grave and permanent as to deprive
one of awareness of the duties and responsibilities of 48
the matrimonial bond one is about to assume. Also, U NIVERSITYOFSANTOT OMAS201 9GOLDENN OTES
following the case of Republic vs Molina, the totality of
evidence must show that psychological incapacity exists
and its gravity, juridical antecedence, and incurability
must be duly established. Here, there is no sufficient
evidence to prove that psychological incapacity exists.
Absent sufficient evidence, Courts are compelled to
uphold the indissolubility of the marital tie. (Del Rosario
v. Del Rosario, G.R. No. 222541, February 15, 2017)
Q: Reghis and Olivia were married and were blessed
with two (2) children. However, the couple
experienced a turbulent and tumultuous marriage,
often having violent fights and jealous fits. Reghis
could not forgive Olivia for dragging him into
marriage and resented her condescending attitude
towards him. They became even more estranged
when Reghis secured a job as a medical
representative and became engrossed in his career
and focused on supporting his parents and siblings.
As a result, he spent little time with his family,
causing Olivia to complain that Reghis failed to be a
real husband to her. In 1986, the couple parted
spouse. (Republic v. Romero II, G.R. No. 209180, February 26, 2016)
Q: Would the state of being of unsound mind or the concealment of drug addiction, habitual
alcoholism, homosexuality or lesbianism be considered indicia of psychological incapacity, if existing
at the inception of marriage? (2002 Bar)
A: The state of being of unsound mind, the concealment of drug addiction, habitual alcoholism, lesbianism or
homosexuality may be indicia of psychological incapacity, depending on the degree of severity of the disorder.
However, the concealment of drug addiction, habitual alcoholism, lesbianism or homosexuality is a ground of
annulment of marriage (Santos v. CA, G.R. No. 112019, January 4, 1995).
Q: Art. 36 of the FC provides that a marriage contracted by any party who, at the time of the
celebration, was psychologically incapacitated to comply with the essential marital obligations of
marriage, shall be void. Choose the spouse listed below who is psychologically incapacitated.
a. Nagger
b. Gay or Lesbian
c. Congenital sexual pervert
d. Gambler
e. Alcoholic (2006 Bar)

A: B and C. They may serve as indicia of psychological incapacity, depending on the degree and severity of the
disorder (Santos v. CA, G.R. No. 112019, January 4, 1995). If the condition of homosexuality, lesbianism or
sexual perversion, existing at the inception of the marriage, is of such a degree as to prevent any form of
sexual intimacy, any of them may qualify as a ground for psychological incapacity. The law provides that the
husband and wife are obliged to live together, observe mutual love, respect and fidelity (FC, Art. 68).
More than just showing the manifestations of incapacity, the petitioner must show that the respondent is
incapacitated to comply with the essential marital obligations of marriage and that it is also essential that he
must be shown to be incapable of doing so due to some psychological, not physical illness (Republic v.
Quintero- Hamano, G.R. No. 149498, May 20, 2004).
Q: After living together as husband and wife for two (2) years, Gina and Marjune formalized their
marital union through civil rites. As months passed, the communication between Gina and Marjune
became less frequent until it ceased altogether. Thus, Gina filed a petition to declare her marriage
with Marjune null and void on the basis of the latter's psychological incapacity.
During trial, Gina presented the findings of Professor Emma Astudillo-Sanchez (Prof. Sanchez), the
psychologist who conducted a psychological examination of the parties. She concluded that Gina and
Marjune's personality disorders "affected their behaviors even before they contracted marriage and,
in the presence of situational factors, became more evident during the time they were together during
the marriage. Is upholding the annulment based on the expert opinion of the psychologist sufficient
proof of the presence of psychological incapacity?
A: NO, the said report failed
to show that these traits
existed prior to Gina's
marriage and that her
alleged personality disorder
is incurable or that the cure
is beyond her means. There
was simply no discernible
explanation on the juridical
antecedence or incurability
of Gina's supposed
condition. More significantly,
the relation of such
condition to Gina's inability
to perform her essential
marital obligations was not
sufficiently shown. To
reiterate, the psychological
condition ought to pertain to
personality disorders that
are grave and serious such
that the party would be
incapable of carrying out the
ordinary duties required in a
marriage. Unfortunately, the
Case Analysis Report fails to
demonstrate this crucial
point. In determining the
existence of psychological
incapacity, a clear and
understandable causation
between the party's
condition and the party's
inability to perform the
essential marital covenants
must be shown A
psychological report that is
essentially comprised of
mere platitudes, however
speckled with technical
jargon, would not cut the
marriage ties. (Republic v.
Tecag, G.R. No. 229272,
November 19, 2018)

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