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Statement Fact or Fiction

1. One person in every 100 persons develops

2. A person who has one or both parents with
mental illness is more likely to develop
mental illness.

3. Mental illness is contagious.

4. Mental illness tends to begin during

5. Poor parenting causes schizophrenia.

6. Illegal drug use causes mental

7. Mental illness can be cured with willpower.

8. People with mental illness never get better.

9. People with mental illness tend to be

10. All homeless people are mentally ill.

11. Developmental disabilities are a form
of mental illness.

12. Poor people are more likely to have mental
illness than those who are not.

1. What did you learn today about mental health challenges that you did not know before reading the document on mental
: What I’ve learnt today about mental health challenges is that, there are different aspects when it comes on dealing with
mental health. Where there is no specific age, gender, social status, when it is about mental health capacities. We are
bound to experience emotions, and some are no longer capable to be dealt if we’ve encountered something that is heavy.
In mental illness, there is cure --- but it depends on what mental case you’re dealing. In life, we are born sensitive, and
that is normal. All we need to do is to have better understanding to each suffering individual, therefore our perspective in
life is not unfair nor disappointing.

2. “People facing mental health challenges are just like everybody who wants to be a friend and have friends with; helping
people with mental health challenges can get better and live normal lives.” Share your thoughts on this.
: Mental health is considered sensitive to individuals who suffered from their own family, social, and themselves. People
who face mental health illnesses are bound to be secretive from their problems, and it makes them difficult to share what
they feel. So, those who suffered are most likely to be found by random but special persons in their lives. People who
found those who suffered tend to put themselves in their shoes, just to understand what they were going through and by
that act it makes them more comfortable to one another. Helping people especially in mental needs make living a
betterment. Everybody needs a friend who stays through highs and lows, and in communication both connect strongly.

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